Fluorenylidene and Indenylidene Dications: Insights about

Jul 7, 2007 - Chapter DOI: 10.1021/bk-2007-0965.ch011. ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 965. ISBN13: 9780841274143eISBN: 9780841220836. Publication ...
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Chapter 11

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Fluorenylidene and Indenylidene Dications: Insights about Antiaromaticity Nancy S. Mills Department of Chemistry, Trinity University, San Antonio, T X 78212-7200

Fluorenylidene dications, such as the dications of p- and msubstituted diphenylmethylidenefluorenes, show appreciable antiaromaticity. Evidence of antiaromaticity is demonstrated through H N M R shifts, nucleus independent chemical shifts (NICS), magnetic susceptibility exaltation, Λ, and (anti)aromatic (de)stabilization energies, A S E . Extension of the research to indenylidenefluorene dications shows that, contrary to expectation, the indenyl cation in these dications is less antiaromatic than the fluorenyl cation. The magnitude of the antiaromaticity is evaluated through comparison to the aromaticity of related dianions and reveals that the fluorenylidene dications are more antiaromatic than the fluorenylidene dianions are aromatic. 1

Introduction Aromaticity is one of the fundamental principles of organic chemistry, used to predict products from chemical reactions based on the stability of the possible products, as well as to rationalize the stability of transition states, such as the transition state of the Diels Alder reaction (/). Aromatic species have 4« + 2n electrons in a cyclic system that allows complete derealization of the electrons.


© 2007 American Chemical Society

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

211 While benzene was the first aromatic system studied, the formulation of HiickePs rule and the theory behind it created an impetus to prepare nonbenzenoid species such as the tropylium cation and cyclopentadienyl anion that also obeyed HiickePs rule to see i f these species were also aromatic. This required that the properties of aromatic compounds be defined.

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Criteria for Aromaticity The criteria used to evaluate aromaticity were based on the properties of benzene and fall into three general categories, energetic, structural, and magnetic. The energetic criteria focused on the greater stability of aromatic compounds compared to localized reference systems. Most commonly, the stability was evaluated through calculation, looking at resonance stability or more generally the aromatic stabilization energy(ASE) (2). In these studies, the stabilization due to the cyclic π-electron derealization was evaluated by comparison of the energy of the species under examination to that of a localized reference system. The difficulty was in the choice of the appropriate reference system. One of the most frequently used approaches is the evaluation of A S E through isodesmic, homodesmotic reactions in which the reference systems chosen are matched in terms of the number and type of atoms, as the ring and angle strain (5). Experimental verification of the stability related to aromaticity has also been explored through the measurement of heats of reaction (4). If the species examined were a dication or dianion which could be formed by oxidation/reduction of a neutral precursor, comparison of the redox potential for formation of the aromatic di-ion could be compared to that of an analogous precursor (5,6,7). Structural criteria considered planarity and lack of bond length alternation. O f these two properties, lack of bond length alternation has found the greatest application in the assessment of the aromaticity of benzenoid and non-benzenoid species. Probably the most commonly used method for the evaluation of bond length alternation is the harmonic oscillator measure of aromaticity, or H O M A (8). In this method, the deviation of individual bond lengths from the average bond length of the species is evaluated using the following term, in which the sum o f the square of the difference of the individual bond length, Rj from the average bond length, R is multiplied by a weighting factor which includes the number of bonds in the species under consideration, [(a/n)I(R -Rj) ]. This term is considered the geometric term, G E O . Because there are non-aromatic species with little bond length alternation which are not aromatic (P), a second term is included which looks at the deviation of the average bond length, R , from the optimal bond length of an aromatic compound, Ro . Because a defora v





Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

212 mation of a bond from its optimal length requires energy, this term is called the energetic term or E N . The combination of the two terms, as shown below, is the H O M A equation.

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HOMA = l - a ( R

o p t v



a v

) +-I η

(R -Ri) a v


= l-EN-GEO

The criterion which is most uniquely associated with aromaticity is the magnetic criterion in which properties associated with the presence of a ring current are evaluated. The most commonly used property is the existence of a diatropic shift in the H N M R spectrum (10) although recent studies have emphasized that a diatropic shift may be the result of environmental factors as well as the presence of a ring current (//). Related to the diatropic or downfield shift of the protons on the periphery of an aromatic ring system is the paratropic or upfield shift of protons in the center of an aromatic ring system. This effect was observed in the upfield shifts of protons on the interior of annulenes prepared to test HiickePs rule in non-benzenoid aromatics (12). One can position a dummy atom in the center of a ring system and calculate the chemical shift of this atom. This shift is called the nucleus independent chemical shift or NICS (13). The NICS value for an aromatic species is negative and the magnitude of the value is a measure of relative aromaticity. Since its introduction, the procedure for obtaining the NICS value has undergone some modifications, including evaluating the chemical shift at a distance of 1 Â above the plane of the ring, denoted as N I C S ( l ) (14) to avoid local effects of the sigma system and using the chemical shift tensor perpendicular to the ring system, in the z-axis i f the ring is in the x-y plane, N I C S ^ , to restrict the chemical shift to effects primarily from the π-system (75). Other approaches have been used to restrict the NICS values entirely to effects from the π-system using localized molecular orbitals (LMO) or canonical molecular orbitials (CMO) dissection (16,17) to remove the contributions from the σ-electrons. However, the NICS value calculated perpendicular to the π-system and 1Â above, N I C S O ) ^ , has been shown to be almost as effective (18). A third property related to the presence of a ring current is the evaluation of magnetic susceptibility exaltation, Λ (19,20). While the magnetic susceptibility of most molecules can be evaluated by summation of the magnetic susceptibility of the bonds and nuclei in the molecule, aromatic molecules possess an enhanced magnetic susceptibility as a result of the ring current created when the molecule is placed in a magnetic field, a magnetic susceptibility exaltation. As was true for the NICS values, A for an aromatic species has a negative sign. Magnetic susceptibility can be measured experimentally (21) but is often calculated using, for example, the C S G T (continuous set of gauge transformations) method found in a number of programs, including Gaussian (22). Because the exaltation comes from the !

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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difference in magnetic susceptibility of the aromatic species and the susceptibility of localized bond increments, an appropriate reference system must be defined, raising concerns about that reference system that are similar to concerns raised when resonance energy or aromatic stabilization energies are calculated. In addition, Λ is inversely related to the square of the area of the ring (20), requiring an additional correction.

Problems with the Use of the Criteria If these criteria measure properties related to aromaticity, it seems as though one could choose the most "accessible" of the criteria and use it to evaluate the aromaticity of a particular species. Unfortunately, the use of the different criteria don't always lead to the same conclusion about relative aromaticity, although they are generally all capable of determining whether a species is aromatic, nonaromatic or antiaromatic. There are a number of examples but the relative aromaticity of the rings of acenes provides a succinct picture of the difficulties. The central ring of anthracene has long been considered as less aromatic than the outer rings because addition reactions such as bromination or Diels-Alder reactions occur preferentially at the central ring, suggesting its diminished aromaticity (23). However, the *H N M R shifts for protons of the center ring are further downfield than the outer rings (24) and the NICS values are more negative for the center ring (25), indicting the greater aromaticity of that ring. Similar conclusions can be drawn for other acenes.

Chemical shifts


This presents a real problem because when the application of different criteria results in different conclusions about relative aromaticity, our understanding of the phenomenon is obviously incomplete. A number of researchers have attempted to develop a more complete understanding of aromaticity by looking at a variety of aromatic species, but as a recent paper demonstrated (26), even a study that begins with the goal of laying to rest these conflicts can end with the authors agreeing to disagree about the appropriate measure of aromaticity.

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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We have chosen to examine the problem not by studying more aromatic compounds but instead by looking at antiaromatic species. This approach has been utilized very infrequently (27) because of the perception that antiaromatic species should be so reactive that they would be difficult to study. As we have discovered and will discuss below, antiaromatic dications are very amenable to study.

Fluorenylidene Dications as Antiaromatic Species We were not intending to study antiaromatic species when we began our current research program. We had previously studied unusual forms of aromaticity in hydrocarbon dianions, such as Y-aromaticity (28) and when we turned our attention to dications, we planned to continue similar studies. We were intrigued by a result of computational studies that suggested that dication 1 might possess three-dimensional aromaticity, because each hypervalent pyramidal cation could be considered as possessing 6 π-electrons holding the capping atom to the cyclobutadienyl ring system. In theory, 1 could be prepared from [5.5]fiilvalene by the removal of two electrons to give the antiaromatic dication 2 which would be expected to rearrange to the potentially threedimensionally aromatic 1(2P). However, [5.5]fulvalene is very difficult to handle

so we decided to begin our explorations with tetrabenzo[5.5]fulvalene. Upon oxidation to the dication 3, no rearrangement occurred and it was necessary to determine whether 3 was antiaromatic as anticipated. The H N M R spectrum showed the paratropic shift expected of protons in an antiaromatic system. Because it is difficult to evaluate the magnitude of paratropic shift in a charged species, the average shift of protons in 3 were com!

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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pared to a model system, the dication of tetraphenyl ethylene, 4. The protons of dication 3 were shifted upfield by 3.34 ppm, compared to the average shift of protons of 4 (29). 4.97









The H N M R shifts showed additional evidence of antiaromaticity. The central double bond of the neutral precursor, tetrabenzo[5.5]fiilvalene, is prevented from the optimal planarity by interactions of the ortho hydrogens on the two fluorenyl systems. Upon oxidation, one would anticipate that the steric strain would be released by allowing the two rings to become almost perpendicular. Indeed, the geometry of 3 optimized at the density functional theory level possesses a dihedral angle between the rings of about 60° although the potential energy surface is relatively flat, with the geometry in which the fluorenyl ring systems are perpendicular lying only a couple of kcal/mol higher in energy than the lowest energy conformation (29). This results in a situation in which the ortho protons of one fluorenyl ring system are close to the center of the π-system of the other fluorenyl ring system, as shown below. If the fluorenyl

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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cation ring system was antiaromatic, this would cause a diatropic (downfield) shift of the ortho proton. However, in order to determine that the resonance for the ortho proton has been shifted downfield, it must be compared with the shift of an analogous proton on an appropriate reference system (30). That system could be the dication of tetrabenzo[5.7]fulvalene, 5. The H N M R shifts of the ortho protons on the fluorenyl ring system of 3 resonates at 5.33 ppm, compared to 5.01 ppm for the analogous proton on 5. The shifts are even more dramatic for the protons on the 7-membered rings of 5 and 6, because the larger bond angle in the larger ring forces the ortho protons closer to the π-orbitals of the opposing ring systems. Thus the ortho proton of the tropylium ring system of 5 is shifted substantially further downfield by the antiaromatic fluorenyl ring system than is the analogous ortho proton on the tropylium ring of 6. Is the behavior of fluorenylidene dications, such as 3 or 5 unusual? Comparison of the average chemical shifts of fluorenyl cations 7 with the analogous diphenylmethyl cations shows minimal antiaromaticity in the monocations, with paratropic shifts of 0.5 ppm or less (29). The dramatic para!



-0.50 ppm -0.49 ppm -0.32 ppm -0.26 ppm

tropic shift for 3 suggested that it might be part of a group of antiaromatic fluorenylidene dications, 8, and that the antiaromaticity of the fluorenyl system might be moderated by changes in the nature of R. This would allow a systematic investigation of antiaromaticity through variation in R from which insights into aromaticity might be gleaned.

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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8 Since antiaromaticity is related to aromaticity, it should be defined by many of the same criteria (57). That is, antiaromatic species should be less stable in comparison to a localized reference system, should demonstrate paratropic shifts in the H N M R spectrum, should have positive NICS values, and positive values of magnetic susceptibility exaltation, Λ. While the presence of enhanced bond length alternation has been considered as evidence of antiaromaticity (57), the deformation of square cyclobutadiene to rectangular cyclobutadiene to reduce its antiaromaticity suggests that the lack of bond length alternation is also a characteristic of antiaromatic compounds. In the study of 8, one problem remains. In species like 3 and 5, the ring systems are not planar, thus the two ring systems can't interact through resonance. If the substituent R is to affect the antiaromaticity of the fluorenyl ring system, how is the effect transmitted to the ring system? We have considered two potential models for this interaction and the nature of R determines which is operating. Evidence for the first model comes from the C N M R shift for C-9 of 3, 189 ppm, compared to the 9-methylfluorenyl cation, 7 R=CH , 228 ppm. The upfield shift for C-9 suggests an increase in electron density, which could be accomplished through a to ρ donation (52), as shown below. Changes in the electronic nature of the a-bonds of one ring system can be !



transmitted to the other ring system through hyperconjugation. A second type of interaction was suggested by the NICS(l) values for 3 compared to 7, R=CH , as shown below. Thegreater antiaromaticity of the 6-membered ring of 3 may 3


Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

218 be the result of greater derealization forced upon the ring system by the positively charged substituent. That is, an increase in the electron deficiency of the substituent on carbon 9 of the fluorenyl cation could result in greater antiaromaticity of the fluorenyl system through greater derealization. Support for this premise came from examination of the C N M R shifts of 3 compared to the four derivatives of 7, Y = C H , C H , CI, and O H , which demonstrated that the positive charge was delocalized more effectively to the 6-membered ring of 3 than the corresponding ring of 7 (29). 1 3

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Dications of Diphenylmethylidenefluorene as Antiaromatic Species Oxidation of p- and /w-substituted diphenylmethylidene fluorenes resulted in the formation of a suite of dications, 9 and 10, which were shown to be antiaromatic through magnetic and energetic criteria.



Z=CF , Br, Cl, F, H, C H , O C H 3


Ζ 3

Magnetic criteria Oxidation of p-substituted diphenylmethylidenefluorenes with S b F / S 0 C l F gave dications 9, Z=CH , CI, and F which could be characterized by N M R spectroscopy (33). The H N M R shifts ranged from 4.44 to 5.86 ppm, with the dications with more electron-withdrawing substituents showing the greatest upfield shift. Although C N M R shifts are not appropriate to evaluate aromaticity or antiaromaticity, they can be used to evaluate the quality of calculated N M R shifts. Figure 1, a plot of the experimental C N M R shifts of 9 vs the shifts calculated with density functional theory methods (B3LYP/631g(d)) on geometries optimized at the same level shows very good agreement. 5



, 3

1 3

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.



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ioo -I 120











experimental shifts Figure 1. Calculated vs experimental shifts, 9 (Reproduced from reference 34. Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.)

This provides support for the reliability of the nucleus independent chemical shift values reported in Table I, which are calculated by the same method. These values show that the fluorenyl systems are antiaromatic in 9 and 10. In addition, the antiaromaticity can be varied by the nature of the substituent and their placement.

Energetic and structural criteria The most common evaluation of aromaticity via energetic criteria is done using calculations either a type of isodesmic reaction (34) or comparison of two isomers that differ only through the aromaticity of one (3). We were interested in the possibility of evaluating stability experimentally and the electrochemical formation of dications such as 8 was attractive. In this approach, the redox potential for formation of the dication would be compared to the redox potential for formation of dications which could not be antiaromatic. If 8 was antiaromatic, its redox potential should be larger and more positive than that of the reference system. This approach was applied to the evaluation of the antiaromaticity of 9

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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Table I. Nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS(l)) of the fluorenyl systems of 9 and 10 NICS(l)5 24.0 22.6 22.9 22.9 23.1 22.2 22.2




9 NICS(l)6 10.0 8.6 8.9 9.1 8.9 7.5 7.5

Sum of NICS 44.0 39.8 40.7 41.1 40.9 37.2 37.2

NICS(I)5 24.4 23.7 23.9 24.1 23.2 22.8 22.6

10 NICS(l)6 10.4 9.8 10.1 10.3 8.9 8.6 8.4

Sum of NICS 45.2 43.3 44.1 44.7 41.0 40.0 39.4

Reproduced from Reference 7. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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221 and 10 (7). The redox potentials are shown in Table II and it is apparent that the more positive redox potential was for formation of the /w-substituted 10 rather than /7-substituted 10. The redox potentials for formation of the reference compounds 11 and 12 were also obtained and demonstrate that 9/10 are less stable than the reference compounds, which is consistent with antiaromatic behavior. While the redox potentials for formation of 9 and 10 indicates the greater instability of these dications compared to reference systems, is this instability due to antiaromaticity? The plot of the redox potentials vs the sum of the NICS values for the fluorenyl system, Figure 2, next page, shows a reasonable relationship between these energetic and magnetic measures of antiaromaticity. The variation in bond length alternation for 9 and 10 was examined using the H O M A approach (8) and it was found that there was relatively little bond length alternation in the fluorenyl systems and that the bond length alternation was affected very little by the substituent (7). Thus, the data suggest that antiaromatic species demonstrate little bond length alternation, but the technique is not sensitive enough to detect the differences seen in NICS values and other measures of antiaromaticity such as magnetic susceptibility exaltation.

Summary of Antiaromaticity of Fluorenylidene Dications Fluorenylidene dications 8 have been shown to be more antiaromatic than fluorenyl monocations 7. When the substituent R on 8 has electron-withdrawing


Table II. Redox potentials and nucleus independent chemical shifts for 9 and 10 Redox potential for 9

Redox potential for 11

Sum of NICS(l) fluorenyl system

Redox potential for 10"

Redox potential for 12

Sum of NICS(l) fluorenyl system


1.54 1.33 1.31

1.45 1.25 1.24

44.0 39.8

1.53 1.44 1.44

1.44 1.32 1.32

45.2 43.3


1.26 1.27 1.06 1.03

1.19 1.20 1.08 0.88

1.41 1.27 1.26

1.33 1.20 1.14 h



40.7 41.1 41.0 37.2 35.2


44.1 44.7 41.0 40.0 39.4


potentials in V vs ferrocene as internal reference. The cyclic voltammogram was so poorly resolved that the redox potentials for the cation radical and dication couldn't be distinguished. S O U R C E : Reproduced from Reference 7. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.


Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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36-1 1 30








1 50

1 55


, 1 60

1 1.65


Redox potential for formation o f dication, in V

Figure 2. Redox potentials for formation of 9 and 10 vs the sum ofNICS values (Reproduced from reference 7. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.)

H C 3



Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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223 groups, the fluorenyl system becomes more antiaromatic. In the majority of systems studied, it appears that the primary effect of the electron-poor substituent is to force greater derealization of charge in the fluorenyl system, the second method of interaction proposed for the substituent and the fluorenyl ring system. The first method of interaction proposed, σ to ρ donation, appears to operate in systems with cyclic substituents, such as 3 and 5 and those shown below(J5). In the majority of the systems examined, the magnetic and energetic criteria used gave similar results, suggesting that either is an effective measure of antiaromaticity in fluorenylidene dications.

Extension of Research to Indenylidene Dications The results from studies on fluorenylidene dications such as 8 demonstrate clearly that species of this type are antiaromatic. However, extension of these studies to indenylidene dications such as 13 has important advantages. The

R 13


indenyl cation is known to be more antiaromatic than the fluorenyl cation 7, Y=H (36) SO it was anticipated that examination of 13 would give results in which the response to the criteria was enhanced, giving a more sensitive measure of the factors that affect antiaromaticity. In addition, the indenyl system has a "probe" proton that would allow assessment of the antiaromaticity of the five-membered ring. In the fluorenylidene dications, the five-membered ring had larger NICS values, suggesting that there was a greater amount of antiaromaticity in that ring. However, the absence of protons on the fivemembered ring in the fluorenyl system prevents experimental confirmation of changes in the degree of antiaromaticity. Because two of the positions on the five-membered ring are appropriate for substitution, it should be possible to examine substituent effects on that (potentially) more antiaromatic ring system. Finally, the removal of one benzene ring would allow the five-membered ring to respond more effectively to structural changes caused by changes in antiaromaticity.

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

224 Indenylidene fluorene dications

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Our investigations of derivatives of 13 began with the oxidation of 3phenylindenylidenefluorenes to give 14 (57). The indenylidenefluorene system would allow us to examine indenyl cations in the context of fluorenyl cations. In

a sense, the fluorenyl system served as an internal calibration of the behavior of the indenyl cations. Because we were concerned about the stability of the indenyl cation, we added a phenyl substituent in the 3-position to add additional stabilization. The phenyl substituent can also be substituted in the /^-position to provide a method for varying electron density to explore its effect on antiaromaticity. Oxidation of 3-/?-substituted-phenyl-indenylidenefluorenes with SbF in S0 C1F gave 14 for all substituents except O C H which failed to oxidize, presumably because complexation with SbF resulted in a species whose dication was too unstable to form. The dication for 14, Z=H, is shown in Figure 2. The fluorenyl, indenyl, and phenyl protons are labeled and demonstrate conclusively that the greatest paratropic shift is found for protons on the fluorenyl system. Thus the fluorenyl cation in 14 appears to be more antiaromatic than the indenyl cation. We were concerned that we had overcompensated for the instability of the indenyl cation with the inclusion of the stabilizing phenyl substituent. That is, did the presence of the phenyl substituent cause a change in the resonance hybrid giving an enhanced contribution of 15 over 16? We have not yet prepared the unsubstituted indenylidene fluorene dication 17 but the N I C S O ) ^ (18) values demonstrate that the fluorenyl cation is still more antiaromatic than the indenyl cation, see Table HI. 5




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6.5 ppm






6.0 ppm





5.5 ppm



Figure 3. HNMR spectrum of 14, Z-H, in S0 CIF, referenced to external TMS (Reproducedfrom reference 38. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society.)




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Table III. Nucleus independent chemical shifts" Indenyl ring system NICSO^S NICS(l) 6-1 a

Fluorenyl ring system NICS(l) 5-1 NICS(l) -6-l a


14, Z=CF 44.61 26.88 7.18 70.25 14, Z=F 41.71 5.06 69.15 25.71 14, Z=H 39.04 68.84 2.86 25.21 14, Z=CH 34.81 -1.62 67.50 23.78 14, Z=OCH 29.49 64.34 20.09 -4.38 17 89.98 48.71 95.98 61.49 The nucleus independent chemical shifts were calculated for ghost atoms placed one A above and below the center of each ring system. The shifts were calculated with the GIAO method in Gaussian03 (22) at the B3LYP/6-31g(d) level on geometries optimized at the same level. The chemical shift tensor perpendicular to each planar ring system was used for the NICS values. S O U R C E : Reproduced from Reference 38. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society 3




Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


Evaluation of Antiaromaticity for Fluorenyl and Indenyl Cations Revisited

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Fluorenyl cation As stated previously, the fluorenyl system of monocations 7 is less antiaromatic than the fluorenyl system in the tetrabenzo[5.5]fiilvalene dication 3, as evaluated through NICS values. Table IV gives magnetic susceptibility exaltation values as well as (anti)aromatic (de)stabilization energies for 7 and 3, demonstrating that by a variety of measures, 3 is more antiaromatic than 7. Measures of aromaticity such as magnetic susceptibility exaltation are dependent upon the size of the ring (20). Therefore, it is appropriate to consider the values for 3 and for 7 as a function of ring size, to divide the values for 3 by 2 to essentially normalize the data by ring size. When considered this way, 3 is still more antiaromatic than 7. Schleyer, et. al. (27), have suggested that 7 should be considered as effectively non-aromatic because the aromaticity of the two benzene rings compensates for the antiaromaticity of the cyclopentadienyl ring. While we don't agree with the designation of non-antiaromatic, the diminished antiaromaticity supports this "balancing act."

Indenyl cation To perform a similar evaluation for the indenyl cation, 18, we must examine the bis-indenylidene dication, 19, and the appropriate data for both systems is given in Table IV. While 19 is more antiaromatic than 18 by all measures, the dependence of the measure of aromaticity and presumably antiaromaticity on ring size requires that the values for 19 be divided by 2. When examined in this manner, the indenyl cation 18 is more antiaromatic than 19, in contrast to the behavior of the fluorenyl system in 7 and 3. To better understand the behavior of these antiaromatic cations and dications, it would be nice to be able to use the NICS values to evaluate any differences in the antiaromaticity for individual rings. We need first to establish that the NICS values for each ring system are really representative of some aspect of antiaromaticity. To evaluate that, we examined the relationship of the sum of the NICS values to a global measure of antiaromaticity, magnetic susceptibility exaltation, Λ. While the sum of the NICS values has been suggested as a global measure of aromaticity (14) and has been used as such (38), there has been no study that compares the summation of NICS with global measures of aromaticity. Among concerns expressed is the concern that

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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Table IV. Energetic and magnetic measures of antiaromaticity for fluorenyl systems, 7, Y=H, and 3, indenyl systems, 18 and 19, vide infra, and indenylidenfluorene dications 7 3 18 19 17 17-indenyl 17-fluorenyl



16.3 25.5 26.8 45.5 42.6

67.75 74.04 104.69 75.74


20.05 31.41 49.43 45.90

89.98 95.98

48.71 60.88



107.85 274.06 154.12 243.26 356.43 138.69 217.74

36.8 95.8 47.4 80.6 121.3

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

229 "double-counting" could occur with a simple summation because bonds are shared within rings. Finally, the relationship for antiaromatic species has not been carefully examined. We show the plot of Λ vs ZNICS(1) for the species in Table IV in Figure 4. It is apparent that the relationship is very good. S

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Figure 4. Magnetic susceptibility exaltation A vs ZNICS(1)


The excellent quality of the relationship suggests that it would be appropriate to evaluate contributions to the overall antiaromaticity through the individual contributions to each ring, as measured by the NICS values for each ring. This approach allows us to suggest that a key difference between 18 and 19 is that the indenyl cation has a greater amount of antiaromaticity in the 5-membered ring and we are currently trying to understand the origin of that effect. The relationship of the indenyl and fluorenyl rings of 17 can be understood by the approach also. Evaluation of the antiaromaticity of the ring systems in 17 must utilize this method because global measures of antiaromaticity like Λ obscure the contributions from the individual ring systems. When examined in this manner, it is apparent that the indenyl system of 17 is quite similar to the indenyl systems of 18 and 19 in terms of the magnitude of the antiaromaticity of the 6-membered ring and relatively similar in terms of the 5-membered ring. However, both rings of the fluorenyl system of 17 show greatly enhanced antiaromaticity over the analogous rings of 3 and 7.

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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Providing a Context for Antiaromaticity; the Aromaticity/antiaromaticity Continuum The previous sections have demonstrated the antiaromaticity of a variety of indenyl and fluorenyl cations and dications but there has been no attempt to evaluate the degree of antiaromaticity. That is, are these species very antiaromatic or not particularly antiaromatic at all? We need a context for the numbers and the corresponding aromatic dianions provides that context. That is, just as oxidation of tetrabenzo[5.5]fûlvalene resulted in formation of two antiaromatic fluorenyl cations linked by a single bond, reduction should give two aromatic fluorenyl anions, linked by a single bond, 20. We call this relationship the aromaticity/antiaromaticity continuum and can apply the same measures of aromaticity to 20 as were applied to 3, to evaluate relative aromaAromaticity/antiaromaticity continuum

+2 electrons

ticity/antiaromaticity (39). Those relationships are shown in Table V and demonstrate that 20 is aromatic by all measures used while 3 is antiaromatic. O f equal interest is the observation that by all measures used, magnetic and energetic, the antiaromatic dication 3 is more antiaromatic than the aromatic dianion 20 is aromatic. This was of interest to us because the current understanding of antiaromaticity would suggest that an antiaromatic system would find some means to minimize its antiaromaticity, such as the bond deformation shown by cyclobutadiene. We are examining the apparent enhanced antiaromaticity of fluorenylidene and indenylidene dications over the corresponding dianions in our labs.

Conclusions We have demonstrated that oxidation of fluorenylidenes and indenylidenes results in the formation of dications with appreciable antiaromaticity. The antiaromaticity o f these species was examined for a series of dications from

Laali; Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

231 Table V. Comparison of measures of aromaticity/antiaromaticity for 3 and 20 ASE Λ ZNICS(l)" 32.7 38.2 95.8 3 -24.7 -81.8 -35.2 20 NICS(l) values were included in the table rather than NICSO)^ because those were the values used in Reference 40

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S O U R C E : Reproduced from Reference 40. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society

diphenylmethylidene fluorenes. Their antiaromaticity was demonstrated through magnetic properties, including paratropic shifts in the *H N M R spectrum, positive nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) values, and positive values of magnetic susceptibility exaltation, A . Energetic criteria, such as (anti)aromatic (de)stabilization energies, A S E , from isodesmic reactions and more positive redox potentials for formation of the dications also supported their antiaromaticity. The antiaromaticity of the fluorenyl system could be altered in a systematic way through variation in the positively charged substituent in position 9. That substituent, although not co-planar with the fluorenyl system, can interact with the fluorenyl system through σ to ρ donation or by forcing greater derealization in the fluorenyl system through the magnitude of its positive charge. The antiaromaticity of indenyl cations was examined in the dications of indenylidene fluorenes. Contrary to expectation, the fluorenyl cation was more antiaromatic than the indenyl cation in these systems. The sum of NICS(l)zz values was linearly related to global measures of antiaromaticity such as Λ, suggesting that they could be used to evaluate antiaromaticity in a local sense, for individual rings.

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