Fluorometric Determination of Thiamine and Riboflavin in Mixtures

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V O L U M E 2 8 , NO. 6, J U N E 1 9 5 6 the exact surfacbc aiea were known. I n any case, it is dernonstrated that there is an interaction of the fluoride ions and the ground glasses.

Table I\.. Removal of Fluoride Ions from Glass 13: Sodium €13 droxide Solution 111.

F in Recovered Soln.. 1Ig./Liter

son ~

20 1 4.2 .3 5 1 :3 0.2 0 0


f Reinoved iron, Glass (caicCi.), 1 0 - 1 irg.

the plastic containers are used, this disparity is no longer encountered. QCKNOWLEDG31ENT

The author wishes to acknon-ledge the suggestions made b y J. H. Simons, the analysis of over 200 samples by IT. R. Smith, student assistant, the samples of ground borosilicate glass s u p plied by Corning Glass IVorks: and the sponrorship of the Lngineering arid Industrial Experiment Station.

Soft Glns-


. .


18.7 10.4 2 .0 0 4 0 .0 __


Boro-ilicate Glass



200 __


0.5 0.0


lis. li

2 0

0 0 __


Disparity in rcsnlts o h t a i n d in the determination of the flnorine content of w\-atrr stored in glass has resulted in a change to the rise of polyethj.lcnc containers in the author's laboratory for collection and storage of fluorine-containing n-aters. When

Kater Work3 .i.jsoc.. C'oiniiiittee Heport. J . &4n1. Water Works Assoc. 33. 1975-8 (1941). ( 2 ) .hi, Kater Works Assoc~..Subrominittee 8-11, C'onimittee Keport, J a n . 2, 1953, p. 13. (3) Fellenberg, T. van, Potterat. I[,,J l i t f . G'ehiefe Lebem771. H u g . 4 0 , 146-66 (1949). (4) Green. Henry. J . Fra7iklitz Inst. 192, 637-06 (1921,; 204, 713-29



(1927). ( 5 ) SIcClure, F. J., ISD. ESG.( ' H E M , , .kx.u,. E D . 11, 1i1-3 (1939). (6) ALatuszak, 11.P., Brown. D . I