Frontiers In Organic Chemistry - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 10, 2010 - Eng. News , 1992, 70 (13), Inside Front Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v070n013.ifc. Publication Date: March 30, 1992. Copyright © 1992 Ameri...
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The American

Chemical Society


Frontiers In Organic Chemistry T

his dynamic Short Course is designed for organic scientists of all levelsfrom B.S. chemists to Ph.D. researchers and research managers. Frontiers in Organic Chemistry will prepare you to meet the challenges of the 1990's as you improve your ability to design reactions and r e a g e n t s . . . gain a better understanding of the underlying factors and defining selectivity . . . perform quantum mechanical calculations and evaluate the reliability of calculations... and learn to predict reaction products from theoretical principles.

In 51/2 Days You'll Cover: • Reaction Mechanisms • Synthetic Reactions and Strategies • Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis and Theoretical Organic Chemistry • Organometallic Reagents • Transition Metal Catalyzed Reactions • Reactions and Reagents Based on Unusual Chemical Properties of Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon • Strategies for the Synthesis of Complex Natural Products • Applications of Chemical Techniques, NMR, and Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Recognition Studies • AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Monday-Saturday June 22-27, 1992 Stanford University Palo Alto, California

Presented by six internationally acclaimed researchers from the field of organic chemistry: Dr. Barry M. Trost (Course Director), Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University Dr. Charles P. Casey, Helfaer Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison Dr. Kendall N. Houk, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Hans J. Reich, Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison Dr. Paul Wender, Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University Dr. Dudley H. Williams, Professor of Chemistry, Cambridge University For a free brochure describing Frontiers in Organic Chemistry, mail the coupon below. Or, call (800) 227-5558 TOLL FREE or (202) 872-4508. FAX (202) 872-6336 YES! Please send me a FREE brochure describing Frontiers in Organic Chemistry (FROC9206) to be held June 22-27, 1992, at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA.



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