Record&metadataPrefix=reg&identifier=info:inchi/ • Application for inorganic and polymer structures is under development. • The results of ...
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APPENDIX III Prepared by: Warren Powell IUPAC Division VIII in Turin August 4-5, 2007 

"Graphic Representation of Stereochemical Configuration, IUPAC Recommendations 2006" was published in PAC, 78 (10), 1897-1970 2006.

"Representation Standards for Chemical Structure Diagrams" is ready to be submitted for publication.

"Nomenclature for Rotaxanes and Pseudorotaxanes" has been submitted for publication.

"Nomenclature for Rotaxane Polymers", based primarily on an earlier project "Nomenclature for Macromolecular Rotaxanes", is in the review process.

"Structure-Based Nomenclature for Cyclic Macromolecules", has been submitted for review and to the Division IV Subcommittee on Polymer Terminology for final comments.

The comprehensive revision of the Blue Book which will include recommendations for the generation of preferred IUPAC names is proceeding slowly. Chapters 1-4 have been revised by moving recommendations for preferred IUPAC names to Chapter 5. Some minor adjustments remain to be done and Chapter 5 needs refinement. Preliminary editorial work has been done on Chapters 6-8. Chapter 7 was reviewed in depth during a meeting of the project group in Turin. Chapters 9 and 10 are virtually complete. April, 2008 has been given as the date by which the authors are to complete work on a manuscript for review.

The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is being used vy a wide range of software and internet databases and by several primary journals. A 'Hash' Algorithm for InChI developed to facilitate use of the InChI algorithm by web search engines has been submitted for testing. InChI has been assigned a Univorm Resourse Identifier (URI) name space. It is: Record&metadataPrefix=reg&identifier=info:inchi/

Application for inorganic and polymer structures is under development.

The results of the project on "Extension of IUPAC rules for descriptors to coordination numbers 7-12" is being published as a Technical Report.

The project "Terminology and Structure-based Nomenclature of Dendritic and Hyperbranched Polymers" has been split into two parts, one for "Dendritic Polymers" and one for "Hyperbranched Polymers" because of problems of terminology.


Projects being developed in collaboration with the Division IV Subcommittee on Polymer Terminology are; o "Source-based Nomenclature of Single-Strand Organic Polymers" and "Nomenclature for Chemically Modified Polymer Molecules". o Projects just getting started include: A second edition of Principles of Chemical Nomenclature, A Guide to IUPAC Recommendations; " Preferred names for Inorganic Compounds", "Nomenclature for Metallocycles".

There has been no progress on the projects "Cyclic Peptides' and "Comparison of Procedures for naming Hydro Derivatives of Fused Ring Systems".

Future projects include: 'Nomenclature of Boron Compounds", Preferred Structure-based Names for Macromolecules', "Clusters", and "Calixarenes"

Membership (Proposed): Prof. Richard Hartshorn (Australia) was elected Vice-president. Dr. Ture Damhus (Denmark) was appointed Secretary. The rest of the Titular Members are: Dr. Gerard Moss (UK)(President), Mr. Jonathan Brecher (USA), Prof. Alan T. Hutton (SA), Prof. G. Jeffrey Leigh (UK), Prof. Philip Hodge )UK), Dr. Jeffry Wilson (USA), and Dr.Kiril Degtyaenko (UK). Associate Members: Dr. Warren Powell (USA), Dr. Andrey Yerin (Russia), Prof. Jozsef Nyitrai (Hungary), Dr. Jaroslav Kahovec (Czech Republic), Prof. Ebbe Nordlander (Sweden), and Dr. Prof. Alexander J. Lawson (Germany).
