Friday Morning and Afternoon General

William Seaman, Presiding. 9:00. Continuous Quantitative Analysis of Ion ... V. J. Coates, N. Brenner, L. O'Brien, and N. Marcus. G. E. A. Wyld, Presi...
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SAN FRANCISCO PROGRAM Robert L. Letourneau, Presiding 2:00

2:10 2:35 2:55 3:15 3:35 3:55 4:20

Report on Recommended Specifications for Microchemical Apparatus. Volumetric Glassware, Part II. Microliter Pipets. Al Stovermark, H. K. Alber, V. A. Aluise, E. W. D . Huffman, E. L. Jolley, J. A. Kuck, J. J. Moran, and C. L. Ogg. Problems Involved in Standardization of Micropipets and Microliter Pipets. H. K. Alber. Microdetermination of Sulfur and Halogens by Rapid Automatic Combustion. E. J. Agazzi, Ε. Μ. Fredericks, and F . R. Brooks. Determination of Hydrogen Dissolved in Water. R. H. Robinson and J. V. Alger. Determination of Surface Area. Adsorption Measure­ ments by a Continuous Flow Method. F . M. Nelsen and F . T. Eggertsen. Evaluation of Six Methods for the Determination of Nitrogen in Nitroguanidine. M. I. Fauth and Harry Stalcup. Chromatographic Determination of Adipic, Glutaric, and Succinic Acids. A. I. Smith. Quantitative Evaluation of Paper Chromatograms of Condensed Phosphates Using a Spinco Analytrol. D . N. Bernhart and W. B. Chess.


Titration of Weak Acids in Nonaqueous Solvents. Potentiometric Studies in Inert Solvents. G. A. Har­ low and D. B. Brass. 10:05 Titration of Weak Acids in Nonaqueous Solvents. Conductometric Studies. D. B. Bruss and G. A. Harlow. 10:30 Microdetermination of Water. Titration with Fischer Reagent. E. L. Bastin, H. Siegel, and A. B. Bullock. 10:55 Theoretical Prediction of Resolution in a Gas Chro­ matography Column. J. F . Young. 11:20 Determination of 2 , 6 - D i - t o i - b u t y l - 4 - m e t h y l - l - h y droxybenzene on Antioxidant-Treated Paperboard by Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography. E. C. Jennings, Jr., T. L>. Curian, and D . G. Edwards. 11:40 Multiple-Stage Gas Chromatography Instrumentation for Analysis of Complex Mixtures. V. J. Coates, N . Brenner, L. O'Brien, and X. Marcus.

Θ. Ε. A. Wyld, Presiding 2:00 2:20 2:35

Friday Morning and Afternoon




William Seaman, Presiding 9:00 9:20

Continuous Quantitative Analysis of Ion Exchange Effluents. Polarographic Method. R. L. Rebertus, R. J. Cappell, and G. W. Bond. Systematic Polarographic Study of the Aromatic Chloroethanes. I. Rosenthal and R. J. Lacoste.

3:35 3:55 4:15

Separation and Determination of Bismuth Metal, Bis­ muth Monochloride, and Bismuth Trichloride in Fused Mixtures. G. W. Dollman and Louis Silverman. Spot Test for Nitrates in the Presence of Nitramines. C. L. Whitman and M. I. Fauth. Determination of Citral in Essential Oils and Pharma­ ceutical Preparations by Condensation with Barbituric Acid. P. M. Laughton and Leo Levi. Specific Quantitative Colorimetric Method of Analysis for Citral in Lemon Oil. W. L. Stanley, R. C. Lindwall, and S. H. Vannier. Apparatus for Differential Thermal and Thermogravimetric Analysis. W. K. A. Gallant. Determination of Acetylene at Low Levels in Air. A. Weiss and F . Jackson. Analytical Study of the Aminoethyl Vinyl Ether Sys­ tem Based on Countercurrent Extraction. Isadore Rosenthal, Francis Jackson, and W. H. Watanabe. Use of Hydrazine in the Spectrophotometric Determi­ nation of Levulinic Acid. W. L. Schilling and Β. Τ . Hunter.




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