Formation of Sulfur Aroma Compounds in Reaction ... - ACS Publications

The headspace volatiles produced from buffered and unbuffered cysteine model systems, containing inosine 5′-monophosphate, ribose 5-phosphate, or ri...
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J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002, 50, 4080−4086

Formation of Sulfur Aroma Compounds in Reaction Mixtures Containing Cysteine and Three Different Forms of Ribose DONALD S. MOTTRAM*



School of Food Biosciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AP, United Kingdom

The headspace volatiles produced from buffered and unbuffered cysteine model systems, containing inosine 5′-monophosphate, ribose 5-phosphate, or ribose, were examined by GC-MS. Sulfur compounds dominated the volatiles of all systems and included mercaptoketones, furanthiols, and disulfides. The inosine monophosphate systems produced much lower quantities of volatiles than ribose phosphate or ribose systems. In the systems buffered with phosphate or phthalate buffers, both ribose and ribose phosphate systems gave similar quantities of sulfur volatiles. However, in the absence of buffer, the ribose system was relatively unreactive, especially for volatiles formed via the 2,3-enolization route in the Maillard reaction, where 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone is a key intermediate. A number of keto-enol tautomerisms, which are known to be acid-base-catalyzed, occur in the 2,3-enolization route. This may explain the catalysis of the ribose systems by the buffers. In the ribose phosphate systems, however, Maillard mechanisms probably played a less important role, because ribose 5-phosphate readily dephosphorylated to give 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone on heating and thus provided an easier route to aroma compounds than the Maillard reaction. KEYWORDS: Aroma volatiles; Maillard reaction; meat flavor; thiols; disulfides, phosphate buffer


The aroma of cooked meat is provided by a complex mixture of volatile compounds produced during the cooking (1, 2). Among these volatiles, sulfur-containing compounds are considered to be particularly important. During cooking, a major route to these compounds is the Maillard reaction between reducing sugars and the amino acid cysteine. One of the most important sugars present in meat is ribose. The main sources of ribose in meat are inosine 5′-monophosphate and smaller quantities of ribose 5-phosphate and free ribose. It is well-known that inosine 5′-monophosphate is formed in muscle postslaughter from the enzymatic dephosphorylation and deamination of adenosine triphosphate, the ribonucleotide that is essential to muscle function in the live animal (3). Further enzymatic breakdown of the inosine monophosphate may lead to ribose and ribose 5-phosphate, although most of the ribose in meat remains bound within the nucleotide. The reaction of ribose with cysteine, in heated aqueous model systems, has been shown to give meatlike aromas (4, 5). This reaction is widely used in the preparation of “reaction product” flavorings with meatlike aroma characteristics. Inosine 5′-monophosphate is well recognized as a flavor potentiator and is associated with the taste sensation known as “umami” (6, 7). However, it may also provide a source of ribose * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed (telephone +44 118 931 6519; fax +44 118 931 0080; e-mail D.S.Mottram@ † Present address: Universidade Federal da Paraı´ba, Campus IV, Departamento de Tecnologia Rural, Bananeiras-PB, 58220-000 Brazil.

for Maillard reactions occurring during the cooking of meat. In a recent investigation of the volatiles produced from aqueous model systems containing cysteine and inosine 5′-monophosphate at different pH values, many sulfur compounds were identified, including thiols, disulfides, and mercaptoketones arising from the reaction of the pentose and cysteine (8). Although the potential for ribose and cysteine to generate meatlike aromas has been widely studied in aqueous model systems, the relative contributions of inosine 5′-monophosphate, ribose 5-phosphate, and ribose have not been investigated. Because ribose may be present in any of these forms in meat, such a comparison would improve the understanding of aroma formation in cooked meat. One problem associated with the use of aqueous model systems to study these reactions is the fact that buffers (used to control the model system pH) can influence the rate of the Maillard reaction (9, 10) and thus the formation of volatiles. An alternative option is to study these reaction mixtures using meat itself as a buffer system (11). However, the volatiles produced from the meat may interfere with the identification and quantification of the reaction mixture volatiles. To minimize these problems, these reactions have been carried out in the present study in both buffered and unbuffered aqueous systems. This investigation compares the sulfur-containing volatile compounds produced in the reactions of three ribose-containing compounds (inosine 5′-monophosphate, ribose 5-phosphate, or free ribose) with cysteine, using unbuffered (initial pH 5.6) and buffered (phosphate, pH 5.6; phthalate, pH 5.6; and phosphate, pH 4.2) model systems.

10.1021/jf0200826 CCC: $22.00 © 2002 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/25/2002

Sulfur Aroma Compounds from Cysteine/Ribose Reaction Systems EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Materials. Inosine 5′-monophosphate (disodium salt), D-ribose 5-phosphate (disodium salt, grade III, from yeast), D-ribose, L-cysteine, disodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, potassium hydrogen phthalate, and 1,2-dichlorobenzene (internal standard) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. Ltd., Dorset, U.K. Authentic samples of reference compounds were either purchased from a range of laboratory chemical suppliers or obtained as gifts from flavor laboratories. Preparation of Phosphate and Phthalate Buffers. Phosphate buffers (0.2 M) were prepared in glass-distilled water by mixing appropriate proportions of disodium and tetrasodium pyrophosphate solutions (0.2 M). A phthalate buffer (pH 5.6) was prepared from a potassium hydrogen phthalate solution (0.3 M) by adjusting the pH with sodium hydroxide (5 M). Phthalate buffer was prepared at 0.3 M because this gave better pH control when compared to 0.2 M. Reaction Mixtures. Round-bottom thick-wall Pyrex ampules of 10 mL volume (S. Murray and Co., Old Woking, Surrey, U.K.) were used as reaction vessels. Reactions between cysteine and the ribose derivatives (inosine 5′-monophosphate, ribose 5-phosphate, or free ribose) were carried out in phosphate buffer, phthalate buffer, and water (unbuffered) at an initial pH of 5.6. The pH chosen relates to the pH in normal meat (5.6-5.8). The reactions were also carried out in the phosphate buffer at pH 4.2. Separate solutions of cysteine (0.1 M) and the ribose-containing compound (0.1 M) were prepared using water or the appropriate buffer. Before they were made up to volume, the pH was checked and adjusted to 5.6 or 4.2 with sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid solutions, if necessary. Equal quantities of the solutions were mixed, and 6.0 mL of the mixture (i.e., 0.3 mmol of each reactant) was transferred to the reaction ampules. The ampules were flame-sealed and then heated in a CERTOclav autoclave (Kelomat, Traun, Austria) for 30 min at 140 °C under a pressure of 0.28 MPa (2.8 bar). The pH values of the reaction mixtures were measured before and after heating. Each reaction was carried out in triplicate. To examine the effect of the heat treatment on ribose 5-phosphate and free ribose alone, the cysteine aliquots were substituted by distilled water or phosphate buffer (pH 5.6). Headspace Collection of Volatiles. After cooling, each reaction mixture was transferred to a 250 mL conical flask containing 20 mL of the appropriate buffer (pH 5.6) or distilled water (unbuffered reactions). The flask was fitted with a Drechsel head, and a glass-lined stainless steel tube (155 mm × 3 mm i.d.), containing 85 mg of TenaxTA (Scientific Glass Engineering, Ringwood, Australia), was attached by a stainless steel reducing union to the head outlet. During the collection of the volatile components, the dilute reaction solution was maintained at 60 °C in a water bath while the Tenax trap was kept at room temperature. The volatiles were swept from the flask onto the adsorbent in the trap using a flow of oxygen-free nitrogen (40 mL/ min) for 1.5 h. At the end of this time, the flask was removed, an internal standard (1,2-dichlorobenzene, 130 ng in 1 µL of diethyl ether) was added to the front end of the trap, and residual solvent and any moisture retained on the trap were removed by purging with nitrogen at 40 mL/min for 5 min. Solvent Extraction of Volatiles from Heated Sugar Solutions. The heated sugar solution blanks (6 mL) were extracted with 6 mL of dichloromethane. The solvent fraction was passed through a small funnel packed with glass fiber. Fifty microliters of a dichlorobenzene solution (720 µg/mL in diethyl ether) was added to the solvent extract, which was then concentrated to 3 mL with a flow of nitrogen. One microliter of each extract was injected by a split/splitless injection system into the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), and the components in the extract were quantified using the internal standard. GC-MS. All analyses were performed on a Hewlett-Packard 5972 mass spectrometer, fitted with an HP5890 series II gas chromatograph and a G1034C Chemstation. A CHIS injection port (Scientific Glass Engineering) held at 250 °C was used to thermally desorb the volatiles from the Tenax trap onto the front of a 50 m × 0.32 mm i.d., 0.5 µm film thickness, BPX5 fused-silica capillary column (Scientific Glass Engineering). During the desorption period of 5 min, the oven was

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 14, 2002


held at 0 °C using the GC subambient facility. After desorption, the oven was heated to 50 °C over 1 min, at which it was held for 2 min before heating at 4 °C/min to 280 °C. Helium at 55 kPa was used as the carrier gas, resulting in a flow of 1.75 mL/min at 40 °C. A series of n-alkanes (C6-C22) was analyzed, under the same conditions, to obtain linear retention index (LRI) values for the components. Analyses of some samples were also carried out on a 50 m × 0.32 mm i.d., 0.5 µm film thickness, BP20 column (Scientific Glass Engineering) to provide additional LRI data. Gas chromatographic conditions were the same as for the BPX5 column except that the maximum oven temperature was 250 °C. An HP 7673 autosampler was used to introduce 1 µL of the solvent extracts onto the GC column via a split/splitless injection port heated at 280 °C. The oven temperature was held at 50 °C for 2 min and then programmed at 4 °C/min to 280 °C (BPX5 column) or 250 °C (BP20 column). The interface of the GC to the MS was maintained at 280 °C, and the MS was operated in the electron-impact mode with an ionization energy of 70 eV and a scan rate of 1.9 scans/s over the mass range of 29-400 amu. Components were identified by comparison of their mass spectra and LRI with those from authentic compounds analyzed in our laboratory or by comparison with spectra contained in the NIST/EPA/ NIH mass spectral database or in other publications. Approximate quantities of the volatiles in the concentrated headspace from each sample were estimated by comparison of their peak areas, in the total ion current chromatogram, with that of the 1,2-dichlorobenzene internal standard using a response factor of 1. This allowed comparison of the relative contributions the volatiles made to the headspaces of the different systems but did not provide absolute concentrations in the aqueous solutions. The mean coefficient of variance (CV) for quantities of individual components was 22% and, with the exception of some compounds that were present in relatively small amounts, no compound showed a CV >40%. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

On heating, the pH values of the unbuffered reaction mixtures containing cysteine and ribose 5-phosphate or free ribose dropped from the initial pH of 5.6 to pH 4.2 and 3.9, respectively. The pH of the inosine monophosphate system was unchanged after heating. Phosphate (0.2 M pyrophosphate) and phthalate buffers (0.3 M) maintained the pH within 0.3 pH unit through the heating process. The formation of aroma volatiles in Maillard systems has been demonstrated to be strongly influenced by changes in pH (11-13). The pH of the unbuffered reaction systems dropped during the progress of the reaction, making it difficult to determine how pH influenced the volatile reaction products. Although buffers maintained a constant pH through the reaction, phosphate buffers have been suggested to catalyze the Maillard reaction (10). Thus, in the present study, the influence of pH and buffer has been assessed by comparing unbuffered systems with phosphate-buffered systems at pH 5.6 and 4.2 (the initial and final pH values of unbuffered cysteine/ribose reaction systems) and phthalate-buffered systems at 5.6. Aromas of Heated Reaction Systems. After heating, the aromas of the three unbuffered systems differed. The odor attributes were described by three assessors who smelled the undiluted reaction mixtures. Whereas the cysteine/ribose phosphate mixture generated strong “rubbery” and “corned beef” notes, cysteine/ribose produced milder “meaty” and “savory” aromas. In the inosine monophosphate system, however, odors such as “rotten egg”, “unpleasant”, and “sulfury” were generated. Differences in color intensity were also observed, with the cysteine/ribose phosphate mixture turning to dark yellow and the ribose and inosine monophosphate systems to a medium to pale yellow. However, when the reactions containing ribose 5-phosphate or ribose were prepared in phosphate (pH 5.6 and


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 14, 2002

4.2) or phthalate buffer (pH 5.6), no clear distinctions in odor or color between them were observed. Both reactions generated a dark yellow color and strong “rubbery”, “corned beef”, and “sulfury” odors. For the reactions involving inosine 5′-monophosphate, little change was observed when they were prepared in buffers at pH 5.6 compared with the unbuffered system. At pH 4.2 (phosphate buffer), however, more “meaty” odors emerged, whereas the unpleasant “rotten egg” note was no longer detected. Volatile Compounds from the Reaction Systems. The approximate quantities of 66 sulfur-containing volatiles, found in the headspace of unbuffered and buffered model systems containing cysteine and ribose 5-phosphate, ribose, or inosine 5′-monophosphate, are shown in Table 1, together with the major non-sulfur compounds. Wherever possible, the identities were confirmed by comparison of mass spectra and LRI with those for authentic compounds. When authentic standards were not available, tentative identifications were made by comparison with literature mass spectra and retention data. The volatiles formed in these reactions were dominated by sulfur-containing compounds with thiols present in highest quantities. These included mercaptoketones, furanthiols, and thiophenethiols. Symmetrical and unsymmetrical disulfides derived from these thiols were also detected, and they included oxoalkyl, furyl, and thienyl disulfides. Other compounds found included thiophenones, dithiolanones, and thiophenes. The major non-sulfur volatiles were 2-furfural and 2,4-pentanedione. It was readily apparent that the inosine monophosphate systems produced much lower quantities of volatiles, and many of the compounds found in the ribose and ribose phosphate systems were present in only trace amounts in the inosine monophosphate reaction mixtures. Three furans and thiophenes with an -SH group in the 3-position were found in the heated reaction mixtures. It has been known for some time that such compounds, and related disulfides, possess strong meatlike aromas and exceptionally low odor threshold values (21-24). Thiols and disulfides containing 2-furylmethyl moieties were also present in the reaction mixtures. These have sulfury, onion-like characteristics, and similar aromas have been reported for the mercaptoketones (25). These results correlate well with odor attributes of the heated reaction mixtures assessed in the present study. The sulfur-containing volatiles are likely to be formed from the reactions of hydrogen sulfide with carbonyl compounds. Hydrogen sulfide can derive from the hydrolysis of cysteine or from the Strecker degradation of cysteine in the presence of dicarbonyl compounds. Other aroma intermediates that can be formed from cysteine include mercaptoacetaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and ammonia. Carbonyl and dicarbonyl compounds derive mainly from the breakdown of ribose via the Maillard reaction. Two important intermediates in Maillard reactions involving pentoses are 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone and 2-furfural. The initial step of the Maillard reaction produces an Amadori compound, which is deaminated and dehydrated via either 1,2or 2,3-enolization (Figure 1). The 1,2-enolization route gives 2-furfural, via 3-deoxypentosone, whereas 2,3-enolization results in 1-deoxypentosone and 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone. The last two compounds are considered to be key aroma intermediates and can dehydrate to other important intermediates, such as dicarbonyl compounds (15). Most of the mercaptoketones, furanthiols, thiophenethiols, disulfides, thiophenones, dithiolanones, and thiophenes reported in the present paper have been shown to be produced in the reaction of 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone with hydrogen

Mottram and Nobrega sulfide or cysteine (15, 26). Mechanisms for the formation of these compounds were proposed. Relative Reactivities of Ribose and Ribose 5-Phosphate. Interesting differences in the formation of volatiles were found between cysteine/ribose 5-phosphate and cysteine/ribose in the unbuffered systems. The ribose phosphate system appeared to be more reactive, producing much larger quantities of most volatile compounds (Table 1). This was particularly noticeable with the major class of volatiles, the mercaptoketones and their oxidation products (oxoalkyl disulfides). The difference in the total quantities of furanthiols, as shown in Table 1, does not appear to be as great. However, relatively large quantities of 2-furanmethanethiol in the ribose system are largely responsible for the class total in this system. The dominant volatile in the ribose system was the non-sulfur compound 2-furfural, which was present at a level ∼4 times higher than in the ribose phosphate system. Reaction of this compound with hydrogen sulfide, from cysteine breakdown, is the probable route to 2-furanmethanethiol (27). A possible explanation for the increased reactivity of ribose 5-phosphate in comparison to ribose may be that different mechanisms for its breakdown and reaction with cysteine occur. It has been reported (28) that, in aqueous solution, ribose 5-phosphate is relatively easily dephosphorylated and dehydrated to yield 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone and 1-deoxypentosone (Figure 2). This furanone can readily form thiolsubstituted furans and thiophenes by reaction with hydrogen sulfide, produced in the degradation of cysteine (15, 29). Reaction of the R-dicarbonyls, 2,3-butanedione, and 2,3pentanedione with hydrogen sulfide can yield the mercaptoketones, which are dominant products of the reaction. Mechanisms for the formation of these diones and mercaptoketones from the 1-deoxypentosone intermediate have been suggested (15). The dephosphorylation of ribose 5-phosphate, as shown in Figure 2, may provide an easier route to 4-hydroxy-5-methyl3(2H)-furanone, 1-deoxypentosone, and the dione intermediates than the Maillard pathway via Amadori intermediates, which is required for the free ribose system. Hence, sulfur compounds from reactions of these intermediates with cysteine or hydrogen sulfide were more readily produced from ribose 5-phosphate. 2-Furfural is formed via 3-deoxypentosone, which is produced from Amadori intermediates in the Maillard reaction. This is not produced by the dephosphorylation of ribose 5-phosphate and, therefore, the formation of 2-furfural would not be expected to be enhanced in the ribose phosphate system compared with the ribose system. Effect of Buffer. The very marked differences in quantities of volatiles between the ribose and ribose 5-phosphate systems observed in the reactions carried out in unbuffered solutions were not found when the reactions were carried out in buffered solution (Table 1). In the presence of either phosphate or phthalate buffer at pH 5.6, the levels of volatiles from the ribose systems were generally much higher than in the unbuffered system, whereas the differences between the ribose phosphate systems were generally small. Furthermore, when the ribose reaction system was buffered at 4.2, which corresponds to the final pH attained by the unbuffered system, enhancement of volatiles was also observed. The dominating classes of volatiles in all of the systems were mercaptoketones and furan- and thiophenethiols. As discussed above, these compounds can be derived from the Amadori intermediate of the Maillard reaction via the 1,2-enolization route, which is favored by higher pH. The marked increase in these compounds in the buffered ribose systems, at both pH 5.6 and 4.2, compared with the unbuffered

Sulfur Aroma Compounds from Cysteine/Ribose Reaction Systems

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 14, 2002


Table 1. Approximate Quantitiesa of Volatiles Identified in the Headspace of Heated Cysteine Model Systems Containing Ribose 5-Phosphate

(Rib-PO4), Ribose, or Inosine 5′-Monophosphate (IMP)b phosphate buffer, pH 5.6


phthalate buffer, pH 5.6

phosphate buffer, pH 4.2

compound [m/z (rel intensity)]













initial pH final pH 3-mercapto-2-butanone 3-mercapto-2-pentanone 2-mercapto-3-pentanone total mercaptoketones 2-methyl-3-furanthiol 2-furanmethanethiol 3-thiophenethiol 2-methyl-3-thiophenethiol 2-thiophenemethanethiol total furan- and thiophenethiols bis(1-methyl-2-oxopropyl) disulfided 3-(1-methyl-2-oxopropyldithio)pentan-2-oned 2-(1-methyl-2-oxopropyldithio)pentan-3-oned bis(1-ethyl-2-oxopropyl) disulfided 3-(1-methyl-2-oxobutyldithio)pentan-2-oned bis(1-methyl-2-oxobutyl) disulfided total oxoalkyl disulfides 1-[2-methyl-(3-furyldithio)]propan-2-one 2-[2-methyl-(3-furyldithio)]butan-3-one bis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulfide 3-[(2-methyl-(3-furyldithio)]pentan-2-one 2-[(2-methyl-(3-furyldithio)]pentan-3-one 2-(2-furylmethyldithio)butan-3-one 2-methyl-3-(2-furylmethyldithio)furan 3-(2-furylmethyldithio)pentan-2-one 2-(2-furylmethyldithio)pentan-3-one bis(2-furylmethyl) disulfide total furyl disulfides 2-(3-thienyldithio)butan-3-one 2-methyl-3-(3-thienyldithio)furan 2-methyl-3-[2-methyl-(3-thienyldithio)]furan 2-(3-thienyldithio)pentan-3-one 3-(2-furylmethyldithio)thiophene bis(3-thienyl) disulfide [115, 230 (65), 71 (42), 166 (38), 45 (28), 69 (13), 197 (12), 116 (11)] 2-methyl-3-(3-thienyldithio)thiophene [129, 244 (63), 45 (34), 71 (21), 115 (17), 85 (18), 180 (14), 69 (13)] bis(2-methyl-3-thienyl) disulfide total thienyl disulfides 2-methylthiophene 4,5-dihydro-2-methylthiophene 2-ethylthiophene 2,3-dimethylthiophene 2-formylthiophene 5-methyl-2-formylthiophene 3-methyl-2-formylthiophene 2-acetyl-3-methylthiophene 2-propanoylthiophene 3-ethyl-2-formylthiophene dimethylformylthiophene total thiophenes (E or Z)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2-dithiolan-4-one (E or Z)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2-dithiolan-4-one 3-ethyl-1,2-dithiolan-4-one 3-methyl-1,2-dithian-4-one total dithianones and dithiolanones 4,5-dihydro-3(2H)-thiophenone 4,5-dihydro-5-methyl-3(2H)-thiophenone 4,5-dihydro-2-methyl-3(2H)-thiophenone dihydro-2,(4 or 5)-dimethyl-3(2H)-thiophenone dihydro-2,(4 or 5)-dimethyl-3(2H)-thiophenone dihydro-2 or 5-ethyl-3(2H)-thiophenone ethyl-3(2H)-thiophenone total thiophenones

5.6 4.2 2670 9220 1870 13760 2940 3310 2400 699 104 9453 20 212 16 333 111 − 692 41 71 77 281 48 33 47 215 + 43 856 + 80 49 46 + 49

5.6 3.9 29 850 40 919 1010 2610 37 55 16 3728 − tr tr 34 7 − 41 13 5 56 38 8 3 47 63 + 80 313 − tr 11 tr 7 tr

5.6 5.7 10 tr 7 17 97 13 50 20 − 180 − − − − − − − − tr 7 − tr − − − − − 7 − 7 tr − − 3

5.6 5.5 8860 2490 2620 13970 2050 496 716 1260 124 4646 262 181 202 42 60 40 787 − 146 33 86 + 18 + tr 13 − 296 94 38 63 27 − −

5.6 5.5 9820 4020 3280 17120 2230 1750 476 730 36 5222 131 10 200 29 53 33 456 − 149 87 35 74 112 + 35 52 20 564 11 14 23 8 − −

5.6 5.7 43 23 37 103 67 23 123 23 tr 236 − − − − − − − − tr tr − − − − − − − − tr tr tr 10 − 20

5.6 5.4 5570 2370 1640 9580 2960 840 1100 1180 171 6251 458 190 233 49 47 12 989 − 580 240 180 152 53 18 37 12 − 1272 61 54 88 14 − −

5.6 5.3 3520 1540 921 5981 2620 3540 353 663 67 7243 62 95 66 23 32 tr 278 − − 55 117 83 353 148 102 87 68 1013 tr 45 45 tr − −

5.6 5.4 70 40 53 163 143 47 213 40 tr 443 − − − − − − − − − tr − − − − − − − − tr 7 tr − − tr

4.2 3.9 3890 9260 2200 15350 10230 2360 3770 1390 128 17878 tr 9 tr 24 4 − 37 12 43 167 157 34 3 14 11 3 tr 444 11 63 24 8 − 8

4.2 3.9 2090 6600 1330 10020 8250 3160 848 1050 66 13374 tr tr tr 12 9 − 21 27 42 319 201 37 3 32 22 3 7 693 tr 17 31 tr − tr

4.2 4.5 500 700 533 1733 1867 5000 367 400 21 7655 tr tr tr tr tr tr tr 3 17 63 30 13 tr tr tr tr tr 126 − 13 17 tr − tr













9 258 1220 − − 62 146 55 190 46 17 60 291 2087 457 490 21 190 1158 28 117 244 tr tr − − 389

tr 18 300 − − tr 68 3 8 − − 8 20 407 9 7 − 6 22 tr 17 26 − − − − 43

tr 10 70 − − tr tr 3 7 − − tr − 80 27 20 − 3 50 3 tr 10 − − − − 13

21 256 744 123 51 96 133 27 226 54 110 69 63 1696 224 131 36 128 519 76 + 3040 189 306 138 40 3789

tr 56 550 199 144 201 258 17 359 − tr 112 26 1866 116 72 22 307 517 147 + 1890 159 260 90 15 2561

− 40 33 − 3 tr tr 13 10 − tr tr tr 59 20 13 − 10 43 17 + 23 tr 10 tr − 50

tr 217 1180 403 180 261 239 78 500 60 152 118 137 3308 361 240 44 222 867 108 + 2200 253 302 201 52 3116

tr 90 537 246 50 71 239 18 462 tr tr 132 44 1799 119 70 20 453 662 90 + 1020 104 123 81 12 1430

− 7 73 − 3 tr tr 3 7 − tr tr tr 86 30 23 − 10 63 10 + 33 tr tr tr − 43

tr 122 1470 − − − 238 tr 110 79 24 111 132 2164 1224 1019 24 290 2557 33 251 868 17 22 − − 1191

tr 48 828 − − − 310 tr 173 6 32 266 129 1744 113 209 24 458 804 23 51 536 22 26 − − 658

3 33 833 + − − 20 tr 17 tr tr 20 20 910 297 237 7 47 588 7 20 87 tr tr tr − 114

ribose system, suggests that catalysis by the buffer occurred, which was greater than any effect of pH. It was interesting to note that quantities of 2-furfural decreased in the presence of buffer. 2-Furylmethanethiol, which is formed from 2-furfural,

MS ref

c c c c c 14 c c c 15 15 c c c 15 c c c c c c c c c 15 15 16 15 17

15 c 18 c c c c c c c 5 5 5 5 5 19 c c c 5 5 5 5

also showed little or no increase in the presence of buffer. These compounds are formed via the 1,2-enolization of the Amadori compound, and the apparent lack of a buffer effect on their formation suggests that the role of phosphate and phthalate


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 14, 2002

Mottram and Nobrega

Table 1. (Continued) unbuffered

phosphate buffer, pH 5.6

phthalate buffer, pH 5.6

phosphate buffer, pH 4.2

compound [m/z (rel intensity)]













initial pH final pH 2,3-dihydro-6-methylthiothieno[2,3-c]furan thieno[2,3-b]thiophene thieno[3,2-b]thiophene a dihydrothienothiophene a methyldihydrothienothiophene a methyldihydrothienothiophene a methyldihydrothienothiophene a dimethyldihydrothienothiophene total bicyclic compounds (E)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane (Z)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane 3-methyl-1,2,4-trithiane 1,2,4,5-tetrathiane total trithiolanes, trithianes, and tetrathianes 2-pentanone 3-pentanone 2,3-pentanedione 3-hydroxy-2-butanone 2,4-pentanedione methylpyrazine 2-furfural total non-sulfur compounds

5.6 4.2 tr 290 7 68 5 73 153 30 626 − − − − −

5.6 3.9 − 8 tr tr tr 3 5 tr 16 − − − − −

5.6 5.7 − 10 tr − − − − − 10 7 tr 7 63 77

5.6 5.5 224 + 23 887 139 156 140 152 1721 tr tr 27 − 27

5.6 5.5 1320 43 24 1710 628 110 103 254 4192 tr tr 8 − 8

5.6 5.7 − 23 7 7 − − − − 37 23 20 97 210 350

5.6 5.4 406 147 39 1310 243 400 334 497 3376 + + 38 − 38

5.6 5.3 840 47 60 1490 660 143 128 460 3828 tr tr 6 − 6

5.6 5.4 − 23 tr 3 − − − − 26 tr tr 7 67 74

4.2 3.9 tr 275 − 137 tr 33 68 7 520 − − − − −

4.2 3.9 43 37 − 96 tr 26 58 16 276 − − − − −

4.2 4.5 − 3 − 7 tr tr tr tr 10 − − − − −

27 13 − − 3 − tr 43

801 457 + 453 912 81 − 2704

388 388 + 98 102 267 tr 1243

1040 703 + 1060 1170 tr − 3973

469 279 + tr 33 294 260 1335

124 26 + tr 2530 − 1460 4140

12 − + − 10 − 4990 5012

40 33 + − 13 − tr 86

67 43 + − 13 − tr 123

352 82 + + 5640 tr 1260 7334

123 22 + + 482 tr 2290 2917

117 37 + − 367 − 27 665

MS ref

c 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 c c c

c c c c c c c

a Approximate quantities in headspace (ng/mmol of sugar) given as means of triplicate analyses; tr, trace (5 ng/mmol of inosine 5′-monophosphate (Table 1). Comparison of the quantities of volatiles from the inosine monophosphate systems with those containing ribose 5-phosphate and ribose showed that the inosine monophosphate systems were much less reactive. In the unbuffered inosine monophosphate systems and those buffered at pH 5.6, most compounds were found in the headspace at concentrations 10-100 times lower than in the corresponding ribose or ribose phosphate reactions, and for some compounds the differences were even greater. The only exceptions were the group of sulfur compounds comprising trithiolanes, trithianes, and tetrathianes, which were found in larger quantities in the inosine monophosphate systems at pH 5.6. When the cysteine/inosine monophosphate reaction was carried out in phosphate buffer at pH 4.2, much higher amounts

Sulfur Aroma Compounds from Cysteine/Ribose Reaction Systems

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 14, 2002


Figure 2. Degradation of ribose 5-phosphate to give 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-

3(2H)-furanone and 1-deoxypentosone and the subsequent reactions with hydrogen sulfide (RA ) retroaldolization). Table 2. Approximate Quantitiesa (Micrograms per Millimole of Sugar) Figure 1. Formation of 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone and 2-furfural

of Major Compounds Identified in Dichloromethane Extracts of Heated Ribose 5-Phosphate or Ribose Solutionsb

from ribose via an Amadori compound in the Maillard reaction, showing tautomeric forms of 1-deoxypentosone.

of volatiles were formed in comparison to the reactions at pH 5.6 (Table 1). This was particularly notable for the thiols and disulfides. Interestingly, trithiolanes, trithianes, and tetrathianes, which were major components in the cysteine/inosine monophosphate reactions at pH 5.6, were not detected in the same systems at pH 4.2. These compounds are believed to be formed by the thermal degradation of cysteine in aqueous solution (30). Therefore, they do not require the presence of a sugar and the associated Maillard reactions for their formation. Their absence from the cysteine/inosine monophosphate reaction at low pH and their low concentrations in the ribose systems were probably due to competing reactions for intermediates of cysteine breakdown, reducing their availability for thiolane and trithiane formation. Inosine 5′-monophosphate is a glycoside of hypoxanthine and ribose 5-phosphate. The N-glycoside link between ribose and the base is at the reducing group of the sugar and, therefore, Maillard-type reactions involving the ribose moiety will not occur until this link is hydrolyzed. It has been reported that the hydrolysis of inosine 5′-monophosphate is enhanced under acidic conditions (31). The present results demonstrate that inosine 5′-monophosphate is relatively stable in aqueous solution at a pH typical of that observed in meat (5.6) and that relatively little reaction occurs with cysteine. This is in contrast to ribose 5-phosphate and ribose, which undergo reactions with cysteine to give typical Maillard reaction products. At the lower pH of 4.2 some hydrolysis of inosine 5′-monophosphate occurred, which gave rise to increased concentrations of such products.


phosphate buffer






final pH (initial pH 5.6) 2-furfural 4-hydroxy-5-methyl3(2H)-furanone

4.4 263 (63) 280 (27)

3.8 103 (23) −

5.7 tr 287 (47)

5.7 107 (3) tr

a Quantities are the mean of triplicate analyses with the standard deviation in parentheses; tr, trace (