Institute of Technology was given on February 17, 18, and 19,. 1937, by Claude S. Hudson, Professor of Chemistry at the Na- tional Institute of Health...
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FORRIS JEWETT MOORE LECTURES The second series of Forris Jewett Moore Lectures under the auspices of the Chemistry Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was given on February 17, 18, and 19, 1937, by Claude S. Hudson, Professor of Chemistry a t the National Institute of Health, Washington, D. C., on the subject "Isomerism in the Carbohydrate Group." The lecturer discussed the isomeric forms which the simple

sugars are capable of assuming, described the experimental methods (some of which are new) for determining the structures and stereo-configurations of the isomers, and indicated the ways in which the union of these isomers give rise to the compound sugars, t o starch, and t o cellulose. The Iforris Jcwett .\loore 1.ectmes arc a part of t h e prowam of I. . T. for heiehtenine the the Chemistry Dcpartmcnt of the .\I interest of chimist& and making evident its culturafand humanistic relations.