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be evaluated as potential alternative disposal media. Department of Energy, Management of Commercially Generated Radioactive Waste (DOE/EIS-0046F, October 1980); Proposed Rule Making on the Storage and Disposal of Nuclear Waste (DOE/NE-0007, April 1980). (4) Oceanus 1977, 20(1); Hollister, C. D.; Anderson, D. R.; Heath, G. R. Science 1981, 213, 1321-1326; Park, P. K.; Rester, D. R.; Duedall, I. W.; Ketchum, Β. Η., Eds. "Wastes in the Ocean, Vol. 3, Radioactive Wastes and the Ocean", John Wiley & Sons, in press. (5) The Subseabed Disposal Program Plan lists 1988 as the anticipated date for the comple­ tion of the scientific and environmental fea­ sibility determination. This would be followed by the engineering development phase of the program. Subseabed Disposal Program Plan Vol. 1: Overview, SAN D81-0007/1 Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., July 1981. (6) Proceedings of the Sixth Annual NEASeabed Working Group Meeting, Paris, Feb. 2-5, 1981 ; SAND81-0427, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., July 1981. (7) Van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R.; Moore, T. C , Jr. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 1975, 143. (8) Laine, Ε. P.; Anderson, D. R.; Hollister, C. D. Program Criteria for Subseabed Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Site Qualification Plan, SAND81-0709, Sandia National Lab­ oratories, Albuquerque, N.M., December 1981 ; Laine, Ε. P.; Anderson, DR.; Hollister, C. D. Site Qualification Plan for the Subseabed Disposal Program In "Wastes in the Ocean, Vol. 3, Radioactive Wastes and the Ocean", Park, P. K.; Kester, D. R.; Duedall, 1. W.; Ketchum, Β. Η., Eds.; John Wiley & Sons, in press. (9) Heath, G. R.; Hollister, C. D.; Anderson, D. R.; Leinen, M. Why Consider Subseabed Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste In "Wastes in the Ocean, Volume III, Radio­ active Wastes and the Ocean", Park, P. K.; Kester, D. R., Duedall, I. W.; Ketchum, B. H., Eds.; John Wiley & Sons, in press; In­ vestigator Report Β in Subseabed Disposal Program Annual Report 1978, Vol. 2, SAND79-1618/11, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., February 1980. (10) Doyle, P. Micropaleontology 1979, 25, 337-364; Subseabed Disposal Program An­ nual Report, January to December 1980 (Appendix S), Hinga, K., Ed., SAND811095, Sandia National Laboratories, Albu­ querque, N.M., December 1981. (11) Frazer, J. Z. Mar. Min. 1977, /, 103-123; Frazer, J. Z. 1977, "Resources in Seafloor Manganese Nodules", In "Deep Sea Min­ ing"; Kildow, J. T., Ed.; MIT Press: Cam­ bridge, Mass.; Lenoble, J. P. Ocean Manage. 1981,7,9-24. (12) Appendix D in Subseabed Disposal Pro­ gram Annual Report, January to December 1979, Vol. 2, Talbert, D. M., Ed., SAND802577/11, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., April 1981; Appendix D, Subseabed Disposal Program Annual Report, January to December 1980, Hinga, K., Ed., SAND81-1095, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., December 1981. (13) Russo, A. J. Prediction of the Migration of Several Radionuclides in Ocean Sediment with the Computer Code IONMIG: A Pre­ liminary Report, SAND79-I666, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., May 1980. (14) Gartling, D. K.; Hickox, C. E. "MARIAH—A Finite Element Computer Program for Compressible Porous Flow Problems", SAND79-1623, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., August 1980. ( 15) Chavez, P. F.;Dawson, P. R. "Thermally Induced Motion of Marine Sediments Re­ sulting from Disposal of Radioactive Wastes", SAND80-1476, Sandia National Laborato­

ries, Albuquerque, N.M., January 1981. (16) Marietta, M. G.; Robinson, A. R., Eds. "Proceedings of a Workshop on Physical Oceanography Related to the Subseabed Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste", Big Sky, Mont., Jan. 14-16, 1980; SAND801776, Sandia National Laboratories, Albu­ querque, N.M., April 1981; Mullin, M. M.; Gomez, L. S., Eds. "Biological and Related Chemical Research Concerning Subseabed Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste": Report of a Workshop at Jackson Hole, Wyo., Jan. 12-16, 1981, SAND8I-0012, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., October 1981. (17) Subseabed Disposal Program Plan, Vol. 1 : Overview, SAN D81 -0007/1, Sandia Na­ tional Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., July 1981. (18) In 1981, for the first time the U. S. Budget was less than half of the total world budget (about 13 million for 1981 ). The U.S. portion of the subseabed research is expected to de­ crease during the near future as more countries have expressed an interest in the concept. Belgium, Canada, the EEC, West Germany, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States attended the 1981 meeting of the Seabed Working Group. (Anderson, D. R., Ed. Proc. Sixth Ann. NEA-Seabed Working Group Meet. Paris, Feb. 2-5, 1981, SAN D81-0427, Sandia National Laborato­ ries, Albuquerque, N.M., July 1981.) (19) Deep Seabed Mining, Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce, Washington, DC.

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FOREMOST McKESSON Kenneth R. Hinga is one of the technical program coordinators for the Subseabed Disposal Program. He is a biological oceanographer whose primary interest is in open ocean ecology. G. Ross Heath is Dean of the School of Oceanography at Oregon State University. His research interests include marine geochemistry and geology.

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D. Richard Anderson is a chemical oceanographer. He is the program man­ ager of the Subseabed Disposal Program and a division supervisor at Sandia Na­ tional Laboratories. Charles D. Hollister is Dean of Graduate Studies at the Woods Hole Océanographie institution. He is a senior scientist in the Department of Geology and Geophysics with research interests in sediment dynamics.

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