Formation of Cationic [RP5Cl]+-Cages via Insertion of [RPCl]+-Cations

Feb 28, 2012 - (b) Fluck , E.; Wachtler , D. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1979, 1125. [Crossref], [CAS]. 42. ..... Crystallography of Ionic Liquids. Neil Winter...
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Formation of Cationic [RP5Cl]+-Cages via Insertion of [RPCl]+-Cations into a P−P Bond of the P4 Tetrahedron Michael H. Holthausen,† Kai-Oliver Feldmann,†,‡ Stephen Schulz,† Alexander Hepp,† and Jan J. Weigand*,† †

Institut für Anorganische and Analytische Chemie and ‡Graduate School of Chemistry, Westfaelische Wilhelms Universitaet Muenster, Corrensstrasse 30, 48149 Muenster, Germany S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Fluorobenzene solutions of RPCl2 and a Lewis acid such as ECl3 (E = Al, Ga) in a 1:1 ratio are used as reactive sources of chlorophosphenium cations [RPCl]+, which insert into P−P bonds of dissolved P4. This general protocol represents a powerful strategy for the synthesis of new cationic chloro-substituted organophosphorus [RP5Cl]+-cages as illustrated by the isolation of several monocations (21a-g+) in good to excellent yields. For singular reaction two possible reaction mechanisms are proposed on the basis of quantum chemical calculations. The intriguing NMR spectra and structures of the obtained cationic [RP5Cl]+cages are discussed. Furthermore, the reactions of dichlorophosphanes and the Lewis acid GaCl3 in various stoichiometries are investigated to obtain a deeper understanding of the species involved in these reactions. The formation of intermediates such as RPCl2·GaCl3 (14) adducts, dichlorophosphanylchlorophosphonium cations [RPCl2−RPCl]+ (16+) and [RPCl2− RPCl−GaCl3]+ (17+) in reaction mixtures of RPCl2 and GaCl3 in fluorobenzene strongly depends on the basicity of the dichlorophosphane RPCl2 (R = tBu, Cy, iPr, Et, Me, Ph, C6F5) and the reaction stoichiometry.

has been extended to highly functionalized cation 7+ and the zwitterionic P5-cage 8, which are formed by the insertion of the corresponding phosphenium cations that are derived from fourmembered phosphorus−nitrogen-metal heterocycles (Chart 2).7

INTRODUCTION Anionic and neutral phosphorus cage and ring compounds have been thoroughly investigated.1 However, the diversity of cationic polyphosphorus derivatives is mostly limited to catenated cyclic or acyclic polyphosphanylphosphonium salts.2 Cationic [P5X2]+-cages 1+ (X = Cl, Br, I) were reported only recently. Cations 1+ resulted from the reaction of the silver salt Ag[Al{OC(CF3)3}4] with PX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) in the presence of P4.3 Applying a stoichiometric melt approach at elevated temperatures (60 to 100 °C),4 we were able to extend this chemistry by intercepting the more stable diorganophosphenium cation [Ph2P]+ with P4. This approach resulted in the formation of the cationic cages [Ph2P5]+ (2+), [Ph4P6]2+ (32+), and [Ph6P7]3+ (43+) via the consecutive insertion of up to three [Ph2P]+ into the P−P bonds of the P4 tetrahedron (Chart 1).5

Chart 2. Cationic Phosphorus Cages from Four-Membered Heterocycles

Chart 1. Cationic Phosphorus Cages

In continuation of our investigations, we became interested in protocols for the generation of functionalized P5-cages.

Similarly, the reaction of P4 with the cyclo-diphosphadiazane [DippNPCl]2 (Dipp = 2,6-diisopropylphenyl) and GaCl3 in fluorobenzene yielded compound 5[GaCl4]. The addition of an excess GaCl3 and a second equiv of P4 to a solution of 5[GaCl4] afforded the dicationic species 62+ as [Ga2Cl7]− salt.6 This approach © 2012 American Chemical Society

Received: June 21, 2011 Published: February 28, 2012 3374 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

Inorganic Chemistry


Herein, we report a convenient, high yielding one-pot procedure for the preparation of a range of cationic [RP5Cl]+cages. The reaction proceeds formally via chlorophosphenium ions [RPCl] + that are generated in situ from dichlorophosphanes and a Lewis acid ECl3 (E = Al, Ga) in fluorobenzene solution. The subsequent reaction with P4 results in the precipitation of analytically pure products. The intriguing NMR spectra and molecular structures of the obtained cationic [RP5Cl]+-cages are discussed. Furthermore, we present an investigation of the reactions of dichlorophosphanes and the Lewis acid GaCl3 in various stoichiometries which provides a deeper understanding of the species that are involved in these reactions. To gain an in depth understanding about the underlying reaction mechanisms of the formal “insertion reaction” we carried out quantum chemical calculations.

Chart 3. Potential Products from the Reaction of Chlorophosphanes and Lewis Acids ECl3 (E = Al, Ga)a

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The reactions of monochlorophosphanes R2PCl and Lewis acids ECl3 (E = Al, Ga) in organic solvents have been previously investigated.8 The expected Lewis acid−base complexes 10 were observed in these reaction mixtures, but other compounds were also detected. 8 These include homoatomic coordination complexes of phosphenium cations, that is, phosphanylphosphonium salts 11+ featuring P−P bonds,9 and unstabilized cations [R2P]+ (9+).10,2 Twocoordinate phosphenium cations 9+ are main group carbene analogues that feature six valence electrons on the central atom.11 Because of their inherent electrophilicity, most of the phosphenium ions are highly reactive and transient species. This hampers their direct observation in solution. However, structural characterization is possible in solution12 and solid state13 when the phosphenium cation is stablized by delocalization of the positive charge. The reactions of dichlorophosphanes RPCl2 (13) and Lewis acids ECl3 (E = Al, Ga) in organic solvents have been studied to a much lesser extent. The formation of Lewis acid−base complexes mRPCl2·nECl3 (E = Al, m = 1, 2; n = 1, 2)14 has been suggested, although the Lewis basicity of dichlorophosphanes is much lower in comparison to the corresponding monochlorophosphanes.15 Such adducts were used for the in situ formation of phosphenium cations [RPCl][AlCl4] and the subsequent synthesis of phosphorus heterocycles.16 Mixtures of mono- and dichlorophosphanes in the presence of Lewis acids result in the formation of chlorophosphanylchlorophosphonium cations 15+, which were spectroscopically characterized by 31P NMR for a variety of different substituents. In most cases, the spectra are sufficiently resolved at room temperature to detect the 1JPP coupling in the chlorophosphanylchlorophosphonium cations 15+.17 However, mixtures of dichlorophosphanes and a Lewis acid in CH2Cl2 show broad peaks in the 31P NMR spectra. This indicates dynamic dissociation of the coordinated P−P bonds of the corresponding chlorophosphanyldichlorophosphonium cations 16+ because of the weak donor abilities of dichlorophosphanes.17 31 P NMR Investigation of RPCl2/GaCl3 Mixtures. We have now performed a systematic investigation of the reaction of dichlorophosphanes RPCl2, 13a−g (a: R = tBu, b: Cy, c: iPr, d: Et, e: Me, f: Ph, g: C6F5) and ECl3 (E = Al, Ga) in fluorobenzene, which we use as solvent in this study because of its beneficial properties during the synthesis of our phosphorus cages (vide infra). Our results show that, depending on the ratio of the reactants and the organic group on RPCl2, mixtures


Anions are not displayed.

of different neutral and cationic compounds are formed which in some cases show dynamic exchange. We start our discussion with the influence of various stoichiometries on the composition. The 31P{1H} NMR spectra of reaction mixtures of the dichlorophosphanes 13a−g and GaCl3 in fluorobenzene depend strongly on the ratio of the reactants. Table 1 summarizes the chemical shifts and coupling constants for the observed species in solution18 for the stoichiometries 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 of dichlorophosphanes 13a−g and GaCl3 at room temperature.19 Depending on the substituent R and the reaction stoichiometry, the formation of several structurally distinct species as well as some decomposition products as a result of solvent activation are observed (Chart 3). Figure 1 displays the 31P{1H} NMR spectra of the reaction mixtures of the selected dichlorophosphanes 13a,b,f and GaCl3 in the mentioned stoichiometries. Similar to previous studies,17 the classical 1:1 complexes RCl2P−GaCl3 (14) are observed in reaction mixtures involving alkyl substituted dichlorophosphanes with reaction stoichiometries of RPCl2 (13a−e) and GaCl3 in the range from 1:1 to 1:3. A second possibility of adduct formation is described by the coordination of the gallium atom to one of the chlorine substituents of RPCl2 forming compound RClP−Cl−GaCl3 (14′). Similar species have been described as phosphenium ion equivalents within the system Ag+/PX3 fomally delivering a PX2+ cation.20 However, we found that adduct 14a is favored by ΔG298.15 K = 10.9 kcal/mol compared to adduct 14a′ according to quantum chemical calculations (MP2/TZVP, see Supporting Information for details). Thus, complex 14a is essentially the only product in the 1:1 reaction mixture of 13a and GaCl3. The Lewis acid−base adducts 14a-e show a consistent upfield shift of their 31 P NMR signals by approximately 60 ppm to higher field with respect to the free phosphanes 13a−e. Similar high-field shifts were reported for the structurally related monochlorophosphane adducts 10.21 We were able to isolate and structurally characterize compound 14a (Figure 2) from the 1:1 reaction of tBuPCl2 with 1 equiv of GaCl3 in fluorobenzene. Diffusion of n-hexane into the reaction mixture at −35 °C yielded small amounts of adduct 14a as an extremely air and moisture sensitive, crystalline material that starts to melt above −25 °C. Compound 14a crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n with four formula units in the unit cell. The compound represents the first structurally characterized Lewis acid-base adduct of GaCl3 and a dichlorophosphane. The P−Ga bond 3375 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

Inorganic Chemistry


Table 1. 31P NMR Data and Signal Assignments in Mixtures of Dichlorophosphanes (13a−g) and GaCl3 in Fluorobenzenea R tBu





stoichiometry RPCl2:GaCl3 2: 1: 1: 1: 2: 1: 1: 1: 2: 1: 1: 1:

1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3

2: 1: 1: 1: 2: 1: 1:

1 1 2 3 1 1 2

1: 3 Ph


RPCl2−GaCl3 (14) 165 141 139 139 163 130 129 128 170 165 135 134

(14) (20) (22) (20) (97) (35) (35) (35) (55) (77) (25) (19)

[RPCl2−PRCl]+ (16+)

[RPCl2−PRCl− GaCl3]+ (17+)

99 [630] 99 [630] 102 (140) 134, 99 [∼490] 134, 99 [498] 134, 99 [498] 105 (205) 101 (110) 141, 104 [503] 141, 104 [503]

[RArFPClH]+d (20)

RPCl2e (13a-g)

68 [550] 198

89 [650] 89 [645] 89 [645]

57 [550] 57 [550] 200

95 [650] 95 [650]

127 (157) 127 (130)

130, 97 [∼400]b

91 [670] 91 [670]

62 [560] 62 [560]

92, 79 [390] 92, 79 [390]

55 [570] 55 [570] 192

85 [695] 85 [695]

139 (87), 85 (99) 111 (35), 85 (31) 110 (425), 85 (410)

69 [695]

1: 3

110, 85 [∼430]b

69 [695]

1 1 2 3

99, 85 [420]; 93, 80 [420]


2: 1 1: 1 1: 2

2: 1: 1: 1:

[RArFPCl−PRCl]+c (19+)


138 (45), 104 (280) 133 (131), 100 (85) 136, 100 [∼420]b 136, 100 [∼460]b 157 (67), 98 (106) 130 (40), 97 (46) 130 (420), 97 (420)

132 (172) 131 (71)

[RPCl2H]+ (18+)

83, 83, 83, 83,

73 75 73 75

[370]; [368] [370]; [369]

47 [570] 47 [570] 163

70, 71, 70, 70,

58 58 57 58

[393]; [395] [395]; [397] 22 22 22 22

[620] [620] [620] [620]



P{1H}/31P NMR-Data are given as chemical shifts are reported in ppm 1JPP values [in parentheses] and half widths (in brackets) in Hz. bVery broad resonances. cTwo sets of AX spin systems are observed, resulting from ArF = o,p-C6H4F. dOnly small amounts observed. eChemical shift of the respective dichlorophosphane (13a−g) in fluorobenzene.

length [Ga1−P1 2.4252(9) Å] in 14a is typical for phosphanegallane complexes [2.35−2.68 Å]22 and comparable to those of related complexes such as Cl3Ga−Ph2PPPh2−GaCl3 [2.4285(6) Å].4 Moreover, the phosphorus atom in 14a shows a distorted tetrahedral environment [Ga1−P1−C1 121.2(1)°] because of the presence of the sterically demanding tBu group, which adopts a staggered conformation with the GaCl3 moiety. It is noteworthy that, while the 1:1 to 1:3 mixtures of RPCl2 (13a-f) and GaCl3 gave distinct species in the 31P NMR spectra, the 2:1 reactions showed broad signals (Figure 1). Thus, the 2:1 reaction mixture of 13a and GaCl3 gave rise to a broadened resonance at 165 ppm with a line width of ν1/2 = 14 Hz. We attribute the observed line broadening to a fast exchange process in solution (eq 1) between 13a (δ = 199 ppm) and 14a (δ = 141 ppm).

GaCl3 in 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 ratios. As observed for the 2:1 mixture of 13a and GaCl3, the 2:1 reaction mixture of 13b and GaCl3 shows a broad resonance (δ = 163 ppm, ν1/2 = 97 Hz) as the main species. However, an additional broad signal (δ = 102 ppm, ν1/2 = 140 Hz) with low intensity indicates a second dynamic process. We believe that this observation may be attributed to the very fast and reversible reaction of 14b and [RPCl][GaCl4] to form species 16b+ (eq 2). Compounds of type 14 and 16+ have previously been proposed as structural alternatives that form equilibria in solution, and their relative stabilities depend upon the nature of the substituent (R) as well as reaction stoichiometry.21

Reducing the steric bulk and the basicity of the used dichlorophosphanes from tBu (13a) to methyl (13e) results in significant changes in the 31P{1H} NMR spectra of the respective reaction mixtures (Table 1). Figure 1 (middle) displays the 31P NMR spectra of solutions which contained CyPCl2 (13b) and

Phosphanylphosphonium salts 16+ may be generated by the in situ formation of Lewis acidic phosphenium cations (12+; eq 3) and subsequent coordination of a dichlorophosphane ligand according to eq 2.2 This process is repressed by the equilibrium dissociation of [GaCl4]− to yield chloride as well as the excess of 3376 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

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Figure 1. 31P{1H} NMR spectra (in fluorobenzene solution, C6D6-capillary, 27 °C, 81.01 MHz) of reaction mixtures of RPCl2 and GaCl3 in various stoichiometries; top: R = tBu; middle: R = Cy; bottom: R = Ph. Small amounts of side products are indicated by an asterisk.

phosphanlyphosphonium complexes 17d,e+ as main products, and the donor−acceptor complexes 14d,e are now the minor species. Cations 17d,e+ are probably formed from 14d,e and 12+ according to eq 4. They were identified by two doublets in the 31P{1H} NMR spectra that are significantly broadened because of the influence of the quadrupole moment of the attached gallium atom as well as fast exchange processes.21

dichlorophosphanes which we propose undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions that lead to the dissociation of the formed complexes. The appearance of only one broad resonance for 16b+ again emphasizes this fast exchange process.23 The addition of excess GaCl3 suppresses nucleophiles, therefore, the 1:1 reaction mixture of CyPCl2 and GaCl3 shows, as a minor component, the two doublets (AB spin system, δA = 99, δB = 134 ppm; 1JPP = 490 Hz) that are typical for phosphanlyphosphonium cations. The donor−acceptor complex 14b remains the main species in the reactions mixtures of CyPCl2 and GaCl3. However, this situation changes drastically when the basicity and steric requirements of the dichlorophosphanes are further reduced. Reaction mixtures of the less bulky EtPCl2 and MePCl2 with GaCl3 exhibit the

Similar to Cy and tBu derivatives 13a and 13b, the 31P NMR spectra of the 2:1 mixtures of 13d, 13e, and 13f and GaCl3 3377 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

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Figure 2. ORTEP plot of the molecular structure of 14a. Thermal ellipsoids at 50% probability (hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity). Selected bond lengths (Å) and angles (°): P1−C1 1.828(4), P1−Cl1 1.999(1), P1−Cl2 1.995(1), Ga1−P1 2.4252(9); C1−P1−Cl2 106.7(2), C1−P1−Cl1 106.6(1), Cl2−P1−Cl1 105.21(6), C1−P1− Ga1 121.2(1), Cl2−P1−Ga1 109.22(5), Cl1−P1−Ga1 106.83(5).

display two broad singlet resonances that result from the already discussed equilibria 1 and 4 in solution (eq 1 and 4). However, in the 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 mixtures of 13f and GaCl3, the related adduct 14f is not observed in the 31P{1H} NMR spectra (Figure 1, bottom). In this case equilibrium 4 (eq 4) dominates the reaction, and the main observed species is 17f+. The observed trend in the 1JPP couplings in derivatives 16+ and 17+ (Table 1) is explained by the σ-donor strength of the dichlorophosphanes,24 which is influenced by inductive as well as steric effects of the substituent (for both criteria: Ph < Me < Et < iPr < Cy 10 (resonance considered to be pseudo first order and the assigned letters are separated) < 10 (consecutive letters are assigned). cAll parameters were derived by iterative fitting of experimental at 161.94 MHz. dChemical shifts (δ) are given in [ppm] and coupling constants (J) in [Hz]. eThe absolute sign of the 1JPP have been tentatively assigned to be negative. fTafts’s σ* values for alkyl and aryl groups (R = tBu, Cy, iPr, Et, Me, Ph) taken from ref 34 and for R = C6F5 from ref 35. gAdditional phosphorus-fluorine coupling has to be considered in the full line shape iteration: 3JMF = 5.8 Hz, 4JXF = 32.3 Hz, 4JMF = 4.7 Hz. a31

respective chemical shifts strongly depend on R and range from −295 to −246 ppm (vide supra). For those nuclei, the 1JPP and 2 JPP couplings to the bridging and tetra-coordinate phosphorus atoms are close to ∼−142 Hz and ∼2 Hz, respectively. Comparison of the 2JPP coupling constants with those observed in the symmetrically substituted R2P5-cations (R = Ph, 2JPP = 8 Hz;5 R = Cl, Br, I, 2JPP = 26 Hz3) strongly supports our assignment according to Figures 5 and 8. The 1JPP coupling constants between the tetra-coordinate phosphorus atoms and the bridging phosphorus atoms show a larger value, typically found for phosphanylphosphonium cations,40 and range from −277 to −307 Hz (Table 3). The 31P{1H} NMR spectrum of the reaction mixture of 13g, P4 and GaCl3 in fluorobenzene in a 1:1:1 ratio shows the ABMX2 spin system of cation 21g+ (Figure 8). An interesting feature of this spectrum (fitted spectrum as insets in Figure 8) is the additional coupling to the ortho- and meta-fluoro substituents of the C6F5-group. The X2 part of the spin system is, therefore, split into a doublett of triplett of triplett arising from the additional “through space” 4JPF enlarged coupling constant of 32 Hz.41 The small additional splitting of the resonance for the tetra-coordinate phosphorus atom originates from the 3JPF coupling constant with a value of 6 Hz. This small value can be explained as due to cancellation of a positive “through space” contribution form the lone pair interaction of the bridging phosphorus atoms and the orthofluorine substituent and a negative “through bond” contribution. This “through space” coupling path is further supported by the X-ray analysis of the solid-state structure of 21g[GaCl4].42 Compounds 21b−g[GaCl4] have been crystallographically characterized, confirming their identities as the first examples of nonsymmetrically substituted cationic P 5-cages. Suitable crystals for X-ray investigations were obtained by diffusion of n-hexane into CH2Cl2 solutions of the respective salts. Table 4

was achieved by a detailed analysis of the respective spin systems and the 31P NMR coupling constants are presented in Table 3. According to Figure 7, the unsymmetrical substituted P5 cage can be divided by a plane, spanned by the tetracoordinate and bridging tricoordinate phosphorus atoms, into a HCl- and HR-hemisphere. The HCl-hemisphere contains the chloride substituent and the HR-hemisphere the alkyl or aryl substituents. The different types of 1JPP and 2JPP coupling constants in each cation are sufficiently different to allow for an unambiguous assignment of the chemical shift of each phosphorus atom by comparison. Although it is known that the 1JPP coupling constants can strongly depend on parameters such as oxidation state, coordination number, electronic effects of the substituents, and the presence or absence of localized electron pairs, we have assigned the absolute value of the 1JPP coupling to be negative in agreement with previous studies.38 With the sign of 1JPP predetermined, the sign of the 2JPP coupling constants is obtained from the fit. Two sets of 1JPP and 2 JPP coupling constants are observed between the tricoordinate phosphorus atoms (whose resonances are marked by blue, yellow, and green dots in Figure 5) and the tetra-coordinate phosphorus atoms (whose resonances are marked by a red dot in Figure 5). The nature of the substituents at the tetracoordinate atom controls both the coupling constants 1,2JPP and to a considerable extent the chemical shifts. This is not only attributed to the electronic effects of the substituents (vide supra) but is also caused by “cross-ring through space” interaction of the lone pairs on the phosphorus atoms and the respective substituent.39 Thus, the phosphorus signals marked in green are assigned to the HCl-hemisphere since the respective chemical shifts are only slightly different and range from −278 to −287 ppm. The 1JPP and 2JPP couplings of these phosphorus atoms to the bridging and tetra-coordinate P atoms are close to ∼−135 Hz and ∼22 Hz, respectively. The signals marked in yellow are assigned to the HR-hemisphere. The 3381 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

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Figure 6. δ vs σ* plot for the phosphonium nuclei in cations 21a,c−g+. The correlation coefficient is 0.9830.

Figure 7. Definition of the HCl- and HR-hemisphere in cages 21a−g+. The tetra-coordinate and bridging tricoordinate phosphorus atoms span a plane. The tricoordinate phosphorus atom above the plane lies within the HCl-hemisphere (marked by green dots, Figure 5), the phosphors atom below in the HR-hemisphere (marked by a yellow dots, Figure 5).

Figure 5. 31P{1H} NMR spectra of cations 21a−g+ (in CD2Cl2, 300 K, 161.94 MHz). Signals assigned to unknown side-products are labeled with asterisks.

lists selected structural parameters of the cages 21b−g+, and Figures 9 and 10 show ORTEP views of each cation. Crystallographic data and details of the structure refinement of compounds 21b−g[GaCl4] are presented in Table 5. The P5 cages in cations 21b−g+ display nearly identical bond lengths and angles. The P−P bond lengths in cations 21b−g+ (2.1511(9) to 2.258(2) Å) are very close to the values found in the symmetrically substituted [P5Br2]+ (2.150(7) to 2.262(8) Å)3 and [Ph2P5]+ ion (2.179(1) to 2.249(1) Å).5 Similar to the latter C2v-symmetric cages, the bonds between the bridging (P2, P3) and tetra-coordinate phosphorus atoms (P1) and the P4− P5 bond in cations 21b−g+ are approximately 0.08 Å shorter (2.1511(9) to 2.1981(6) Å) than the remaining P−P bonds (2.257(1) to 2.232(1) Å). A short P4−P5 bond length has been observed for all reported cationic P5-cages.3,5-7 Similarly short P−P bond lengths were also detected in a related SiP4 cage compound (2.159(2) Å)43 and in bicyclo[1.1.0]-tetraphosphanes, R2P4 (R = organyl) which display relatively short P−P bridgehead

Figure 8. 31P{1H} NMR spectrum of cation 21g+ (C6D6-capillary, C6H5F, 25 °C, 161.94 Hz). Signals assigned to unknown side-products are labeled with asterisks. Expansion (inset) show the experimental (up) and fitted36 (down) spectra of cation 21g+.

bonds (2.120 Å).44 There are several examples of rather short P−P single bond distances involving cationic four-coordinate phosphorus atoms.2,9,45,46 This shortening may be caused by the positive charge at the phosphonium moiety which also results in a 3382 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

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Table 4. Selected Bond Length [Å] and Angles [°] of [RP5Cl]-Cations 21b−g+a








P1−Cl1 P1−C1 P1−P2 P1−P3 P2−P4 P2−P5 P3−P4 P3−P5 P4−P5

2.013(2) 1.809(4) 2.156(2) 2.163(2) 2.258(2) 2.241(2) 2.256(2) 2.243(2) 2.161(2)

2.0093(9) 1.833(3) 2.1597(9) 2.1594(9) 2.239(1) 2.2546(9) 2.2393(9) 2.2541(9) 2.170(1)

2.0167(5) 1.799(2) 2.1630(6) 2.1559(5) 2.2462(6) 2.2406(6) 2.2358(6) 2.2501(6) 2.1851(6)

1.996(2) 1.823(7) 2.162(1) 2.163(1) 2.245(1) 2.257(1) 2.250(1) 2.253(1) 2.178(1)

2.0040(5) 1.786(2) 2.1644(5) 2.1615(5) 2.2496(6) 2.2428(6) 2.2491(6) 2.2533(6) 2.1689(6)

2.0078(9) 1.802(2) 2.1621(9) 2.1511(9) 2.246(1) 2.232(1) 2.250(1) 2.252(1) 2.185(1)

Cl1−P1−C1 P2−P1−P3 P2−P1−C1 P3−P1−Cl1 P1−P2−P5 P1−P2−P4 P5−P2−P4 P4−P5−P2 P2−P5−P3 P5−P4−P3

104.4(1) 91.00 118.3(2) 111.69(6) 83.61(5) 84.58(6) 57.42(5) 61.71(5) 86.81(6) 60.98(5)

102.60(9) 91.57(3) 115.91(9) 113.30(4) 81.08(3) 85.18(3) 60.75(3) 61.48(3) 86.72(3) 61.46(3)

105.39(5) 91.54(2) 117.17(6) 110.61(2) 82.05(2) 83.86(2) 58.29(2) 60.99(2) 87.12(2) 61.18(2)

104.3(2) 91.41(4) 119.3(4) 114.2(2) 82.17(4) 84.67(4) 57.87(4) 60.87(4) 86.68(4) 61.14(4)

107.58(5) 90.68(2) 115.39(5) 112.94(2) 83.73(2) 84.60(2) 57.74(2) 61.29(2) 86.37(2) 61.30(2)

103.88(8) 92.59(4) 114.96(8) 115.03(4) 83.89(4) 80.34(3) 58.41(3) 61.13(3) 88.14(4) 60.99(4)

All bond length and angles in the [GaCl4]− anion show typical values.

Figure 10. ORTEP representation of the molecular structures of the cations 21f,g+ in compounds 21f,g[GaCl4]. Thermal ellipsoids are set at 50% probability. Hydrogen atoms and anions are omitted for clarity.

interaction is in agreement with the observed large 4JPF coupling constant in the 31P{1H} NMR spectrum (vide supra) and is evidence in favor of the proposed “through space” interaction.

CONCLUSION The composition of mixtures of RPCl2 and GaCl3 in fluorobenzene strongly depends on the basicity of RPCl2 (R = tBu, Cy, iPr, Et, Me, Ph, C 6 F 5 ) and the reaction stoichiometry. 31P{1H} NMR and Raman experiments show the formation of several structurally distinct species, including RPCl2·GaCl3 adducts, (14) and dichlorophosphanylchlorophosphonium cations [RPCl2−RPCl]+ (16+) and [RPCl2− RPCl−GaCl3]+ (17+). Despite their different compositions 1:1 mixtures of RPCl2 and a Lewis acid ECl3 (E = Al, Ga) are potent sources of reactive chlorophosphenium cation [RPCl]+ equivalents, which insert formally into P−P bonds of dissolved P4. The formal insertion reaction has been investigated with quantum chemical calculations, and we suggest a two-stage reaction mechanism via a butterfly shaped intermediate. This synthetic approach represents a general method and a powerful strategy for the synthesis of new cationic chloro-substituted

Figure 9. ORTEP representation of the molecular structures of the cations 21b−e+ in compounds 21b−e[GaCl4]. Thermal ellipsoids are set at 50% probability. Hydrogen atoms and anions are omitted for clarity.

significant shortening of the P−C (ranging from 1.786(2) to 1.833(3) Å) and P−Cl bonds (ranging from 1.996(2) to 2.0167(5) Å) compared to chloro- and alkyl- or arylsubstituted phosphanes (typical bond length for P−C: 1.87 Å and P−Cl: 2.04 Å).47 A special feature in cation 21g+ is the observation of an intramolecular contact between the phosphorus atom P3 and one of the ortho-fluorine atoms of the C6F5-substituent (2.947(2) Å) which lies well within the sum of the van der Waals radii (rF + rP = 3.27 Å).48 This 3383 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

Inorganic Chemistry


organophosphorus [RP5Cl]+ cages. The reactions proceed cleanly for a wide range of different substituents on the dichlorophosphane to new chloro substituted monocations 21a-g+ isolated in good to excellent yields. The detailed 31P NMR investigation of these cations enabled a deeper understanding of the electronic and steric influences of the substituents on the 31P NMR parameters. Furthermore, the simplicity and viability of this reaction bodes well for the development of larger cages using P4 as a starting material. Because of the presence of chloro substituents such cages are amenable to a host of subsequent further transformations.

room temperature. P4 dissolves completely accompanied by the formation of a colorless to yellowish precipitate. After addition of n-hexane (2 mL), the precipitate was collected, washed with n-hexane (3 × 2 mL), and dried in vacuo. Note, excess P4 can be removed by sublimation to yield analytical pure product. Additional manipulations and reaction times are given for each compound seperately (vide infra). 21a[ECl4]. The reaction mixture was stirred for 2 d. The formed precipitates (contains unreacted P4) were removed by filtration. The addition of hexane (4 mL) to the filtrate afforded a colorless precipitate which was separated by filtration, washed with n-hexane (3 × 2 mL), and dried in vacuo to yield analytically pure 21a[ECl4]; 21a[GaCl4]: Yield: 65% (298 mg); mp 145 °C (decomp.); IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2967 (s), 2957 (m), 2925 (w), 1470 (vw), 1455 (vs), 1399 (vw), 1369 (s), 1309 (vw), 1239 (w), 1171 (s), 1012 (m), 939 (w), 791 (m), 619 (m), 586 (s), 573 (vw), 542 (w), 457 (w); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2971 (4), 2944 (3) 2901 (10), 1460 (5), 1175 (3), 794 (5), 566 (6), 542 (100), 460 (50), 440 (27), 392 (41), 364 (34), 342 (25), 213 (23), 159 (39), 123 (21), 106 (6); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.58 (9H, d, Me, 3JHP = 23.7 Hz); 13 C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 24.3 (3C, d, CH3, 2JCP = 3.9 Hz), 50.2 (1C, s, C); 71Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 249 (s, ν1/2 = 158 Hz); elemental analysis for C4H9Cl5GaP5 (458.97): calcd. C: 10.5, H 2.0; found: C 10.3, H 2.1; 21a[AlCl4]: Yield: 77% (297 mg); mp 130 °C (decomp.); IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2968 (vs), 2933 (vw), 1457 (s), 1395 (w), 1370 (s), 1309 (vw), 1241 (w), 1171 (s), 1095 (vw), 998 (m), 939 (w), 875 (w), 834 (vw), 791 (s), 766 (w), 677 (vw), 619 (2), 587 (vw), 571 (m), 542 (w), 481 (vs), 437 (vw); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2972 (4), 2944 (4), 2901 (13), 1460 (6), 1175 (4), 794 (5), 567 (6), 542 (100), 458 (36), 440 (26), 392 (37), 366 (12), 359 (47), 348 (13), 213 (23), 161 (37), 128 (5), 105 (18); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.57 (9H, d, Me, 3JHP = 23.8 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 24.2 (3C, d, CH3, 2JCP = 3.9 Hz), 50.2 (1C, s, C); 27Al NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 104 (s, ν1/2 = 133 Hz); elemental analysis for C4H9Cl5AlP5 (416.23): calcd. C: 11.5, H 2.2; found: C 11.3, H 2.4. 21b[GaCl4]. 2 h reaction time; yield: 90% (437 mg); mp 46.3−48.1 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2941 (vs), 2919 (s), 2875 (m), 2853 (w), 1444 (vs), 1291 (w), 1266 (s), 1194 (vw), 1176 (w) 1110 (vw), 1040 (vw), 995 (m), 916 (w), 888 (m), 844 (w), 815 (s), 743 (m), 620 (w), 572 (vs), 458 (m), 421 (w); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2950 (15), 2878 (6), 2853 (4) 1432 (5), 1293 (7), 1268 (6), 1024 (9), 846 (3), 817 (6), 573 (8), 556 (7), 544 (100), 460 (35), 442 (48), 423 (4), 391 (38), 357 (63), 343 (36), 289 (7), 225 (5), 213 (21), 192 (18), 176 (13), 151 (10), 125 (65); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.34 (1H, m, C4Hax), 1.50 (2H, m, C2Hax), 1.59 (2H, m, C3Hax), 1.83 (2H, m, C4Heq); 2.05 (2H, m, C3Heq); 2.23 (1H, m, C2Heq), 3.08 (1H, m, C1Hax); 13C{1H}-NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 25.0 (1C, d, C1, 1JCP = 2.0 Hz), 25.4 (2C, d, C2/C6, 2JCP = 4.9 Hz), 25.7 (2C, d, C3/C5, 3JCP = 4.5 Hz), 25.8 (1C, s, C4); 71Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 248 (s, ν1/2 = 1500 Hz); elemental analysis for C6H11Cl5GaP5 (485.01): calcd.: C 14.9, H 2.3, found: C 14.9, H 2.1; 21b[AlCl4]: 2 h reaction time; yield: 84% (372 mg); mp 46.9−49.5 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2940 (vs), 2920 (s), 2880 (m), 2854 (vw), 1444 (s), 1292 (w), 1265 (s), 1194 (w), 1176 (w), 1110 (vw), 1023 (vw), 995 (m), 916 (w), 888 (w), 844 (w), 815 (s), 743 (w), 675 (m), 619 (vw), 572 (w), 542 (w), 481 (s) 387 (w); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2947 (21), 2880 (3), 2855 (10), 1447 (6), 1294 (6), 1268 (8), 1024 (9), 847 (4), 817 (7), 573 (8), 557 (5), 544 (100), 460 (34), 442 (47), 390 (41), 364 (68), 358 (7), 347 (8), 289 (7), 225 (5), 213 (21), 192 (23), 176 (14), 130 (35); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.35 (1H, m, C4Hax), 1.51 (2H, m, C2Hax), 1.58 (2H, m, C3Hax), 1.83 (2H, m, C4Heq), 2.05 (2H, m, C3Heq), 2.24 (1H, m, C2Heq), 3.09 (1H, m, C1Hax); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 25.0 (1C, d, C1, 1JCP = 2.6 Hz), 25.6 (2C, d, C2/C6), 25.7 (2C, s, C3/C5), 25.8 (1C, s, C4); 27Al-NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 104 (s, ν1/2 = 95 Hz); elemental analysis for C6H11Cl5AlP5 (442.27): calcd. C: 16.3, H 2.5; found: C 16.3, H 2.4. 21c[GaCl4]. 2 h reaction time; yield: 81% (360 mg); mp 125.8− 127.3 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2967 (m) 2915 (w) 2862 (vw), 1456 (m), 1385 (m), 1366 (w), 1233 (m), 1030 (w), 863 (vw), 651


General Considerations. All reactions were carried out either in a glovebox or using standard Schlenk techniques under an inert Ar atmosphere. Dry, oxygen-free solvents were employed. P4 was dried with Me3SiCl and recrystallized from CS2 prior to use. Reagent grade GaCl3 and AlCl3 were used as received from commercial suppliers. PhPCl2, iPrPCl2, and MePCl2 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and freshly distilled prior to use. CyPCl2,49 tBuPCl2,50 and C6F5PCl251 were prepared according to literature procedures. All NMR measurements were performed at 300 K on a Bruker AVANCE III 400 or a Bruker AVANCE II 200 (RPCl2/GaCl3 mixtures) spectrometer, and spectra were referenced either to residual solvent (1H, 13C) or externally [19F (CCl3F); 31P (H3PO4); 27Al (Al(NO3)3); 71Ga (Ga(NO3)3)]. CD2Cl2 was purchased form Sigma-Aldrich and dried over CaH2, vacuum distilled prior to use, and stored over 4 Å molecular sieves in the glovebox. To obtain the 31P{1H} NMR data for reaction mixtures, a C6D6 capillary was inserted in the NMR tube. For compounds which give rise to higher order spin-systems in their 31 1 P{ H} NMR spectra, the resolution-enhanced 31P{1H} spectra were transferred to the software program gNMR, version 5.0, by Cherwell Scientific.36 The full line shape iteration procedure of gNMR was applied to obtain the best match of the calculated to the experimental spectra along with the assignment of all the peaks revealed in the resolution-enhanced spectra. The signs for the 1J(31P,31P) coupling constants were set negative and all other signs obtained accordingly.38 The connectivity of the phosphorus cage compounds 21a−g+ was additionally proven by the use of 2-dimensional 31P{1H}31P{1H}COSY NMR experiments. Melting points were recorded on an electrothermal melting point apparatus in sealed capillaries under Argon atmosphere and are uncorrected. Infrared (IR) spectra were recorded using a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum One FT-IR instrument. Raman spectra were recorded on a Bruker Ram II spectrometer, with Nd:YAG-Laser (1064 nm, 10−200 mW) in sealed glass capillaries. The intensities are reported in percent relative to the most intense peak and are given in parentheses. Elemental analyses were performed on a Vario EL III CHNS elemental analyzer at the IAAC, University of Münster, Germany, except for 21g[GaCl4] and 21g[AlCl4] because of the high content of fluorine. 31 1 P{ H} NMR Experiments of Dichlorophosphane/GaCl3 Mixtures. A solution of the dichlorophosphane 13a-f (0.5 mmol) and GaCl3 (0.25/0.5/1.0/1.5 mmol) in C6H5F (2 mL) was stirred for 15 min at room temperature after which 31P{1H} NMR and Raman spectra were recorded immediately (Tables 1, 2). Synthesis of 14a. A solution of tBuPCl2 (159 mg, 1.0 mmol) and GaCl3 (176 mg, 1.0 mmol) in C6H5F (5 mL) was stirred for 2 h at room temperature. Diffusion of n-hexane into the reaction mixture at −35 °C yields small amounts of adduct 14a as crystalline material. 14a is very temperature sensitive and isolation needs to be performed at low temperatures (−35 °C); 14a: 18% (60 mg, 0,2 mmol); mp > −25 °C; 1 H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.52 (d, 9H, CH3, 3JHP = 22.7 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 24.1 (3C, d, CH3, 2JCP= 9.8 Hz), 44.0 (1C, d, C(CH3)3, 1JCP= 12.7 Hz); 71Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 259 (s, ν1/2 = 4500 Hz); 31P{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 142.4 (1P, s, ν1/2 = 37 Hz). General Synthesis of Compounds 21a−g[ECl4] (E = Ga, Al). A mixture of the dichlorophosphane (1.0 mmol), ECl3 (1.0 mmol), and freshly recrystallized P4 (1.0 mmol) in C6H5F (5 mL) was stirred at 3384 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

Inorganic Chemistry


Table 5. Crystallographic Data and Details of the Structure Refinement of Compounds 14a and 21b−g[GaCl4] 21d[GaCl4]




C4H9Cl5GaP 335.05 0.27 × 0.22 × 0.10 colorless plate monoclinic P21/n 12.0362(7) 8.6708(5) 13.2467(8) 90 116.435(1) 90 1237.9(1) 4 153(1) 1.798 656 0.71073 3.377 SADABS 12275 2961 0.0257 2584

C6H11Cl5GaP5 484.96 0.12 × 0.03 × 0.02 colorless plate orthorhombic Cmc21 23.2837(5) 13.2160(3) 16.7780(3) 90 90 90 5162.7(2) 12 153(1) 1.872 2856 0.71073 2.816 SADABS 15069 6703 0.0442 5370

C3H7Cl5GaP5 444.91 0.32 × 0.07 × 0.2 colorless plate monoclinic P21/c 14.3092(9) 21.778(1) 9.5931(6) 90 96.350(1) 90 2971.3(3) 8 153(1) 1.989 1728 0.71073 3.252 SADABS 29945 7091 0.0435 5786

C2H5Cl5GaP5 430.88 0.20 × 0.06 × 0.03 colorless plate monoclinic P21/n 12.6761(6) 8.9880(4) 13.2882(6) 90 112.951(1) 90 1394.1(1) 4 153(1) 2.053 832 0.71073 3.462 SADABS 137999 3327 0.0238 3008

CH3Cl5GaP5 416.85 0.20 × 0.14 × 0.04 colorless plate orthorhombic P212121 6.3462(4) 9.2206(6) 22.395(1) 90 90 90 1310.5 (1) 4 153(1) 2.113 800 0.71073 3.679 SADABS 13457 3129 0.0407 2865

C6H5Cl5GaP5 478.92 0.09 × 0.05 × 0.02 colorless plate monoclinic P21/c 8.4378(5) 15.2665(9) 12.3411(7) 90 92.307(1) 90 1588.4(2) 4 153(1) 2.003 928 0.71073 3.050 SADABS 17396 4266 0.0252 3803

C6Cl5F5GaP5 568.88 0.19 × 0.04 × 0.02 colorless rod monoclinic P21 6.8661(8) 8.802(1) 14.108(2) 90 95.396(2) 90 847.6(2) 2 153(2) 2.229 544 0.71073 2.918 SADABS 9477 4525 0.0185 4325

2.527, −0.645 103 1.039 0.0388 0.1036 826493

0.781, −0.592 243 0.995 0.0373 0.0717 826494

0.600, −0.456 257 1.017 0.0284 0.0691 826495

0.378, −0.311 119 1.061 0.0196 0.0496 826496

0.519, −0.647 110 1.047 0.0265 0.0529 826497

0.366, −0.310 154 1.012 0.0191 0.0424 826498

0.423, −0.276 199 1.041 0.0253 0.0621 826499

14a formula Mr [g mol−1] dimension [mm3] color, habit crystal system space group a [Å] b [Å] c [Å] α [deg] β [deg] γ [deg] V [Å3] Z T [K] ρc [g cm−3] F(000) λMoKα [Å] μ [mm−1] absorption correction reflections collected reflections unique Rint reflection obs. [F > 3σ(F)] residual density [e Å−3] parameters GOF R1 [I > 3σ(I)] wR2 (all data) CCDC



(s), 561 (vs), 540 (m), 452 (w), 412 (w); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2967 (23), 2917 (28), 2862 (7), 1439 (5), 1388 (5), 1369 (4), 1238 (3), 1080 (3), 1033 (3), 865 (7), 654 (4), 578 (13), 563 (17), 542 (100), 452 (63), 414 (34), 390 (51), 358 (100), 345 (40), 237 (21), 206 (21), 153 (92), 123 (47); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.49 (6H, dd, CH3, 2JHP = 26.0 Hz, 3JHH = 7.0 Hz), 3.35 (1H, sept., CH, 3JHH = 7.0 Hz); 13C{1H}-NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 15.3 (2C, d, CH3, 2JCP = 1.9 Hz), 45.0 (1C, m, CH); 71 Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 248 (s, ν1/2 = 1900 Hz); elemental analysis for C3H7Cl5GaP5 (444.94): calcd. C: 8.1, H 1.6; found: C 8.4, H 1.6; 21c[AlCl4]: 2 h reaction time Yield: 74% (298 mg); mp 156.9−158.1 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2967 (m), 2916 (vw), 2862 (vw), 1456 (m), 1386 (w), 1366 (w), 1233 (m), 1031 (w), 863 (w), 663 (vw), 652 (m), 563 (s), 541 (m), 487 (vw), 470 (vs); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1) 2970 (20), 2917 (22), 2863 (7), 1464 (5), 1388 (4), 1368 (3), 1235 (4), 1079 (3), 1037 (4), 866 (5), 565 (11), 544 (100), 454 (40), 415 (23), 391 (32), 361 (61), 349 (8), 238 (14), 207 (11), 178 (4), 164 (48), 132 (16); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.52 (6H, dd, CH3, 2JHP = 26.0 Hz, 3JHH = 7.0 Hz), 3.38 (1H, sept., CH, 3JHH = 7.1 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 15.2 (2C, d, CH3, 2JCP = 2.0 Hz), 45.0 (1C, m, CH); 27Al NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 103.5 (s, ν1/2 = 10 Hz); elemental analysis for C3H7Cl5AlP5 (402.20): calcd. C: 9.0, H 1.8; found: C 9.3, H 1.8. 21d[GaCl4]. 2 h reaction time; yield: 64% (276 mg); mp 100.6− 101.8 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2942 (m), 2903 (m), 2864 (vw), 1441 (w), 1385 (m), 1243 (w), 1132 (vw), 1015 (w), 1001 (m), 742 (vs), 696 (m), 570 (s), 547 (w), 531 (vs), 435 (s); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2973 (10), 2934 (27), 2910 (25), 2873 (6), 1398 (5), 544 (100), 473 (25), 448 (52), 394 (53), 376 (53), 361 (78), 348 (85), 224 (25), 153 (80), 116 (20); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C,

[ppm]): δ = 1.53 (3H, dt, CH3, 3JHP = 27.4 Hz, 3JHH = 7.5 Hz), 3.10 (2H, dqu, CH2, 2JHP = 15.0 Hz, 3JHH = 7.5 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 7.0 (1C, d, CH3, 2JCP = 5.9 Hz), 39.4 (1C, m, CH2); 71Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 240 (s, ν1/2 = 7700 Hz); elemental analysis for C2H5Cl5GaP5 (430.92): calcd. C: 5.6, H 1.2; found: C 6.0, H 1.4; 21d[AlCl4]: 2 h reaction time; yield: 80% (311 mg); mp 143.3−144.2 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2943 (m), 2904 (m), 1441 (w), 1386 (m), 1242 (vs), 1153 (w), 1015 (w), 1001 (s), 743 (vs), 697 (m), 571 (s), 548 (w), 532 (w), 501 (w), 434 (vw); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2976 (12), 2932 (10), 2905 (16), 2866 (5), 1388 (7), 570 (15), 548 (60), 530 (51), 438 (100), 395 (46), 363 (14), 356 (60), 242 (24), 210 (82), 179 (10), 127 (14); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 1.52 (3H, dt, CH3, 3 JHP = 27.5 Hz, 3JHH = 7.6 Hz), 3.12 (2H, dqu, CH2, 2JHP = 15.2 Hz, 3 JHH = 7.6 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 7.0 (1C, d, CH3, 2JCP = 5.9 Hz), 39.4 (1C, m, CH); 27Al NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 103.7 (s, ν1/2 = 69 Hz); elemental analysis for C2H5Cl5AlP5 (388.18): calcd. C: 6.2, H 1.3; found: C 6.7, H 1.5. 21e[GaCl4]. 2 h reaction time; Yield: 79% (329 mg); mp 149.2−152.1 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2985 (m), 2897 (vs), 2237 (vw), 2179 (vw), 2031 (vw), 1384 (m), 1240 (vs), 983 (m), 893 (vs), 749 (s), 638 (vw), 562 (vs), 537 (w), 436 (s); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2987 (5), 2898 (24), 1384 (8), 752 (9), 563 (22), 539 (85), 529 (17), 442 (100), 398 (25), 357 (52), 346 (20), 285 (7), 250 (9), 201 (39), 155 (23), 122 (15); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 3.00 (3H, d, Me, 2JPH = 10.8 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 32.7 (1C, m); 71Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 213 (s, ν1/2 = 4300 Hz); elemental analysis for CH3Cl5GaP5 (416.89): calcd.: C 2.9, H 0.7; found: C 3.2, H 1.1; 21e[AlCl4]: 2 h reaction time; yield: 85% (318 mg); mp 144.5−145.9 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 2988 (m), 2902 (w), 1384 (m), 1283 (w), 1156 (vw), 892 (vs), 750 (m), 561 (m), 3385 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 3374−3387

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540 (w), 477 (s), 437 (vw); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 2993 (4), 2906 (16), 1387 (7), 750 (8), 559 (23), 541 (48), 437 (100), 397 (21), 361 (9), 353 (45), 281 (6), 251 (9), 204 (52), 181 (5), 130 (31); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 2.9 (3H, d, Me, 2JHP = 10.8 Hz); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 32.6 (1C, m); 27 Al NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 104 (s, ν1/2 = 371 Hz); elemental analysis for CH3Cl5AlP5 (374.15): calcd. C: 3.2, H 0.8; found: C 3.6, H 1.2. 21f[GaCl4]. 2 h reaction time; reaction time; yield: 90% (431 mg); mp 124.3−126.0 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 3100 (m), 3055 (w), 1996 (vw), 1971 (w), 1898 (w), 1810 (w), 1673 (w), 1576 (s), 1477 (m), 1431 (vs), 1385 (w), 1334 (s), 1309 (m), 1160 (w), 1097 (vs), 997 (m), 927 (vw), 746 (vs), 712 (w), 677 (s), 613 (s), 577 (vs), 543 (w), 500 (s), 447 (m); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 3064 (13), 1578 (17), 1162 (8), 1098 (9), 1025 (24), 997 (27), 577 (18), 559 (12), 545 (100), 502 (24), 439 (25), 392 (52), 378 (19), 355 (63), 342 (21), 307 (12), 231 (6), 217 (32), 201 (49), 152 (16), 126 (73); 1 H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 7.85 (2H, m, m-Ph), 7.94 (1H, m, p-Ph), 8.14 (2H, m, o-Ph); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 131.0 (2C, d, m-Ph, 3JCP = 13.8 Hz), 131.5 (1C, m, i-Ph), 131.8 (2C, d, o-Ph, 2JCP = 12.9 Hz), 137.5 (1C, d, p-Ph, 4JCP = 3.5 Hz); 71 Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 240 (s, ν1/2 = 10000 Hz); elemental analysis for C6H5Cl5GaP5 (478.96): calcd. C 15.1, H 1.1; found C 15.1, H 1.3; 21f[AlCl4]: 2 h reaction time; yield: 94% (410 mg); mp 119.5−121.2 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 3100 (w), 3054 (vw), 1996 (vw), 1971 (vw), 1898 (vw), 1811 (w), 1672 (w), 1576 (m), 1477 (w), 1431 (s), 1385 (vw), 1334 (m), 1309 (w), 1160 (vw), 1098 (w), 1084 (s), 995 (m), 746 (vs), 712 (m), 678 (s), 613 (s), 580 (vs), 544 (s), 467 (w); Raman (150 mW, 25 °C, cm−1) 3065 (12), 1558 (17), 1162 (7), 1099 (10), 1024 (20), 997 (28), 577 (20), 560 (11), 544 (100), 501 (21), 437 (25), 392 (47), 379 (35), 355 (70), 306 (12), 230 (6), 216 (30), 201 (53), 153 (5), 133 (50), 117 (17); 1H NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 7.85 (2H, m, m-Ph), 7.95 (1H, m, p-Ph), 8.14 (2H, m, o-Ph); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 131.0 (2C, d, m-Ph, 3JCP = 13.7 Hz), 131.7 (1C, m, i-Ph), 131.8 (2C, d, o-Ph, 2JCP = 13.0 Hz), 137.6 (1C, d, p-Ph, 4JCP = 3.8 H); 27Al-NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 104 (s, ν1/2 = 130 Hz); elemental analysis for C6H5Cl5AlP5 (436.22): calcd. C 16.5, H 1.2; found: C 16.6, H 1.5. 21g[GaCl4]. 6 h reaction time; Yield: 62% (353 mg); mp 78.9−80.3 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 1644 (vs), 1561 (vw), 1516 (vs), 1485 (vw), 1395 (w) 1303 (m), 1155 (w), 1115 (w), 1095 (s) 1023 (vw), 981 (vs), 762 (vw), 721 (m), 632 (vs), 589 (w), 572 (vs), 534 (w), 526 (s), 461 (s); Raman (300 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 1645 (8), 1397 (5), 861 (5), 591 (6), 575 (5), 540 (100), 461 (27), 440 (5), 404 (40), 359 (30), 344 (6), 224 (25), 183 (15), 144 (7), 126 (10), 92 (6); 19F NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = −153.2 (2F, m, m-F), −134.2 (1F, m, p-F), −130.6 (2F, m, o-F); 13 C NMR (CD 2 Cl 2 , 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 106.4 (1C, m, i-p-F), 138.5 (2C, d(br), m-Ph, 1 JCF = 262 Hz), 146.4 (2C, d(br), o-Ph 1JCF = 260 Hz), 147.8 (1C, d(br), p-Ph, 1JCF = 273 Hz); 71Ga{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 233 (s, ν1/2 = 10000 Hz); 21g[AlCl4]: Yield: 67% (353 mg); mp 93.4−95.5 °C; IR (KBr, 25 °C, cm−1): 1643 (vs), 1515 (w), 1486 (vs), 1395 (m), 1303 (m), 1155 (w), 1116 (w), 1095 (vs), 1023 (w), 980 (vs), 722 (w), 633 (s), 589 (vw), 573 (s), 536 (vw), 526 (w), 473 (m); Raman (300 mW, 25 °C, cm−1): 1646 (10), 1397 (8), 862 (6), 591 (11), 575 (8), 539 (100), 463 (34), 378 (5), 358 (35), 343 (21), 225 (25), 174 (9), 145 (10), 119 (12), 92 (9); 19F-NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = −153.5 (2F, m, m-F), −134.3 (1F, m, p-F), −130.8 (2F, m, o-F); 13C{1H} NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 106.9 (1C, m, i-Ph), 138.8 (2C, d(br), m-Ph, 1JCF = 262 Hz), 146.8 (2C, d(br), o-Ph, 1 JCF = 260 Hz), 147.9 (1C, d(br), p-Ph, 1JCF = 269 Hz); 27Al NMR (CD2Cl2, 25 °C, [ppm]): δ = 104 (s, ν1/2 = 470 Hz). X-ray Data Collection and Reduction. Suitable single crystals for 21b-g[GaCl4] and 14a·fluorobenzene were obtained by crystallization from a minimum amount of CH2Cl2 (21b-g[GaCl4]) or fluorobenzene (14a) by n-hexane diffusion at −30 °C. The crystals were coated with Paratone-N oil, mounted using a glass fiber pin, and frozen in the cold nitrogen stream of the goniometer. X-ray diffraction

data for all compounds were collected on a Bruker AXS APEX CCD diffractometer equipped with a rotating anode at 153(1) K using graphite-monochromated MoKα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) with a scan width of 0.3° and variable exposure times typically between 5 and 15 s. In all cases generator settings were 50 kV and 180 mA. Diffraction data were collected over the full sphere, and the frames were integrated using the Bruker SMART52 software package using the narrow frame algorithm. Data were corrected for absorption effects using the SADABS routine (empirical multiscan method). For further crystal and data collection details see Table 5. Structure Solution and Refinement. Atomic scattering factors for non-hydrogen elements were taken from the literature tabulations. Structure solutions were found by using direct methods as implemented in the SHELXS-97 package53and were refined with SHELXL-9754 against F2 using first isotropic and later anisotropic thermal parameters for all non-hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atom positions were calculated and allowed to ride on the carbon atom to which they are bonded, assuming a C−H bond length of 0.95 Å. H-atom temperature factors were fixed at 1.20 times the isotropic temperature factor of the C atom to which they are bonded. The H-atom contributions were calculated but not refined. The locations of the largest peaks in the final difference Fourier map as well as the magnitude of the residual electron densities in each case were of no chemical significance. For 21b[GaCl4] and 21e[GaCl4] the crystals were twins (twin law 1 0 0, 0 −1 0, 0 0 −1) with not quite equal components.


S Supporting Information *

Detailed information on the quantum chemical calculations and 31 1 P{ H} NMR investigations of reaction mixtures of 13c,d,e,g and GaCl3 in various stoichiometries. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (fellowships to M.H.H. and K.-O.F.), the DFG (WE 4621/2-1), the European COST network PhosSciNet (CM0802), and the International Research Training Group 1444. J.J.W. thanks Prof. F. Ekkehardt Hahn (WWU Muenster) for his support, and Prof. Robert Wolf (University of Regensburg) for helpful discussions.


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