"Universal" (for speed and versa tility). Coleman Instruments, Inc.,. Maywood, 111,. 43A. Spectrophotometers. Complete de tails available on the "Spec...
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Spectrophotometers. Circle 43A for bulletin giving complete information on Coleman spectrophotometers and other products. Bulletin includes informa­ tion on the "Junior" spectrophotom­ eter (for routine analyses), and the "Universal" (for speed and versa­ tility). Coleman Instruments, Inc., Maywood, 111, 43A Spectrophotometers. Complete de­ tails available on the "Spectracord 4000" recording ultraviolet spectro­ photometer with an expressly designed double monochromator. Both linear transmittance and linear absorbance are provided as standard features. Perkin-Elmer Corp., 800 Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 47 A

Standard For Research ... solves the pressing problem of forming KBr Pellets Many insoluble materials, mixed with Potassium Bromide, can be formed in a die under pressure into pellets or wafers for quantitative and qualitative analysis. The CLP supplies the pressure — up to 40,000 lbs., if needed. This specific use is only one of the ways this versatile laboratory assistant meets the challenge of research and development. Some of the many uses are: c * Dehydrating ( > Pressing out various oils; stéarines and waxes κ * Pressure filtering of thick fluids u* Compression tests f Fatty acid determinations κ Extracting Vaccines and Viruses Illustrated is the Standard (10 Ton) CARVER LABORATORY. PRESS complete with Gauge. 20 Ton Models also available — additional Standard Accessories for other appiica. tions can be supplied.

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Circle No. 93 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 99 A

Spectrophotometers. Bulletin avail­ able on the Cary Model 11 recording spectrophotometer. Designed for ap­ plications in the ultraviolet and visible ranges, the instrument is cited as being accurate, rugged, dependable, and eco­ nomical. Applied Physics Corp., 362 W. Colorado St., Pasadena 1, Calif. 63A Spectrometers, N-M-R. Circle 23A for latest "Radio Frequency Spectros­ copy Bulletin." Full technical infor­ mation on both N-M-R and E-P-R spectroscopy and the complete "NM-R at Work" scries will be included. Instrument Div., Varian Assoc, Palo Alto 4, Calif. 23A Thermometers & Hydrometers. Every Kimble thermometer and hy­ drometer is cited as being individually retested before shipping. The colored substance used to fill the lines and numbers of the graduated scale is uneffected by organic materials and acids (except hydrofluoric). Kimble Glass Div., Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo 1, Ohio 3rd Cover Titrators. Bulletin available on new titrator for Karl Fischer moisture deter­ minations. Instrument features nodip, ball joint "Pyrex" glassware, drain flask, and magnetic stirrer. AVilkensAnderson Co., 4525 W. Division St., Chicago 51, 111. 51A Titrators. Information available on company's high frequency titrator for conductometric titrations. No elec­ trodes, no physical contact between instrument and sample. High sensi­ tivity. 8V7' high, 17 s / 4 " wide, 11" deep. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., 4647 W. Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111. 57A Utility Testers, Electrical. Informa­ tion available on the new Model 70 utility tester that measures voltages, {Continued

on page 94

new up-to-the-minute coverage of currently used procedures . . .

Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry By GEORGE H. MORRISON, Ph.D., Head, Analytical Chemistry Research Laboratories, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., and HENRY PREISER. Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chem­ istry, University of Pittsburgh,

Includes New Theories — New Techniques The first of its kind, this book meets the mounting demands for analyses t h a t are faster, t h a t are applicable to trace concentrations, and that can be used for highly complex mixtures. It provides the solvent extraction methods for satisfactory achievement of these objectives. Treats Practical Aspects The first part offers a systematic classification of extractions. The second section covers practical aspects, including apparatus and techniques. The third section contains an invaluable survey of many individual extractions arranged in a logical and useful pattern. The final section offers a selection of procedures—a vi­ tally useful guide for chemists facing practical separation prob­ lems. It also gives a survey of areas where research in the field is needed. 1957

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