Foundries Discover QO® Furfuryl Alcohol (FA®) as a Resin Modifier

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Foundries Discover Q O Furfuryi Alcohol (FA") a s a Resin Modifier New doors to progress in the foundry industry are being opened by the unusual properties stemming from furfuryi alcohol modified urea-formaldehyde resins. These resins offer many new approaches and economic advantages in the production of dimensionally accurate cores, used in casting a variety of metals. Here are some of the outstanding features of the furfuryi alcohol modified resin that have made possible the development of the high speed "hot core box" process: 1 Hot strength increases as the FA content increases, making possible the formulation of binders used in casting metals from aluminum to steel.

2L Gas evolution—both rate of evolution and total gas evolved decrease as FA content increases. 3 High solvency allows use of high solids UF resins with low viscosity. This eases the distribution of the binder, assuring strong uniform cores and enables cores to be cured rapidly. 4 Resists overcure—permitting cores to be cured over a wide range of conditions. These properties combine to give a family of binders for the production of strong, accurate cores at a fraction of the time required with other binders. These are the properties that improve production efficiency to make more profitable end products. For specific information, write to the Quaker Oats offices listed below.

The Quaker Qats (bmpany CHEMICALS 333X The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, Illinois Room 6153X, 815 Superior Ave. Cleveland 14, Ohio Room533X, 120 Wall St., N e w York 5, N. Y. Room 433X, 49 S.E. Clay Street Portland 14, Oregon




In the United Kingdom: Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, England In Europe: Quaker Oats (France) S. A., 3, Rue Pillet-Will, Paris IX, France; Imperial Chemical Industries (Holland) N.V., Rotterdam, Holland Imperial Chemical Industries (Export) Ltd., Frankfurt a.M., Germany In Australia: Swift & Company, Ltd., Sydney In Japan: F. Kanematsu & Company, Ltd., Tokyo