Scientific Corporation,. Route 41 and Starr Etoad, Avondale, Pennsylvania, phone(215) 268-2281. European subsidiary: F&M. Scientific Europa N. V., Bas...
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HIGH-PERFORMANCE BUDGET STRETCHER M a n y laboratories need a gas chromatograph t h a t possesses two almost opposite qualities: low cost and high per­ formance. • T h e $995.00 price of F & M ' s Model 700-00 Gas Chromatograph clearly meets the first requirement. B u t this in itself is no great accomplishment: others have done it. T h e difference is t h a t the 700 is a high-performance dual column gas chromatograph with m a n y features t h a t enhance its usefulness for modern GC analysis: inter­ changeable detectors, t e m p e r a t u r e programming, high t e m p e r a t u r e operation, flash vaporizer or on-column injection, regulated voltage supply for oven and detector heaters, easy oven and detector accessibility. • Write for full details on the Series 700 line of high-performance instruments whose modular design stretches your budget by permitting the addition of detectors a n d functional accessories only as t h e need arises. F & M Scientific Corporation, R o u t e 41 and Starr E:oad, Avondale, Pennsylvania, phone (215) 268-2281. E u r o p e a n subsidiary: F & M Scientific E u r o p a N . V., Basisweg, (Sloterdijk) Amsterdam, The Netherlands.




Circle No. 53 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 7, JUNE 1904


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