FROM PAINTER TO PUTTER... RCI is in the picture! - Chemical

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Which off these materials do you need? Call RCI!


now being used experimentally in golf club shafts of several different designs.)

R C I alkyd and amine resins — can be combined to "produce surface coatings for a wide variety of kitchen applications ranging from furni­ ture finishes to durable refrigerator enamels. There's also a big market for the amines i n the paper industry which uses them to add wet strength t o paper towels, which have become almost a kitchen necessity.


R C I p o l y e s t e r r e s i n s — reinforced with fibrous glass form attractive translucent sliding doors for kitchen cabinets. Other RCI polyesters can be used t o formulate polyurethane foams for cushioning dinette chairs.


R C I p h e n o l - f o r m a l d e h y d e resins— are utilized i n fast-curing molding compounds for heat-resistant utensil a n d appliance handles .«.. filler sheets for laminated kitchen counter tops. (Both phenolic and reinforced polyester resins are


R C I p h t f i a l i c a n h y d r i d e — constitutes a base for plasticizers used in the manufacture of vinyl floor tile.


RCIp u r e a n d modified phenolio r e s i n s — make floor waxes and polishes harder and longer-lived.


R C I p e n t a o h l o r o p h e n o l — is an important ingredient in preservative solutions which help make wood exposed to weather last up t o 4 times as long as untreated wood. The next time you have a supply problem (or a technical problem), take a look at RCI. See where fast delivery o f quality-controlled RCI materials (including the basic chemicals listed ν/îth our signature) can help you.

AT R C I — t a n k car is loaded w i t h a new n o n - d r y i n g a l k y d resin d e v e l o p e d by R a i c h h o l d f o r use with a m i n e r e s i n s in s u p e r i o r baking e n a m e l s f o r home l a u n d r y e q u i p m e n t . T h e big a d v a n t a g e i s t h a t . . «

Creative Chemistry . . . Your Partner in Progress

DETERGENTS WON'T D U L L glossy enamels for automatic w a s h e r s made with this RCI a l k y d . . . a n a d v a n t a g e every h o u s e w i f e ( a n d m a n u f a c t u r e r o f Industrial finishes) can appreciate.

REICHHOLD Synthetic Resins · Cnemlcal Colors · Industrial Adhesives · Plasticizers Phenol · Formaldehyde · Glycerine · Phthalîc Anhydride · Maleic Anhydride Sodium Sulfite · Pentaerythritol · PentachlorophenoL • J SuJttiric ftcidt