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Fiexographic inks t h a t c a n ' t crack or peel a r e m a d e possible with Versamid resins. Used for printing on
cellophane, glassme, polyethylene, other plastics, they have high tensile strength, quick-grip adhesion.
Formulate controlled flexibility with versatile M&rsamid* polyamide resins Flexible properties of resins are essential in— • •
coatings adhesives
· .
sealants fiexographic inks
. . . .. tools and dies
Versamid's unusual molecular structure provides a high degree of flexibility in combination with other desirable properties. They offer quick, hard-grip adhesion; excellent resistance to water, grease, oils, alkalies; and a wide range of softening points and solubilities. Flexible Versamids resist mechanical and thermal shock, abrasion, shearing. They are compatible with many resins and plasticizers. And Versamids are non-toxic— safe t o work with throughout all stages of production. ^Trademark of General Mills Polyamide R e s i n s .
choose t h e V e r s a m i d p o l y a m i d e resin t h a t best suits y o u r particular needs: DESCRIPTION
Thermosetting types (100 series) fluid
Protectee Coatings, Potting and Casting, Laminates, Adhesives
Drums (S.T.C.) 14 and 55 gallons 100 lbs. and 400 lb. net
Thermoplastic types (900 series) solid Organic solvent solutions (400 series)
Paper Coatings, Heat Seat Adhesives, Thixotropic Paint, Printing Inks Protective Coatings. Decorative Coatings
Drums fiber, 200 lbs. net 50 lb. MultiWali Paper Bags Drums, 55 gallons (S.T.C.) net 400 lbs.
General Mills does not make fiexographic inks, only the versatile Versamid resins that make them possible.
GET MORE FACTS Send for more i?iformetio?i about versatile Versamid polyamide resins. Write I>epL CE-W.
D i s t r i c t O f f i c e s : N e w Y o r k , 1 5 6 W i l l i a m Street; C h i c a g o , 4 S O S o u t h N . W . H i g h w a y , Park R i d g e , I I I . P r o d u c e r s of: Fatty N i t r o g e n s · V e r s a m i d Polyamide Resins · M e t h y l Esters of Fatty A c i d s · F a t t y Acids · Sterols