Food and the consumer - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Food and the consumer. Robin A. Hillman. J. Chem. Educ. , 1982, 59 (4), .... FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb to step down. In a move that has stunned ...
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media exchange Flash cards are generally found in t h e elementary classr w m , b u t occasionally there is a set t h a t would find some use in the secondary classroom. Many of us have used makeshift flash cards in our studies in college, perhaps for a review for those finals. Cathy Byron has reviewed a series of sets t h a t would be applicable for your chemistry classroom.

Rochester lnaitute of Technology P.O. BOX9887 Rochester. NY 14623

D€ LlRRlf JUDICIA Food and the Consumer AmihudKramer. AVI Publishing Co., Inc.. Westport, CT. 1980 rev.

Vis-Ed Chemistry Summary Cards: Organic, Inorganic, Chemistry Nomenclature Format: Prlce: Supplier:

Flash card style with detailed information on the backs. $3.95, $3.95, and $2.50. respectively Visual Education Association 581 West Leffel Lane P.O. Box 1206 Springfield, OH 45501

These cards would be best used by the instructor a s ready reference for extra drill equations t o balance and complete. They could be used in flash card fashion or a s references for teacher-made worksheets/materials. T h e organic cards are, in my opinion, tw advanced for the secondary-level chemistry course. They might be utilized by a few teachers in a n advanced-level class or with advanced students, h u t in t h e standard classroom I feel thev would be of minimal use. T h e chemistry nomenclature cnrds would be ideal for drill activities for imall arouu.; in anv bniic rh~rnistrvclnss. 'llhev would give practicein &ting balanced formuias and in Laming compounds. These were t h e most practical of all three sets. An extensive list is given for t h e instructor, listing all t h e possible combinations and names for each. CATHY BYRON Forsym High Schwl Forsflh,MT 59327















ammonium CATION


ed., $8.50 (PB).

1 This is a revised edition of a book first published in 1973. The first edition was written when the Clubof Rome had just published "The Limits to Growth" with its message that uncontrolled population growth and the wastage of nonrenewable resources would soon lead to hunger and mass starvation. In fact, it has proved to he energy and not f o d which provides the main constraint to growth; indeed, as the author points out in his preface to the new edition: "by controlling our environment in such a way as to maximize faad resources,we have the opportunity for an orderly, steady progression toward a peaceful and prosperous global era. . . ." In our so-called develooed sacietv there is a hwe eao . between what the consumer wants and ;hat he needs. Although the government and the food industry have attempted to educate the consumer, most consumers are not highly motivatedtolearn about the science of food and nutrition. There is, however, clearly a need by all involved to persist in their attempts at educating the consumer and replacing myth by fact. With this background, the author's aim is to provide a nontechnical source of information about the food we need. This is not a chemistrv


cation, for it is written in a mature and demandingthough interesting and well-written style. A science hackground is undoubtedly a help to the reader though not absolutely essential. It will form a sound background to a scientifically based food and nutrition course provided that it is suoolemented hv. oractieal work and hv additional .. . rhrmiral and othrr ;rirnr!t~cmntmnl. I t will he equally admirable fur w e by nonspecialist scientists f d l w h g s nonterhnirnl \unnwscty level course on fc,ud and nutritiun.'l'hrrc is n tremendws wealthof


discu&stthe orohlems develooed and develooine . .. countries and rwwdcrr dietary requirement;, nutritiunal diseasrs, mrasurrmcnt of fmd arceptatdity, quality runtrul, and so on. The final chapter, rntitlrd "Food c,f the Furwr,"cmsiders first how a study of recent trends can help to prepare for the future and then examines ways of reducing the margin between prduction and retail costs and methods of increasing food supplies. The author believes that ideally only a global strategy can provide a truly satisfactory solution to the problem, hut there are acute problems in achieving this. Meanwhile. we should execute more limited nromams . " on a local basis. mauring, fur example, that I he wastr* oin eiry nrr sprayed or spread