Fourier Transform Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble

Jul 22, 2009 - This chapter covers the applications of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy to the characterization of water-solub...
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15 Fourier Transform Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers Structural Analysis and Interactions Marek W. Urban Department of Polymers and Coatings, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105

This chapter covers the applications of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy to the characterization of water-soluble polymers. The structural analysis of poly(ethylene), poly(ethylene glycol), poly(methacrylic acid), and poly(acrylic acid), and the interactions of selected polymers with solvents and surfactants are presented. Structural features of these compounds in the crystalline and melt states are compared with their structural features upon dissolution in aqueous solvents. Special emphasis is given to the recent studies of the interactions between water-soluble polymers or copolymers and solvents or surfactants. New experimental approaches and the sensitivities of both FTIR and Raman spectroscopy to monitor such interactions are presented.

T T H E VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM o f any m a t e r i a l consists o f two parts: the infrared (IR) a n d R a m a n spectra. I R spectroscopy is sensitive to the changes i n d i p o l e m o m e n t that o c c u r d u r i n g the vibrations o f atoms that are f o r m i n g c h e m i c a l bonds. R a m a n spectroscopy detects the polarizability tensor changes o f the e l e c t r o n clouds that s u r r o u n d these atoms. These apparent differences i n the p h y s i c a l p r i n c i p l e s o f b o t h effects have l e d to the d e v e l o p m e n t o f these two d i s t i n c t l y different techniques. I R a n d R a m a n spectra c o m p l e m e n t each other. Because they are sensitive to the vibrations o f atoms, they are c a l l e d v i b r a t i o n a l spectra.

0065-2393/89/0223-0295$06.00/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society



When monochromatic radiation of frequency v irradiates a sample in a region in which it is transparent, the light is scattered from the sample. Most of this scattered light consists of radiation at the frequency of the incident light but differs in the direction of propagation. This elastic scattering process is known as Rayleigh scattering. A small fraction of the scattered light is composed of new modified frequencies (v ± v*). The frequency change is equal to the frequencies associated with transitions between various vibrational energy levels of the molecule. Scattering of the radiation with change of frequency (inelastic scattering) is called the Raman effect. 0


At one time, the progress in the field of Raman spectroscopy of polymers was heavily dependent upon laser technology. The advent of accessible laser sources made it possible to replace the mercury-discharge lamp as an excitation source. Other developments, such as photomultipliers, computerization, or, most recently, sensitive array detectors made a tremendous impact on applications of this method in polymer analysis. IR spectroscopy is based on the absorption of IR light as it passes through a sample. A plot of transmitted energy as a function of wavenumber is called the IR spectrum. In recent years, this old technique has diverged into two apparently different spectroscopies: dispersive and interferometric. The techniques provide the same information with different degrees of sensitivity. Because of its high-energy throughput, speed of measurement, and enhanced sensitivity, Fourier transform IR (FTIR) spectroscopy belongs to the category of interferometric methods that now dominates the field. These advantages led to the development of various sampling techniques, one of which, attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy, plays a key role in the studies of species dissolved in aqueous solvents. The theory of IR (or FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy has been reviewed in several monographs (1-3) and various general references on Raman spectroscopy (3-6). The objective of this review is to survey the spectroscopic results obtained for various water-soluble polymers and to evaluate recent experimental techniques. In particular, this chapter will focus on the studies of selected water-soluble polymers and copolymers and their interactions with solvents and surfactants.

F olyoxyethylene Macromolecules exist in a variety of conformational forms that range from randomly coiled chains to more spatially ordered structures. O f particular interest are the polymers that adopt helical symmetry. Helical conformation is a result of an orderly repeated unit with internal rotational angles along the polymer backbone. In the crystalline state, polyoxyethylene exists in a helical conformation that contains seven chemical units ( - C H C H - 0 - ) and two turns in a backbone identity period of 19.3 Â (7-9). 2




FTIR à- Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers


Although this structure is well-established today, in the early 1970s it was widely debated until Koenig et al. (9) identified dihedral symmetry of this polymer on the basis that no Raman bands were observed at the same frequencies as the parallel IR bands. The Raman spectrum of polyoxyethylene (POE) is given in Figure 1, and Table I lists the band assignments. The band assignments were obtained on the basis of the symmetry considerations and Urey-Bradley force-field calculations. Vibrational spectra were treated by the cyclic factor group C(411/7) or C(10II/7) and the dihedral factor group D(4II/7) or D(10II/7), depending upon whether the helical chain possessed two twofold axes with one axis passing through the oxygen atom and the other bisecting the C - C bond. The calculations indicated that for the cyclic group analysis (C(4II/7) and its isomorph C(10II/7)), the IR and Raman bands should be observed at the

Table I. Band Assignments for the Raman Spectrum of Solid Polyoxyethylene Observed (cm- ) 1

1484 1471 1448 1396 1376 1286 1283 1237 1234 1142 1125 1073 1065 947 936 860 846 832 811 583 537 364 281 231

Calculated (cm- )


1479 1476 1471 1423 1353

Ai Ei Ei Ai Ei

1286 1234 1252 1142 1137 1073 1060 941

Ei Ei Ai Ai Ai Ai Ei Ei

866 847

Ai Ei

524 366 274 212 216

Ei Ei Ai Ai Ei





B(CH ) 5(CH ) w(CH ) v(C~C) w(CH )i,v(C-C) amorphous t(CH0 ,t(CH0i tfCH^tfCH,). t(CH ) v(CH ) v(C-C),w(CH ) v(C-0) r(CH ) v(CO)i,r(CH^, r(CH ) v(CO) amorphous i(CH^„v(CO), r(CH ) end-group O H amorphous 2



















ô(OCC) 5(COC) ,Ô(OCC)i Ô(COC)i,ô(COC) 6(OCC)„CO, 6iOCC)i,CO, 0


SOURCE: Reproduced with permission from ref. 9. Copyright 1971. From ref. 35. ^Key: v, stretching; 6, bending; w, wagging; t, torsional; r, rocking; o, out-of-plane; i, in-plane.







846 286





1142 !283j

1125 1065/73







1481 I486

Figure 1. Raman spectrum of solid polyoxyethylene. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 9. Copyright 1971.)



281 364







c ο

> ο



PI 5d

>n ο r

CO 00




FTIR ir Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers

same frequencies. For the dihedral group, the parallel A



IR modes are

forbidden in Raman spectrum, and 10 A modes polarized in the Raman are l

forbidden in IR. The E


modes, perpendicularly polarized in the IR, are depolarized in

the Raman spectrum. Finally, the modes with the E


symmetry are Raman-

active and depolarized but inactive in the IR. Thus, with the use of vibrational spectroscopy and group theory, Koenig (9) deduced the helical structure of P O E that consisted of a succession of trans, gauche, and trans forms around the O - C , C - C , and C - O bonds, respectively. These results were confirmed later (JO, 11). When a polymer is melted, the molecular conformations become disordered. As a result, the vibrational spectrum is significantly different from the spectrum of the crystalline state. Because of the presence of new conformations in the melt, many new vibrational bands appear in the spectrum, or splitting of the bands observed in crystalline phase disappears. The vibrational modes are broad because of the variety of structures in the melt. Because the structures are disordered, no specific selection rules can be applied. The Raman spectrum of molten P O E is presented in Figure 2 (dashed line). The band assignments for the molten state become difficult, not only because of the broadening, but also because of the large number of local structures with small vibrational energy differences that may be present. In the solid state, the trans-gauche-trans

(TGT) conformation predom-

inates where three chain bonds per repeating unit each have a trans ( O - C ) , gauche ( C - C ) , and trans ( C - O ) form. The possible conformations in the molten state include T G T , G G G , T T T , T T G , and G T G . The statistical weight of each conformation was estimated from the abundance ratio (G + G ' ) / T (12). If the ratios of 8:2 for C H - C H 2


and 2:8 for C H - 0 bonds are used, 2

the statistical weights are T G T , 1 ; T T T , 1:4; T G G , 1:4, T T G , 1:8; G G G ,


and G T G , 1:128. By using vibrational analysis of the models responsible for helical segments of each conformation, it was shown (12) that, although the predominant T G G isomer is present in the molten state, a number of trans ethylene units (TTT, T T G , G T G ) are also significant.

Poly(ethylene glycol) The structure of low molecular weight polyoxyethylene (poly(ethylene glycol) [PEG]) was investigated by many methods, including vibrational spectroscopy. Raman studies in particular contributed to the understanding of the conformational changes in this polymer upon dissolution in aqueous and organic solvents (9). These studies are of particular interest because the conformational changes upon dissolution are effected by p H , salt concentration, or ionic strength of the solution.

Figure 2. Raman spectra of molten polyoxyethylene (—) and crystalline polyoxyethylene (—). (Reproduced with permission from ref 9. Copyright 1971.)






Ο r κ:





FTIR ir Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers



The Raman spectra of P E G in aqueous and chloroform solutions are shown in Figure 3 (9). A comparison of the spectra of aqueous solution with that of the melt (not shown) indicates that the changes on dissolution in water are significantly less drastic than observed on melting. Interestingly enough, the spectrum of P E G in chloroform is very similar to the spectrum in melt. Because of the presence of characteristic Raman bands at 884,


and 807 c m " in the aqueous solution, the T G T methylene structure is more 1

prevalent than the T G G , T T G , and G G G structures. These results are in good agreement with the IR and N M R results (13). Recently, the IR studies of P E G have indicated that the hydroxyl region of the spectrum may determine the interactions between donor and acceptor functional groups (14). Three types of Η-bonded species are formed. These species, together with the characteristic frequencies of the O H stretching vibrations, are shown in Chart I. The hydrogen bonds result from the in­ teractions between the end hydroxyl and ether groups of the P E G backbone. The strength of the hydrogen bonding is affected by three factors: 1. the short-range interactions of the immediately adjacent units of the functional groups, 2. the long-range order effect due to favorable configurations of the molecules that leads to interactions with molecular seg­ ments located away from the functional groups, but at a small distance in space, and 3. the intermolecular interactions between two chains. The 3610-cm" band remained unchanged upon concentration and mo­ lecular weight (within the range of 300 to 6000) changes and thus was at­ tributed to the intermolecular hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups, such as shown in Chart I, structure A . O n the other hand, the 3510-cm" band broadens, and its maximum is shifted toward higher frequencies, both with the increase of molecular weight and concentration. This behavior was at­ tributed to the inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding (see Chart I, structure B). The intramolecular hydrogen bonding leads to the formation of large (greater than five members) rings. The band at 3450 c m " was observed only for molecular weights less than 2000, and, on the basis of the spectra of the model compounds, it was assigned to the hydroxyl groups bonded by inter- or intramolecular hydrogen bonds, which resulted in the formation of 10-member ring structures. 1



Poly(acrylic acid) Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) has several vibrational modes in the 900-1350-cm"


region whose activity depends on the tacticity of the polymer. Figure 4

Figure 3. Raman spectra of PEG in aqueous solution (—) and chloroform (—). (Reproduced with permission from ref 9. Copyright 1971.)










5 »





FTIR & Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers


3610 C M "


3510 C M "




3450 C M "




Chart I. Η-bonded species in polyethylene glycol) and their characteristic frequencies.

illustrates the IR spectra of three forms of poly(acrylic acid): isotactic, atactic, and syndiotactic (15). Several spectral features are associated with the stereoregularity of this polymer. Specifically, syndiotactic poly(acrylic acid) has strong, characteristic band at 1240 c m " , whereas the 9 3 0 - c m band is attributed to the isotactic form and splits to two bands at 1215 and 1275 cm" . Quite often, these bands are used to determine the stereoregularity of the commercial polymers. Several studies have shown that the degree of syndiotacticity is strongly dependent upon the preparation of the polymer. Apparently, the highest degree of syndiotacticity was achieved through photopolymerization of isopropyl acrylate. Although this form of the polymer is insoluble in water or dioxane for molecular weights above 10 , it can be dissolved in a dioxane/water (80%/20%) mixture at ambient temperatures. In contrast, the atactic form of poly(acrylic acid) is soluble in all three sol­ vents. Recent studies on thermal characteristics of the atactic poly(acrylic acid) have shown that upon heating, new bands at 1806, 1757, and 1030 1




c m " simultaneously appear in the IR spectra. These bands indicate a for­ mation of anhydride from carboxylic acid (16). 1

Poly(methacrylic acid) Because of their inability to obtain fiber patterns, X-ray studies have not provided any conclusive evidence as to the nature of the conformations of syndiotactic poly(methacrylic acid) (PMMA). IR dichroism measurements cannot be applied because the oriented films cannot be prepared; however, it was possible to obtain Raman depolarization data in aqueous solutions (J 7). Figure 5 shows Raman spectra in the solid state and in aqueous solution. Because of striking similarity of the spectra, it was concluded that the local conformations in both phases are similar. The frequency shift of two bands at 1452 and 1685 c m " was attributed to the differences in the extent of hydrogen bonding. O n the basis of the IR and Raman activity of polarized and depolarized spectra, it was proposed that both solid and aqueous P M M A exist as helices that contain more than six monomer repeating units per two 1

Figure 4. IR spectra of isotactic (—), syndiotactic (—), and atactic (· · ·) poly(acrylic acid). (Reproduced with permission from réf. 15. Copyright 1972 Société Chimique de France.)




c PI ο




M S3









FTIR i? Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers







930 961



1120 1)99






1200 (500 WAVENUMBER CM"'


Figure 5. Raman spectrum of PMMA in the solid state (—) and aqueous solution (—). (Reproduced with permission from ref 9. Copyright 1971.)

turns of the helix. Similarly, vibrational spectra suggested that poly(sodium methacrylate) (PNaMA) has the helix conformation. However, for P N a M A , the helix conformation is more open because the highly charged carboxylate ions repel each other and result in in slight uncoiling. The conformational changes of P M M A in aqueous solution are influenced not only by the presence of solvent but also by the degree of neutralization of the polyelectrolyte. Apparently, the conformational transition occurs when the degree of neutralization, a, is in the range of 0.2-0.3. Initially, it was suggested that the formation of more extended forms of the P M M A chains was responsible for this process that occurs through subsequent ionization of carboxyl groups (18). The analysis of the Raman spectra with various degrees of neutralization indicated that a simple ionization process cannot explain these data (17). Specifically, the Raman band at 772 c m " due to the C - C stretching mode showed apparent broadening that suggested the presence of additional, unresolved bands. The appearance of new bands was observed upon increased neutralization. These observations indicated that a multiplicity of structures exist, not just simple ionized (COO") and unionized ( C O O H ) forms of carboxyl groups. If both structures were present, two bands due to ionized and un-ionized groups would be observed. Thus, the transformation is not a simple process but rather progressive randomization of structures. 1



Polymer-Solvent, Polymer-Surfactant, and Solvent-Surfactant Interactions IR spectroscopy has not generally been used to study water-soluble polymers because the presence of strongly absorbing water bands obscured the already-complex spectral information. However, with the advent of FTIR, modern sampling accessories, and computerized data processing procedures, the spectrum of the polymer and its interactions with a solvent can be determined. One of the sampling methods recently designed to study aqueous systems is the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) technique. Figure 6 depicts the A T R attachment. A combination of mirrors brings the energy of the spectrometer beam into focus on the surface of the A T R crystal at an average angle of 4 5 ° . The light propagates through the crystal and exits through the other end where it is redirected by another set of mirrors towards the IR detector. The sample of the polymer dissolved in aqueous medium is placed in a boat surrounding the crystal. Such configuration diminishes the strong water bands. Recently, we used this attachment to determine the environment of a styrene/acrylic acid (S/AA) random copolymer ( M W 3000; 59 mol % styrene, 41 mol % acrylic acid) dissolved in basic water solution (19, 20). By using the data processing techniques and high sensitivity of the A T R cell, we found that the aqueous solutions of L i O H , N a O H , or N H O H ionize the acrylic acid segments of the copolymer. Figure 7 shows F T I R subtraction spectra in which two bands at 1547 and 1405 c m " due to the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of the C O O " groups are detected. These spectra are significantly different from those of the bulk samples that exhibit a strong carbonyl band at 1733 cm" . The changes are caused by ionization of the acrylic segments to form of the C O O " groups that are coordinated through positive counterions to the solvent molecules. 4



Spectroscopic studies of aqueous solutions are of particular interest if they provide information about the microenvironment of the copolymer. In the case of S / A A copolymer, the water band at about 3420 c m " cannot be subtracted completely. This behavior indicates that some solvent molecules 1

Figure 6. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) cell.






FTIR à- Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers


_ y

1547 "








/ V M



C AR=20.97





1 2000

Û RΓ = 3= 1.72 1800









1 1200

(CM" ) 1

1 1000


Figure 7. ATR FTIR spectra of the styrene Iacrylic acid copolymer in the 2200-1000-cm' region. A is the aqueous solvent spectrum. Β through Ε are the difference spectra of various concentrations of styrene/acrylic acid minus solvent. (Reproduced with permission from ref 19. Copyright 1987 Applied Spectroscopy.) 1

are coordinated to the copolymer, and thus give rise to a new vibrational state of water. Because carboxylic acid groups are in the ionic form, the subtraction method provides some evidence of the environment of the acrylic acid groups and their interaction with the solvent. Because the presence of counterions in the aqueous solution leads to ionization of the acrylic acid segments of the copolymer, the spectral changes in the water absorption region are of particular interest. There are few numerical methods that enhance the spectral information and may provide additional information about the environment of the poly­ mer. These methods are Lorentzian curve fitting and factor analysis. By using these two independent methods, we found (20) that two types of water molecules are present in the aqueous S / A A copolymer; water acting as a solvent and water molecules associated with carboxylic groups through pos­ itively charged cations. As a result, only acrylic segments are "exposed" to the solvent environment and protect styrene units from water. Thus, in the presence of a highly polar or ionic solvent, the S / A A copolymer forms ag­ gregates such that the styrene segments are surrounded by acrylate groups. This conformation is shown schematically in Figure 8A. The presence of immiscible aqueous and hydrocarbon phases in the S/AA solution was also investigated (J9). O n the basis of spectral analysis of



Figure 8. A shows the ionization of acrylic segments of styrene/acrylic acid and the chain conformation in aqueous solution. Β shows the presence of water and benzyl alcohol and the formation of the phase boundary. the C O O " and C = 0 bands due to acrylic segments of S/AA copolymer, we believe that as the counterions penetrate the phase boundary between two phases, ionization of the C = 0 groups in the organic phase occurs. Such a mechanism is possible if the S / A A copolymer forms a coil such that the acrylic segments are preferentially in the aqueous phase and the styrene segments are in the organic phase. This conformation is shown schematically in Figure 8B. The presence of copolymer and surfactant together alters the rheological properties of solutions, adsorption on solid particles, solubility, and stability of colloidal dispersions. The solution properties are mainly influenced by



FTIR ù- Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers


the hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between copolymer, surfactant, and solvent. Spectroscopic F T I R studies of S / A A copolymer in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (20) showed that the asymmetric C - H stretching band at 2929 c m " is very sensitive to a formation of new 1

micelle structures. This behavior is indicated by a shift to lower frequency. Apparently, S D S micelles interact with the carboxylic groups of the S / A A copolymer and give rise to the splitting of C O O " symmetric and asymmetric vibrations shown in Figure 9. Such spectral features suggested that the S D S micelles were trapped between C O O " groups and formed structures such as that depicted in Figure 10A. The nonpolar C H


groups occupy the interior

of the micelle, whereas polar S 0 " exterior groups interact with negatively 3

charged C O O " groups through counterions such as L i


or N a


and give

rise to a splitting of the 1547-cm" band. Thus, the formation of the micelles 1

may lead to stronger interactions between counterions and C O O " groups which, in turn, destroy a local symmetry of the C O O " species. Although the considerations just mentioned suggest the existence of the structures such as that depicted in Figure 10A, interactions between these structures and the solvent molecules are not obvious. Although at present there is no experimental evidence for the existence of interactions between aggregates, the presence of outer styrene units may lead to the formation of clusters, such as those depicted in Figure 10B. Otherwise, the styrene molecules would be "exposed" to aqueous medium. More research on a molecular level is needed to gain further insights into the aggregate formation and their interactions.




C 1 1620

1 1580


1 1540


1 1500


I 1460


Figure 9. ATR FTIR spectra of styrene/acrylic acid copolymer in the C-0 stretching region in the presence of SDS surfactant. SDS concentrations: A, 0.005 Μ; B, 0.01 M; C, 0.025 M. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 20. Copyright 1987 Applied Spectroscopy.)





FTIR ù- Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers


sensitivity of vibrational spectroscopy allows interactions of poly-

electrolytes and surfactants to be monitored in aqueous and nonaqueous solutions. The solubilization and conformational properties of a comb-shaped copolymer of 1-octadecane-co-maleic anhydride in aqueous solution in the presence and absence of SDS depend on the degree of ionization of the copolymer (21). The C - H stretching region of the Raman spectrum is sensitive to such interactions. Figure 11 illustrates how the C - H stretching band shifts as a function of solvent (in this case water and heptane). The

presence of micelles in aqueous surfactant solution influences the

solubilization effect of nonpolar substances in water. Recent F T I R studies (22) have shown that the presence of both phenyl acetate and benzyl acetate in the aqueous sodium decanoate ( C H C O O " N a ) micelle solution affects 9


1 8

the environment of the nonpolar phases. The spectral changes in the C = 0 and C - O regions of acetates, such as band splitting, shift to lower vibrational energy, and band broadening suggests that acetates are solubilized into the surface polar layer of micelles and are affected by hydrogen bonding with the aqueous phase. When the concentration of acetates reaches saturation, aggregates are formed on the surfaces of micelles and may diffuse into the core of the micelle. A polar environment around the solubilized acetates may also induce conformational changes in the micelle. An A T R cell (shown in Figure 6) was also used to monitor interactions of nonionic surfactants with a solid hydrocarbon phase (eicosane) (23). The circular crystal was coated with a thin layer of eicosane, and flowing surfactant









Figure 11. The C-H stretching region of Raman spectrum in aqueous and organic solvents. (Reproduced from ref 21. Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.)



solution was passed through the cell. The time-resolved F T I R spectra were recorded as the hydrocarbon phase was washed out from the surface of the crystal by the detergent action of the surfactant solution. By monitoring the band intensities of both eicosane and surfactants (Neodel 25-3, Shell Chemical Company and Triton, Rohm and Haas Company), Scheuing (23) found that significant adsorption of the surfactants on the layer of the hydrocarbon phase occurs. The more hydrophilic ethoxylated alcohol (Neodel 25-3) causes more rapid removal of eicosane from the surface of the A T R crystal. The solubility of hydrocarbons in water is greatly enhanced by the presence of surfactants. Similarly, the addition of hydrocarbons to aqueous surfactant solution induces change in the physical properties of the surfactant (24, 25). Thus, the quantitative analysis of the partitioning of hydrocarbons between micelle interior and aqueous phase has been a subject of numerous studies. Among the many techniques used to determine the partitioning, only fluorescence (26), FT-pulsed-gradient spin echo N M R (27), and recently, Raman spectroscopy (28) have demonstrated sufficient sensitivity. Determination of partitioning with the Raman technique is based on the observation that some chemical bonds display a shift in vibrational frequency when parameters of the solvent environment change. Larsson and Rand (29) were the first to observe that the C - H stretching band in the hydrocarbon solvent shifts by 7 c m " when a solute is dissolved in water. This observation was confirmed by the other workers (30, 31) who detected similar frequency shifts as a function of the solvent environment in the surfactant solutions. The Raman studies (28) of SDS aqueous solutions containing deuterated benzyl alcohol have shown that the estimated fractions of S D S in the hydrocarbon phase are in good agreement with the N M R results (27). 1

Summary Applications of vibrational spectroscopy to the studies of water-soluble polymers fall into two categories: structural characterization and the analysis of interactions of various molecular segments with solvents or other phases. Structural characterization was pioneered in the early 1970s with major contributions from Koenig's group, but the analysis of interactions is in its infancy, possibly because the presence of strongly absorbing water often obscures the spectral features from the solute. These features were particularly obscured in IR spectroscopy; however, with improved sensitivity, enhanced selectivity, and modern sampling techniques, IR spectroscopy opens new vistas in the analysis of local molecular structures of water-soluble polymers and their interactions with solvents, surfactants and the environment. Because water does not strongly demonstrate the Raman effect, and therefore does not obscure the spectra of polymer dissolved in aqueous solutions, Raman spectroscopy has not been extensively used in the studies of solute-solvent interactions.



FTIR ù Raman Spectroscopy of Water-Soluble Polymers


More research is needed with both spectroscopic tools, especially with the recent advances in the field of Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy and the tremendously improved sensitivity and stability of the IR interferometers. In addition, the availability of new algorithms such as the ratio method (32), factor analysis (20, 33), and recently developed nonlinear techniques (34), coupled with an easy access to fast computers, will advance spectral analysis tremendously and make it more precise and reliable.

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