From Newton to energy and matter: A freshman science approach

Describes two science courses that have been developed to take the place of the traditional freshman courses in biology, chemistry, and physics, title...
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David P. Young

Moryville College Maryville, Tennessee 37801


From Newton to Energy and Matter A freshman science approach

W e would like to report on two new science courses we have developed to take the place of the traditional freshman courses in biology, chemistry, and physics. The basic reason behind this change has been the realization of two facts: (1) that our traditional courses were subjecting the students to the same kind of science they had experienced in high school, namely, lecture presentations of facts and time-scheduled, cookbook labs (both of which had turned many off to science) and (2) that the students were coming to us convinced that science was nothing more than a collection of facts to be memorized. We are of the opinion that in this scientific age it is important, if not crucial, for liberal arts students, regardless of major, to have an understanding of the way science views the world rather than to learn facts of science in any particular discipline. Therefore, in the curricular changes to be described here, we have attempted to bring students to the point where they could begin to form an intelligent opinion as to what the endeavor called science is all about and what it can potentially do to the future. We have been guided by a statement made by Jacob Bronowski in his book Science and H u m n Values: "The world today is made, it is powered by science; and for any man to abdicate an interest in science is to walk with open eyes toward slavery."' The two courses which we have developed are Science Thought and Science Fundamentals. It is the purpose of the Science Thought course to introduce the student to the ways in which scientific questions are asked and answered, as well as to how science views the world. I n addition, we hope to destroy the notion that science is purely objective and l'correct," and to start students thinking as to the reasons that science has advanced to its present position of very rapid progress and growth and what i t might be in the future. The Science Fundamentals course deals more with the factual aspects of scientific knowledge; however, the approach is oriented around a consideration of the relationships between matter and energy. A laboratory is connected with this course. After a series of projects with suggested procedures, the students chose a question from a prepared list with the purpose of developing their own technique and method for answering it. Three examples are: what is the acceleration due to gravity, what is the oxygen consumption of a cockroach, and how many amino acids are there in a Student Center hamburger? Based on a paper presented before the Division of Chemical Education at the 157th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Minneapolis, April, 1969. ' BRONOWSKI, JACOB, "Science and Humm Values," Harper and Row, New York, 1965, p. 6. 580 / Journol of Chemical Edumfion

Both courses are team taught by an interdisciplinary staff (mathematicians help in Science Thought but do not participate in the Fundamentals course). The professors have attempted to take the position of colearners with the students rather than experts who dispense knowledge in neat predigested packages. Therefore, emphasis is placed on reading and discussion rather than lectures and homework. Student reaction has been mixed; however, there is a high degree of agree-

Table 1. Science Thought, 1967 and 1968

Table 2. Science Thought, 1969

Table 3. Science Fundamentals, 1966 and 1967 Matter a8 Bulk (Macroaoapio Matt, A. Properties of Matter B. Energy C. Kinetic Molecular Theory Matter as Individuals (Microscopic

A. Atoms B. The Hydrogen Atom C. The Periodic Chart D. The Chemical Bond E. Chemical Reactions Matter and the Living System A. Cell Str--'--"bb",n B. Chemioa1 Components of the Cell C. Photua,,"thesis D. Enere" Utilization in the Cell

Table 4. Science Fundamentals, 1968 1. Introduotion A. Energy as a Concept 2. The Source of Energy A. The Sun and the Nuoleua B. Radiant Energy 3. Enerm Tranaport A. Quantum Jumps and the Periodic Chart B. Work: Push. Baby, Push C. Heat: Burn. Baby. Burn D. Moleoulea in Motion: Danoe, Baby. Danoe 4. Abmrmion of Eneray A. Chemioal Glue 8. The Grass is Green 5. Release of Energy A. Respiration 6. Entro y A. sEut DOWE.!

ment that this approach is more exciting and meaningful than separate courses in the sciences taught in the traditional manner. On course evaluations 77y0of the students have indicated that their appreciation of science has been enhanced, 82% that the approach should be continued, and 66% that the courses have stimulated their desire to learn more about science. I t might be pointed out that both courses are taken in the Freshman year regardless of major, i.e., science or nonscience. Topic outlines for the two courses are listed in Tables 1through 4. Two variations for each course are illus-

trated. I n Science Thought, we use a rather complete syllabus with questions for discussion on each topic. Additiond information as to reading materials and course syllabi can be obtained by writing the author. Any success that these courses have enjoyed has to be attributed to the tremendous spirit of cooperation expressed by the following: Frank Brunell (biology), Robert Clark (mathematics), Thomas I. Hicks (physics), Tom Ferrell (physics), George Howell (chemistry), Norman Love (physics), J. W. Nichols (mathematics), Paul Ogren (chemistry), Robert Ramger (biology), and A. Randolph Shields (biology).

Volume 47, Number 8, August 1970
