FOXBORO Swift & Company

Arrows indicate trou bief ree Foxboro Magnetic Flow Meters, installed at Swift & Company's Bartow, Florida plant between filtration and pre-mixing sta...
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"Ornery" Phosphate Slurry Metered as Easily as Water!

Arrows indicate trou bief ree Foxboro Magnetic Flow Meters, installed at Swift & Company's Bartow, Florida plant between filtration and pre-mixing stages of their triple superphosphate process. Stainless steel flow "tubes" of meters are protected against erosion and corrosion by a durable plastic liner. Foxboro Magnetic Flow Meters at

Swift & Company Measuring slurry is duck soup for two Foxboro Magnetic Flow Meters now used in the production of Swift & Company's Agricola plant food. Here's the story. The company w a s shooting for uniform pre-mixing a n d guality control. Needed w a s a n accurate means of measuring the flow of partially filtered phosphoric acid slurry. Orifice plates, or anything that restricted flow, eroded. Pressure taps guickly fouled. Even purged, long-cone Venturi t u b e s plugged! Solution? Electrical measurement with Foxboro Magnetic Flow Meters. Their smooth, pipelike interiors simply ignore the suspended phosphate solids. There's no erosion, no fouling. Two flush-mounted electrodes "pick u p " flow measurement . . . Foxboro Dynalog* instruments record it directly on a linear scale chart. And these records are accurate to 1% of full scale! Find out exactly how the Foxboro Magnetic Flow Meter works . . . how it can efficiently a n d accurately meter the "impossible" in your plant. Write The Foxboro Company, 401 Neponset Avenue, F o x b o r o , M a s s . , U. S. A . 104 A

*fleg. U. S. Pat. Off.


By watching slurry flow rates on Dynalog Recorder charts, operators regulate feed of H2SO4 to the reactor tanks . . . permitting etter quality control right down the line. P recisely