Formation of Water-in-Carbon Dioxide ... - ACS Publications

Department of Chemical Engineering, UniVersity of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, Department of. Chemical ... temperatures (25-90 °C) and press...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 11094-11102

Formation of Water-in-Carbon Dioxide Microemulsions with a Cationic Surfactant: A Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study C. T. Lee, Jr.,† P. A. Psathas,† K. J. Ziegler,† K. P. Johnston,*,† H. J. Dai,‡ H. D. Cochran,‡,§ Y. B. Melnichenko,| and G. D. Wignall*,| Department of Chemical Engineering, UniVersity of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, Department of Chemical Engineering, UniVersity of Tennessee, KnoxVille, Tennessee 37996, Chemical Technology DiVision, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, and Solid State DiVision, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 ReceiVed: June 16, 2000; In Final Form: September 8, 2000

The formation of water-in-carbon dioxide microemulsions with a cationic perfluoropolyether trimethylammonium acetate surfactant, PFPE-C(O)-NH-CH2-N+(CH3)3 CH3COO-, is reported over a range of temperatures (25-90 °C) and pressures (87.3-415 bar). Spherical droplets are observed by SANS with radii ranging from 16 to 36 Å for water-to-surfactant molar ratios (Wo) from 9.5 to 28. Porod analysis of the SANS data indicates an area of approximately 60 Å2/surfactant molecule at the water-CO2 interface, in reasonable agreement with the value of 72 Å2 determined from the change in the droplet radius with Wo. The CO2-phobic functionality between the surfactant headgroup and perfluoropolyether tail reduces CO2 penetration of the tails, resulting in a smaller area/surfactant than in the case of an anionic perfluoropolyether surfactant [Langmuir 1997, 13, 3934]. A relatively rigid film, with a mean film rigidity (2K + K h ) of approximately 1 kBT, along with the strong partitioning of the surfactant toward CO2 versus water, lead to the small, rigid, spherical water droplets in CO2.

Introduction Liquid or supercritical CO2 (Tc ) 31 °C, Pc ) 73.8 bar) exhibits solvent properties which are tunable with pressure, and is essentially nontoxic and nonflammable. Dense CO2 is nonpolar (unlike water) and has weak van der Waals forces (unlike oils). Water and CO2 may be combined to form microemulsions as environmentally benign replacements for organic solvents to dissolve both polar and hydrophobic compounds. The existence of a bulk water domain in a waterin-CO2 (W/C) microemulsion was demonstrated by several spectroscopic techniques with an ammonium carboxylate perfluoropolyether surfactant (PFPECOO-NH4+).1 Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments2-4 on this and other systems confirmed the existence of microemulsions in the form of 20-35 Å spherical water droplets dispersed in CO2, as supported by molecular simulations.5 The area per surfactant in the microemulsion droplet, measured by SANS, is similar to that for the surfactant at the planar interface, as determined by tensiometry.6,7 Dispersions of water in CO2, whether on the nanometer (microemulsions)1,4,6 or micrometer (emulsions)8 scale, offer new possibilities for separations on the basis of polarity, and as media for reactions between polar and nonpolar molecules.9,10 To date, microemulsions in CO2 have been formed only with a select few anionic surfactants. The formation of W/C microemulsions with cationic surfactants would offer additional opportunities in a variety of practical applications. Nucleophilic substitution,9 catalytic hydrogenation,10 and simple inorganic * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. † Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. ‡ Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee. § Chemical Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. | Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

reactions,11 as well as the formation of nanoparticles12,13 have been performed in W/C systems stabilized with anionic ammonium carboxylate perfluoropolyether (PFPECOO- NH4+) surfactants. Since these nucleophilic substitution reactions involve the formation of a negatively charged transition state, the reaction rates may be expected to be higher in microemulsions formed with cationic surfactants, which are capable of stabilizing the transition state. Furthermore, in the reported case of catalytic hydrogenation in emulsions of water and CO2,10 an anionic, water-soluble catalyst was used. Again, the use of a cationic surfactant may be expected to increase the reaction rate, in this case by increasing the local concentration of the catalyst at the water-CO2 interface where the reaction occurs. It is often advantageous to use cationic surfactants to stabilize metal nanoparticles. For example, the formation of Pt nanoparticles by the reduction of platinum salts in the water pool of a water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion occurred readily with cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), but not with anionic sodium octanoate, due to the low solubility of the platinum salts in the microemulsion.14 Furthermore, quaternary ammonium salts have been shown to be capable of stabilizing noble-metal nanoparticles with negatively charged surfaces in organic solvents.15 Our objective is to extend the scope of W/C microemulsions to include a cationic surfactant and to characterize these microemulsions with phase behavior, SANS, and interfacial tension (IFT) measurements. Transitions from single-phase microemulsions to two-phase systems are described in terms of interdroplet interactions and changes in the natural curvature of the water-CO2 interface on the basis of phase behavior and SANS data. The SANS data are modeled to determine the average droplet radius, polydispersity, and structure factor as a function of water-to-surfactant molar ratio (Wo), temperature,

10.1021/jp002202n CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society Published on Web 11/02/2000

Formation of Water-in-CO2 Microemulsions and pressure. A linear fit of droplet radius versus the molar ratio of water to surfactant, corrected for the solubility of water in CO2, is used to determine the surface area per surfactant molecule, which is compared to the value obtained from a Porod analysis of the data. The results are compared with previous studies of fluoroether anionic surfactants at water-CO2 and water-perfluoropolyether oil interfaces. From the value of droplet radius and polydispersity determined from SANS, as well as interfacial tension measurements performed with surfactant at the water-CO2 interface, a value of the mean film rigidity is calculated. The pH of the water core of the W/C microemulsions is determined from analysis of the UV-vis spectra of the hydrophilic indicator methyl orange. Experimental Section Materials. The surfactant of the form F-(CF(CF3)-CF2O)n-CF(CF3)-C(O)-NH-CH2-N+(CH3)3 CH3COO- with a perfluoropolyether (PFPE) tail and a cationic trimethylammonium acetate (TMMA) headgroup was used in all experiments (abbreviated PFPE-TMAA). The surfactant had an average molecular weight of 1124 g/mol (n ) 4) and was a gift from DuPont.16 The surfactant was further purified to extract excess sodium acetate by successively stirring 5 g of the surfactant with 70 mL of water until the conductivity of the water phase was reduced from 600 µS/cm to less than 15 µS/cm. This corresponds to a remaining concentration of sodium acetate in the surfactant of approximately 0.5 mol %. Instrumen-grade CO2 (Praxair) passed through an oxytrap (Oxyclear, model no. RGP31-300) and Nanopure II water (Barnstead) were used as indicated. Deuterated water (99.9 atom %, Aldrich) was used in the SANS experiments. Methyl orange was purchased from Aldrich and used as received. Microemulsion Phase Behavior. Microemulsions were prepared in a high-pressure, variable-volume view cell equipped with a sapphire window that permitted visual observation of microemulsion formation and phase behavior.17 A piston inside the view cell was used to vary the pressure independently of temperature that remains constant within (0.1 °C. System pressure was controlled with a syringe pump to within 1 bar by using CO2 as the pressurizing fluid on the backside of the piston. The cell contents were mixed with a magnetic stir bar inside the cell. The microemulsion cloud point at each concentration was measured by decreasing the pressure from 450 bar until the clear, one-phase microemulsion became cloudy. SANS Experiments and Analysis. The data were collected on the W. C. Koehler SANS facility18 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory with a 64 × 64 cm2 area detector and element size ∼1 cm2. The neutron wavelength was λ ) 4.75 Å (∆λ/λ ∼ 5%) and the beam at the sample was defined by an 8 mm cadmium iris. The sample-detector distance was 3.3 m and the data were corrected for instrumental backgrounds, detector efficiency, and the scattering from the cell windows for each detector element prior to radial averaging to give a Q-range of 0.010 < Q < 0.185 Å-1. The net intensities were converted to an absolute ((4%) differential cross section per unit sample volume (in units of cm-1) by comparison with precalibrated secondary standards, based on the measurement of beam flux, vanadium incoherent cross section, the scattering from water, and other reference materials.19 The coherent intensities of the sample were obtained by subtracting the (coherent) cross section of CO2 (∼10-2 cm-1) and the (incoherent) cross section of the hydrogen atoms (∼0.002 cm-1) in the surfactant, and these formed only a minor correction to the sample data (