For Your Information

Arrow Dr., San Diego, Calif. 92106. 714-278-7342. • 25th Southeastern Regional .... their main office and laboratory from. San Gabriel to Cerritos, ...
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• 9th Western Regional ACS Meeting. Nov. 1-3. Convention Center, San Diego, Calif. Contact: David Pettitt, Kelco Research, 8225 Arrow Dr., San Diego, Calif. 92106. 714-278-7342 • 25th Southeastern Regional ACS Meeting. Nov. 7-9. Charleston Municipal Auditorium, Charleston, S.C. Contact: Robert L. Holmes, 5521 N. RhettAve., Charleston, S.C. 29406. 803-744-2505 m 15th Eastern Analytical Symposium and National Meeting, Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Nov. 14-16. Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York, N.Y. Contact: Roland F. Kirsch, Chemistry Dept., Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J. 07079. Page 987A, Oct. • 1973 Nuclear Science Symposium. Nov. 14-16. San Francisco, Calif. Contact: P. L. Phelps, Lawrence LivermoreLaboratory, L-523, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, Calif. 94550. Page 518 A, May • Midwest Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference. Nov. 1617. Milwaukee, Wis. Contact: P. G. McCormick, Marquette University, 535 N. 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 53233 • Symposium on Water Quality Parameters—Selection, Measurement, and Monitoring. Nov. 1921. Burlington, Ont., Canada. Contact: S. Barabas, Analytical Methods Research Div., Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ont., Canada. Page 308 A, Mar. • 34th Exposition of Chemical Industries. Nov. 26-30. New York Coliseum, N.Y. Contact: International Exposition Co., 200Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 • 29th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting. Dec. 5-7. El Paso, Tex. Contact: W. C. Herndon, Chem. Dept., University of Texas, El Paso, Tex. 79999. 915-747-5701 • 2nd Joint Conference on Sensing of Environmental Pollutants. Dec. 10-12. Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. Contact: Philip N. Meade, Instrument Society of America, 400 Stanwix St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Page 205 A, Feb. • Joint Conference on Computers in Spectroscopy. Dec. 17-19. Imperial College, London, England. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X8QX, England

Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Maintaining and Troubleshooting Chromatographic Systems Marriott Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D.C. Oct. 13-14. J. Q. Walker, M. T. Jackson, M. P. T. Bradley. $120 Principles of Color Technology Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 8-10. F. W. Billmeyer, Jr. $130 Modern Liquid Chromatography New York, N.Y. Nov. 17-18. L. R. Snyder, J. J. Kirkland. $110 Intermediate Gas Chromatography New York, N.Y. Nov. 17-18. H. M. McNair, R. S. Juvet, Jr., S. P. Cram. $120 Interpretation of Mass Spectra New York City. Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Don DeJongh. $110 Minicomputers and Interfacing Blacksburg, Va. Dec. 9-14. Raymond Dessy, David Larsen. $275 Scintillation Counting and Gamma Counting Two-days, scintillation; one-day, gamma; $95 and $45; $125, combined. Fullerton, Calif., Oct. 4-6; Lincolnwood, 111., Oct. 18-20; Mountainside, N.J., Nov. 8-10; Houston, Tex., Nov. 27-29. Contact: Donna Hirschon, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634. 714-521-3700, ext. 543 Infrared Spectral Interpretation Fullerton, Calif., Oct. 9-12; Lincolnwood, 111., Nov. 13-16; Mountainside, N.J., Nov. 27-30. Contact: Donna Hirschon, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634. 714-521-3700, ext. 543 Retention Data in Gas Chromatography St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 15-16. Eli Grushka. Contact: Washington University, Box 1048, St. Louis, Mo. 63130. 314863-0100, ext. 4778 Techniques of Infrared Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 22-26. $275. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 215-382-7800 Mass Spectrometry Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 12-16. $275. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 215-382-7800


Interpreting the Mass Spectra of Organic Molecules Marriott Motor Hotel, Houston, Tex. Nov. 12-16. F. W. McLafferty. $275. Contact: E. Bonelli, Finnigan Corp., 595 North Pastoria Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086. 408-732-0940 Gas Chromatography Toronto, Canada. Dec. 5-7. Contact: Varian Assoc, of Canada, 45 River Dr., Georgetown, Ont., Canada Liquid Chromatography St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 12-14. Contact: Varian Instruments, 9811 West Florissant, St. Louis, Mo. 63136

For Your Information West Coast Technical Service, Inc., specializers in chemical analyses by instrumental methods, have moved their main office and laboratory from San Gabriel to Cerritos, Calif. The lab now offers services in mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, GC/MS, thermal, infrared, and atomic absorption analyses. Dow Chemical U.S.A. now offers services for construction of highly specialized scientific glass apparatus through its Dow Interpretative Analytical Services. This custom glass fabrication will be supplied by 10 highly skilled glass blowers. Facilities are located at Dow's laboratories in Midland, Mich. Intelcom Rad Tech offers chlorine determinations as part of its activation analysis service. Results are usually available within two weeks after receipt of samples (within five working days or less, if required). The method consists of activating the chlorine 37 C with neutrons and counting the radioactive 38C1 which results. Fluorine, bromine, iodine, and some 70 other elements are routinely determined by activation analysis. For more information, contact: L. E. Kowar, Activation Analysis Service, P.O. Box 80817, San Diego, Calif. 92138. 714-453-5474 Cathodeon Ltd., Nuffield Road, Cambridge, England CB4 1TF, manufacturer of hollow cathode and deuterium lamps and a new low-noise infrared detector (IR50), is currently looking for dealers for its entire range of products for the USA and other countries. GCA/McPherson Instrument, makers of vacuum UV, visible, infrared, and electron spectrometers, have acquired the complete line of Heath/ Schlumberger spectrophotometers. C. G. Enke and H. V. Malmstadt, initiators of the designs for the equipment, have been retained as consultants to GCA/McPherson.