Foreign Patents: Treatment of sewerage and preparation of a manure

Publication Date: May 1879. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1, 5, 174-174. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first p...
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Rep ,rt on Foreign and American Patents relating to Chemistry.

Foreign Patents. Condensed f r v m K


Keport t o the German Chemical Society. by

H.E K D E M A N X .

MACTEAR, Glasgow : Utilizalion of h,t.-pruducts in the manufacture of(Engl. P., No. 815, Feb. 28, 1878.)-Treats on the preparation of calcium t)isulphite. ,JOHN HOLLWAY,London : Suiphur from zfiyites. (Engl. P., No. 500, Feb. 6, 1878.)-Tlie pyrites are broiight to R red heat rind then decomposed by the action of superheated steam. Sulphur and hydrogen sulphide are formed. In the caw of copper pyrites the residue consists of CuS and Fez OS. drsen tersulphide is removed from the distilled sulphur by means of soda or sodium sulphide. A . CLEYM, Mannheim : F'rrpnintion .I/ potiissium and sodilrm phosphnf z / r u m potassiunt or .rou'iuni striphair a d phwpkon'r wid. (Gerni. P., NO. 5588, .July 9, 1878.)-The sulphates are reduct:d by heating with cliarcoal, then par tially oxidized by a current of air when moistened with water, and perhaps also by allowing sulphurous acid to act upon the solution until only hyposulphites are present, which are decomposed by ptiosplioric wid. PETER STLART BROWH,Carrickfergus, 1rt:l;tnd : Ptepdriztion uf nnimoniunz su(phnfr. (Engl. P., KO. 804, Feb. 2 7 . 1878.-To :illow of the use of iron vessals, the gas-water is hut partially saturated, and during evaporation always kept iilkaline. Ammoniuni sulphnte is olitaincd a8 firat crystallization. CJUnide and sulpho-cyanide froin the mother liquors. JOHS I ~ A R R O \ Y , Clayton, i i e w Mancliesttir. ilfnnt~fnrturr of amnroniunr ~ d t iiird' s ~ ~ t d i z a t i a i(J]'z D~,poduit.r. (Engl. P , So. 891, March 5 , 1878.)-Gaswater is distilled with calcium sulphide from the purification of illuminating gas or other sources, and the distillate is brought into sulphuric or muriatic acids. The sulphuretted hydrogen is then utilized by converting it into sulphur or sulphurous acid. Bisulpliide of cnrbon is obtained by using an oil-scrubber. cJOlIs . i L F R E D $ h E P H I X , kf*;or(:eSter : .!f(Z#U,hXCtJlYt' :q.?/~u??IiiZ(Zfi#b~ A'fIJ'. (Germ. 1'. , So, 3856, JIarcli 19, 18$8.)-I-'ec.uliar ;ii>paratusfor the manufacture of carburetted wciter-gas. IIYK