From the Witco Group
the broadest line of anionic surface-active agents in America
Sonneborn Chemical and Refining Corporation Petroleum Sulfonates
Ultra Chemical Works Alkyl Aryl Sulfonates
Petronates®: a full line of oil- and water-soluble surfactants whose properties ® as wetting, dispersing and emulsifying agents and rust inhibitors give them wide use as lube oil, fuel oil and gasoline additives, and in manufacturing such products as drilling muds, dry cleaning soaps, cutting oils, metal degreasers, rust preventives and textile and leather processing oils. Available as sodium, calcium, barium, magnesium and ash less salts. Other Surfactants: Oxidized hydrocarbons for use as rust preventives and emulsifiers.
^ItlfffW „ Sulframins®: basic surGWsgff face-active agents for ^UP^® the manufacture of detergents and cleaning compounds for industrial, institutional and domestic use...and for a variety of other industrial applications such as air-entraining agents for concrete and for gypsum wallboard. Other Surfactants: Hydrotropesxylene and toluene sulfonates for use as solubilizing and coupling agents; Ultrapoles®-conventional alkanolamine condensates and superamides; Neopones®-nonionics for various detergent tasks.
The organizations whose products are listed above are all subsidiaries and divisions of Witco Chemical Company, Inc. Together they represent sources for a unique range of surface-active products for industrial, agricultural and domestic applications. Further information on each group of products is available in our brochures:
Organic Chemicals Division Oil Soluble Salts of Dodecylbenzene _ Sulfonic Acid ^AI^ Emcols: emulsifiers for oil/water and water/oil systems; wetting agents; detergents for hydrocarbon solvent systems; salt tolerant anionics for emulsifying solvents in high salt content aqueous solutions. Other Surfactants: fatty-acid esters, quaternary ammonium compounds, fatty-acid amides; alkanolamine condensates for such products as shampoos, lotions, creams and other cosmetics, specialty cleaning compounds, industrial emulsifiers, and industrial processing.
Please indicate which meets with your interest-we will be happy to forward it immediately. > "Sonneborn Purified Petroleum Sulfonates," *> "Ultra Surface Active Agents and Their A lplications," *> "Emcol Surface Active Agents."
WITCO CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC., Dept.S-120,122 East 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. C &EN