Freeze-Concentration of Dilute Aqueous Solutions. - Analytical

Xiao Dong Chen , Winston Duo Wu , Ping Chen. AIChE Journal 2015 61 (4), 1334-1344 ... Metals from Aquatic Environmental Samples. A. Chow , H.D. Gesser...
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l‘he H , (Equation 8) are: Hz = 25.09; 113 = 13.93; H4 0.0704; H = X l i , = 39.09. Also, from Equation 7, = 21.94





+ 1, 7 3

From Equation 6, P = 21.94 = 62.45. Therefore, from Equations 3-5

+ 38.78

u1 = 0.0277 ( 5 peak) u2 = 0.3986 (4 peak)

u3 = 0.2213 (6 peak) u4 = 0.0011 (8 peak) uo = 0.3513 (Background) Zrl = 1 ,0000

This says that over one third of the time should be spent counting a t background, with very little time spent at the 8 peak.

Inserting these values in Equation 2, the following variances are found :

attained (Equation 2). The remaining time may then be allocated on a suboptimizing basis. With an unknown sample, values of the k , are not, of course, known. However, some rough estimates of these are normally available. The optima are quite broad in the sense t h a t rather marked departures from the optimum allocation do not seriously increase the uncertainties. This can be shown by inserting different values of the ut in Equation 2.

In (4/5 ratio) : V z = 0,0278 In (6/5 ratio) : V a = 0,0117 In (815 ratio) : V4 = 0.000419 By extracting the square roots of the

V , and multiplying by 100, these correspond to approximate per cent standard deviations of 17%) 11%, and 2 7 , , respectively. There is no other combination of counting times which results in a smaller value for ( V Z V s

+ +


I t may be that the “optimum” solution does not give precise enough results for one of the ratios of primary interest. I n this event, the counting time a t some peak may be arbitrarily increased until a desired variance is

(1) J. L. Jaech, ANAL. CHEX.36, 1164

(1964). Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory General Electric Co. Pleasanton, Calif.


Freeze-Concentration of Dilute Aqueous Solutions SIR: The study of the aqueous environmental chemistry of trace amounts of organic and inorganic compounds in natural waters often requires that these solutes be concentrated to analytically detectable amounts. Freeze-concentration is an attractive procedure for solvent removal since the low temperatures would tend to minimize losses due to volatility and chemical reactivity. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of progressive freezing as a method of solute concentration in dilute aqueous solutions. The procedure employed was reported by Shapiro (3) where he claims greater than 99% recoveries after concentrations of as much as 20-fold in volume. S o sample data, however, were reported. EXPERIMENTAL

Dilute solutions of Rhodamine B (E. I. du Pont) and XaC1 were employed in the present study. Rhodamine B concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 554 mM on a Perkin-Elmer Model 202 recording spectrophotometer. Both 10- and 2-em. cells were used. A base line method was adopted to compensate for background absorption. Chloride was determined potentiometrically according to the method outlined in “Standard Methods” ( I ) Sample solutions were prepared by sizeably diluting aliquots of a known working solution with glass-distilled water. The initial concentration was calculated from the dilution factor.

Table I.



For investigations of natural waters, a method of solute concentration ideally should effect complete solute recovery, in sufficient quantity, without altera-

5.0 mg. per liter were made to determine the efficiency of the chloride concentration process. T h e results are presented in Table I. Examination of the data presented indicates that for the nine samples, after an approximately nine-fold concentrat’on of 2.2 to 2.5 liters, chloride recoveries were essentially complete. Recovery efficiencies appear to be independent of initial chloride levels. The over-all variation in recoveries ranging from 97.7 to 102.7Oj, is within the experimental error of the analytical procedure used. These results are in accord with the previously given data of Himes et al. (9)in the completeness of the recovery. Together they show that chloride can be effectively concentrated by progressive freezing throughout the milligram to gram range of concentration. Rhodamine B. .\ number of replicate runs were made with Rhodamine B at initial concentrations varying from approximately 10 to 55 pg. per liter. The results of these studies a r e presented in Table 11. Examination of the data presented in

t o n . These criteria essentially dictate that the method be evaluated in terms of the efficiency of recovery with respect to initial solute concentration and degree of concentration. I n the present study, distilled water solutions were prepared with the smallest solute concentration possible with the analytical procedure used. Theoretically, this approach should furnish the efficiency of the experimental crystallization process with a minimum of solute interaction. During the course of the study, it was found that the best procedure for sample preparation mas to prepare a working solution whose concentration was sufficiently great to permit an accurate analysis and then to dilute an aliquot to the volume desired. The aliquot would approximate the volume of concentrate expected. By this means, it was possible to prepare init al solutions whose concentrations could not otherwise be analyzed, and whose concentrates could be determined in the more accurate analytical ranges. Chloride. Three series of runs each a t chloride levels of 1.2, 2.6, and

Chloride Recovery Data

Volume Initial, ml.

Final, ml.


2200 2200 2200 2100 2100 2100 2200 2200 2200

275 290 285 350 202 186 195 265 275

2 60 2 60


2 5 5 5


49 49 49 10 98 10 98 10 98

Chloride Recovered, mg. 2 67 2 54 2 62 5 41 5 54 5 44 11 04 10 96 11 10

Recovery, %;c

102 7 97 7 100 8 98 5 100 9 99 100 99 101

VOL. 36, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1964

1 5

8 1


Table II.

Volume Initial, ml. 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 sono 5000 5000 2200 2200 2200

Final, ml. 515 1325 890 555 890 12.50


Concn. factor, X 9.7 3.8 5,6 9.0 5.6


760 297 223 305

4 0

7 7 6 6 7 4

9 9 7.2

Table I1 shows that Rhodamine I3 recoveries were poorer than those of chloride v ithout exception and a ere more variable. The over-all variability of the 11 samples ranged from recoveries of 82.3 to 94.2y0,. Although the initial Rhodamine R concentrations were considerably lower than those of the chloride samples, the dggree of solute concentration LT as less, averaging sevenfold as against nine-fold with chloride. Fieezing runs were ended when cloudiness, most probably due to occlusion as discussed by Himes et al. ( 2 ) , appeared around the upper portions of the core. The cloudiness was accompanied by numerous entrained


Recovery Data

Added, rg


122 122 115 115 115 115 92 91 108 8 108 8 108.8

Rhodamine B Recovered, rg. 106.6 108.7 100.6 99 9 94 3 103 8 86 5 75 2 91 2 98 8 97.7


70 87.6 89.0 87.8 87.2 82 3 90 3 94 2 82 4 83 8 90 8 91.6

bubbles and, in the case of Rhodamine B, a pink coloration. Reduced core size, increased solute concentration, and limited agitation because of splashing would all contribute to solute entrapment. The process of entrapment by constitutional super-cooling indicates that solute loses should be proportional to solute concentration in the bulk fluid. Assuming such losses to be nonspecific, the reduced efficiency of recovery with Rhodamine I3 would indicate a relative build-up of the compound a t the surface of the ice. Recovery efficiency, therefore, appears to be more a function of the nature of the solute than of its

concentration. One might also note that in the core analysis presented by West ( 4 ) , there is an increase in color of 5 times in the concentrate but a simultaneous increase in chloride of 8.7 times. Thus, Shapiro’s (3) contention that “any easily measured parameter such as conductivity or optical absorbance will serve to indicate the recovery of the whole” is undoubtedly overstated. LITERATURE CITED

(1) APHA, “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste-

water,” 11th ed., pp. 2i9-82 (1960).

( 2 ) Himes, K. C., et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. 51, 1345-8 (1959). (3) Shapiro, J., Science 133, 2063-4 (1961 i. (4) West, P. IT., Chem. Eng. S e w s 22,

718-22 (1944). S H I G E R U I