FMC Newcomer - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - Methallyl chloride polymers also are suggested by the company for evaluation in adhesives, protective coatings, molding powders, ...
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FMC Newcomer FMC takes a look at me*hallyl chloride and introduc .s it commercially JM^ETHALLYL



methyl-1-propene), a chemical new-' comer to Food Machinery and Chemical's recently formed Organic Chemicals Division, is expected by the company to find wide application in the resin and plastics field, as well as in organic synthesis. Methallyl chloride can be self-polymerized or copolymerized with a wide variety of reactive monomers, says FMC. Methallyl monomers, in fact, are said to show enhanced reactivity as co-monomers in free radical polymerization, a result of the electronegative nature of the carbon-to-carbon double bond in the methallyl structure. As an intermediate in organic synthesis, the compound is a versatile building block. Two highly reactive centers with an inherent ease of initiating reactions at one center while retaining the reactive possibilities of the other lend methaUyl chloride to use in synthesis of monomers, insecticides, fungicides, fumigants, and pharmaceuticals, according t o FMC. Methallyl chloride polymers also are suggested by the company for evaluation in adhesives, protective coatings, molding powders, castings and laminates, safety glass liners, and specialty rubbers. The compound is being introduced at a price of 5 0 cents per pound, f.o.b. Baltimore in drum through tank car quantities. C1

New Surfactant Line A line of nonionic surface active agents for general industrial use will soon be offered by Olin Mathieson's industrial chemicals division. T h e n e w Poly-Tergent line will initially consist of four members, with others t o follow. Company says this group contains alkyl phenol polyglycol ethers, all liquids made from petroleum-base materials. Poly-Tergent B-200 is described as useful in solvent systems as a detergent and dispersant. As an emulsifier, it may be used alone or in combination with more hydrophilic types to prepare insecticide emulsions, leather fat liquors, cosmetic creams, and oil and

grease removers. It can also be used for sludge dispersion in fuel oils. A second compound, Poly-Tergent B-300, possesses outstanding properties as a wetting agent, detergent, emulsifier, and dispersant, says company. It is completely soluble in water up to 52° t o 5 6 ° C. and i n some organic solvents, and is said to be a good foamer. Company says it should find a wide range of applications in the leather, paper, and chemical fields. Poly-Tergent G-200 is designed primarily to serve as an emulsifying agent and associate emulsifier. Olin Mathieson says its properties indicate its usefulness in solvent type industrial cleaners, cosmetic preparations, and hair grooming lotions. The last compound, Poly-Tergent G300, is completely soluble in water u p to 62° to 70° C. and in a number of organics. It is said to give good emulsions* with aromatic solvents, chlorinated paraffins, and vegetable oils, and to b e outstanding for wetting and suspending such materials as clay, pigments, carbon black, and red iron oxide. All of the Poly-Tergents are offered in tank car quantities, also in 5- and 55-gal. drums. C2 > Textile softener offered by Arnold, Hoffman is said to perform effectively on cotton, viscose and acetate rayons, nylon, Orion acrylic, and other synthetic fibers. Called Ahcovel X57, compound has such characteristics as ease of solubility in warm (120° F . ) water, high degree of substantivity, low foaming properties, and compatibility with most resin catalysts. Company says it is also notably resistant to washing, scorching, and yellowing, and will not contribute to chlorine-retention damage. C3 > American Cyanamid has expanded its line of organic phosphate insecticides to include methyl parathion technical. Company says the material will be stocked at strategic locations throughout t h e South. C4 • Epoxy cements, adhesives, and sealants line offered b y Emerson & Cuming is known as Bccobond. Company says line includes low viscosity type pastes and powders with some of the materials featuring a one-part system. The compounds are said to require no catalyst or curing agent but can be cured by heat alone. C5 • Adhesive, Rubbaseal, by Rubba, Inc.,

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18, 1957 C&EN



Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds I

Number 15 i n








edited by t h e staff of 11 II 11 || || || || || || || ||

and A systematic tabular presentation of accu- i Industrial rate data on the physical properties of 511 Engineering organic cyclic compounds compiled by R . R. 1 Chemistry Dreisbach of the Dow Chemical Co. These comprehensive and basic data were determined for specially prepared, high purity compounds. In addition to the precisely measured properties the author has calculated new values for many constants based upon his new experimental values.


i s self-sealing type which company says simplifies the manufacture of selfsealing envelopes and self-adhering shirt-wrapping bands. C6 • Adhesive Products is offering Styrogrip, said to b e an improved styrofoam adhesive. Styrogrip makes possible, says company, a bond between styrofoam and plywood, iron, or concrete block. C7

|| ||

• Dehumidifying compound offered by Speco is said to absorb up to 10 times its own weight in moisture from the air. Unit, called Hum-I-Dri, consists of a bag of activated chemicals suspended on a wire frame above a drainage drip pail. Company says Hum-I-Dri requires no baking or drying out and remains active until the chemicals entirely disappear. C8 • Chromate

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coating for

aluminum and its alloys, Ker-ChroMite AL, offered b y Kosmos ElectroFinishing Research, imparts a yellowish protective coating o n high purity aluminum as well as on high silicon-bearing alloys, company says. Product is in concentrated solution form, requiring dilution u p to 100 volumes for processing. C 9 r Adhesive b y Adhesive Products has been developed especially for use in belt and handbag manufacture. Company says Sealgrip need b e applied only to one surface for strong bond.

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r Epoxide casting resin by Emerson & Cuming, Stycast 1090, is said to be of extremely l o w weight, weighing less than half of commonly used materials. Also company says resin has negligible moisture absorption and low dielectric constant and dissipation factor. The compound which can b e cured at room temperature may be used t o embed electronic assemblies or it can b e used as a sealant and in manufacture of plastic tools. C 11 • M e t a l w o r k i n g lubricant coating f o r

plug and rod drawing of stainless and alloy tubing has been introduced b y H. A. Montgomery Co. of Detroit, Mich. Designated EP-Coat, the coating series is said t o eliminate use of chemical undercoatings commonly used in cold drawing of stainless, Hastaloy, and other alloy tubing. C 12

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