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The rapid acceptance of Nitroparaffins as solvents in the coatings industry is due to 5 distinct advantages: φ φ φ φ φ

Commercial availability G r e a t e r ease o f s o l u t i o n Medium evaporation High flash point Mild, nonpersistent o d o r

These characteristics of the Nitroparaffins are responsible for their widespread appli­ cation as powerful solvents for a wide vari­ ety of coatings materials. The resulting solutions have lower viscosities and pro­ vide better solvent release for improved flow and drying characteristics. The Nitropar­ affins are competitively priced and in some cases are more economical in cost per pound of film laid down (or, the cost per unit of coverage). Write for information on specific applica­ tions, and for technical data sheets and samples. Trained technical representatives can be reached through any CSC sales office, to work with you on your special problems.

C h e c k these uses ACRYLIC RESIN F I N I S H E S — 2-Nitro­ propane, used with anhydrous ethyl al­ cohol and toluene, gives solutions with a viscosity less than h a l f t h a t of competi­ tive formulas. With a n evaporation r a t e of 110, 2-Nitropropane improves flow and helps correct cobwebbing". Nitroinethane is a more rapid c u t t i n g solvent for methyl m e t h a c r y l a t e . Gives viscosities about 3 0 % of formulations based on methyl ethyl ketone at same solids content. BAKING E N A M E L S AND VARNISHES — Alkaterge-C is used a s a dispersing a g e n t for finely-divided silica used in m a k i n g varnishes a n d a s a dispersing a g e n t for carbon black in melamine alkyd resins. Also used in reducing t h e viscosity of pigment-oil m i x t u r e s , and as a pig­ m e n t grinding aid. Improves adhesion in metal primers. CELLULOSE E S T E R LACQUERS A N D DOPES —Nitroparaffins a r e the only sat­ isfactory medium-boiling solvents for

cellulose acetate and low butyral content cellulose acetate b u t y r a t e . They can also replace all but a small percentage of the chlorinated solvents ordinarily used for cellulose triacetate. EPOXY RESINS - 2-Nitropropane - A. medium evaporating solvent for lower molecular weight resins and an excellent solvent for t h e higher ones. When used in amine-catalyzed systems, it lays down excellent films with minimum crawling and pinholing. When used in solvent formulations, 2-Nitropropane permits use of maximum amount of aromatics t o give overall lower costs. EMULSION PAlNTS-2-Amino-2-methyl1-propanol ( A M P ) a s an emulsifying agent contributes excellent water resist­ ance to finishes. As an emulsifying agent in latex paints it helps prevent pigment flooding. It is also used to adjust pH of acrylic and butadiene-styrene emulsion paints t o minimize odor.

PAINT — 2-Amino~2-methyl-l~propanol (AMP) is used to prevent bodying in linseed oil based paints. PAINT REMOVER -Nitroethane is espe­ cially effective against synthetics. Addi­ tion of 20-25% 1-Nitropropane or 2Nitropropane to conventional paint and varnish removers greatly increases their effectiveness. RUBBER FINISHES A N D COATINGS — 1-Nitropropane and 2-Nitropropane are used a s gelling agents for latex paper coatings. VINYL RESINS - Nitroparaffins a r e the most powerful solvents known for the vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers producing much lower viscosities (pounds per gallon basis) and f a r less odor than the ketones. WAX EMULSIONS 2-Amino-2-meihyl1-propanol (AMP) used in combination with fatty acids to emulsify c a r n a u b a or other waxes in preparing self-polishing floor waxes. Imparts excellent w a t e r re­ sistance when used with ammonia. ZEIN — Nitromethane prevents viscosity increase in alcohol solutions of zein used, for coatings.



COMMERCIAL SOLVENTS CORPORATION 2 6 0 M A D I S O N A V E . , N E W Y O R K 1 6 , Ν. Υ . Boston · C h i c a g o · Cincinnati · Cleveland · Detroit · Houston · Indianapolis · Kansas City · L o s Angeles Louisville * Memphis · Milwaukee · N e w Orleans · N e wYork · Pittsburgh · St. Louis · San Francisco IN C A N A D A : R e l i a n c e C h e m i c a l s , L t d . , M o n t r e a l . IN M E X I C O : C o m s o l m e x , S . Α . , M e x i c o 11, D. F. 14



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