Foreign Patents: Method of rendering paper and similar substances

Foreign Patents: Method of rendering paper and similar substances waterproof. Daniel Fenton. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1879, 1 (5), pp 176–176. DOI: 10.10...
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PAULHUTH. Woermlitz : Lubn'calor. mhich wiil withstand hiArh tettipeiizfrrrts. (Germ. P . , No. 4219, May 19, 1878.)-10 t o 19 per cent. of aluminium oleate are dissolved in a hydrocivbon of high hoiliiig point.

JV, KELBE, Carlsruhe : Purij-mtzcitz L!/ d z ~ ' i utrtnining r o s t n ~ , (Engl. P. , N o . 880, March 5, 1878.)-50 kgs. of the oil are Iieatedwith H 1 of a solution of soda, 1.213 spec:. gr., and the rosin soap tliu.: ol,t:iincd is removrd l)y t l i t , :iddition of water. CH.IHL~:HSEALE M A Y , Devixes : k.'.xtrointic t ~ ~ r t i annrinrs q and phrnols. (Gerni. P., No. 4322, Feb. 26, 1878.j W l i i l e riimetliyl:iniline and aromatic tertiary monamines furnish green colors, phenols and henzotrichloride yield yellow, red and brown products; resorcin produces a substance which is very similar to tiuoresciin. Fit. GHAt:SELER. Cannstadt : Method f > t the prepayattoti cq- ~zntidoazohr~zzolsulfutric n