From the chairman - ACS Publications

It is difficult to decide whebher t,o address these eon,- menrs to readers of THIS JOURNAL or to members of the Division of Chemical Education. I t is...
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from the CHAIRMAN

It is difficult to decide whebher t,o address these eon,or to members of the Division menrs to readers of THIS JOURNAL of Chemical Education. I t is obvious that they are not the same are now about 13,400 but people. Suhseriptians to the JOURNAL membership in t h e Division is only about oneaixth of this figure, or a, litble over 2,000. Furthennore, not all members of the Division suhsoribe to the JOURNAL.All of you who do subscribe to and reed the J o u n ~ a ~ s u r edoso l y with bothpleasureand profit. Since it is the official publication of the Division you can also by joining with the Division take especial pride in the JOURNAL xs either Members or Associates, for then it will be ymrr JOVRNAL. Those of you who are member8 of the ACS know t h a t the Division of Chemical Education is one of 22 Divisions of the parent Society. Perhaps you did not realize that this Division prohahly cuts across a wider range of interests than any other. 1-ou who are not members of the ACS may not know that you ran join the Division ss an Associate and participate in all its activities except voting and holding office. Most of you who are eligible t o join the Division and are subscribe to the JOURNAL. indeed urged to do so. If you are interested in the object of the Divi~ion,"to afford a meeting ground for teachers and students of chemistry, as well as others who are interested in the larger aspects of chemical education, which include the training of professional chemists and indeed all the processes by whieh original knowledge and investigations are made understandable and usable to others" please reinforce this interest by sending your name and address and dues (51.50 members, $2.00 associates) t o W. G. Ressel, Treasurer, Indiana State, Terre Haute, Indiana. Let me repeat, you don't have to be a n ACS member, you simply need to care about chemical education and your eligibility . is nasured. As I m i t e this, the St. Louis meeting is recently over. Your Division along with the 21 others sponsored all of the program except for the General Meeting. We had three full days of program including symposia on Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Fused Salts, Institutes and Conferences, and Audio-Visual Aids in Chemical Education. One full day was devoted to genernl papers. Nearly 200 attended t h e Divisional Dinner a t FVashinpton University to honor Dr. John C. Bailar, Jr., this year's rpeipient of the Scientific Apparatus Manufarturer's Arsoriation Award in Chemical Education. Dr. Bailar, who was Chairman of the Division in 194647, gave as his award address a. penetrating look a t "Chemical Education-Then and Now." Yon might like to know that a dinner meeting ia planned for most lintional Meetings. I t is usually held a t a college in the area of the meeting so t h a t prices can be kept as low a8 possible in pleasant surroundings. If you know t h a t a National Meeting will be in your area soon and you would like to host a Divisional Dinner, communicate with the Chairman of the Program Committw. (We can't accept all invitations, of course, bnt it's nice

to know we're wanted!) Far the Chicago Meeting, Sept. 3-8, there will be symposia a n the Teaching of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Honors Programs in Chemistry, and Current Theories of C h ~ n i c aBonding. l General papers will round out a, balanced nroeran. We are makine an earnest effort to eet out the meetine Chairman on time. I u-ish I could convey to you some of the sense of excitement which pervaded the various committee meetings in St. Louis. All eight of the members of the Executive Committee attended their meeting which lasted all day Saturday. Much of the business conducted wan of a. routine but necessary nature. One item under intense discussion was t h a t of Teacher Associates. The ACS Council Committee on Chemical Education has been considering this problem for some time. An ad hoc committee for the Division consisting bf Robert Silber, William Kessel, and Robert Maybury is to report t,o the Executive Committee in Chiesgo with recommendations for action a t t h a t meeting. The Sunday meetings of standing committees m e always full of vigorous discussion and positive action, and the St. Louis sessions were unusually stimulating. Dr. H. Behrens of the University of Santiago in Chile, now visiting this country, was invited to attend the committee meetings. Much of the discussion centered around possible assistmce to chemistry teachers and students in foreign countries where library holdings and general chemistry apparatus are minimal. An ad hoe Committee for Cooperation with Foreign Universities, just getting under way, met far the first time in St. Louis. With the thought t h a t Division Members and Associates might like t o find out first hand what is going on, we are planning an Open Meeting a t Chicago to be held jointly by t h e Committee on Teaching and the Committee on Institutes and Conferences, probably on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 3, a t 2:00 PM. Meeting place cannot be mnouneed a t this time but if we find no eonvenient way to get this information t o you in advance, i t can always be obtained from the National Meetings Operations offiee after arrival in Chicago. You are all invited to this Open Meee ing. Dr. William Cook, Secretary of the Division, prepared an .Annual Report lor 1860 for the Council Policy Committee. If vau would like to eee one of these. write to him and reauest one. kembers now have the 1961 ~ i r e c t o r yof t h e ~ i v i s i o nand can find addresses there for all members, and a summary of much Division activity. I trust you will agree with me t h a t our Division is an active and thriving one. Once more I would like to appeal to all of you who are interested in ehemied education, not now members, to join with us and lend your support to the work of the Division. Members, send your idea8 to any of your officers or bring them with you to the Open Meet,ing in Chicago.

Volume 38, Number 7, July 1961
