Food Flavor - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

^onell Chemical Senses Center, 3500 Market Street,. Philadelphia, PA 19104 ... depend on many factors such as genotype and origin of berry (1,2). In g...
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Chapter 19

Why Naturally Healthy Berries May Be Seen as Unpleasant and Non-Appetitive? 1 2

2 3


M . A. Sandell ' '*, K. M . Tiitinen ' , T. A. Pohjanheimo , H . P. Kallio , and P. A. S. Breslin Downloaded by UNIV QUEENSLAND on April 29, 2013 | Publication Date: September 30, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0988.ch019



^onell Chemical Senses Center, 3500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry and functional Foods Forum, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland "Corresponding author: [email protected]

Given the variety of essential nutrients, berries such as strawberry, sea buckthorn and black currant are a good choice for a healthy food. However, they may be tasted as unpleasant for many reasons. Strawberry flavor depends on a ratio of sugars and acids and is sensitive to numerous pre- and postharvesting factors. Both the sea buckthorn and black currant are naturally sour, bitter tasting and highly astringent. This chapter focuses on a relationship between chemical composition and flavor of selected berries. Taste is a strong component of berry flavor. In addition, quality of berry taste might also depend on which form of taste gene we possess. Consumers live in their own personal sensory worlds.

© 2008 American Chemical Society In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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220 A high nutritional value has become one of the main factors in food and diet selection. In addition to the health promotion, the sensory qualities of food products are important to consumers. The sensory properties such as taste, aroma and appearance have a large impact on food choice. Strawberry {Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) and black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) are regarded in their entities as high value food products and good sources of many nutritional components such as vitamin C, mineral elements and essential fatty acids (Table I). In general, they are full of water and their energy level is low. They are free of lactose, cholesterol and gluten. Compared to orange these berries would be also a good choice for daily diet and healthy lifestyle. Despite their positive nutritional value, consumers find them often unpleasant because of their strong sensory properties, especially taste. Berries are rich in healthful phytonutrients and sensitive to quality changes in different ways. The chemical composition of strawberry and sea buckthorn depend on many factors such as genotype and origin of berry (1,2). In general, the correlation between food healthiness andflavorfulnessmight be weak. Many of the plant phytonutrients such as polyphenols, terpenes and carotenoids are thought to be bitter tasting (5). Consumers live in their own personal sensory worlds, which may result in their expressing very personal food preferences. This chapter focuses on the relationships of 1) healthfulness and unpleasant flavor and 2) chemical composition andflavorby using different berries as model food samples. The aim of this study was to better understand the physicochemical factors of berry composition contributing the taste properties and furthermore on the pleasantness.

Table 1. Average amounts (g) of selected nutritional components in 100 g of the edible portion of selected berries compared to orange. Energy (8000 kJ) Fat Organic acids Sugars Fibre (25) Linolenic acid Linoleic acid Vitamin C (0.075) Ca (0.080) Na (0.001) NOTE:

Strawberry 180 0.2 1.6 8.4 1.9 0.064 0.064 0.060 0.021 0.0007

Sea buckthorn 329 5 2 6.3 6 0.250 0.090 0.165 0.042 0.0035

Blackcurrant 200 0.4 2.7 7.8 5.8 0.045 0.027 0.120 0.072 0.005

The recommended daily intakes are inside the parentheses. National Public Health Institute of Finland (2005).


In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Orange 180 0.3 0.6 8.9 2.1 0.032 0.028 0.051 0.054 0.0016


Materials and Methods

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Strawberry Varieties 'Senga Sengana*, 'Jonsok', 'Korona', 'Polka', 'Honeoye', and 'Bounty' were cultivated by professional farmers in Finland (4). Following the industrial mode of action, class I -type of berries were frozen immediately after harvest, pooled and stored for analyses. Four flavor attributes (sweetness, sourness, strawberry, fruity) and six odor attributes (total odor, sweet, green, fruity, strawberry, off-odor) of strawberries were evaluated with a trained panel (n=14) applying quantitative sensory profiling (QSP). A structured line scale of 0-10 was used. The evaluation was performed at the sensory laboratory in accordance with the ISO 8589-1988 standard. In addition, tristimulus color (L*, a*, b*, Hue, chroma) was determined using a Minolta CR 200 color meter. For the determination of sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) and acids (citric and malic acid) in juice the gas chromatographic analysis of TMS-derivatives were applied and soluble solids (°Brix), pH and titratable acidity were also measured as well (4). Total sugars were calculated as a sum of sucrose, fructose and glucose, and total acids as a sum of citric and malic acid. Volatile aroma compounds were extracted from the berry headspace by purge and trap isolation and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (5). Mineral elements (Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cd, Pb) were analyzed with atomic absorption spectrometer and vitamin C with HPLC (6). The standard statistical methods for parametric and non-parametric data matrices were applied in order to determine the differences between strawberry varieties. The characterization of samples were achieved by applying a principal component analysis (PCA) and multivariate regression analysis (PLS) to the data matrix using Unscrambler (Camo ASA, Oslo Norway).

Sea buckthorn 4

The varieties Avgustinka\ 'Oranzhevaya', 'Botanicheskaya' 'Trofimovskaya', 'Prozcharachnaya', 'Prevoshodnaya' and 'Raisa' were grown in Finland (7). The berries were handpicked fully ripe, pooled afterfreezing,and stored for analyses. Sensory profile attributes (fruity, sweetness, sourness, astringency, fermented flavor, strength of odor) of sea buckthorn were evaluated with a trained panel (n=l 1) by applying quantitative sensory profiling (7). In addition to the sensory profiling, the influence of chemical treatments on astringency was studied with the trained sensory panel (8). Treatments were: 1) added sweetness with sucrose-fructose or aspartame-acesulfame K solutions, 2) modified pH with HC1 or NaOH, 3) increased acidity with malic acid, 4) modified viscosity with

In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

222 egg white, 5) combination of sweetness and pH. Sugars and acids were measured from juice of thawed berries (7,9). The tristimulus color was determined using the color meter (7). Statistics were performed as described in strawberry.

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Black currant Variety 'Mortti' grown in Finland was studied. Black currant berries were handpicked fully ripe andfrozenfor study. Sensory quality was evaluated with a trained panel (n = 35). Consumer panel (n = 42) was asked to rank different 'Mortti' samples based on their pleasantness. In addition, sugar and acid composition of black currant juice were studied as trimethylsilyl derivatives using gas chromatography (4). Vitamin C was determinedfromthe diluted juices using a slight modification of a published HPLC method (6). Volatile aroma compounds were studied by SPME-GC-sniffing (10). Statistics were performed as described in strawberry. Preference mapping was used to explain the berry pleasantness by measured chemical composition.

Results and Discussion Strawberry In general strawberry is very pleasant. However, itsfruitis very perishable and susceptible to injuries. The quality of the strawberryfruitis determined by the chemical composition, the nutritional quality and properties perceived by our chemical senses. Many kinds of natural preharvest (genotype, climate, cultivation, maturity) and postharvest (harvest, post-harvest handling, packing, pre-processing treatment) factors have an effect on flavor (7). Also the method of processing affects the quality. Figure 1 shows the scatter plot of X-loading weights and Y-loadings with two dimensionsfrompartial least square analysis. It shows the importance of the different variables for PCI and PC2 components and can be used to understand the relationships between sensory properties (Y) and chemical composition (X). Our model includes 6 different strawberry varieties and all the measured variables, but only the most significant variables are included into the plot. Sweetness and strawberry flavor were located at the opposite side relative to sourness and strawberry odor. This indicates that taste is more important flavor component offrozenstrawberries than odor. In general, the regression revealed that 66 % of all the chemical properties explained 80 % of the variance in

In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

223 sensory properties when two components were used. The strongest predictors for sweetness within varieties were the ratio of total Sugars/Acid, sucrose, sum of fructose, glucose and sucrose (Sugars), methyl pentanoate, methyl butanoate, and pH.

Correlation Loadings (X and Y)

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•1.0 X-expl: 45%,21%

-0.5 Y-expl: 53%,27%




Figure 1. Strawberry PLS plot regarding the relations between sensory properties (bold) and instrumentally measured volatile compounds, sugars, acids, minerals and color variables. 'Sugars' is the sum offructose, glucose and sucrose.' Acids' is the sum of malic and citric acid.

Practically, all the steps in the life cycle of a strawberry fruit from anthesis to processing have been studied and many details are known. However, data related to the influence of factors on the overall flavor of strawberry fruit are somewhat limited (5,11,12). The taste is mainly perceived through the composition of sugars and acids. Volatile compounds of strawberry are responsible for the ortho- and retronasal part of the strawberry flavor. Although especially volatile aroma compounds of strawberry are important and well studied (13,14,15), for consumers one of the main quality factors measuring the good flavor of strawberry may be simply the ratio of sugar and acid components.

In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

224 Sea buckthorn

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In general the aroma of sea buckthorn is mild. However, the sourness and astringency of sea buckthorn are easily perceived as strong sensations. Because of these properties sea buckthorn berries are usually not liked by consumers. The berry is rich in malic acid. Of sugars, sea buckthorn contains onlyfructoseand glucose and no sucrose (7,9,16). From a nutritional point of view sea buckthorn berry and seed oil are rich in flavonoids, vitamin C and many oil-soluble bioactive phytonutrients such as tocopherols, tocotrienols, carotenoids and plant sterols that act like antioxidants (2,17,18,19,20, 21).



-1.0 -0.5 X-expl: 29%,2/% Y-expl: b1%,6%






Figure 2. Sea buckthorn PLS plot regarding the relations between sensory properties (bold) and instrumentally measured sugars, acids and color parameters. Reproduced with permissionfromreference 22. Copyright 2006. Figure 2 is formedfromthe sensory profile, the sugar and acid composition and different color properties. The regression revealed that 65 % of all the chemical properties explained 56 % of the variance in sensory properties when two components were used. Total sugar and sugar/acid ratio correlated positively with sweetness, and negatively with sourness and astringency. Total acid and titratable acidity correlated positively with sourness and negatively with sweetness. Fruity flavor had a positive correlation both with total sugar and sugar/acid ratio.

In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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225 Astringency in wines is an important sensory property and is caused by the presence of acids and phenolic compounds (22). However, in sea buckthorn the astingency is not a pleasant sensory dimension (23). When our trained panel ranked the treated juice samples by their astringency, the sensation decreased when the juice was sweetened with fructose and glucose. This was also found with sweeteners of equal sweetness. There was no difference whether the sweetening was performed with sugars or sweeteners. An increase in malic acid concentration also increased the astringency. The influence on astringency was not significant when the pH of untreated juice was lowered with HC1 to an equivalent level of juice with malic acid addition. An increase in the juice's original pH of 2.9 to 3.1 either with NaOH or egg white decreased astringency. Neither proteins nor increased viscosity in juice with egg white affected the perception. This study suggest that astringency in sea buckthorn is mainly caused by malic acid and the effect of protein precipating phenolic compounds is not so evident.

Black currant Black currant is a good source of vitamins, phenolic compounds, fiber and essential amino acids (24,25,26). Its aroma is very unique and mainly caused by terpenes and esters (10). PCA-biplot (Figure 3) shows the relationship between measured non-volatiles and volatile compounds of black currant berries. In general, consumers find the berry as sour and bitter tasting. Based on preference mapping results black currant pleasantness had a positive correlation with sucrose,fructoseand malic acid.

Quality of berry taste and taste genes Each human carries their own distinctive set of the taste receptors, which gives them a unique perception of taste compounds and foods (27,28). For example, the perception of bitterness is known to be very complex and involves twenty-five putative TAS2R receptors. Humans' ability to detect bitter compounds that contain a thiourea (-N-C=S) moiety, such as phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and its chemical relative propylthiouracil (PROP), show a bimodal distribution that distinguishes two main phenotypes, sensitive and insensitive (29). This difference has been linked to variability in a single gene, HTAS2R38 gene, a member of the TAS2R family of bitter taste receptors. The sweet fruit Bignay (Antidesma bunius) is used as raw material in jam and wine manufacturing. Human's sensitivity to bitterness from Bignay is known to correlate inversely with their ability to taste bitterness of PTC (30) and moreover with the hTAS2R38 gene (37). While PTC-sensitive subjects rated

In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

226 PC2



ethyl butahoate ethyl 3-methylbutanoate camphene

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Malic acid Fructose

m sthyl butanoate




c/s-ocimene frans-ocimene beta-myrcene


aloha-Dhel andrene




Citric acid

limonene alpha pinene methyl hexanoate beta-piner e

terpinolene d-3-carene


X-expl: 65%,20%

Figure 3. Black currant PCA plot of non-volatile sugars and acids (bold) and volatile compounds.

bignay berry as sweet, PTC-insensitive subjects rated and described the same berry as bitter. PTC-sensitivity of every subject was tested with PTC following good sensory evaluation protocol and practise. The relationships among genotypes and perceived berry bitterness emphasize the role that taste genetics play in individual differences in berry perception.

Conclusions Strawberry, sea buckthorn and black currant are sources of many essential nutritive compounds. However, their flavor may be very unpleasant for consumers. Although aroma of these berries is an important sensory dimension, the effect of their taste on overall flavor and pleasantness is even more important. Different pre-and post-harvest factors are known to change the quality of berries for human consumers. Chemosensory psychogenomic studies have recently shown common genetic variations in human taste genes that cause individual difference in taste perception also with berries as well.

In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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In Food Flavor; Tamura, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.