FLUOROCARBON Process Systems Division - Analytical Chemistry

May 31, 2012 - FLUOROCARBON Process Systems Division. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (3), pp 402A–402A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50053a767. Publication Date: March ...
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Microcalorimeter Model 351 RA microcalorimeter measures minute amounts of heating power, with a resolution of ±0.5 μνν. The calorimeter operates on the princi­ ple of voltage generation by heat con­ duction. Precise control of the environ­ ment around the calorimeter cells is provided by a water bath controlled to ±0.0002 °C in an air bath controlled to ±0.02 °C. The temperature range of the bath is 0 °C to 60 °C. Tronac, Inc. 421

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Array Processor Digilab Hi-Comp 32 is a 32-bit array processor that enables users of the company's FTS-IR spectrometers to perform Fourier Transform calculations, including phase correction, apodization, and data transfer, in less than 1 s. The processor plugs into the computer used by the spectrometers. Applications range from real time GC/IR to high res­ olution gas phase spectroscopy. Price, $12 500 to $15 000, depending on the requirement for an expansion chassis. Bio-Rad Laboratories 422

Anion Exchange Columns SynChropak AX300 columns have a 10 μνη macroporous support with a poly­ merized amine coating. These HPLC columns can be used to analyze pro­ teins, isoenzymes, herbicides, nucleo­ tides and other anionic substances. The ion-exchange capacity of a 25 cm X 4.1 mm column is 25-50 mg for oval­ bumin. Elution protocols are similar to those on DEAE gels. SynChrom, Inc. 427

Concentrator Universal Automated Concentrator (UNACON) transfers undiluted solutes onto the GC capillary column after se­ quential traps remove the diluting sol­ vent (gas or liquid) from the samples. An integral flame ionization detector monitors sample processing, permitting the necessary control. The concentra­ tor accepts headspace or liquid injec­ tions, sparges aqueous samples, ther­ mally desorbs solids or sorbent tubes, and samples ambient air. It is available with or without an integral, tempera­ ture-programmed GC oven. Envirochem Inc. 435

QUANTACHROME CORPORATION POWDER INSTRUMENTATION Six A e r i a l Way, S y o s s e t , N Y 1 1 7 9 1 · 5 1 6 - 9 3 5 - 2 2 4 0 Telex: 4 2 2 6 2 0 CIRCLE 180 ON READER SERVICE CARD 4 0 2 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 5 2 , NO. 3, MARCH 1980

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