May 18, 2012 - F&M SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (7), pp 99A–99A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60213a806. Publication Date: June 1964...
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In the final analysis.. it's F&M


E a c h of the peaks in this chromatogram represents less t h a n 10 picograms (10 χ 10"12 grams) of the identified pesticides, too little to weigh even on the most sensitive lab balance. Yet the F & M

Series 810 Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h " s a w " t h e m with ease. Nor is this an exceptional case: with its multiple detector options, the Series 810 has a high sensitivity to an almost endless list of compounds. • I t s pulsed voltage electron capture detector is accurately sensitive to picogram quantities of halogenated compounds, organo-metallics and polycyclic hydrocarbons. • I t s dual flame ionization detector readily analyzes most organic and biological compounds to nanogram

quantities. • The long established dual

thermal conductivity detector picks u p almost any organic or inorganic substance, often at the


level. • T h e new micro cross-section detector gives a calculable quantitative response to any material in the carrier gas. • In addition, dual column operation of the Series 810 extends its ability to detect trace elements even in the face of column substrate bleeding a t high temperatures. And its compatible electrometer, which has a full-scale sensitivity of 1.0 χ 10"12 amps, greatly improves high-sensitivity operation. • Write for full details. F & M Scientific Corporation, R o u t e 41 and Starr R o a d , Avondale, Pennsylvania, phone

1215) 268-2281. E u r o p e a n


F & M Scientific E u r o p a N.V. Leidsestraat 67, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.



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VOL. 36, NO. 7, JUNE 1964


99 A