Dec 15, 1989 - Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 1997 20 (3), 272-279. Medical diagnostic system based on simultaneous multispectral fluorescence imaging...
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FLUORESCENCE DIAGNOSIS AND PHOTOCHEMICAL TREATMENT OF DISEASED TISSUE USING LASERS: PART I Stefan Andersson-Engels, Jonas Johansson, and Sune Svanberg Department of Physics Lund Institute of Technology P.O. Box 118 S-221 00 Lund Sweden

Katarina Svanberg Department of Oncology Lund University Hospital S-221 85 Lund Sweden

Lasers are useful in many applica­ tions in medicine and biology. Histori­ cally, most laser use has involved heat generated in the interaction of the la­ ser beam with the tissue. Today, how­ ever, the spectroscopic aspects of this laser use are playing a more dominant role in a number of applications. In this two-part series, Sune Svan­ berg and co-workers present illustra­ tions of emerging clinical applications from cooperative work performed by the Lund Institute of Technology and the Lund University Hospital. Part I includes a survey of laser techniques for atomic and molecular analyses of samples of medical interest, spectro­ scopic analysis of the laser-induced plasma obtained when a high-power pulsed laser beam interacts with tis­ sue, and the use of tumor-seeking agents in combination with laser radi­

0003-2700/A361 -1367/$01.50/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society

ation to provide new possibilities for malignant tumor detection and treat­ ment. Part II, which will appear in the January 1, 1990, issue, describes the use of laser-induced fluorescence for tumor and plaque diagnostics. Differ­ ent lasers have been used, and re­ search efforts increasingly are being focused on excimer lasers and lasers in the IR region for the ablation of ath­ erosclerotic plaques, cell layer by cell layer. Laser applications in biology and medi­ cine constitute a rapidly growing field. Soon after the introduction of the laser,

and 1 mm for the Ar + laser (λι = 488 nm and λ2 = 515 nm). Short, high-energy pulses from short-wavelength excimer lasers such as ArF (λ = 193nm),KrF (λ = 248nm), and XeCl (λ = 308 nm) as well as from IR lasers such as the Er:YAG laser (λ = 2.94 μηι) and the CO2 laser give rise to ablation and plasma formation in their interaction with tissue. The mecha­ nism for the UV pulsed light interac­ tion with tissue is under debate. One proposed mechanism suggests that UV pulses may disrupt the tissue through molecular bond breaking. In such a case, two or more photons are neces­

INSTRUMENTATION this new radiation source was used in clinical investigations. Most laser use has involved heat generated in the in­ teraction of the laser beam with the tissue (photothermal treatment) (1). Lasers are well known in surgery as ef­ fective cutting tools, and surgeons find them especially useful when dealing with hypervascularized tissue because of the coagulating properties of the ra­ diation. The penetration depth of laser light into tissue is largely determined by the absorption properties of water, hemoglobin, and the skin pigment mel­ anin. The resulting effective surgical penetration in tissue is about 0.1 mm for the C 0 2 laser (λ = 10.6 μπι), 4 mm for the Nd:YAG laser (λ = 1.06 μτη),

sary to break each bond—resulting in atomic and molecular ions—and plas­ ma emission can be detected. The alternative mechanism suggest­ ed is absorption of light in inhomogeneously distributed chromophores. Thermal relaxation of these chromo­ phores causes superheating of water, and microexplosions result in ablation. No plasma emission can be detected. IR light is absorbed in water, and the rapid vaporization of the water results in tissue ablation. The tissue is re­ moved cell layer by cell layer, resulting in well-defined incisions with smooth tissue surface cuts; the surrounding tis­ sue is not affected to any large extent. This ablative tissue interaction is use-



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ful in vascular surgery (2, 3) and in re­ fractive surgery of the cornea (4). Although spectroscopic aspects in terms of absorption properties play a part in photothermal and photoablative treatment, they are much more im­ portant in the fields of laser photodynamic therapy and tissue diagnostics using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Laser interaction with tissue is re­ viewed in References 5 and 6. Informa­ tion on different aspects of laser use in medicine are given in three topical is­ sues of the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (7-9), and a useful review of the field with special emphasis on analytical and physical chemistry is given in Reference 10. For earlier re­ views of our own work, see References 11-14. In this two-part article, we will focus on spectroscopic aspects of laser use in emerging medical applications. In Part I, tumor therapy will be discussed and fluorescence investigations aimed at tumor detection will be described, il­ lustrating the use of both natural tissue signals and hematoporphyrin deriva­ tive (HPD) fluorescence. The spectral identification of atherosclerotic plaque in human vessels will also be illustrat­ ed. Spectral emission diagnosis in con­ nection with tissue ablation will also be covered, with examples from plaque re­ moval and kidney stone fracture using pulsed laser beams. In Part II, we will demonstrate how the diagnostic poten­ tial of LIF is increased by including the temporal characteristics of the fluores­

cence decay. The extension of point monitoring to imaging measurements will be described together with impli­ cations for practical clinical work. Laser techniques for medical atomic and molecular analysis

Optical spectroscopic techniques such as atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy are used routinely to de­ termine alkali ions or heavy metals (of interest from a toxicology perspective) in body fluids. Powerful laser spectro­ scopic techniques have been developed with greatly extended sensitivity and selectivity. In several methods, ions or electrons obtained after selective laser excitation are detected, as illustrated in Figures l a and lb. Such optogalvanic methods are referred to as laserenhanced ionization (LEI) spectrosco­ py if flame ionization is used and if collisions play an important part in the ionization, or as resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) if photoionization in low-pressure samples is dominant. If a multiphoton process is used, the tech­ nique is called resonant multiphoton photoionization (REMPI). The latter techniques can be combined with mass spectrometry (resonance ionization mass spectrometry, RIMS). Laser techniques for atomic analysis are dis­ cussed in References 15-18. Liquid chromatography (LC) and electrophoresis, in which different mo­ lecular species migrate at different rates in capillaries, are important methods for molecular analysis. The

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Figure 1 . Principles of four laser s p e c t r o s c o p i c t e c h n i q u e s for the determination of e l e m e n t s and m o l e c u l a r s p e c i e s in body fluids. (a) Laser-enhanced ionization (LEI) spectroscopy, (b) resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS), (c) electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection, and (d) high-performance liquid chro­ matography (HPLC) with LIF detection.

1368 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 6 1 , NO. 24, DECEMBER 15, 1989

sensitivity of such techniques has been greatly extended by employing LIF for the detection of different molecular compounds emerging from the separa­ tive column. Additional selectivity can be obtained by analyzing the spectral distribution of the emitted fluores­ cence. Electrophoretic and chromato­ graphic techniques are schematically illustrated in Figures lc and Id. Laser detection of LC signals is reviewed in References 19 and 20. Capillary zone electrophoresis with fluorescence de­ tection may be used in medicine to trace small amounts of important en­ zymes, hormones, and peptides, as well as metabolic compounds of certain drugs (21, 22). An example of a highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) recording using nitrogen LIF for detection is shown in Figure 2 (23). Two recordings for different solvents obtained with a conventional refractive index (Rl) detector are shown (left and right), as well as LIF recordings of the spectral contents for individual peaks (center). The different fractions of an HPD sample exhibit fluorescence with shifts toward the red for the more ag­ gregated forms. Another class of medical analysis techniques using LIF is immunoassay and DNA sequencing with fluorescent tags. Such fluorescence tagging is also used in cytofluorometry and automatic cell sorting. (For a review of these as­ pects, see Reference 24.) The laser energy regime where tissue ablation occurs is distinct from the one involving nonintrusive tissue fluores­ cence. A hot plasma (100,000 K) can be formed, accompanied by strong light emission that can be used for tissue characterization and interactive con­ trol of the material removed. This is of particular interest in connection with the removal of atherosclerotic plaques (25). The early stage of the plasma (t < 300 ns) is characterized by a largely structureless continuum correspond­ ing to high electron temperatures. As the plasma cools, sharp emission lines from ions and neutral atoms occur. These phenomena can be easily stud­ ied with a time-gated optical multi­ channel analyzer system (shown in Fig­ ure 3). The plasma emission from a cal­ cified human plaque is shown in Figure 4 together with the spectrum obtained when directing the same excimer laser beam onto a piece of calcium metal (26). Emission lines of Ca and Ca + can easily be recognized, and the spectra are very similar. In the tissue spectrum the sodium D line is as strong as the Ca lines and much more prominent than the corresponding sodium impurities in the calcium metal. The spectrum from normal tissue wall is much weaker

Injection 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time (min)

Injection 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)

Figure 2. Chromatograms of HPD. Left: sample suspended in 0.1 M NaOH and buffered to pH 7 with acetic acid, stirred 5 min, diluted in H20 (2.4 times) and MeOH (5 times); flow rate: 0.7 mL/min; detection: Rl at 360 nm. Right: sample suspended in H 20, stirred 5 min, diluted in MeOH (5 times), stirred 5 min, and centrifuged; flow rate: 0.7 mL/min; de­ tection: Rl at 360 nm. Center: fluorescence spectra of peaks indicated in the left and right chromato­ grams obtained with 337-nm laser excitation.

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Figure 3. Experimental arrangement for spectral diagnostics of laser-induced break­ down plasma emission. (Adapted with permission from Reference 12.)

and has less structure. Thus the evapo­ ration of a calcified plaque can be stopped under computer control when the laser beam has penetrated through the calcified structure (25). Another interesting medical applica­ tion of a laser-produced plasma is to induce stone fracturing in biliary and urinary calculi (gallstones and kidney stones). By forming the plasma at the

surface of the stone submerged in a liq­ uid, a shock wave with extremely high local pressures can be produced that will induce fracturing of the stone into small fragments (laser lithotripsy) (27, 28). For this application a flashlamppumped dye laser is suitable, because hundreds of millijoules per pulse can be readily transmitted through a thin fiber. For the long pulses typical for

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 6 1 , NO. 24, DECEMBER 15, 1989 · 1369 A

INSTRUMENTATION these lasers (1 μ&), no damage is in­ duced in the fiber. For a Q-switched Nd:YAG pulse with a typical length of 10 ns, pulse energies well below 100 m j must be chosen to avoid breakdown at the fiber surface. Again, the laser-pro­ duced plasma can be spectrally ana­ lyzed and differences in stone composi­ tion detected. The techniques of urinary stone lithotripsy with spectroscopic detec­ tion are illustrated in Figure 5. On the left, the fiber is shown in position in the

ureter facing a urinary stone. On the right, an example of a urinary stone plasma spectrum is shown, as recorded in vitro (29). The composition of the stones has implications for the litho­ tripsy procedure. Gallstones are either of the lightly colored cholesterol type or of the darker bilirubinate type. The former type is much harder to fracture than the latter type. To ensure that the fiber is aimed at a stone rather than at the tissue wall, the increased backseat ter of a low-power laser beam can be

Figure 4. Laser-induced breakdown plasma spectrum for (a) a calcified plaque in an aortic wall and (b) a piece of calcium metal. The laser source was an XeCI excimer laser working at 308 nm with 20-ns-long pulses. The spectra were obtained 500 ns after the excitation pulse. The Ca and Ca + lines are indicated, and the insert at the top is a tissue preparation showing the laser ablation in a plaque resulting from 100 40-mJ pulses. (Adapted with permission from Reference 26.)


used. The acousto-optic signal from impinging laser pulses can also be ana­ lyzed to ensure proper tip positioning before firing high-energy pulses. HPD-photodynamic therapy For some time, tumor-seeking agents such as HPD have been used in combi­ nation with laser radiation to localize and treat malignant tumors. Recent progress in this field is described in the literature (14, 30-33). The basic principles for the H P D / laser technique are illustrated in Fig­ ure 6 (14). HPD is intravenously inject­ ed at a low concentration into the bio­ logical system, where the agent spreads and is subsequently cleared out of the body through natural processes. How­ ever, for reasons that remain partially unknown, the HPD molecules are se­ lectively retained in the malignant tu­ mor cells and in the endothelium cells in the tumor vascular system. The ma­ jor absorption of HPD occurs in the Soret band, peaking at 405 nm. Fluo­ rescence follows with a characteristic, dual-peaked distribution in the red spectral region. In tissue, the HPD flu­ orescence is superimposed on the natu­ ral tissue fluorescence spectrum (autofluorescence), as shown in Figure 6. The spectral fingerprint of HPD iden­ tifies the tumor and allows standard biopsy specimens to be taken at the correct location. The excited HPD molecules can, al­ ternatively, transfer their acquired en­ ergy to oxygen molecules in the tissue. This transfer is mediated by the longlived triplet HPD state to which radiationless transitions can occur. Triplet HPD molecules transfer their energy to oxygen molecules that are promoted from their ground X 3 2 g state to the xAg state. Singlet molecular oxygen is known to be a strong cytotoxic agent that violently oxidizes the surrounding (tumor) tissue. The laser-induced chemical process, which is referred to as H P D - P D T (hematoporphyrin derivative-photodynamic therapy), is normally performed with laser light at 630 nm, where the HPD molecule has a minor absorption peak and where the tissue has a much better light transmis­ sion than at shorter wavelengths. Al­ though very small light doses are need­ ed to induce observable fluorescence, efficient therapeutic action requires much more light, and normally a dye laser pumped by an argon ion laser or a gold vapor laser (λ = 628 nm) is em­ ployed. Encouraging results have been obtained in clinical trials using H P D PDT. Because of the limited light penetra­ tion in tissue, only thin superficial le­ sions can be treated by direct surface

Figure 5. Principles of plasma spectroscopy in combination with laser lithotripsy. (a) Arrangement, including excitation laser, fiber delivery system, beam splitter, and spectroscopic detection system, (b) Plasma spectrum of a urinary stone in vitro under pulsed (50 m j , 10 ns long) Nd:YAG laser irradiation. The spectrum was recorded 500 ns after the laser pulse. (Adapted with permission from Reference 29.)

irradiation. Deeper lesions can be irradiated by implanting fiber tips in the tumor mass through the lumen of a syringe needle. Irradiation with the fiber inserted through the biopsy channel of an endoscope also substantially increases the applicability of the technique. Finally, by irradiating the tumor bed after standard surgical removal, a more radical tumor eradication can be accomplished (e.g., in brain surgery). The result of an H P D - P D T treatment of a basiloma is shown in Figure 7 (34,35). The tumor area was uniformly irradiated by 60 mJ/cm 2 of 630-nm light. Because of the selective retention of HPD in the tumor, the necrosis (destruction of tissue) is confined to the tumor area. In the right part of Figure 7, the same area is shown three months after treatment. The only side effect of the HPD injection seems to be a hypersensitization to sunlight resulting from partial HPD retention in the skin. Therefore patients should be kept under low ambient light conditions for about four weeks. As the name indicates, HPD as prepared from hematoporphyrin according to the Lipson procedure (36) is a complex mixture of monomers and dinners as well as aggregates of hematoporphyrin. Recently, the therapeutically active component was identified as dihematoporphyrin ether/ester (DHE) (37-39). This purified component is commercially available under


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INSTRUMENTATION the name of Photofrin II. Because monomers are known to have a much higher fluorescence yield than dimers, optimizing the conditions for therapy does not necessarily mean that tumor detection conditions are optimized. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the porphyrins transform in the living tissue after being injected. Much research is now being devoted to the development of new and more efficient sensitizers. Apart from being photodynamically potent and strongly fluorescent, a good sensitizer should have useful absorption peaks toward the near-IR region (670-750 nm) where tissue exhibits its best transmission to achieve deep action. The classes of compounds now being investigated in­ clude phthalocyanines, chlorins, pur­ purins, and benzoporphyrins (40—45).

Figure 6. Schematic of the diagnostic and therapeutic use of photosensitizers in combination with laser radiation. A tissue spectrum exhibiting the fluorescence signature of HPD is shown for excitation at 337 nm. The in­ serted photograph shows the necrosis of a basiloma 48 h after photodynamic therapy using 60 J/cm 2 and an HPD dose of 2.5 mg/kg body weight. (Adapted with permission from Reference 14.)

Figure 7. Photographs of basal cell carcinoma (left) 1 week and (right) 11 weeks after PDT. 1372 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 6 1 , NO. 24, DECEMBER 15, 1989

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Katarina Svanberg (left) holds a Master's degree in economic history from Gbteborg University (1970) as well as an M.D. She has been a physician at Lund University Hospital since 1983, and she recently defended a doctoral thesis in oncology and internal medicine. Her main interest is in the development of fluorescence diagnosis and photodynamic therapy. Sune Svanberg (second from left) received his Ph.D. in physics from the Univer­ sity of Gôtenburg, Sweden, in 1972. Since 1980 he has been a professor of physics and head of the Division of Atomic Physics at Lund Institute of Technology (LTH). His research interests include laser spectroscopy of free atoms, combustion diagnostics and remote sensing using lasers, and medical applications ofLIF. Stefan Andersson-Engels (second from right) received the Master of Engineering Physics degree from LTH in 1985. Since then he has been working as a Ph.D. student in the Division of Atomic Physics, LTH, where his primary area of research is the medical application of LIF. Jonas Johansson (right) received the Master of Engineering Physics degree from LTH in 1986. Since 1987 he has been working as a Ph.D. student in the Division of Atomic Physics, LTH. His main interest is time-resolved LIF for medical applications.


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