Foxboro Company - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

May 18, 2012 - Foxboro Company. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (9), pp 102A–103A ... Publication Date: September 1956 ... Published in print 1 September...
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The Foxboro M/58 Consotrol Controller (shown full size, without cover]. Can be panel mounted on Consotrol Control Station, or field-mounted


The M/58 Controller's Revolutionary Floating Disc System Here's the exclusive Foxboro design development that gives M/58 Control its unique versatility, precision, and stability. The floating disc and matched bellows assure uniformly high controller sensitivity and pin-point control action, even at widest settings of the proportional band. Lever-set proportional band adjustment is calibrated to 500%.

Component Construction Gives Unrivaled Versatility Not only is the complete controller easily detachable as a unit, but also, each component is a "plug-in" unit. For example, reset plugs in at right as shown; derivative, similarly, at left. All 4 control actions, with 2 reset ranges, are available and easily adjustable to widest variations in operating conditions. Proportional action from 1 to 500% quickly set by lever.




If you think this claim is exaggerated, just put a Foxboro M/58 Consotrol * Controller on your process. The tougher the job, the more it will outperform other controllers! Or ask a n y present user . . . many of the largest, most progressive petroleum a n d chemical processors are using hundreds of these instruments. They will unhesitatingly confirm that this exclusive Foxboro development has put their processes "on stream", automatically and smoothly from the control room, without false starts or confusion. The M/58 Controller can do the same for your process. The flexibility of its control functions makes

it readily adaptable to all processing techniques. All four actions are available, with two ranges of reset . . . all are easily adjustable to the most widely varying operating conditions. For example, reset a n d derivative functions plug in . . . proportional action from 1 to 500% can be quickly set by a lever. And calibration is a simple zero adjustment I Get full details on this simple, truly "universal" Controller. Write for Bulletin 13-19 a n d ask your Foxboro Sales Engineer for a demonstration. The Foxboro Company, 409 Neponset Ave., Foxboro, Mass., U.S.A.

• i f e g . Cf. S. Pert. Oft.



For farther information, circle number 103 A on Readers' Service Card, page 139 A