From Now until 2057 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

What's in store for the world's industrial civilization? ... Such conferences, or symposia, were originally suggested by Robert V. Bartz, director of ...
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BOOKS From Now until 2057 What's in store for the world's industrial civilization? ' T h e N e x t Hundred Years" offers some forecasts υ





Editorial Board: H. D. GOULDEN, Toilet Goods Association, New York City; EMIL G. KLARM.W.V,

Lebn and Fink Inc., New York City; DONALD H. POWERS, Warner Lambert Pharmaceutical Corp.,

New York City; and EDWARD SAGARIN-, Stand-

ard Aroma tics, Inc., New York City.



T h i s encyclopedic treatment is the result of an industry-wide collaboration of 61 specialists. Many of these contributors are directors of research or research chemists from the leading cosmetic (arms and, for specialized subjects, pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical schools, law firms and government agencies are a'so represented. The greater part of the 5 1 chapters describe cosmetic preparation, such as cleansing creams, foundation make-up, lipstick, depilatories, shampoos, toothpaste, perfumes and many others, giving for each product: physical forms in which the product is made . raw materials . formulations . dermatological o r other special considerations . abundant literature references Other chapters take up such subjects as: history of the cosmetic industry, plant layout and equipment, quality control, physiology of the skin, the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, patents and trade marks. 1957. tables.

1453 p a g e s , $25.00




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O C T . 14, 1 9 5 7

SEFUL RESULTS almost regularly flow

from experiments designed to test a chemist's wrong assumptions. How­ ever, even a chemist is entitled to sur­ prise w h e n a faulty premise leads to as good a book as " T h e Next Hundred Years," by geochemist Harrison Brown, biochemist James Bonner, a n d psycholo­ gist John Weir, with preface byt Presi­ dent DuBridge, all of California In­ stitute of Technology. The book was distilled from some 30 conferences of several hours each, at­ tended by faculty members a n d invited guests, restricted to top executives of certain individual major corporations. The discussion concerned raw/ materials and technological advances needed to support and extend the world's in­ dustrial civilization. Such conferences, or symposia, were originally suggested by Robert V. Bartz, director of the institute's industrial associates program. DuBridge believed that it had not previously occurred to anyone that long-range consideration of the earth's resources should b e of interest or im­ portance to our industrial leaders. By subtitle the book is a discussion pre­ pared for our industrial leaders—a bold concept, say the authors. They be­ lieved that few persons h a d posed and even fewer had seriously tried to an­ swer such questions as "What is the future of our industrial civilization likely to be?" This low estimate of t h e world's interest in its economic future would probably have been revised upward if a few of the conference guests had been selected as outstanding technologists from industry a n d the press. T h e au­ thors might incidentally have learned also of the Book-of-the-Month selection of January 1936. It was by C. C. Furnas, "The Next Hundred Years." The approach to the future is quite different in the two books. Furnas' main concern was with the new tech­ nological advances iieeded. T h e new book achieves brevity by taking these

for granted. It keeps per capita needs and world population, when n o t dis­ cussed directly, constandy in t h e back­ ground, thereby achieving unity. It lacks t h e combination of scholarly a n d humorous touch with which Furnas was credited, but has a uniformly crisp style of saying things. Sample: "Al­ though the a g e of fossil fuels h a s barely begun, we can already see i t s end." These a n d other good qualities combine to make it a really readable book. Forecasts (with some hedging, of course) are a prominent feature. T h e authors believe t h a t world population will not stabilize a t less than 7 billion, and that this m a y b e reached about 2050 A.D., if practice of birth control increases rapidly enough. T h e y esti­ mate that conventional farm practices can b e extended t o feed 7 t o 8 billion, but not at today's top standards. After the age of fossil fuels, they picture this population consuming annually t h e equivalent of 70 million metric tons of coal, 2 2 % from solar radiation a n d 6 5 % from other nuclear reactions. They document t h e belief t h a t present sources cannot supply the future de­ mand for engineers a n d scientists. Even if these a n d t h e a u t h o r s ' other forecasts are questioned, their pertinent and stimulating analysis of t h e under­ lying problems remains an outstanding accomplishment. Readers seriously in­ terested in t h e outlook for key commod­ ities a n d the future of technology will find better sources of information else­ where, mainly in specialized literature. Information of broad scope h a s been compiled in Resources for Freedom, the 1952 five-volume report of t h e Presi­ dent's Material Policy Commission. This required 115 staff workers assisted by 2 0 universities, dozens of govern­ mental agencies, a n d h u n d r e d s of corporations. "The Next H u n d r e d Years" is recom­ mended for delightful and stimulating reading. E v e n t o those lacking t h e time to read it, t h e well chosen tables and figures can quickly tell an interest­ ing story. The N e x t H u n d r e d Years. HARRISON B R O W N , J A M E S BONNER, J O H N


xi -f 193 pages. Viking Press, I n c . , 625 Madison Ave., New York 22, Ν . Υ. 1957. $3.95. Reviewed by Albert S. Richardson, Cincinnati.