From "Dutch Boy" research...a gellant that prevents hard settling in a

Nov 12, 2010 - From "Dutch Boy" research...a gellant that prevents hard settling in a broad range of finishes. Chem. Eng. News , 1957, 35 (49), p 99...
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From "Dutch Boy" research . . . a gellant that prevents hard settling in a broad range of finishes In any paint, pigment particles tend to migrate. As they separate, settle, float, or agglomerate, paint performance goes down. Hues change. Streaking appears. Hiding is lowered. Hard cake forms. National Lead research has developed agents that lock errant pigments in place. One of t h e latest is D U T C H ΒΟΎ BENTONE® 38 gellant, unique i n the wide range of solvents i t gels ... and hence in the paints it improves. I t is a highly efficient triixotropic gelling agent. In almost any paint from oil-based exteriors to epoxy resin finishes, BENTONE 38 geliant prevents hard settling. It also aids color; boosts hiding; steps up body; stops sag ; increases sprayability, hold-out, temperature independence. Other "Dutch Boy" developments meet special compounding needs

There is D U T C H BOY B E N T O N E 34 gellant, for example. I t improves paints, cosmetics, coatings and other compounds made with low polarity solvents. D U T C H BOY BENTONE 18-C gellant does a s much for such high polarity items as vinyl anti-fouling paint. DUTCH BOY B E N - A - G E L ® gellant takes over in water-based compounds. National Lead research is improving vinyl compounds, too. With seventeen DUTCH B O Y stabilizers... each a specific for conditions affecting life and quality in vinyl film, sheeting, insulation and other stocks. The coupon will bring you details on the "Dutch Boy" chemicals mentioned. F o r technical assistance in their application, write.

NATIONAL LEAD C O M P A N Y 111 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k 6 , Ν. Υ. In C a n a d a : C a n a d i a n T i t a n i u m Pigments Limited 6 3 0 Dorchester Street, West, M o n t r e a l

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on " D u t c h B o y " Gelling Agents: " D U T C H B O Y " B E X T O N E S (gel o r g a n i c liquids) " D U T C H B O Y " B E X - A - C E L (pels aqueous compounds)

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1957 C&EN