Now . . .
Fibrous Silica Batt and Cloth BBfRASJl originally developed for aircraft jet insulation now offers to the Chemical Industries the following unusual properties: ® WITHSTANDS 2 0 0 0 ° F. INDEFI NITELY up to 5 0 0 ° F. higher for short periods — fuses at approx. 3 1 0 0 ° F. ® CHEMICAL RESISTANCE — not affected by most commer cial acids — does not combine with usual components of high temperature alloys even on long contact at 2 0 0 0 ° F. • EXTREMELY LIGHT WEIGHT: Surface density approx. .05 lbs. per sq. ft. of approx. 3 / 1 6 " thickness. Bulk density, approx. 4 lbs. per cu. ft. • FIBER DIAMETER: 0 . 0 0 0 2 3 inches, average. • RESISTANCE TO VIBRATION: Not seriously affected by ex treme high frequency, high am plitude vibration of aircraft jet motor tail pipes. • THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY: (graph on request) — at low tem p e r a t u r e s — approx. Vb thermal conductivity of standard insulat ing materials. At 2 0 0 0 ° F . — by far the lowest of all materials available. • AVAILABLE FORMS: Batt in rolls approx. 14 ' long by 3!/2' wide by 3 / 1 6 " thick. Cloth in rolls of random lengths approx. 3 2 " wide by 0.015" thick. Tapes, sleevings, and cordage of various widths and lengths. Loose fibers in bulk. Also, insulating blankets fully prefabricated by us to specification, either permanent or removable. FOR ENGINEERING COOPERATION O N ANY APPLICATION WRITE
THE H. I. THOMPSON CO. Section 13-9 1733 Cordova St. %&β;; νβέή'(^φ\φ. s[:'7j:rC crl/if· 2482
From the Secretary's Office Council — 577, of which 518 represent local sections; o f latter, 263 new.
Statistics T h e secretary and business manager has prepared a report on the " S t a t e of the S O C I E T Y " which has been sent t o all coun cilors. T h i s will be printed in C&EK with the m i n u t e s of t h e September meet ing. I t is believed t h a t t h e members will be interested in a brief s u m m a r y now. Unless otherwise noted, all figures are those of J u l y 1 for the years designated. New members—6,600; 1946, 5,602. Membership—53,906; 1946, 47,290. Gain, 1 4 % ; last year, 11.2%; previous record, 12.8%. Unpaid, 2.04S, 3.8%; 1946, 3 . 0 3 % : 1945, 3 . 6 % ; prior years, m u c h higher. M e m b e r s given s t u d e n t discount— 2,959, a record. From a high of 2,201 in 1941, declined annually to 990 in 1945: 3 0 % increase in 1946; 1 3 0 % increase in 1947. E m e r i t u s m e m b e r s — 1 5 3 ; 1946, 108. Corporation members—869; 1946, 807. S t u d e n t affiliates—3,056 ; 1946, 1,522. Prewar maximum—1,818, 1941; wartime low, 1,122, 1945. Address changes —12,042; 1946, 11,117. Local sections—124 in 46 states, 2 terri tories, D . C , and C a n a d a ; 8 new in 1947. M e m b e r s h i p of new sections—844, of which 679 were members of other sections prior to chartering. Officers and coun cilors—964. C h a p t e r s of affiliates—111; 22 new in 1947. S p e a k e r s ' tours—-40, involving 228 ap pearances by 3 3 persons. For next seasson, 86 speakers invited, 34 accepted, 3(> declined, others pending. N a t i o n a l meetings—headquarters staff responsible; assistance rendered by Phila delphia Section in April a n d will be given by New York in September. Atlantic City meeting—-80 sessions, 541 papers, 994 a u t h o r s , 7,030 registration. E m p l o y m e n t Clearing House—Atlantic City meeting: Employers' representatives, 8 1 8 ; candidates for employment, 528: interviews, 3,816 or 109 per hour av erage. Regional: 7 offices, records in all duplicates; 476 vita filed, 324 withdrawn. J o u r n a l circulation, paid (figures in parentheses, increases)—CA, 20,539 ( 1 0 . 8 % ) ; C & E N , 6 0 , 7 7 6 ( 1 4 . 6 % ) ; I&EC, 36,720 ( 7 . 1 % ) ; J ACS, 18,762 (10.0%). Notable increase in foreign subscribers. N o n m e m b e r subscribers—14,656 (9.4%) a n d subscriptions, 24,313. Directory—progress slow; now proof reading alphabetical list and preparing geographical. F o u r t h Decennial Index—sales, 3,272. Distribution of old journals—$19,573.53, which is less t h a n last year ($29,576.87) b u t greater t h a n estimated in advance. Vol. 38 of CA reprinted. C H E M I C A L
The New Work
The coining n a t i o n a l meeting will pro vide a fmll a n d high-caliber program. There w i l l be opportunities without number t o see one's friends, make new ones. Records will b e broken. There need n e v e r he a dull m o m e n t . B u t any one who tries t o " d o " it all will need a month's vacation afterward. Some statistics h a v e just been handed to the secretary ; you may be interested. Here t h e y are, just as transmitted by those responsible for a r r a n g e m e n t s : 11] sessions ( S more t h a n ever before), 812 papers ( 5 8 more t h a n the previous re cord), 1,3V 1 different authors, 78 group meals, 4 '"unsefieduled" group meals, 16 events f o r women, 2 0 Inspection trips. 12 conflicts in p a p e r s t o be given by t h e same individuals, 9,763 headaches, and 50,000 expected in t h e E C H space on Monday. Up t o the final figures, we be lieve t h e m to be correct; because of space limitations and judging byr such bases for estimates as we h a v e , the last probably will be fh«ï impression of t h e casual observer.
It's g o o d to b e back and t o be writing t h e secretary's page again! T h e most lasting impression of m y t r i p is a new ap preciation of nxany of the things which we take f o r granted in this country. 1 think e v e r y one of us who spent a n y time abroad will be m o r e satisfied in t h e future with conditions of which previously we may have been critical. It was gratifying t o find ACS members wherever one w e n t — B e l g i u m , England. France, liollancl, a n d even on t h e ship (and ί d o not refer to American com panions). Mr. Murphy has r e p o r t e d the London meetings i n word a n d picture. P e r h a p s he will editorialize on some of the aspects which are; not amenable t o t h a t t r e a t ment. T o e secretary will refrain from repetition, but from time t o time m a y record impressions which concern us. The first of t h e s e is brief; t h e most memorable sight on t h i s t r i p , viewed in t h e light of all t h a t had gone before, was the S t a t u e of L i b e r t y seen as our ship c a m e into the New York Harbor. I t meant a lot more cm Aug. 4 than it did on J u n e 25.