Flow-Induced Structure in Polymers

Dardin, Alexander, 190. Dewalt, L. E., 263. Diao, Beibei, 274. Edwards, B. J., 75. Emanuele, Α., 61. Farkas ... McGill University, 335. Michigan Tech...
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Downloaded by on May 5, 2018 | https://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0597.ix001

Author Index Abel, C. L., 263 Barnes, Κ. Α., 233 Bedford, Bruce, 308 Berry, Guy C., 274 Boeffel, Christine, 190 Boué, François, 48 Burghardt, Wesley, 308 Chen, Z. J., 153 Dadmun, Mark D., 320 Dardin, Alexander, 190 Dewalt, L. E., 263 Diao, Beibei, 274 Edwards, B. J., 75 Emanuele, Α., 61 Farkas, K. L., 263 Fernandez, M. L., 106 Fuller, G., 22 Godbout, L., 335 Han, C. C , 233,246 Hashimoto, Takeji, 35,122 Higgins, J. S., 106 Hongladarom, Kwan, 308 Immaneni, Α., 75 Izumitani, Tatsuo, 122 Jackson, C. L., 233 Johnsonbaugh, D. S., 246 Kim, M. W., 263 Kume, Takuji, 35 Lai, Pik-Yin, 204 Lindner, Peter, 48 Lyngaae-J0rgensen, J., 169 Mahoney, Melissa, 308

Marchessault, R. H., 335 Mays, J. W., 233 McHugh, A. J., 75 Morrison, F. Α., 233 Muthukumar, M., 220,233 Nakatani, Alan I., 1,233,246 Navard, P., 298 Noda, Ichiro, 140 Orts, W. J., 335 Ou-Yang, H. D., 263 Palma-Vittorelli, M. B., 61 Patlazhan, S. Α., 298 Peiffer, D. G., 263 Peuvrel-Disdier, E., 22 Protzl,B.,91 Remediakis, N. G., 153 Revol, J. F., 335 Riti, J. B., 298 S0ndergaard, K., 169 Samulski, Edward T., 190 Shaw, M. T., 153 Spiess, Hans-Wolfgang, 190 Springer, J., 91 Stadler, Reimund, 190 Takahashi, H., 22 Takahashi, Yoshiaki, 140 Van Egmond, J., 22 Vijaykumar, Sudha, 274 Weiss, R. Α., 153 Wheeler, E , 22 Wirtz, D., 22 Zisenis, M., 91

Affiliation Index Carnegie Mellon University, 274 Centre d'Etudes Saclay, 48 Ecole des Mines, 22,298 Exxon Research and Engineering Company, 263

Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine (England), 106 Institut Laue-Langevin, 48 Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 298

351 Nakatani and Dadmun; Flow-Induced Structure in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Downloaded by on May 5, 2018 | https://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0597.ix001

Johannes-Gutenberg-Uni versitàt, 190 Johns Hopkins University, 22 Kyoto University, 35,122 Lehigh University, 263 Max Planck Institute for Colloid and Interface Research, 91 Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, 190 McGill University, 335 Michigan Technological University, 233 Nagaoka University of Technology, 22 Nagoya University, 140 National Central University (Taiwan), 204

National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1,233,246,335 Northwestern University, 308 Stanford University, 22 Technical University of Berlin, 91 Technical University of Denmark, 169 University of Alabama, 233 University of Connecticut, 153 University of Illinois, 75 University of Massachusetts, 22,220,233 University of North Carolina, 190 University of Palermo, 61 University of Tennessee, 320

Subject Index A Affine deformation, prediction of effects of shear deformation on spinodal decomposition, 137-138 Agarose, gelation, 62-63 Aligned polymer nematic liquid crystal, shear rate vs. small-angle neutron scattering patterns, 4,6/ Alignment of liquid-crystalline suspensions of cellulose microfibrils, shear-induced, See Shear-induced alignment of liquid-crystalline suspensions of cellulose microfibrils Azimuthal peak width, definition, 337

Butterfly effect, small-angle neutron scattering from sheared semidilute solutions, 48-59


Cahn-Hilliard energy functional, description, 23-24 Cellulose microfibrils applications, 335 shear-induced alignment ofliquidcrystalline suspensions, 335-345 structure, 335-336 Characteristic length of domains under steady shear flow, calculation, 142 Β Characteristic time for squeeze out process and interdiffusion, Biopolymeric solution, structural calculation, 176 evolution and viscous dissipation Chlorinated polyethylene, effect of flow during spinodal demixing, 61-71 on miscibility, 106-120 Block copolymers Coalescence in polymer blends, effect of applications, 233 interface modification, 169-185 role in interface modification via Coalescence rate of drops, calculation, 175 particle size effect, 177-178,179/ Coalescence time, definition, 176-177 self-assembling, effect of shear, 223-226 Coiled macromolecule, effect of shear shear behavior studies, 11-12 flow, 91 Bond fluctuation model, Monte Carlo Compatibilization, definition, 170 simulations of end-grafted polymer Complex fluids, non-Newtonian chains under shear flow, 206 behavior, 204 Nakatani and Dadmun; Flow-Induced Structure in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.