Fluorescent Proteins and in Vitro Genetic Organization for Cell-Free

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Research Article pubs.acs.org/synthbio

Fluorescent Proteins and in Vitro Genetic Organization for Cell-Free Synthetic Biology Roberta Lentini, Michele Forlin, Laura Martini, Cristina Del Bianco, Amy C. Spencer, Domenica Torino, and Sheref S. Mansy* CIBIO, University of Trento, via delle Regole 101, 38123 Mattarello (TN), Italy S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: To facilitate the construction of cell-free genetic devices, we evaluated the ability of 17 different fluorescent proteins to give easily detectable fluorescence signals in real-time from in vitro transcription-translation reactions with a minimal system consisting of T7 RNA polymerase and E. coli translation machinery, i.e., the PUREsystem. The data were used to construct a ratiometric fluorescence assay to quantify the effect of genetic organization on in vitro expression levels. Synthetic operons with varied spacing and sequence composition between two genes that coded for fluorescent proteins were then assembled. The resulting data indicated which restriction sites and where the restriction sites should be placed in order to build genetic devices in a manner that does not interfere with protein expression. Other simple design rules were identified, such as the spacing and sequence composition influences of regions upstream and downstream of ribosome binding sites and the ability of non-AUG start codons to function in vitro. KEYWORDS: cell-free, fluorescent protein, transcription-translation, ribosome binding site, synthetic biology


the T7 genome was successful in the sense that viable bacteriophage were produced; however, the refactored bacteriophage was significantly less infective.14 Similar challenges are routinely encountered when genetic elements are inserted into organisms to engineer new circuitry. Typically, many permutations are required before desired function is achieved.15 The situation is perhaps even more challenging for systems that exploit a cell-free chassis since biological parts are evolved to function optimally under the chemical conditions found in vivo. In vitro conditions are undoubtedly different. Further, unidentified molecular components necessary for activity in vivo may be missing from in vitro constructions. The design and implementation of predictable, genetically encoded cell-free systems is difficult because of the lack of cellfree chassis data coupled with an incomplete understanding of natural, in vivo genetics. Here we sought to identify some practical rules for the construction of genetically encoded, cell-free systems. First, 17 different fluorescent proteins were screened for their ability to generate easily detectable fluorescence signals after in vitro transcription and translation with the PUREsystem. Fluorescent proteins then were expressed from a bicistronic construct to identify fluorescent protein pairs that could be used to quantify the influences of genetic organization on protein production. A series of synthetic operons that differed in the spacing and sequence between the two encoded genes, the spacing and sequence between the ribosome binding site and the start codon, and the influence of the first nucleotide position of the start codon on in vitro expression levels was assessed with the developed ratiometric fluorescence assay. We

he majority of synthetic biology research makes use of a living chassis that provides for the necessary but poorly characterized biological components required for life. Conversely, a smaller community of synthetic biologists has begun to build cell-like systems with a nonliving, cell-free chassis.1−7 Although the cell-free branch of synthetic biology has progressed more slowly, success could provide for new technologies with several beneficial features. For example, the resulting cellular mimics would consist of fully defined components. Therefore, it should be possible to build a complete mathematical model describing the cellular mimic that could aid in designing new features. Additionally, potentially technologically problematic features of life, such as evolution, could be intentionally removed by building systems that do not replicate. A significant step forward in allowing for the construction of such well-defined, bottom-up systems came from Ueda and colleagues, who showed that coupled transcription and translation reactions can be mediated by fully defined components in vitro.8 Their system, hereafter referred to as the PUREsystem, consisted of T7 RNA polymerase and Escherichia coli translation machinery. Subsequent work demonstrated the compatibility of the PUREsystem with liposomes9,10 and with the expression of gene networks.11 Nevertheless, there has been little attempt to better define the influences of genetic organization on protein output with purified transcription-translation machinery. Recently, a S30 E. coli cell extract translation system and the PUREsystem were used to determine the influences of different ribosome binding sites and transcriptional repressors on the synthesis of eGFP.12,13 Although much is known about natural, in vivo genetics, much still remains unresolved. For example, the refactoring of © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: January 17, 2013


dx.doi.org/10.1021/sb400003y | ACS Synth. Biol. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

ACS Synthetic Biology

Research Article

Figure 1. Fluorescence profiles of in vitro expressed genetic constructs at 37 °C with the PUREsystem. (a) Fluorescence intensities after 6 h of in vitro expression for 17 different fluorescent proteins. (b) The tf/2 of each fluorescent protein was calculated by fitting the kinetic data to a logistic model as described in the Methods section. The tf/2 represents the time at maximum growth. (c) The fitting of mCerulean kinetic data is shown as a representative example. The logistic model estimation is shown in red, while the black points represent measured values. A control reaction without plasmid showed no fluorescence. (d) The ratiometric response of bicistronic constructs after 6 h of in vitro expression. The ratiometric response was calculated by dividing the fluorescence arising from the protein encoded by gene 1 by the fluorescence resulting from the gene product of gene 2. Here gene 2 always encoded mCherry. A cartoon above each panel gives a schematic representation of the used constructs. The data shown in panels a and b are from constructs RL001A-RL013A and CD100A-CD103A. Panel c used RL005A, and panel d used RL015A-RL021A. More information on each construct is provided in Supplementary Table S1.

produced easily detectable signals above background arising from the fluorescent protein except for CyPet and mCyPet. These two cyan fluorescent proteins gave slightly increased fluorescence when expressed at 30 °C (Supplementary Figure S1). Consistent with the reported brightness of each fluorescent protein,16 the yellow fluorescent proteins were associated with the most intense fluorescence, followed by the green, cyan, and red fluorescent proteins (Figure 1a). Monomeric versions of Cerulean and YPet gave fluorescence intensities within 5% of their dimeric parent construct. In vitro transcribed and translated Venus was 40% more intense than mVenus; however, the error associated with the single fluorescent protein measurements was too large to make meaningful conclusions. This issue was resolved by using a ratiometric method described below. After 6 h of in vitro transcription-translation, the mVenus concentration reached 8 μM.

found that a high guanosine content inhibited translation, that sequences 5′ to the ribosome binding site were more amenable to the incorporation of restriction sites for cloning, and that ribosome binding sites were most efficient when separated from the start codon by 4−9 nucleotide positions. GUG, UUG, and CUG were functional as start codons in minimal, reconstituted translation systems, although their associated expression levels were significantly reduced.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Vitro Expression of Fluorescent Proteins. A total of 17 different fluorescent proteins were tested individually for their ability to give easily detectable fluorescence signals from in vitro transcription-translation reactions with the PUREsystem at 37 °C. Of these 17 proteins, four (mCerulean, mCyPet, mVenus, and mYPet) contained a A206K substitution to inhibit dimerization. As seen in Figure 1a, all of the tested constructs B

dx.doi.org/10.1021/sb400003y | ACS Synth. Biol. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

ACS Synthetic Biology

Research Article

fluorescence intensity of mCherry, for mVenus, mYPet, and mCerulean were within 10% of the values measured for Venus, YPet, and Cerulean, respectively. The ratiometric response over time showed that stable readings could be taken after 3 h for all constructs tested (Supplementary Figure S4). It was not clear from the outset which fluorescent proteins would perform well in vitro with minimal transcriptiontranslation machinery. Although the physical characteristics of individually purified proteins, such as brightness and photostability, are useful in deciding if a protein could be suitable for a specific application, these parameters are not enough to understand if in vitro expression will give a robust, reproducible signal. For example, if in vitro produced protein is insoluble, folds slowly, or requires a long period of time for chromophore formation, then that protein would be less useful as an in vitro genetic reporter. Even within cells, differences in fluorescent protein behavior have been noted, particularly for multidomain proteins.18 Despite these difficulties, we found that most of the fluorescent proteins tested function satisfactorily in in vitro transcription-translation reactions with the PUREsystem at 37 °C. One exception is CyPet, which fails to give a significant fluorescent output. The fact that CyPet expression at 30 °C gives a better fluorescence signal is consistent with previous reports on the poor folding properties of CyPet.16 If a fluorescent protein with cyan spectral properties were desired, cerulean would be a better choice. The green fluorescent proteins are generally bright and rapidly give rise to fluorescence signals, e.g., the tf/2 of sfGFP is 92 min. sfGFP is particularly amenable to in vitro transcription-translation; however, GFPmut3b performs similarly well. GFPmut3b is one of the more common fluorescent proteins used in synthetic biology. Two of the tested green fluorescent proteins fluoresce upon excitation with near-UV light. Of these two, T-Sapphire has a tf/2 approximately 100 min longer than that of GFPuv. Therefore, GFPuv would be better for real-time detection assays than T-Sapphire. The yellow fluorescent proteins Venus and YPet are the brightest fluorescent proteins that we tested and have tf/2 values below 150 min. Venus and YPet are excellent choices to monitor in vitro reactions particularly when low protein output is expected, e.g., when expressing inside of vesicles.19 YPet is more photostable,16 which could be important depending upon the nature of the planned experiments. The red fluorescent proteins mCherry and mRFP1 perform similarly well in in vitro transcriptiontranslation reactions, but mCherry is more photostable. Although TagRFP-T is a highly photostable red fluorescent protein alternative, the long tf/2 of TagRFP-T limits its usefulness. All of the seven tested double fluorescent protein constructs performed well, and so the choice of fluorescent protein pairs depends on the specifics of the experimental setup. We found that the mVenus-mCherry pair gives easy to detect fluorescence signals and reproducible data without interference between the emission of mVenus and the emission of mCherry. Therefore, the subsequent experiments that probed the effects of genetic organization on protein production were performed with synthetic operons encoding mVenus and mCherry. However, for the remaining experiments the order of the genes was reversed so that mCherry was encoded first followed by mVenus in the bicistronic message. In this way, the lower intensity fluorescent protein, i.e., mCherry, could be used to provide the reference fluorescence signal and the influences of the region between the two genes on the expression of the

Most of the constructs gave sigmoidal shaped kinetic profiles and were complete within 6 h. The exceptions were T-Sapphire and TagRFP-T (Supplementary Figure S2), both of which did not reach their maximal fluorescence within 6 h. The fitting of the kinetic data to a logistic model was used to determine the time point at which the rate of fluorescence increase was maximal, which corresponded to the time required to reach half maximal fluorescence (tf/2) (Figure 1b,c). Note that the tf/2 includes all of the steps involved in converting the information encoded in DNA to a fluorescence signal and does not solely describe the last oxidation step of chromophore formation.17 The shortest tf/2 value was 79 min for GFPmut3b, and the longest tf/2 was over 300 min for TagRFP-T (Supplementary Table S4). The average tf/2 values for the expression of cyan, green, yellow, and red fluorescent proteins were 105, 122, 122, and 245 min, respectively. The tf/2 was 40% larger for mCerulean than Cerulean, whereas mVenus and mYPet had tf/2 values 12% and 26% smaller than Venus and YPet, respectively. On the basis of fluorescence intensity and kinetic data, Cerulean, mCerulean, super folder GFP (sfGFP), Venus, mVenus, YPet, mYPet, mRFP1, and mCherry were selected for further analysis. To reduce experimental error, we pursued the construction of a ratiometric fluorescence system based on synthetic operons that encoded two fluorescent proteins. In this way the influences of pipetting, lamp performance, and DNA template quality and concentration, among other difficult to control variables, would be removed. To build such a ratiometric system, a red fluorescent protein was desirable because the excitation and emission spectra of red fluorescent proteins are better separated from the fluorescence spectra of other fluorescent proteins. mRFP1 and mCherry were, therefore, tested in bicistronic constructs that additionally encoded sfGFP to evaluate their utility in characterizing expression levels. More specifically, small synthetic operons containing a standard T7 transcriptional promoter, a ribosome binding site (RBS), a gene encoding sfGFP followed by a sequence that encoded the red fluorescent protein and a T7 transcriptional terminator were assembled. All of the fluorescent proteins in these constructs gave reproducible and easily detectable fluorescence signals. After 6 h of expression with purified transcription-translation machinery, the ratio of sfGFP fluorescence to mRFP1 and to mCherry fluorescence was 115.1 ± 6.9 and 49.9 ± 2.4, respectively (Supplementary Figure S3). We chose to use mCherry for the remaining experiments, because mCherry showed more intense fluorescence from the bicistronic construct and because mCherry was shown to be more photostable than mRFP1.16 We next assembled six additional synthetic operons that encoded different fluorescent proteins followed by a sequence coding for mCherry. After in vitro transcription and translation, the fluorescence profiles were similar to those obtained with the single fluorescent protein constructs in that the yellow fluorescent proteins were the most intense, followed by green, and cyan fluorescent proteins (Figure 1d). However, the error of each ratiometric measurement was significantly reduced (relative standard error