For liquid detergent formulations try the raw material with the world's

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For liquid detergent formulations try the raw material with the world's best references


400 Neolene 400 is an established high-quality hydrocarbon that has earned a key position, not only with the world's foremost processors, but also with smaller compounders everywhere. Sulfonates produced from Neolene 400 are particularly well suited for compounding in liquid formulations. Latest sulfonation method, using SO3 with Neolene 400, contributes to quality and production efficiency in liquid formula­ tions. This procedure does away with handling, storing and disposing of spent sulfuric acid. In addition to Neolene 400, you can count on Conoco for: WATER-SOLUBLE SULFONATES—produced from Neolene 400. Avail­ able as sulfonate slurry, sulfonic acid, or in spray-dried and drum-dried forms. OIL-SOLUBLE SULFONATES—manufactured by sulfonation of syn­ thetically produced hydrocarbon under closely controlled conditions. CONOCO H - 3 0 0 / a secondary plasticizer for vinyls—outstanding light stability , . . improved low-temperature flexibility . . . viscosity depressant and stabilizer. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE—Continental Oil Company is thoroughly experienced m the manufacture and application of sulfonates. Let us help you with your particular problem. Continental Oil Company, Petrochemical Department, Division E . 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, Ν. Υ.—1353 No. North Branch Street, Chicago, 111.—Export: Airco Company International, 60 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν Υ. CONOCO Petrochemicals

Petrochemical know-how from the ground up!

1956 Continental Oil Company