Manufacturers' Literature Blood Gas Measurements. Instrument report gives a detailed description and evaluation of current techniques in large bubble tonometry. Tonometry is a method for monitoring blood gas ana lyzer performance in which a liquid so lution is equilibrated with a mixture of gases. 3 pp. Analytical Products, Inc. 472 Isotopic Dilution MS. Includes a techni cal report on isotopic dilution MS; a list ing of the company's stable isotope la beled compounds for drug, environmen tal toxicology and L-amino acid stan dards; a listing of some of the compa ny's biomedical instrumentation, and an applications bibliography referenced to over 50 chemical compounds. 12 pp. Kor, Inc. 475 Testing Apparatus. Describes tech niques for evaluating coatings, linings, paint systems, construction materials, adhesives used in corrosive applica tions. Useful for evaluating possible so lution contamination caused by leach ing of the equipment protective system. 4 pp. Custom Scientific Glass, Inc. 477
N e w p o r t Research
Electrophoresis. Contains PRECOTES that eliminate gel casting in ultrathinlayer isoelectric focusing; gel support sheets for electrophoresis; polyampholytes for isoelectric focusing; gels; acrylamide reagents; buffers and re agents; stains; dyes; marker proteins; and test mixtures. 14 pp. Serva 466 Thermometers. Includes complete ASTM thermometer series, nonmercury and dial thermometers, hydrometers, mercury spill control station, and hu midity indicators. 44 pp. Brooklyn Ther mometer Co., Inc. 481 LC Catalog. Lists products for TLC, HPTLC, HPLC, and preparative LC, in cluding HPLC columns for analysis of proteins and enzymes for preconcentration zone TLC-HPTLC and preparative-TLC. Includes sorbents for dry col umn chromatography and microslides for TLC. 28 pp. MCB Manufacturing Chemists, Inc. 482
Laser Applications Catalog. Contains application notes, design tips, and com ponent selection guides. Products listed include a portable handheld laser, vi bration-isolated microscope table sys tem, and optical mounts for volume ap plications. 128 pp. Newport Research Corp. 480 For more Information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards
T t e RM 0 femiy ©f ttDiniy=f D©w m^sraug and now those handy little pumps are available with AC or DC motor drives!!!
F M I LAB P U M P JR. (no motor) Model RHOCKCiO to 0.05 ml/stroke ModelRH1CKC:0to0.10ml/stroke
Model RH-B with DC Motor Drive (12 or 24 volt models)
$310 S310
If you want to pump those troublesome pid d l i n g l i t t l e s — l i k e f r o m 0.005 to 0.1 ml/stroke — we now have two pump head models that can solve your pumping prob lems. Both models feature positive displace ment valveless operation, are accurate to 0.1 % of flow range and are continuously ad justable even while running. Exceptional chemical resistance—fluids " s e e " only fluorocarbon and alumina ceramic—a fluid temperature tolerance of 250° F. and physical ruggedness make these pumps an ideal tool for handling laboratory fluids, in c l u d i n g suspensions, e m u l s i o n s , thin solvents and viscous concentrates.
V Model RHSY with AC Motor Drive
Synchronous motor powered pumps. Each with its own RH miniature pump head and totally enclosed three-speed motor-drive assembly that gives a choice of 150. 300 or 600 piston strokes/min. Plug into standard 110-volt 60-Hz three-prong socket, are steplessly adjustable from zero to maximum flow and are reversible while operating. Flow rates to 34 and 60 ml/min at 600 SPM (depending on model).
Available from stock lor immediate delivery. Write or call tor Catalog R P - 4 0 1 - 8 1 - 1 h e F M I LAB P U M P STORY!
See us at the Pittsburgh Conference, Booths 2 1 6 - 2 1 8 242 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 53, NO. 2, FEBRUARY
The FMI RH miniature pump heads are di rectly coupled to the shaft of a high-quality totally enclosed DC motor. Pumps are adjust able by direct mechanical adjustment of flow rate through RH control ring or by remote con trol of supply voltage reaching the pump. Ex tension shaft accepts customer-supplied tachometer or other rotational instruments for remote process control.