Friedel-crafts reaction in elementary organic laboratories - Journal of

Friedel-crafts reaction in elementary organic laboratories. O. L. Wright ... Journal of Chemical Education. Marsi and ... Published online 1 June 1961...
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CHEMICAL PROJECTS Research Ideas for Young Chemists Compiled by


JAY A. YOUNG, Kings College, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. JOHN K. TAYLOR, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.

Simple Method for the Preparation of Tertiary Amines See BUTI.ER,G. IUUKAS, H. M., J . Chem. Edirc., 31, 12 (1054). By hromination of 2-methylnaphthalcne with n-blomosuceinimide, followed by eondcnsat,ion of the etude bromide with hex:%methvlenetetrsmine. 2-nanhthaldehvde can be orenared. This lonr compounds, has plant growth regulating properties and ran bc used for st,rtdies of the factors sfl'ecting plant growt,h. Questions: Prepare 2-naphthaldrhyde by one or morc of thc othcr [procedures mentioned in the ~.cfel.cnecst o lhukas' art,iclc and r u n psro the advantages and disadvantages of each sueh method. (If not available locally, copies of the articles deswibing thefie ot,her prooedures can be obt,ained from libraries holding the nppropriate jonmals upon application in the uaunl way or by

a.lit,ing t o an a u t h o ~requesting , a Verify t,he eompwition of the int,ermedist~product,, a, hexammonium hromide rompound, by analysis far halogen content. Verify the cornpositior~ of the final product hy similar means. P~.eparealdehydes of othcr palynuclenr hydrocsrbons *rmh as 2-met,hylanthracene, 2-methyIphenanth~.arenc, or 9-mrthylant,hracme and determine if they are growth regulat,ors. ~ procedures and a comparison with From s. study of t h mrlier Ihukas' method, devise a difl'ermt (and impt~ived)p~.acrdul.rfor the preparation of 2-methylnnl1hthaldehvde. ( T h i s inr~eslioalion is oadinclarlv sailable for lhe s l w l m l u'ho wishe.9 fo combine an inlerenl i n Gcmian wilh hi.9 work i n rhmrisir?,. Blso, as indicated, i t e m be used as n eomhined ehemislry-bioloqy project.) Volume 38, Number 6, June 1961

