For economy here monel-clad steel tube sheets can be re-used

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MONEL-CLAD STEEL TUBE SHEETS CAN BE RE-USED T h e Monel® cladding guards against corro­ sion. T h e steel base permits n e e d to scrap M o n e l - C l a d tube s h e e t s w h e n re-tubing. Y o u get solid metal advantages with clad steel e c o n o m y . W h e r e circulated liquid is brine or other­ w i s e corrosive, Monel-Clad tube sheets can be e x p e c t e d to give exceptional s e r v i c e . . . e v e n w h e n other metals have proved un­ satisfactory. Because of its high corrosion-resistance and its long life economy, Monel-Clad Steel has found w i d e acceptance in the petroleum and chemical industries where adverse con­ ditions are a threat to operating equipment. L u k e n s Monel-Clad Steel for tube sheets m e e t s the standards of the Tubular Ex­ changer Manufacturers Association. A uni­ form, 3/e in. thickness of Monel is perma­

nently bonded to A S T M A - 2 1 2 Grade Β backing. Cladding of this thickness will ac­ commodate the pass partition grooves and first hole t u b e groove. For your convenience, Lukens MonelClad Steel for tube sheets is stocked in r e a d y - t o - u s e standard plates. Thicknesses now available range from 2 in. to 4 in., in 1 A in. increments. For further information and prices on Lukens M o n e l - C l a d Steel, write directly to the Lukens Steel Company, 524 L u k e n s Building, Coatesville, P e n n . A n d for t h e tough jobs, Monel condenser tubing is available from stock in %" diame­ ter and wall thicknesses of 14 and 16 gauge. For sources of supply, write directly to Inco. THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY, INC. 67 Wall Street, New York 5, Ν. Y.



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