Fluorometric Analysis - ACS Publications

edition of Radley and Grant's book “Fluorescence,. Analysis in Ultraviolet Light” {144) is now in the final stage of publication and is scheduled ...
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Fluorometric Analysis CHARLES E. WHITE, University o f Maryland, College Park, M d .


tended and consideration is given to the effect of the exciting source, impurities, quenching, etc. The application of ultraviolet light to absorption analysis including the transmitted, reflected, or fluorescent light resulting therefrom is discussed by Brumberg and Gershgorin (20). These authors give a description of methods and apparatus applied to paper chromatography of colorless substances under visual or photographic observation. Lauer (106) in a study of light absorption and fluorescence has developed an expression for the total fluorescence observed in terms of the absorption coefficient. A general article on luminescent materials by Ward (178) provides interesting background material for anyone working in fluorescence.

review on fluorolnetric analysis covers the 2-year period from approximately October 1951 to October 1953, and is a continuation of similar previous survey8 (182). BOOKS 4VD GENERAL ARTICLES

A new edition of Itadley and Grant’s book “Fluorescence, Analysis in Ultraviolet Light” (144) is now in the final stage of publication and is scheduled to be available the latter part of December 1953. Danckwortt ( 2 7 ) has published the fifth edition of his book dealing with analysis in ultraviolet light; however, this is not a revision and is identical with the fourth edition. The author states in his preface that the new edition n-as published in demand for copies of the book, and because of the difficulty in obtaining foreign publications during the war a revision was not possible. Bowen and Wokes (14) have published a book dealing with the fluorescence of solutions which is designed for practical workers and beginners in the field of fluorescence. Brief discussions of light absorption, the theory involved in fluorescence and fluorescence quenching, and a description of fluorometers are included. This book should be received as a welcome addition to the literature on fluorescence. A book by Garlick (58) deals with the general subject of luminescent materials and includes a discussion of fluorescence as well as thermoluminescence and phosphorescence. Most of the book is devoted to the subject of phosphors. One section deals with the fluorescence of organic substances and the author discusses quenching, polarization, etc. A chapter on fluorometric analysis is included in a text on inetrumental analysis (11) This book is written by specialists in each of ten fields of analysis and is designed for university seniors or graduate students; however, the experienced analyst will find many helpful suggestions. Directions are given for constructing the equipment necessary for the fluorescence laboratory; filter selection, standard, etc., are discussed. ’4 chapter on fluorescent indicators with 54 references is included in a book ( 1 7 ) on analytical methods published in Germany. Koller (101), in a book called “Ultraviolet Radiation,’’ covers a subject of interest in exciting fluorescence The author discusses types and sources of radiant energy. Many charts and tables are included to give the characteristics of various arrs, lamps, glasses, and reflectors. Indemans (82,8S) has published the results of his rather extensive study of factors concerned in the measurement of fluorescence in quantitative determinations. This author presents a theoretical treatment of absorption of the exciting light and the relation of the emission to concentration is considered in connection with the Beer-Lambert-Bougier law as modified for fluorescence. Formulas are given to show the quantitative action of quenching agents. A chapter on inorganic fluorescence analysis is included in the report (112) of the national conference on air pollution Bowen ( I S ) has given a discussion of the mechanism of lumineqcence of organic substances and considered the application of these materials to scintillation counters. Radley (143) has reviewed the application of fluorescence in agriculture, food, leather, paint, rubber, medical, mining, and engineering industries. The less common analytical methods based on fluorescence are reviewed by Deribere ( S I ) . A round-table discussion on fluorometric analysis wa8 held by the Division of Analytical Chemistry a t the Buffalo meeting (183). Topics discussed included uranium analysis, geochemical applications, and analysis of biological and organic materials. The general aspects of fluorometric determinations is the subject of an excellent paper by Braunsberg and Osborn (16). The mathematical considerations of previous authors have been ex-


Some analysts have found confusion in ordering high pressure mercury vapor lamps since the General Electric Co. has changed its designation on these lamps The changes in numbers on the lamps in most common use are as follows: AH4 to H100A4, BH4 to H100BL4, CH4 to HlOOSP4, E H 4 t o H100FL4; the suffix H indicates a mercury vapor lamp, 100 is the wattage, and the final number indicates the type of ballast required. A description of these ultraviolet sources and their spectral characteristics is given in a new 8-page folder (59) The new xenon arc lamp ( 3 ) may be useful for research and othei particular applications a8 a source of ultraviolet radiation. This lamp gives an intense, practically continuous spectrum from 2000 to 7500 A. An effective modification of the Beckman spectrophotometer has been devised by Huke and his associates (73) for the measurement of weak fluorescence spectra. In this instrument the cuvett compartment is redesigned so that ultraviolet-exciting radiation enters the top of the cuvette, and the fluorescent light passes through the slit and traverses the prism in the reverse direction and emerges at the usual entrance of the light source, where it is brought in contact with a 1P28 electron multiplier tube. Musha (121) has designed a simple electrophotometer using a selenium photocell and has applied it to fluorescence titrations. Haines and Drake (71) have described a fluorometer for scanning fluorescent paper chromatograms. -4simple apparatus for measuring the fluorescence on filter paper strips in which the paper is placed between the exciting source and the photocell is described by Semm and Fried (156). An arrangement for allowing ready observation of the change of end point of fluorescent indicators and providing for the convenient reading of burets has been devised by Deibner (23). Several attachments have been designed for making particular types of fluorescence measuremenb with the Beckman spectrophotometer. One of these (107) is designed to measure the fluorescent spectra of highly absorbing oils and another ( 5 2 )is made especially for measuring the spectral reflectance characteristics of fluorescent materials. Simplified techniques including the lamp reflector, filters, etc., for use in fluorescence microscopy have been described by King (37). ilttachments have been devised to adapt the General Electric spectrophotometer for the detection and measurement of fluorescence (9, 174). Fletcher and Warner ( 4 7 ) have developed a versatile fluorometer for the measurement of the fluorescence of solutions. The fluorescent light is measured by a 1P21 electron multiplier phototube and a microammeter. Schwartz and his associates (155)have described a modification of the Farrand fluorometer which is extremely sensitive. A sin+ ple fluorometer using an RCA 9318 electron multiplier phototube has been built by Germek (60) and his associates for measuring the fluorescence of proporphyrins. Fluorometers which have been developed essentially for uranium



130 analysis a t the U. S. Geological Survey are described with construction details in a recent bulletin ( 6 7 ) . This publication contains much information that will be welcomed by anyone attempting to construct a fluorometer. .4 patent has been issued (17 3 ) for an apparatus for observing duorescence, which consists essentially of a black box, an exciting source, and a spectroscope. Phillips Scientific Corp. advertises a new model of its chromatographic analyzer which is designed to facilitate observation of absorption columns under ultraviolet light (13 7 ) . A simple home made fluorometer for use with test tubes has been designed by McGillvray (114). This fluorometer employs a Weston photocell attached to a galvanometer. ,4device for the automatic recording of the fluoride content of the air appears to be a very important addition to fluorometric apparatus ( 2 5 ) . I n this apparatus a tape impregnated with magnesium-8-quinolinol is pulled through a sampling area and thence between an ultraviolet source and a photocell. Suitable filters remove all undesired light and a recorder is attached to the photocell. INORGANIC APPLICATIONS

An interesting technique reported in a previous review in which a fluorescent screen is employed to detect a colorless object ahsorbing in the ultraviolet has been applied by Stolyarov (f65)to the detection of vveral inorganic ions. The miterial under observation is placed on a microscope slide and illuminated from underneath with a colored ray of light and ultraviolet rays. The rays are projected through the microscope on to a screen which fluoresces white under the action of ultraviolet rays. The object which transmits the colored ray and absorbs the ultraviolet appears colored on a white background. The author describes the use of this method in the detection of ammonium, potassium, sodium, iron, and cadmium ions after precipitation with various reagents. Indicators. Fluorescent indicators for acid-base reactions is the subject of a review by DeMent (SO). About 60 such indicators are listed with their pH change values. A general study of fluorescent indicators is reported by Tomicek and Suk ( 2 7 2 ) . These authors review this field with 104 references and give results on a number of new indicators. Podall (1S8) believes that 5,7-dihydroxycoumarin gives an end-point change from p H 5.5 to 5.8 that is more easily observed than the phenolphthalein color change in titrations. Goto and his associates ( 6 6 ) are making an extensive study of the use of fluorewent indicators in oxidation-reduction titrations. These workers have shown that rivanol, phosphine, harmine, and tripaflavin serve as good indicators for titrations with oxidizing agents such as permanganate, hypochlorite, iodine, and bromine. The titration of sodium chloride with silver nitrate using fluorescein a~an indicator has been studied ( 1 2 1 )with the use of a photoelectric fluorometer. A sharp change in fluorescence occurs a t the end point and the previous work of Goto using fluorescein and eosin as indicators in tihations of this sort have been confirmed. The 8-quinolinol complexes with the metal ions have been the subject of a number of articles. Feigl and his associates (49, 44), have shown that these complews n1ll form in fused mixtures, nonaqueous solutions, and vapors, as well as in the usual water solutions. The formation of the fluorescent complexes when 8quinolinol is dropped on filter paper serves to show the presence of aluminum, calcium. or magnesium and will differentiate qualitative from quantitative filter papers. The application of 8-quinolinol-impregnated papers to the separation of the inorganic cations has been studied by Laskowski and McCrone (205). The R, values were determined in several solvents. It was found difficult to distinguish lead, calcium, and barium bands under visible light, but these were easily defined under ultraviolet light Reeves and Crumpler ( 1 4 6 ) have studied

the chromatographic separation of the 8-quinolinol complexes of a number of common metal ions by forming the complexes in buffered acetic acid and then carrying out the separation with developing solvents. Observations are recorded for both daylight and ultraviolet light. T h e conditions for the separation of the metal-8-quino~inolcomplexes from chloroform solution by absorption on silica columns and eluting with chloroform have been determined by Hilliard and Freiser ( 7 6 ) . The solutions of the complex with aluminum, gallium, indium, and zinc are easily distinguished by their fluorescence, 8-Hydroxyquinaldine seems to offer some promise as an analvticaI reagent (1%). FIuorescent solutions are produced when zinc, cadmium, and aluminum salts are added to molten8-hydroxyquinaldine a t 100' C.; and lanthanum. gallium, indium. and scandium give yellow fluorescent precipitates from water s d u tions. The thorium complex with this reagent precipitates from acetic acid solution upon the addition of aqueous ammonia. The paper chromatography of the cations with six different substituted 8-quinolinols has been studied by Fernando and Phillips (45). I n several cases distinct differences from the normal 8-quinolinol were noted. For example, 2-methyl-8-quinolinol does not give a precipitate with aluminum in water solution but does form a fluorescent spot on filter paper. Kakita and Goto ( 8 7 ) have used cochineal and rhodamine B a4 well as 8-quinolinol as fluorescence reagents in paper chromatography experiments with the cationq. These workers used the techniques of brushing on the reagents after drying the chromatograms and also soaking the papers in thr reagent before immersing in solutions of the metallic ions The fluorometric microdetermination of sodium seems to be veil successful using the paper chromatographic technique with Tine uranyl acetate as a developing agent (169). Fluoride. Killard anJ H x t o n i f S i ) have made an extensive study of fluorometric reagents for thr analysis of fluorides. Excellent results for micro quantities of fluoride were 0btaine.J with the aluminum-morin reaction in alcohol and aluminum with 8quinolinol The aluminum-moriri reaction for the determination of fluoride ha. also been used by Spriicr and his associates (164). The method thcit wems to be the most piomising for the determination of micro quantities of fluoride has been described by Powell and Savlor (139). These authors found the aluminum complexes with Superchrome Garriet Y and Eriochrome Red B most suitable for this determinatioii. The former is the better reagent and gives a very intense vello\v fluorescence with aluminum. Standard solutions are m:& with the aluminum dye complex and the decrease in fluorescenw on the addition of fluoride is measured. Phosphate doe- not seriously interfere. The range of 0.2 to 1007 of fluoride is rovprpd with considerable accur a cy . The monitoring of the fluoride concrntration in the atmosphere has been accomplirhed with the magnr~ium-8-quinolinol complex in a continuous recorder ( 2 4 2 5 ) . Uranium. The current interest in the discovery of new sources of uranium has necessitated the analysis of uranium in a wide variety of materials The fluorometric methods and apparatus in current use a t the U. S.Geological Survey are described in a booklet ( 6 7 ) which may be obtained from the survey .I review of the chemical methods for the determination of uranium has also been given by Rabbitts (142). Thi- subject has also been reviewed by Price e t al. (140) and Zimnierman (193). A series of articles on the determination of uranium has been published by Xakanishi (124, f25). The methods of uranium analysis used in Belgrade are described by Draganic (35). A general study of this subject has been made by Javobs (84). An investigation on the determination of uranium iri phosphoric acid has been conducted by I'eaman (191). For the isolation of micro quantities of uranium from biological matwial Glover (62) recommends precipitation of uranium with protein as a uranium-protein complex prior to the fluorometric detrrmination The fluores-



V O L U M E 2 6 , NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 4 cence of uranium in concentrated sulfuric acid may be used for its determination (187). Analysts using the fluorescence of uranium salts measured through narrow band filters will be interested in the article by Sevchenko et al. (158)in which are reported the fluorescent spectra of the various hydrates of uranyl nitrates. There is considerable variation between the hydrates and it appears that the previously published data correspond chiefly to the monohydrate. Aluminum. The reagent Pontachronie Blue Black R has been found successful for the direct determination of aluminum in sea water ( 1 1 B ) and in beryllium ( 3 7 ) . In the latter case iron is removed by extraction with methyl ethyl ketone. The fluorometric determination of alurpinum with the chloroform extract of the 8-quinolinol complex is the subject of a n 11-page bulletin by Zimmerman (194). The application of this method to the determination of aluminum in bronzes shows excellent results (65). Aluminum ran be determined in copper-base alloys without the removal of iron by titration with fluoride when morin is used as a fluorescent indicator (98). Beryllium. The use of niorin for the determination of beryllium has been the subject of many papers mentioned in previous surveys. -411 intensive study of this niethod for beryllium has been reported by Laitinen and Kivalo (104). The high purity morin necessary for this determination ran nou- be obtained from several commercial sources. Additional reports on the beryllium-morin reaction have been made by Blair ( 1 G ) and Welford and Harley (181). The determination of beryllium in ores with the fluorometric reagent, 1,4-dihvtlrosvanthrnquinone is finding successful application in India ( 1 2 ) . Rare Earths. The possibility of using the fluorescence of solutions of the rare eavths for analytical purposes is being investigated by Huke and his associates (79). Variations in the fluorescent Ppectra of these solutions seem to offer some possibilities in this respect. The previously reported fluorescence of samarium and gadolinum in borax has been shown by Zsidel and Malakhova ( f C Wto ) be due to other rare earths. Fluorescence in the rare earth minerals according to Haberlandt (70) is enhanced by lead and decreased by t,he presence of iron. The results of analytical studies on the fluorescence of samarium in calcium tungstate and sulfate have been reported by Peattie and Rogers (133) Minerals, The effects of heating, cooling, crushing, etc., on the fluorescence of minerals have been studied by MeDougall (113). Mackay (115)has reported on the determination of columbite by ultraviolet light. While fluorescence x-ray analysis is not included in this review i t should be noted in connection with the mention of columbite t h a t x-ray fluorescence seems to have solved the difficult problem of analysis of minerals for niobium and tantalum. X paper ( 2 1 ) describing the dekrmination of niobium and tantalum was part of a symposium on the application of x-ray fluorescence analysis. Review papers on this techniquealso~verepreseiitedatthesymposium(7,51,127). Ultraviolet light inspection of samples of sillimanite has been shown to be a n important application of fluorescence ( 4 8 ) ; kyanite seems to be the only sillimanite mineral that shows a fluorescenre. Miscellaneous Elements. The use of zinc and cadmium sulfides and silicates as fluorescent tracers of atmospheric dusts has distinct advantages over many other materials (136). These phosphors are easily identified as single psrtirlea. They are inexpensive and do not normally occur in the atmosphere. Lead can be detected in amounts as loiv as O . l y by the fluorescence of the lead iodide-cadmium iodide precipitate which new fluorescent reagent is produced in water solution (162). for tin has been discovered by Anderson and Garnett (2). The reagent is the ammonium salt of 6-nitro-2-naphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid and i t produces an intense blue fluorescence with as little as l y of stannous tin. Propylthiouracil serves to detect, O . l y of copper as a red fluorescent spot on a glass slide ( $ 2 ) . Thiamin has been reported by Wachsmuth ( 1 7 7 ) to produce an extremely delicate test for zinc, phosph:bte, and silicate. The

sensitivity for zinc is one part in lo6, for phosphate 0.25 part in 108, and for silica 0.2 part in 107. Since chemiluminescence and fluorescence come under the same general classification, i t is thought appropriate to mention here the application of siloxene as an oxidation lumineqcent indicator (94, 95) and as an indicator for the titration of lead with chromate (96). Lucigenin is rectommended (40) as an acid-base luminescent indicator. One advantage in these luminescent indicators is the ease of detection of the end point with a photoelectric cell. BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS

An article by Schulz et al. (164) on experiences with fluorescence in the analysis of milk and dairy industry products describes a number of interesting applications of fluorescence analysis. For example, the activity of bacterial cultures containing riboflavin reductive systems can easily be followed and the degree to which milk has been heated is indicated bl- the riboflavin destroyed. The general application of fluorescence to research in medicine is discussed by Rosental (148). Niccolini ( 1 2 6 ) has written a general article on the w e of fluorescence, analysis in biology and pharmacology. The application of the fluorescence microscopy has been the subject of a number of papers-for example. the use of fluorescent dyes in staining bacteria (6, 36), the appliration of the fluorescent microscope to fundamental biological investigations (117, 167), the determination of atabrins deposited in the membranes (93). and the t,racing of carcinogenic hydrocarbons in the skin and stomach wall of mice (128). X very inPtructive booklet giving many directions for the fluorescence mirroscopy of biological materials may be obtained from the S e w York representative of the Reichert Optical Co. (147). For the determination of fluorescein passing through capillaries of a rabbit’s ear Lichter and Schiller (110) place a photomultiplier tube over the ocular of a microscope and examine the ear under illumination with ultraviolet light. The investigations of Ilina (81) on fluorescence methods in the determination of carcinogenic products which were mentioned in a previous review have been continued and the fluorescent specnt,ra of these materials at the temperature of liquid air have been determined. The fluorometric determination of the ePtrogens has been investigated by Braunsberg (16) and he hap rworded his results on the comparison of five methods in an excellent article. Other informative experiments on this determination have bern published by a number of authors (46, 63, 163). Thtx tluoresccrire spectra. the absorption spectra, and the relation of rsciting wave length to fluorescence intensity of estrone, estradiol. and estriol :we reported by ilitken and Preedy (1j. These authors shon- that the order of decreasing efficiency of the exciting wave length W:LS as fo1lon.s: 4358, 3650, 4678, 4047, 4800, 5086 A . The first two of these are satisfactory for exciting the fluorescence. Strickler and his associates (166) in a paper at the Pittsburgh analytical conference reported on t,heir experiments on the analysis of steroids in urine, The successful application of the fluorometric method of determining estrogens in urine are also recorded by others (:?, 73, 176). An apparatus for examining paper chromatograms of steroids has been described b>- Haines and Drake ( 7 1 ) . T h r method of observation is based on the high absorptive propertics of the steroids for short-ivave ultraviolet radiation in the vicinity of 2500 .4. -1short-wave, 8-watt germiritlal lamp is placed in the bottom of a small box. X glass plate rovered with a zinc silicate phosphor is placed on top of the box with the phosphor on the underside. The papergram to be examined is placed between the lamp and the phosphor. The steroids appear as dark spots against the green fluorescence of the phosphor. This method hap been successfully applied by Shull and others (161 ). A study of the transformation of adrenaline, noradrenaline, adrenalone. and noradrenalone to fluorescent compounds shows

132 that of these compounds only adrenaline will produce a fluorescence under the selected conditions and its fluorescence is greater if oxidized in acid rather than in sodium acetate solution (131) A comparison of the fluorometric t o the biological method of determining adrenaline in venous blood showed t h a t the two varied considerably but the noradrenaline values were about the same by both methods ( 1 9 ) The effect of pH on the fluorescence of adrenaline and its analogs have been studied by Supek (168). Directions for the separation and fluorometric determination of adrenalinelike substances are givrn by several authors (108, 116, 165). Tyrosinase has been shown by Mylon and Roston (1d l ) to serve as a catalyst for the oxidation of adrenaline and increases the effectiveness of the fluorescent method for the determination of catechols. A method for the detection of some precursors of adrenaline by paper chromatography has been described by Shepherd and West (169). An excellent paper has been published by Schwartz and his associates (155) on an improved method for the determination of urinary coproporphyrin. This article describes critical tests of the factors involved in this analysis, fluorometric standards, filters, the excitation wave length, and a modified fluorometer using a 1P21 photomultiplier tube. Concentrations from 0 to 5 y of the coproporphyrin per 100 ml. gave a straight-line relationship with fluorometer readings. This analysis for coproporphyrins and the construction of a fluorometer using a 931-A. photomultiplier tube is also described by Germek (60). Weber and Ruedic (180) claim that the fluorescence of porphyrins is much stronger in sulfuric acid than in hydrochloric acid solution and recommend that the ether extract be shaken with 10% sulfuric acid Fukumura and Fujisawa (56) have suggested a method for the deterniination of urinary coproporphyrins based on the color of the fluorescence a t various concentrations. The quenching of the fluorescence of porphyrins and of chlorophyll has been studied by Livingston et al. (111) and this article should be of importance to those interested in the analysis of these substances. Since a recent book on vitamin methods by Gyorgy (68) covers much of the literature on this subject, only a limited number of references are given here. Gyorgy’s work is in two volumes. Volume I is devoted t o chemical, physical, and microbiological methods of analysis for the vitamins and contains a general discussion of fluorometric methods including the fluorescence microscope method for vitamin A in tissues. The appendix of this volume has a section covering commercial fluorometers. Volume I1 ( 6 9 ) of “Vitamin Methods” consists mainly of animal and biological assays but also includes supplementary material on the physical, chemical, and microbiological methods of volume I. Chemical methods for the analysis of vitamins were reviewed at the eleventh International Congress meeting in London ( 7 2 ) and at a meeting of industries in Brussels ($3). doyama and Fujita ( 4 , 63, 54) have improved the method of determination of vitamin 1 by chromatographic separations and by saponification of the fatty acid residues. In the determination of riboflavin with the Pfaltz and Bauer fluorometer a correction for the nonlinear response has been suggexted by David and Libbey (28) so that correct concentration vulues can he reatlilv obtained. The microdetermination of riboflavin and flavin nucleotides by filter paper chromatography is described by Yagi ( l,90j In this procedure the flavin derivatives are first determined together by the lumiflavin method and the various derivatives are then separated on paper using l-butanol with acetic acid as the developing solvent. The fluorometric method was used by Takada ( 1 7 0 ) for determining the riboflavin content in blood. A critical study of the lumiflavin method for riboflavin has been made by Yagi (188). The lumiflavin method has been employed for the estimation of riboflavin in plants (149) and in bacteria (190). The determination of riboflavin in the presence of other fluorescent substances is accompli8hed by using approIlriate secondary filters (‘78).

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY The use of cyanogen bromide in place of ferricyanide to convert thiamine to a fluorescent substance seems to have some advantages (55, 171). T h e concentration is not as critical and the method is described as rapid and accurate. A 1% solution of harmine is suggested as a new fluorescence standard for the thiamine determination (77). The paper chromatography of thiamine has been accomplished a t various pH values ( 4 5 0 ) and provides a means of separation from interfering substances. ,4n alkaline methanol solution of ferricyanide is used to develop the chromatogram. An extrapolation procedure for the assay of thiamine in the presence of inhibiting factors such as found in chocolate malt is described by Prokhovnik (141). Several new reactions of thiamine which present the possibility of this substance being used as a fluorescence reagent for the analysis of blood and several inorganic ions have been discovered by Kachsmuth ( 1 77). T h e possibilities presented are certainly attractive enough t o warrant further investigation. The fluorometric determination of nicotinamidrq is reported to be improved by selective absorption on ion exchange resins (89,gO). Paper chromatography has been proved useful in the determination of the metabolic products of nicotinic acid (86). An analysis for urinary pteridine derivatives depends on the fluorescence produced when these substances are oxidized by a milk oxidase (88). This is a paper chromatographic method, as is also one described for the xanthopterins by Weber and Hojman (179). An improvement on the fluorometric determination of 4-pyridoic acid, in which the sample is treated with alkali after the usual acid treatment in order to obtain a low blank, is reported by Moller (118). Acetoacetic acid in urine can be efficiently determined by the formation of a hydroxycoumarin through the addition of resorcinol in the presence of concentrated hvdrochloric acid which is neutralized with sodium carbonate, so t h a t the fluoreswnce is measured in an alkaline medium (109). A modification of the Schlesinger test for urobilin in urine consists of extracting the zinc urobilin complex with chloroform (99). The paper chromatographic and fluorometric determination of gitoxigenin, gitoxin, and purpurea glucoside B is described by Jensen (85). The effect of pH and the presence of salts on the fluorescence of terramycin have been shown to be important factors in the determination of this antibiotic in biological media (157). T h e conjugation of fluorescein iyith plasma proteins has been shown to be an efficient practical method of labeling proteins for the microscopic fluorescent observation of their passage in membranes (151). The fluorometric determination of the coumarin content of sweet clover has been sholvn to be very reliahle for small concentrations but becomes less accurate for higher levels (184). ORGANIC

A theory of fluorescence as related to chemical constitution of organic compounds has been elucidated by Oda and Yoshida (130) in an article in English from Kyoto University. Examples are given in a n attempt to show t h a t the intensity of fluorescence is governed by electron mobility and electron density. The quantum efficiencies of organic molecules in solid solution has been determined by Gilmore and his associates (61). The fluorescent measurements were made a t 77” K. The fluorescent spectra of several polycyclic hydrocarbons a t the temperature of liquid air have been recorded by ShpolskiI and others (160). While it is realized that the above references do not represent analytical methods, it is work of this kind that suggests applications to the analyst. The research on the identification of the o-hydroxycarbonyl compounds which has been in progress in India for some years is being continued. Results are reported (145) for the fluorescence of several more types of compounds which combine with boron in concentrated sulfuric acid and produce a fluorescence. Fluores-

V O L U M E 26, NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 4 cence tests for carboxylic acids may be conducted by condensation with resorcinol in the presence of a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid. On diluting wit’h water and neutralizing, a greenorange fluorescence results (120). The microchemical detection of 8-quinolinol and its derivatives by contact with aluminum oxide or magnesium oxide has been suggested by Feigl (41). A yellowish green to bluish white fluorescence results from either chemical combination or absorption. A new fluorometric method for the determination of Znaphtho1 has been devised by Huter (80). A solut,ion of 2-naphthol in wncentrated sulfuric acid fluoresces yellow. After standing or biting a blue-violet fluorescence appears which is due to a sulfonated product. A paper chromatogram of it reducing sugar may be developed by spra).ing with a 0.3% .qolution of p-aminohippuric acid and heating to 140’ C. Common hexoses and pentoses give an orange rolor which fluoresces strongly under ultraviolet light. Less than :t microgram of these sug:trs cnn be detected D-ith this reagent or u i t h phthalic acid (160). 13enmic acid can be detected on a paper chromatogram by *])raying with salicylic arid anti observing the intense blue fluorescence under ultraviolet light (182). A fluorescent reaction of acid amides and proteins which may have some analytical applicat,ions has been reported by Fujimori (52). These compounds with biacetyl produce a c1i:irncteristic fluorescence. A fluorescent test for cocaine is evident when cocaine or tropncocaine is warmed with rormaldehS.de-sulfuric acid; a striking ornnge-yellow fluorescence results ( 1 2 9 ) . The fluorescence of caffeine and trigonelline is used to observe the separation of t,hese coinpounds on paper chromatograms hefore their determination by absorbancy (100). Fluorescenre ineawrementu have long been used in the determination of qui nine. Kostyakov (102) anti Pechenkin (184) have shown the cffect of p H and the quenching effect of chloride ion on the fluorescence of quinine. The qualitative and quantitative determination of atabrin and rivanol lins also been given further study (103). -1fluorometric determination of hydrastine Lvhich is based on ita oxidation product is report,etl by Brochmann-Hanssen and 1,:vers to be specific, sensitive, and accurate (18). T h e second in :I series of articles by Goodwin and IiTavanagh ( 6 4 )on the fluorescence of coumarin derivatives :is a function of pH gives dat,a on 54 additional compounds. The fluorescence of organic compounds as related to functional group analysis is discussed by Heros (75). This author con(dudes t h a t fluorescence spectra i n conjunction wit’h changes in fiuorescence a t various pH values serves as a valuable means of irlentifying organic groups. fluorescence resulting from the photochemical reaction bet w e n resorcinol and 2 chloro-4-dimethyl-6-methylpyrimidine can be used to identify the latter. T h e pyrimidine dissolved in chloroform is spotted on a paper which has been freshly treated with resorcinol solution and is exposed to the radiation of a shortwave mercury vapor lamp. A sky-blue fluorescence results (49). I n a review entitled “Development and Prospects of Organic Spot Test Analysis” Feigl ( 4 2 ) discusses among other things the 1)ossibilities of fluorescence teats for organic compounds. The fluorescence spectra of 5-aminoacridine hydrochloride shoffs a continuous emission hct,ween 4270 and 5780 ’4. with a maximum a t 4470 t o 4650 A. This fluorescence has been applied i n the quantitative determination of the compound (38). . 4 I l investigation into the use of fluorescence in the analysis of petroleum and bitumen has been conducted by Efendiev (38). T h e fluorescent indicator adsorption method for the analysis of petroleum products has been advanced by the work of Criddle and LeTourneau (26). ?;ew fluorescent dyes have been applied which make the absorption boundary layers on silica gel more defined and the applicability of the method is considerably in.creased. This same technique has been used in the analysis of lacquer thinners (26, 39).

133 Paper chromatographic methods coupled with observation under ultraviolet light have been found useful in identifying the source of oil slick on river waters (74, 15.2). Kat2 and Sidorov ( 9 1 ) have used the fluorescence of the adsorbed products on an aluminum oxide column for the qualitative analysis of crude oil. An extensive study of the purification and identification of flavonid pigments has been rarried on by Wender and his aesociates (22, 34, 67, 186). Paper chromatography and adsorption on a n aluminum oxide column in the quantitative determination of quercetin and rutin have al*o been used by others (123, 176).


Aitken, E. H., and Preedy, J. R. K., J . Endocrinol., 9 , 251 (1953).

Anderson, J. R . .I., and Garnett, J. L., A n d . Chim. Acta, 8 , 3 9 3 (1953).

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Electroanalysis DONALD D. DEFORD Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston,


H I S review is a continuation of the previous survey ( 5 ) and covers the work of 1952 and most of 1953, as well as a few earlier papers which were not covered in the previous review. -4lthough this review covers only a 2-year period. the number of references cited is nearly equal to the number cited in the previous review which covered a 3-year period. .4 large part of this increased publication rate can be attributed to a rapidly widening interest in the new field of coulometric analysis, but the older and already well-developed methods continue to be extended and improved. BOOKS AND REVIEW ARTICLES

A comprehensive monograph on electroanalytical chemistry by Lingane (81) was published in October 1953. This excellent and timely book covers the theory of electroanalysis, controlled potential electrolysis, internal electrolysis, electrographic analysis, coulometric analysis, potentiometric titrations, and conductometric titrations. The book is devoted principally to a discussion of principles, methodology, and apparatus, although detailed procedures for carrying out several specific determinations are also included. A shorter and less comprehensive review by Lingane (82) appeared earlier. West (147) has reviewed the applications of electroanalysis in metallurgical analysis. Tutundzhic (142) has also reviewed the field, but his paper does not include the latest developments. Reviews of specialized fields of electroanalysis are mentioned under the specific topics to which they pertain. THEORY

It has not been possible t o include in this review a consideration of the papers in the field of fundamental electrochemistry, even though many studies in this field have potential application to .electroanalysis. Only those papers dealing specifically with elec-


troanalysis or with the deposition of trace quantities are discussed. Gauguin, Charlot, and Coursier ( 6 0 ) have discussed the utilization of polarization curves in electroanalysis. The study of the deposition of trace quantities of metals from very dilute solutions continues to receive the attention of several groups of investigators. Work in this field has been reviewed by Haissinsky ( 6 9 , 7 0 ) . Rogers and coworkers (65, 66, 6 7 ) have reported further results of their studies on the deposition of trace quantities of silver. Curves of cathode potential us. percentage of silver deposited showed plateaus in the region where approximately one monolayer had been deposited ( 6 7 ) . These workers explain their results by postulating the existence of “active centers” on the electrode surface (%5. 6 7 ) . Rogers (118) has also studied the distribution of trace elements between an aqueous solution and a mercury cathode in order to shed some light on the mechanism of the deposition proceni. Danon and Haissinsky ($8, %5) :tnd also Coche (Si?, 34) have studied the deposition of trace quantities of bismuth. Both again postulate “active centers” and point out the importance of adsorption in the deposition process. Coche ( 3 2 ) has also studied the deposition of lead and polonium. Mills and Willis ( 9 2 ) have studied the deposition of traces of several metals by the method of charging curves; this method is extremely sensitive and should prove very useful in further studies in this field. Lietzke and Griess (80) have studied the deposition of ruthenium from very dilute solutions and have postulated a catalytic hydrogen reduction mechanism to explain their results. Schweitzer and Wilhelm (124) have studied the spontaneous deposition of radiosilver on various metals. A11 workers in the field of trace deposition have pointed out t h a t the nature of the electrode surface has a profound influence on the deposition process. Work in the field is greatly hampered by the difficulty of obtaining welldefined and reproducible surfaces.