The Inquiring
Mind at
High s p e e d p h o t o g r a p h y h e l p s O i d s m o b i l e e n g i neers translate the t h e o r y of camshaft d e s i g n i n t o p r a c t i c a l reality. Developing the " b r a i n s " of an engine—its camshaft— demands engineering skill of a high order, both in theory and practice. Advanced techniques of precision measurement gui^e ^Idsmobile engineers in creating a profile design of optimum efficiency. To determine exactly what happens in a valve train system, movies are taken at speeds up to 15,000 frames p e r second. The valve train under study is assembled in a n engine block and driven by an electric dynamometer a t precisely controlled speeds. A vernier scale, silver soldered to the valve spring retainer, is photographed a s it moves with the valve's opening and closing.
Essentially, these photographs act a s an analog computer. Analysis gives a plot of the actual "lift curve" of the camshaft—the exact linear movement of the valve at each degree o f camshaft rotation. It tells at what points the valve opens a n d closes and also whether the valve lifter is following the cam a s it should. This curve, compared t o the theoretical lift curve is a definite point for refining to begin—to make sure that design theory will be production practice. W i t h this exact and rapid technique of analysis, as many a s 50 experimental camshafts m a y be tested before a final design is fixed. The Inquiring Mind at Oidsmobile is never at rest in its attempt t o build the best engineered car in the indust r y . Test drive the '58 Oidsmobile and you'll find it's the finest p r o d u c t in our 60-year history. OLDSMOBiLE DIVISION. GENERAL
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Pioneer in P r o g r e s s i v e Engineering . . . F a m o u s for Quality Manufacturing