FTIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Chlorinated Camphenes

Turner, W. V.; Khalifa, S.; Saleh, J. E. J. Agric. ... Casida, J. E.; Holmstead, R. L.; Khalifa, S.; Knox, J. R.; Ohsawa, T.; Palmer, K. J.; Wong, R. ...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, 3041-3045

FTIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Chlorinated Camphenes and Bornenes in Technical Toxaphene LENKA KIMMEL,† MEHMET COELHAN,† ¨ NTHER L E U P O L D , † GU W A L T E R V E T T E R , ‡ A N D H A R U N P A R L A R * ,† Department of Chemical Technical Analysis and Chemical Food Technology, Technical University of Munich, D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, and Department of Food Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Dornburger Strasse 25, D-07743 Jena, Germany

The unsaturated C10-components and their amounts in technical toxaphene have been characterized with the help of column chromatography/FTIR spectroscopy using the typical absorption bands of the >CdC< valence bonds in the region between 1590 and 1655 cm-1. The sum of unsaturated compounds is approximately 5%. The results of the analysis of 2500 fractions collected show that ca. 70% of the unsaturated compounds are chlorocamphenes, while the rest are chlorobornenes. Most of the chlorocamphenes contain a monochlorinated exo-double bond (2.37% w/w of the whole mixture) and only a minor part contain either an unsubstituted (0.67%) or a dichlorinated axial double bond (0.11%). In the case of chlorobornenes, congeners with dichlorinated double bonds dominate (1.24%), while the amounts of chlorobornenes with mono- and unsubstituted double bonds are negligible (0.01% and 0.12%).

Introduction Technical toxaphene is a complex mixture of more than 200 polychlorinated C10-terpenes (1). Formerly, it has been one of the most thoroughly used chlorinated pesticides in different parts of the world (1, 2). More than 106 t have been applied from 1947 to 1985. The range of application of this pesticide covers practically all areas of agriculture. Concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 10 kg per ha have been recommended and tolerated, depending on the type of pest (3). Toxaphene is produced by passing chlorine gas through a solution of camphene (1) of technical quality in carbon tetrachloride under UV-irradiation (Figure 1) (4-6). The resulting product contains 67-69% chlorine, corresponding to the empirical formula C10H10Cl8. Due to the lack of selectivity during chlorination, the number of the isomers increases with a nonuniform degree of substitution. An example is the addition of chlorine to the double bond of camphene, which follows an unspecific pathway. This reaction has been the topic of many investigations (7-9). Despite contradictory evidence, it has long been accepted that the addition of chlorine to this double bond mainly leads to 2-exo,10-dichlorobornane (2) and, as a minor pathway, to 2-exo,10,10trichlorobornane (6), which can be formed via the 8-exochlorocamphene (3) by further chlorination. It can be * Corresponding author phone: +49 81 61 71 3284; fax: +49 81 61 71 4418; e-mail: [email protected]. † Technical University of Munich. ‡ Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. 10.1021/es991296f CCC: $19.00 Published on Web 06/13/2000

 2000 American Chemical Society

concluded from the formation of these precursors that toxaphene consists mostly of higher substituted chlorobornanes (10-17). On the other hand, the stabilization of the positively charged intermediate (1a) by elimination of a proton can also lead to the formation of 10-chlorotricyclene (4) and chlorobornene (5). The reaction of 4 via the WagnerMeerwein rearrangement leads to 6-exo-chlorocamphene (7), while 5 can be chlorinated to either polychlorobornanes or polychlorobornanes, e.g. 2-exo,3-endo,10-trichlorobornene (8), which, principally, can eliminate HCl and be converted to 2,10-dichlorobornene (10). Further chlorination of this intermediate can also lead to polychlorobornenes and -camphenes. Polychlorobornenes were detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (18-22), although it has long been uncertain whether they are really present in the original mixture or not. Their formation was thought most likely to result from degradation during sample preparation or injection, depending on the analytical method employed. The temperature required for gas chromatography lies above the decomposition temperature of the recrystallized toxaphene. The same problem existed concerning the origin of chlorocamphenes which have been isolated from irradiated technical toxaphene (23, 24). Comparisons of the stabilities of various synthetically prepared chlorinated bornane derivatives under elevated temperatures or irradiation have shown that the dehydrohalogenation of toxaphene components result in the formation of polychlorinated camphenes or bornenes (22, 25, 26). Therefore, the nature of the unsaturated constituents of toxaphene could be ascertained only by a direct investigation of the technical mixture. In contrast to high-resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HRGC-MS), which is not suitable for this intention, we used liquid chromatography-FTIR-spectroscopy (LC/ FTIR) as a gentle method for determining the type, structure, and amount of unsaturated components present in technical toxaphene.

Experimental Section Materials. Camphene (1), 4,4-DDE (16), technical toxaphene, the 22-standard mixture, single chlorocamphene standards (11-15, see Table 1), and 2,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,9,10-heptachloroborn-2-ene (18) were obtained from Ehrenstorfer, Germany. 2,3-Dichloro- or nonsubstituted-born-2-ene in pure form were not available commercially, but compounds with similar structure (17, 21, 22) were isolated or prepared in our laboratory as described previously (22, 23, 27, 28). All solvents used were of analytical reagent quality. Petroleum ether (bp 60-80 °C) was purified by distillation. Column Chromatography. Technical toxaphene (5 g) was separated into fractions of 15 mL each by column chromatography (length, 1.7 m; i.d., 5 cm; 1150 g Silicagel 60, Merck AG-Germany, as adsorbent), and petroleum ether (bp 60-80 °C) was used for elution (ca. 1 mL/min, total volume collected 37.5 L). A total of 2500 fractions was collected with a fraction collector. Each 10th fraction was controlled by FTIR spectroscopy and GC-ECD. Similar fractions were combined to 103 pool fractions which were investigated separately by direct FTIR spectroscopy after evaporation of the solvent and redissolution in 0.5-2.0 mL carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Selected pool fractions were also investigated by HRGC-ECNI-MS and HRGC-EI-MS for better characterization. But the results of these measurements were not used for the quantification of unsaturated C10-hydrocarbons in the toxaphene mixture because of possible degradation of these substances during the HRGC-MS measurements. After VOL. 34, NO. 14, 2000 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 1. >CdC< Valence Bonds of the Standard Model Substances Determinated by FTIR-Spectroscopy

FTIR Spectroscopy. A Nicolet high-resolution FTIR 710 spectrometer accompanied by a special work station Nicolet 620 Nicos was used for the infrared measurements. CCl4 p.a. was used as the solvent. HRGC-ECNI-MS. The HRGC-ECNI-MS measurements were carried out with a HP 5890 Series II GC that was coupled to a Finnigan 8200 MS. The column used was a DB 5 ms, 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25 µm, and the GC conditions used were as follows: carrier gas He 5.0 (Linde), 1.15 mL/min, injection volume 1 µL, injector temperature 230 °C, split 1.5 min, split ratio 1:10, transfer line 230 °C, interface 230 °C, temperature program: 50 °C (1 min) f 150 °C (70 °C/min) (5 min) f 260 °C (2 °C/min) (10 min) f 280 °C (10 °C/min) (10 min). The MS conditions were as follows: modus: ECNI-SIM, reactand gas: CH4, ion source pressure: 2.5 × 10-4, ion source temperature: 190-200 °C, ionization energy: 150 eV, acceleration voltage: 3 kV, resolution 1000. HRGC-EI-MS. The HRGC-EI-MS measurements were carried out with a HP 5890 Series II GC that was coupled to a Finnigan 8200 MS. The column used was a DB 5 ms, 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25 µm, and the GC conditions used were as follows: carrier gas He 5.0 (Linde), 1.15 mL/ min, injection volume 1 µL, injector temperature 230 °C, split 1.5 min, split ratio 1:10, transfer line 230 °C, interface 230 °C, temperature program: 50 °C (1 min) f 150 °C (70 °C/min) (5 min) f 260 °C (2 °C/min) (10 min) f 280 °C (10 °C/min) (10 min). The MS conditions were as follows: ion source temperature: 230 °C, ionization energy: 70 eV, mass range: m/z 33-500, resolution: 1000, calibration: perfluorokerosin. On-Column HRGC-ECD. The HRGC-GC measurements were carried out with a Chrompack 8200. The column used was a DB 5, 60 m × 0.32 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25 µm, and the GC conditions used were as follows: ECD, detector temperature 320 °C, makeup gas N2, 30 mL/min; on-column injector, injection volume 1 µL, temperature program: 120 °C (0 min) f 150 °C (30 °C/min) f 250 °C (2 °C/min) (5 min). Assignment of peaks to those of HRGC-MS measurements was achieved with the help of single substance standards as well as by comparison of retention times of the 22-standard mixture on both columns which showed no significant time differences or change of elution order.

Results and Discussion

elution with petroleum ether, the residue on the column, as far as it was extractable, was eluted with 500 mL of methanol. 3042



Column Chromatography. Only 4091.4 mg of 5000 mg of toxaphene applied could be eluted from the silica gel column. The methanol treatment led to an additional desorption of 493.7 mg of toxaphene. That means, ca. 500 mg of toxaphene was still adsorbed on the surface material and can be classified as unextractable, colored, polar components, probably partly polymeric products. This unextractable part has not been considered during quantification. But it has been assumed that no C10-chloroterpenes were retained on the column because of the high polarity of the unextractable material. The composition of the pool fractions differed widely, as could be seen by GC-ECD. Fractions 1-16 showed only few, well separated peaks, while fractions 17-39 contained more components with a higher degree of overlapping. Fractions 40-103 again contained few, well separated compounds, partly only one main and few minor components. The fractions that had been eluted with methanol could not be investigated by FTIR because of their insolubility in chloroform and CCl4. FTIR Measurements. No FTIR spectra of single unsaturated substances have been obtained during this work because of their low response factors and their low concentrations in the pool fractions. IR spectra of selected pool fractions containing, besides chlorobornanes, only either chlorobornenes or chlorocamphenes are shown in Figure 2. IR spectra of selected model substances formerly isolated after

FIGURE 3. Section between 1200 and 2060 cm-1 of selected FTIR spectra of model substances (ref. see Table 1). FIGURE 1. Reactions of camphene (1) during chlorination under UV irradiation.

FIGURE 2. FTIR spectra of two pool fractions. irradiation (18, 23, 27, 29, 30) have been used for comparison. The >CdC< valence bond absorptions of these model substances are presented in Table 1 and Figure 3. They show that it is easy to distinguish between chlorobornene and

chlorocamphene structures. Chlorobornenes give the typical >CdC< absorption band in the region from 1585 to 1600 cm-1, whereas the same absorption band of the chlorocamphenes is shifted to higher wavenumbers being located between 1620 and 1655 cm-1. Furthermore, the number of the chlorine atoms at the olefinic carbon atoms can be derived from the >CdC< absorption band maxima. Non-chlorinated double bond absorptions of chlorobornenes are found at 1585 cm-1, those of monochlorinated double bonds at 15951597 cm-1, and those of dichlorinated double bonds at exactly 1600 cm-1. In the case of chlorocamphenes, typical absorption bands are also existing. The nonsubstituted double bond absorption is registered at 1620 cm-1, that of monochlorinated double bonds at 1643-1645 cm-1, and that of dichlorinated double bonds at 1655 cm-1. With FTIR measurements, only the total sum of chlorobornenes and chlorocamphenes, respectively, could be determined. It should be repeated that only ca. 82% of the technical mixture could be investigated by HRGC because of the portion of about 9.874% of polar and 8.312% of polymeric material. For the quantification of the chlorocamphenes and chlorobornenes with different degrees of chlorination in the pool fractions, it was necessary first to determine the relative response factors of the individual standards using their >CdC< valence bond intensities. Similar concentration ranges of the standards as occurred in the pool fractions (0.1-10 mg/mL) were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy using cis-chlordane as an external standard. Former results (31) suggested that there is a linear correlation between the concentration and the >CdC< valence bond intensities of the standards at this concentration level, but our own measurements show that the IR absorption of double bonds substituted with different numbers of chlorine are of significantly different intensities, the lowest IR response resulting from non-chlorinated double bonds. Taking the νCdC intensity of the dichlorinated double bond in cischlordane for 100%, that of non-chlorinated double bonds is 10% and that of monochlorinated ones ca. 50% (chlorocamphenes) or ca. 70% (chlorobornenes). The intensities of the vibrations of fully chlorinated >CdC< bonds, independent of whether vicinal or axial substituted, are extremely high and lie between 90 and 105. With the help of the response factors obtained for the standards it was possible to determine the amounts of the chlorobornenes and chlorocamphenes VOL. 34, NO. 14, 2000 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 2. Selected Toxaphene Pool Fractions, Their >CdC< Valence Bonds, and Corresponding Structural Assignment

FIGURE 4. Postulated formation of chlorobornenes and chlorocamphenes from unstable chlorobornanes or -camphanes present in freshly prepared toxaphene.

in the pool fractions separated by column chromatography (Table 2). From the results of the FTIR measurements, a ratio between chlorocamphenes and chlorobornenes of 2.3 was obtained. Evidently, most of the unsaturated compounds in the technical mixture are chlorocamphenes and not chlorobornenes, as has formerly been assumed (19, 20). Most of the chlorocamphenes (ca. 75%) belong to a group with a monochlorinated axial double bond formed via the intermediate 3 in Figure 1. The total amount of congeners with a vicinal dichlorinated double bond is negligible being only 5.6 mg in 5000 mg of toxaphene (ca. 0.1%). The reason for this discrimination most likely is the steric hindrance from the chloromethyl- or dichloromethyl groups positioned in the neighborhood. This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that all monochlorocamphenes isolated from the toxaphene mixture are 6-E-isomers. Chlorocamphenes with an unsubstituted axial double bond in the molecule are also present in considerable amounts in the mixture (0.67%). These represent those components which are formed from the intermediate 7 (Figure 1) by further chlorination, while the double bond remains stable. 3044



In the class of chlorobornenes, components with a dichlorinated double bond are the major products. Their total amount is 61.82 mg in 5000 mg of toxaphene (1.27%). The formation of these substances during the production of toxaphene is probably controlled by HCl elimination from the ring (CCl2-CHCl) of the chlorobornanes which are the dominant group in the technical toxaphene either through temperature or photoinduced reactions. Nevertheless, in simulation experiments with isolated chlorobornanes, monochlorinated chlorobornenes were detected as dominant products (Figure 4) (22). This fact is surprising because of the negligible concentration of chlorobornenes with a monochlorinated double bond in technical toxaphene. A plausible explanation is the reaction of a chlorocamphene with vicinal chlorine substitution at C5 and C6 via the positively charged Wagner-Meerwein intermediates, which can react due to the hydrogen abstraction to 2,3-dichlorinated chlorobornenes. HRGC-EI-MS Measurements. To compare the total sum of chlorobornenes and chlorocamphenes obtained by FTIR measurements with the number of compounds in each of these groups of different chlorination degree, quantification of selected fractions by HRGC-EI-MS and HRGC-ECNI-MS was tried, but it was not possible despite the high total concentrations of the pool fractions to detect unsaturated compounds after separation. All higher peaks could only be assigned to chlorobornanes. Nevertheless, it could be seen that with the on-column mode the percentage of chlorobornane was higher, while split injection led to an increase of percentage of unsaturated congeners as has been reported earlier (25). From this it is evident that a remarkable number of highly chlorinated bornanes are unstable in the injection port and probably even in the on-column mode. The elevated temperature leads to a significant increase of unsaturated chloro-C10-terpenes compared to technical toxaphene. Therefore, HRGC-MS measurements lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the composition of the original toxaphene mixture. If fresh technical toxaphene prepared under laboratory conditions with 69% chlorine content is analyzed by FTIR, the percentage of unsaturated components is even less than that found with commercial technical toxaphene; directly after chlorination, the amounts of chlorocamphenes and -bornanes are nearly negligible (28). Only after several days, the total amount of these substances has reached ca. 5% to remain stable afterward. Obviously, chlorination under UV irradiation up to ca. 60% results in a nearly pure mixture of highly chlorinated bornanes and camphanes with only traces of unsaturated components, but part of these saturated chloroterpenes presumably are unstable enough to eliminate

Cl2 or HCl even at room temperature. Structural components leading to rapid elimination after termination of the chlorination may be those with sterical hindrance, for example such as -CCl2-CCl2- or -CCl2-CHCl- groups with endo,endo orientation of the ring of chlorobornanes (Figure 4). In conclusion, these results illustrate that technical toxaphene consists of a complex mixture with more than 180 C10-chloroterpenes, most of which are chlorobornanes. The unsaturated fraction, which is slightly less than 5% of the total of all components in the technical mixture, consists mainly of chlorocamphenes (3.15% of the mixture) with the remainder (1.37%) being chlorobornenes. Most of the chlorocamphenes have monochlorinated axial double bonds, while the chlorobornenes are dichlorinated on the double bond. Furthermore, technical toxaphene contains a significant amount of partly unextractable components, which were thought to be polar, semipolymeric or polymeric products.

Acknowledgments We thank the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Germany, for financial support.

Supporting Information Available The pool fractions after fractionation of technical toxaphene by column chromatography, their >CdC< valence bonds, the corresponding structural assignment, and the amounts of chlorocamphenes and chlorobornenes together with the total amounts of unsaturated compounds in the fraction (quantified with FTIR spectroscopy using the typical absorption bands of the >CdC< valence bonds in the region between 1590 and 1655 cm-1). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.

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Received for review November 17, 1999. Revised manuscript received April 20, 2000. Accepted April 27, 2000. ES991296F