Free Energy Landscape of a DNA−Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Using

Jan 22, 2009 - Free Energy Landscape of a DNA−Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Using Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics. Robert R. Johnson .... Structure, Dy...
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Free Energy Landscape of a DNA-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Using Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics

2009 Vol. 9, No. 2 537-541

Robert R. Johnson,† Axel Kohlmeyer,‡ A. T. Charlie Johnson,*,† and Michael L. Klein‡ Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of PennsylVania, Philadelphia, PennsylVania 19104 Received August 29, 2008; Revised Manuscript Received December 2, 2008

ABSTRACT The DNA-carbon nanotube hybrid (DNA-CN) consists of a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCN) coated with a self-assembled monolayer of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Recent experiments have demonstrated that this nanomaterial is ideal for numerous nanotechnological applications. Despite this importance, the structure of this material remains poorly understood. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have provided information about the self-assembly mechanisms and ssDNA conformations that characterize DNA-CN. However, MD simulations of biopolymers at low temperatures (T ∼ 300 K) result in kinetic trapping that limits conformational sampling. Here, we present results of a large-scale replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulation that provides extensive sampling of the entire ensemble of oligonucleotide conformations in a (GT)7-SWCN hybrid. We calculate the free energy landscape and find minima corresponding to six distinct conformations, with a nonhelical loop structure as the global minimum. The hybrid contains significant structural disorder, with desorbed bases as an important structural feature. These results expand our understanding of DNA-CN and indicate the relevance of REMD for explorations of the physical properties of organic-inorganic multifunctional nanomaterials.

DNA-carbon nanotube hybrids (DNA-CN), a single-wall carbon nanotube1 (SWCN) coated with a monolayer of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA),2 may have numerous nanotechnological applications, including chemical3 and biomolecular4 sensing, SWCN solubilization and sorting,5,6 and ultrafast DNA sequencing.7 The importance of this nanomaterial has motivated experimental and computational studies of DNA-CN structure and physical properties. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of DNA-CN shows uniformly spaced alternating bands of high and low regions on the hybrid’s surface,6,8,9 which have been interpreted as ssDNA wrapping helically about SWCN with a pitch commensurate with the band spacing. Circular dichroism measurements10 and MD simulations5,11,12 of DNA-CN provide further evidence for helical wrapping. Experiment13 and computation5,7,11,12 confirm that π-π stacking interactions between ssDNA bases and SWCN sidewall provide robust cohesive forces that stabilize DNA-CN. Molecular dynamics (MD) is a powerful computational technique for studying realistic biophysical systems.14 MD enables investigations of dynamics, energetics, and structure with atomic resolution and accounts for important experimental conditions including temperature, pressure, and * Corresponding author, [email protected]. † Department of Physics and Astronomy. ‡ Department of Chemistry. 10.1021/nl802645d CCC: $40.75 Published on Web 01/22/2009

 2009 American Chemical Society

aqueous solution. The inclusion of such conditions in ab initio calculations is impractical except for very small model systems. MD simulations of DNA-CN show that this material self-assembles via π-π stacking, with ssDNA adopting various energetically and structurally distinct wrapping conformations about SWCN.11 However, final ssDNA configurations in MD are highly sensitive to the system‘s initial conditions. Oligonucleotides, like other flexible biopolymers, have many degrees of freedom and a rugged potential energy landscape. They can become trapped in metastable configurations associated with local energy minima that persist over typical MD time scales (10-100 ns). This severely limits sampling of configuration space and prohibits accurate determination of equilibrium properties. Replica exchange molecular dynamics15 (REMD) overcomes this limitation through the use of multiple MD simulations (replicas) in parallel at multiple temperatures. High-temperature replicas enable rapid barrier crossing and sample additional, possibly rare, configurations not easily observable in conventional room temperature MD simulations. Periodically, replicas attempt to exchange temperatures according to a Metropolislike15 criterion, thus allowing low-energy configurations encountered at high temperature to be sampled at low temperature. REMD has enabled explorations of the folding pathways of proteins16 and oligonucleotides17 and produced structures in agreement with experiment.

Figure 1. Free energy landscape of (GT)7-SWCN hybrid at room temperature. Representative conformations for each local minimum are displayed. The sugar-phosphate backbone is depicted in orange, and bases are shown in green.

Here, we employ REMD to explore the conformations of a (GT)7 oligonucleotide adsorbed to an infinite (11,0) SWCN in aqueous solution. The initial configuration of the (GT)7SWCN hybrid was taken from the final frame of a separate MD simulation of the adsorption of these materials.11 The hybrid was solvated with 2559 TIP3P18 water molecules in a box of dimensions Lx ) Ly ) 3.5 nm and Lz ) 8.083 nm. Thirteen Na+ counterions were included to neutralize the charged ssDNA backbone. The oligonucleotide was modeled with the AMBER-9919 force field. On the basis of previous work,20 SWCN atoms were modeled as uncharged LennardJones particles using sp2 carbon parameters from the AMBER-99 force field. REMD was carried out with the GROMACS MD package.21 The equations of motion were integrated using a 1.5 fs time step. Periodic boundary conditions were applied in all directions. Electrostatic interactions were computed using the particle mesh Ewald method.22 Sixty four replicas were employed with Tm spanning from 290 to 715 K. Each replica was run at constant temperature23 and volume. Exchanges between adjacent replicas were attempted every τexch ) 0.6 ps. The temperature distribution was chosen such that a constant acceptance ratio of 20% occurred between all replicas. (GT)7 coordinates were saved every 0.6 ps. To enhance sampling and reduce any artifacts introduced by our choice of initial conditions, we performed two REMD simulations. The first was run for 55.5 ns using the starting configuration described previously. We then ran an additional 38.3 ns starting from the most probable conformation (global free energy minimum) of the first simulation. The two simulations combined provided a 94 ns trajectory (6 µs total integration time) yielding almost 10 million ssDNA configurations over the entire temperature range. These com538

putations were run across 2048 CPUs (32 CPUs per replica) of the IBM Blue Gene/L at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. Additional computational details are included in the Supporting Information. Recently, another group performed an independent 5 ns REMD simulation of ssDNA 10mers in complex with SWCN using 12 replicas spanning 298-342 K.24 While many of their findings agree with the results presented here, there are a few marked differences that we discuss below. Free energy landscapes of the (GT)7-SWCN hybrid reveal the preferred oligonucleotide conformations at each temperature. The free energy is calculated as a function of twoorder parameters x and y


∆F(x, y) P(x, y) ) -ln kBT Pmax


Here x and y are the minimum root-mean-square deviations (rmsd) of the (GT)7 phosphorus atoms from an ideal lefthanded helix and linear conformation, respectively. P(x,y) is the probability distribution obtained from the REMD data, and Pmax is the maximum of P(x,y). At room temperature, the free energy landscape is rugged and reveals that six distinct (GT)7 conformations characterize the hybrid’s structure (Figure 1). The global free energy minimum, and thus most probable oligonucleotide configuration, is the loop. This conformation resembles a letter U draped laterally across SWCN and has an average end-toend length of 3.3 nm. The local minima at (13.5 Å, 11 Å) and (17 Å, 24 Å) (Figure 1) are similar structures with altered size that we refer to as the compact and elongated loop, with average end-to-end lengths of 2.2 and 4.5 nm, respectively. In agreement with previous MD simulations,5,11 the hybrid contains helical oligonucleotide conformations. The minima Nano Lett., Vol. 9, No. 2, 2009

at (15.5 Å, 22.5 Å) and (11 Å, 22.5 Å) correspond to distorted right- and left-handed helices. These structures have a pitch of 2.5 nm and deviate from ideal helices because the 5′ end, the 3′ end or both bend opposite to the helical turns. Ideal left-handed helices are present in the minimum at (5.5 Å, 17 Å); their backbone is more elongated than the distorted helices (3.2 nm average pitch), and it traces out a welldefined helix with only slight deformations and no irregular bends. Interestingly, an ideal right-handed helix is not encountered, suggesting that (GT)7 assumes a preferred handedness among its helically wrapped conformations. In all cases, the O4′ atom of sugar residues prefers to point toward SWCN in agreement with our previous work.11 The REMD study by Martin et al. also found that several oligonucleotide conformations contribute to DNA-CN structure. However, many configurations found in their work disagree with those observed here. While several of their structures resemble loops, they also found ssDNA conformations containing “kinked” regions detached from the SWCN surface. We have observed such “kinked” structures in our previous MD simulations, but we have found that “kinks” represent high-energy ssDNA configurations and can be annealed to more favorable conformations. These discrepancies may be due to our use of a more stringent REMD protocol that included higher temperature replica, which accessed longer time scales and sampled a more extensive region of DNA-CN configuration space. The global minimum loop conformation maximizes the number of bases adsorbed (stacked) to the SWCN sidewall (Figure 2a). Of the sampled loops, the vast majority (over 76%) have all 14 bases adsorbed. This differs from nonloops (i.e., conformations outside the global minimum) where (GT)7 generally contains at least one desorbed base. Base adsorption results from strong van der Waals forces and leads to a more energetically favorable (GT)7-SWCN configuration. The strong preference for loop conformations indicates that the free energy of the hybrid is minimized by maximizing base-SWCN stacking. This phenomenon is likely sequence independent for ssDNA of this length since all nucleotides can bind to SWCN in a similar fashion. Base adsorption is limited by steric effects. Unlike the vertical stacking in double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), adjacent adsorbed bases lie roughly coplanar and compete for binding space on SWCN surface. Desorbed bases can be stabilized by stacking interactions with other bases (Figure 2b), similar to what occurs in dsDNA where adjacent bases stack in a spiral staircase fashion. Each base experiences unique steric limitations that depend on its identity and that of its neighbors, leading to a distinct free energy difference between the adsorbed and desorbed states ∆Fadsorb for each base (Figure 2c). Here, ∆Fadsorb is given by


∆Fadsorb ) -kBT ln

1 - Pdesorb Pdesorb


Here, a base is considered desorbed if the distance between its center and SWCN axis is larger than 8.5 Å. This distance value provided a good estimate of when a base unstacked from SWCN. It is evident that guanine has the greater preference for the adsorbed state with ∆Fadsorb/kBT ranging Nano Lett., Vol. 9, No. 2, 2009

Figure 2. (a) Probability distribution of number of adsorbed bases P(Nadsorb) for loop (green) and nonloop (purple) conformations. (b) Desorbed base (orange) stacks on top of a neighbor. Adsorbed bases shown in cyan. (c) Difference in free energy between adsorbed and desorbed states ∆Fadsorb for each (GT)7 base. Letters and subscripts on the abscissa refer to the identity and position of each base on the backbone.

from -7.4 for G13 to -3.1 for G9. In contrast, thymine has a lower preference for adsorption with ∆Fadsorb/kBT ranging from -5.7 for T2 to -1.5 for T6. These results are consistent with adsorption isotherms of bases on graphite25 and experiments on the binding and unbinding of ssDNA with SWCN.26 Guanine’s higher adsorption affinity can be understood from enthalpic considerations. Owing to its larger surface area, adsorbed guanine has a stronger van der Waals interaction with SWCN than thymine by 3.9kBT. The magnitude of ∆Fadsorb is ∼kBT for several bases, indicating that thermal fluctuations are sufficient to desorb these weakly bound bases. Therefore, desorbed bases may be a significant structural feature of DNA-CN. ∆Fadsorb provides a qualitative estimate for the overall (GT)7-SWCN binding free energy since it is a measure of the free energy required to remove a base from the adsorbed state. The hybrid‘s binding free energy includes contributions from base-SWCN stacking and rearrangement of the oligonucleotide backbone upon adsorption. Due to steric interactions that result in base-dependent ∆Fadsorb, the latter effect will vary according to ssDNA sequence. This implies that the total DNA-CN binding free energy is sequence specific and not merely a sum of individual base-SWCN binding free energies. 539

Figure 3. Hydrogen bond (yellow) at 3′ end resulting in bending of the terminal nucleotide. A similar configuration occurs at the 5′ end.

Adsorbed nucleotides display considerable configurational disorder. While the collective average orientation of the bases’ dipole moments align with SWCN axis, which is in agreement with the prior REMD study24 and optical absorption experiments,13 individual bases adopt a multitude of orientations that reflect the local backbone geometry as opposed to nucleotide-specific SWCN registration (Supporting Information). We find an energy corrugation of SWCN surface less than kBT, in agreement with molecular mechanics calculations of adenine on graphite.27 Adsorbed nucleotides are thus free to slide and rotate, indicating that the overall ssDNA configuration is governed by the backbone rather than the nucleotide sequence. We have verified this by performing an additional 55.5 ns REMD simulation of DNA-CN using a 14-base random sequence and obtained a free energy landscape qualitatively similar to the (GT)7 system. This finding is consistent with AFM measurements of DNA-CN that show little variation with sequence.8 In contrast, ab initio computations suggest a more rugged SWCN surface with barriers of several kBT.28,29 Increased corrugation could lead to preferred nucleotide orientations, evidence for which has been seen in optical absorption measurements of DNA-CN,13 and sequence dependent DNA-CN structure observed in other AFM experiments.6,9 Further work is necessary to illuminate these discrepancies and elucidate the effects of sequence on DNA-CN structure. Hydrogen bonding alters the geometry of the terminal nucleotides. A hydrogen bond at the 3′ end connects atom O3′ of T14 and O2P of G13 and is present in 67% of the conformations. This bond causes T14 to bend toward the backbone (Figure 3). Similarly, a hydrogen bond is formed at the 5′ end between atom O5′ of G1 and O2P of G3, although this is found for only 39% of the conformations. However, other than those at the 5′ and 3′ ends, intrastrand hydrogen bonds tend to be short-lived and do not impose any overall structure to the adsorbed oligonucleotide. REMD shows that a nonhelical loop conformation is the global free energy minimum of the (GT)7-SWCN hybrid. Previous MD simulations indicate a strong preference for helically wrapped DNA-CN.11 However, those simulations used much longer 40-60mer oligonucleotides that may behave differently from the short sequence employed here. 540

We find that approximately the first and last three nucleotides in adsorbed ssDNA exhibit a more random configuration than those in the interior, “bulk” region of the oligonucleotide. Due to steric interactions of adjacent bases, terminal nucleotides tend to splay out on the SWCN surface. As the length of the oligonucleotide increases, end effects will become less important and helical conformations may be a natural extension of the loop structure. Interestingly, we observe looplike structures at the 5′ end of 40-60mer helices in prior MD simulations11 (Supporting Information). In summary, REMD shows that the (GT)7-SWCN hybrid is characterized by six distinct oligonucleotide conformations, with a U-shaped loop configuration being the most probable. DNA-CN free energy is minimized by maximizing baseSWCN stacking. Steric interactions among adjacent bases induce disorder and result in a sequence-dependent DNACN binding free energy. DNA-CN structure is thus controlled by base-SWCN stacking and the backbone conformation, while other effects (e.g., nucleotide specific SWCN registration, intrastrand hydrogen bonding, temperature) play a minor role (Supporting Information). REMD provides significant insight into DNA-CN structure, achieving vastly more efficient configurational sampling than standard MD. Its computational advantages should make REMD an especially valuable technique as we seek to develop our understanding of multifunctional hybrid nanomaterials combining organic macromolecules (e.g., proteins, DNA, nonbiological polymers) with inorganic nanostructures (e.g., carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanocrystals). Acknowledgment. We thank the San Diego Supercomputer Center for providing generous computing resources. This work was supported by JSTO, DTRA, and the Army Research Office Grant # W911NF-06-1-0462 and in part by NSF Grant # MCA935020. Supporting Information Available: Additional computational details, performance of REMD compared to standard MD, correlation of desorbed bases, data on orientation of DNA bases and intrastrand hydrogen bonding, image of loop conformation at 5′ end of 40-60mer helical configurations, and images of free energy landscapes at several different temperatures. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at References (1) Saito, R.; Dresselhaus, G.; Dresselhaus, M. S. Physical properties of carbon nanotubes; Imperial College Press: London, 1998. (2) Saenger, W. Principles of nucleic acid structure; Springer-Verlag: New York, 1984. (3) Staii, C.; Chen, M.; Gelperin, A.; Johnson, A. T. Nano Lett. 2005, 5 (9), 1774–1778. (4) Jeng, E. S.; Moll, A. E.; Roy, A. C.; Gastala, J. B.; Strano, M. S. Nano Lett. 2006, 6 (3), 371–375. (5) Zheng, M.; Jagota, A.; Semke, E. D.; Diner, B. A.; McLean, R. S.; Lustig, S. R.; Richardson, R. E.; Tassi, N. G. Nat. Mater. 2003, 2 (5), 338–342. (6) Zheng, M.; Jagota, A.; Strano, M. S.; Santos, A. P.; Barone, P.; Chou, S. G.; Diner, B. A.; Dresselhaus, M. S.; McLean, R. S.; Onoa, G. B.; Samsonidze, G. G.; Semke, E. D.; Usrey, M.; Walls, D. J. Science 2003, 302 (5650), 1545–1548. (7) Meng, S.; Maragakis, P.; Papaloukas, C.; Kaxiras, E. Nano Lett. 2007, 7 (1), 45–50. Nano Lett., Vol. 9, No. 2, 2009

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