Free Fractions, Attachment Rates, and Plate-Out Rates of Radon

23 Jul 2009 - The mean value of the equilibrium factor F measured in houses without aerosol sources was 0.3 ± 0.1 and increased up to 0.5 by addition...
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Chapter 22

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on March 7, 2016 | Publication Date: February 5, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0331.ch022

Free Fractions, Attachment Rates, and Plate-Out Rates of Radon Daughters in Houses J. Porstendörfer, A. Reineking, and Κ. H. Becker Isotopenlaboratorium für Biologische und Medizinische, Forschung der Georg-August-Universität, Burckhardtweg 2, D-3400 Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany The paper summerizes the experimental data on the equilibrium factor, F, the free fraction, f , the attachment rate to the room air aerosol, X, the recoil factor, r , and the plateout rates of the free, q , and the attached, q , radon daughters, determined in eight rooms of different houses. In each room several measurementswerecarried out at different times, with different aerosol sources (cigarette smoke, stove heating etc.) and under low (vοο








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Figure 3. Ratios of the free to the t o t a l a c t i v i t y concentrations of RaA and RaB and f as function of the attachment rate X measured i n eight rooms of different houses. p

Hopke; Radon and Its Decay Products ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.


Attachment Rates and Plate-Out 299 Rates

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on March 7, 2016 | Publication Date: February 5, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0331.ch022

The mean value of the equilibrium factor F in houses was 0.3 - 0.1 without aerosol sources and can increase up to 0.5 with cigarette smoke in the room air. The plateout rates of the free radon decay products on room surfaces are about 200 times higher than the values of the aerosol radon daughters and have a great influence on the radon daughter activity concentrations indoors. In addition this investigation showed that the desorption probability by recoiling of Pb-214 atoms from particle surfaces of atmospheric aerosol is 0.50 - 0.15. Acknowledgments This work is supported by the Commission of the European Communities, contract no. BI-6-0130-D(B) References Brunner, H., W. Burkart, E. Nagel and C. Wernli, Radon in Wohnräumen in der Schweiz - Ergebnisse der Vorstudie 1981/1982, Eidg. Institut für Reaktorforschung, Würenlingen, Report RM-81-82-11. Bundesminister des Innern, Radon in Wohnungen und im Freien, Erhebungsmessungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, BMI-Report (1985). Frey, G., P.K. Hopke and J. Stukel, Effects of Trace Gases and Water Vapor on the Diffusion Coefficient of Polonium-218, Science 211:480-481 (1981). Hogeweg, B., B.F. Bosnjakovic and W.M. Willart, Radiation Aspects of Indoor Environments and Related Radioecological Problems: a Study of the Situation in the Netherlands, Rad. Prot. Dos. 7:327-331 (1984). Israeli, Μ., Deposition Rates of Rn Progeny in Houses, Health Physics 49:1069-1083 (1985). Keller, G. and K.H. Folkerts, Ra-222 Concentrations and Decay Products Equilibrium in Dwellings and in the Open Air, Health Physics 47:385-398 (1984). Knutson, E.O., A.C. George, J.J. Frey and E. Koh, Radon Daughter Plateout, Part II. Prediction Model, Health Physics 45:445-452 (1983). Kolerskii, S.V., Yu.V. Kusnetsov, N.M. Polev and L.S. Ruzer, Effect of Recoil Nuclei being Knocked of Aerosol Particles onto Free-Atom Concentrations of Daughter Emanation Products, Izmeyitel naya Tekhnika 10:57-58 (1973). Mc Gregor, R.G., P. Vasudev, E.G. Letourneau, R.S. Me Cullough, F.A. Prantl and H. Taniguchi, Background concentrations of radon and radon daughters in Canadian homes, Health Physics 39:285-289 (1980). Hopke; Radon and Its Decay Products ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on March 7, 2016 | Publication Date: February 5, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0331.ch022

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