From the Armour Chemical Division........ALIPHATIC ORGANIC

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From the Armour Chemical D i v i s i o n . . . . . . . .

to h e l p y o u i m p r o v e your products—develop new «ones! Your industry - every major industry--can benefit from the use of one or more of Armour's versatile, high purity chemicals. Send for literature by checking the appropriate box and mailing this ad, or write for specific information. Here are some typical applications vvhaere these chemicals are being successfully used. Π ARMEENS·, Aliphatic Amine*: - Mold release for rubber and plastics; catalysts for polyurethane foams; chemical intermediates for germicides artd bacteri­ cides, specialty chemicals, anti-static agents, textile softeners. Π D I O M E E N S " , Aliphatic Diamines:--Bactericides and corrosion inhibitors; pigment wetting .agents; as­ phalt additives; fiexibilizers for epoxy resins. •

ARM ACS"', Aliphatic Amine Acetates: -Wax and oil emulsifiers; corrosion inhibitors; flotation r-eagents.

ARQUADS*, Quaternary Ammonium CJilorides: — Anti-static agents; bactericides and germicides; latex foam gel sensitizers; liquid starch additives ζ paper and textile softeners.

ARM1DS-, Alpihatic Amides:— Thickening agents; detergent additives; vinyl sheeting proce-ssing aids; paraffin wax additives; polyethylene modifiers; molded rubber release agents; printing ink additives; dye solubilizers; textile water-repellent intermediates.

ARNEELS Ç , Aliphatic Xitriles: — Plast icizersand softening agents for synthetic rubber.

E T H O M E E N S " , Ethoxylated Amines: — Emulsifiers for herbicides, waxes and polishes, oils for leather treating, industrial cleaners, cutting oils, water-repellent waxes, and polyethylene; wetting agerats for paint removers and buffing compounds; anti-static agents; softening agents for textiles; latex stabilizers; dispersing agents.

Π E T H O D U O M E E N S ' , Ethoxylated Emulsifiers and wetting agents.

ARMOUR CHEMICAL DIVISION " 'r ©Armour and Company; 1355 West 3 1 s t Street · Chicago 9, Illinois

Diamines: —

ETHOFATS1*, Ethoxylated Fatty Acids:— Emulsifiers for agricultural chemicals, wraxes and oils, fat liquoring and buffing compounds; paper re-wet ting agents; d e ­ tergents for textile scouring and sanitizing; softening, solubilizing and dispersing agents; wetting agents.

ETHOMIDS^, Ethoxylated A m ides:-Έ,γπιυ\ύ fiers for waxes, oils and silicones; textile lubricants; buffing compound additives; dispersants; wetting agents. To quickly check product specifications see Chemical Week Buyers Guide · Chemical Mater-iaU Catalog.