Forensic Science, Second Edition - American Chemical Society

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Simultaneous Separation of Inorganic Anions and Cations on a Mixed Bed Ion Exchange Column 2554

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Donald J. Pietrzyk* and David M. Brown, Department of Chemistry, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)

Thermospray Interfacing for Flow Injection Analysis with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry 2558 J. A. Koropchak* and D. H. Winn, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 111. 62901 Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)

Species Discrimination and Quantitative Estimation Using Incoherent Linear Optical Signal Processing of Emission Signals 2561 Stephen E. Bialkowski, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-0300 Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)

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Forensic Science, Second Edition Examines major current developments in forensic science, from education and training, through professional ethics and morality, to major areas of forensic practice and research. Specific topics discussed include forensic toxicology, serology, and microscopy; detection of tireu r li arms and explosives residues; foren'"' sic drug and breath-alcohol analyses; and fingerprint science. Gives a clear perspective of the potential and limitations of physical evidence in the administration of justice. Geoffrey Davies, Editor Northeastern University 388 pages (1986) LC 85-28688 Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-0918-9 US & Canada $64.95 Export $77.95 Paperbound ISBN 0-8412-0919-7 US & Canada $39.95 Export $47.95 Order from: American Chemical Society Distribution Dept. 14 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800424-6747 and use your credit card!

CONTENTS Forensic Science Education · On Being an Expert · Ethical and Moral Dimensions • Ethical Issues · Forensic Science in a Liberal Arts Curriculum · Forensic Science Courses · In-Service Training · Training and Research in the FBI · Practice and Training in Canada · Graduate Education · Forensic Science Research · Forensic Toxicology · Drug Analysis by HPLC · Breath-Alcohol Analysis · Genetic-Marker Systems · Firearms Residue Detection · Explosive Residues · Recovery of Accelerant Residues · The Science of Fingerprints · Forensic Microscopy · Trace Evidence

Sequencing Procyanidin Oligomers by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry


Joseph J. Karchesy*, Department of Forest Products, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore. 97331, and Richard W. Hemingway, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Pineville, La. 71360, and Yeap L. Foo, Chemistry Division, DSIR, Petone, New Zealand, and Elisabeth Bar ofsky and Douglas F. Barofsky, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore. 97331 Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)

Statistical Sampling Errors as Intrinsic Limits on Detection in Dilute Solutions 2567 James M. Hungerford and Gary D. Christian*, Department of Chemistry/BG-10, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195 Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)

Procedure for Preparing Solution-Cast Perfluorosulfonate lonomer Films and Membranes 2569 Robert B. Moore, III, and Charles R. Martin*, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex. 77843 Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)

Aids for Analytical Chemists Variable Path Length Flow-Through Cell for Spectrophotometry


Thomas Choat, Johannes J. Cruywagen*, and J. Bernard B. Heyns, Department of Chemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 7600 South Africa Anal. Chem., 58 (1986)