Fumigation with Ethylene Oxide1 - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1930, 22 (4), pp 328–332. DOI: 10.1021/ie50244a006. Publication Date: April 1930. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 22...
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uigestrr coils

crnfrlfuyal Pumps Connected in Series

quaiitities, at a great uiiiformity, aiid with a iriiiiiiirum of labor. The t,otal qiinritity of nitrocellulose in the continuous digester at any tiine is 601) poimds. No operator is in thc coil rooin during operation. Property damage in case of a burst coil u~ouldbe relatively small, because of the inlierent design and because the ainouiit of water in the system, which coiild possibly flash into stenni, is only about 13,000 Iioiulds as compiircd t o W,OOO pouiids in the former digester. Since ironiirg out, tlie starting-up difliculties, a coinsrieri:ial . uutput of over 6 sriillioii poiinds testifies to tlie surcess of tlie equiprnent.. Patents have i)eeii obtaiiied or applied for in the Knited Sbatcs and foreign i:ouiitries.

tkiorc innrkctiirg i,lie prcalimt of (,mtiiIiiuw digestioii i t tested w r y tliuroughly as to propertics a i d tho properties of pmrliicts coiitairiii,g it,. It was fourid to be in 110 way iiiferior, and in soinc respects sularior, tu t,lie i1itrocellulovc inatic by bat,oh digestkrn, altliough of a surnewliat deeper color. This drrprr color was foinid to bc in no wa,y detrimmit,nl to ilre production uf e v r i i t,lie irrost deiicatciy tiirt,t.il lacquers, and the discoloration of lacquers on agiiig was i i i iio way worse t.liari iii tlie batch product. WBS

Advantages of Continuous Process C O ~ I I I ~ I O I I~ i t , i rmost



contiriuoos operatiusis, the (witdigeatcr makes limsilile the inaiiufactiire of large

Fumigation with Ethylene Oxide' J. M. Russ. Jr. CAXlliOS



I1E probleiiis of pest control are of such imlmrtnirw that iriuch inuriey and effort have beeii spent by E'rrlcral and State Govcriiments and by various industries 011 roh in the >rarious phases uf the subject. Iris C ~ I S of C their iiiany varieties and forms, have been Llie in, ilifficiilt pcsbs to combat. The most effective IlleRllS irating tliem, where the operation can he carried out, i n a


gas-tight e~iclosurc,is by fumigat,iirir. Previous Studies on Ethylene Oxide as B Fumigant

1)iiriiig an exhanstirc stiiiiy of clwmical coiripouiids, t of tlic Yoitetl States Ihpartineiit i l i i r i cthylenc uxiclc possesacs rem ( 2 ) . Etliylriie uxidc is a wlorlcss liquid wliicli h i s at 10.5" C. '~hcrcir~re Etlrj-Ieiic midi! hiis vi{, of 0.887 :tt i"i-1' :ii1:1r w ~ i ~ lofi t34.031, arid :I liowxl that it is not rlangeroualy toaii: t,si liiiiiiaii b?iii$w. JVVhen iiiiialed i i i suliicieirt c o i i c e i i t m t i w s it prdiiccs it kind of cyanosis, wliiali is i:ouriterac~~d t i y c::irl~uii dioxide gas. It wiis fouiid that, ill aii air-tight vault a climgc of 1 pi)uiid i~tliyleiieoxide per 1000 cuiriic feet uf vault space gives in 20 110ursa 100 per cent kill of the elotlx:s iiiotii, Tiricolu 6i~e11ic1l~z; of nri,,iis


Received February 14, l%U.



iinsr 4 2 N "




s.Y .

thc carpet bectles, .4tl(i,gmi~.~ pireus aird . I d h r e r ~ u s ciiruz; the rice weeril, Sitophiliis oryzu; tire Isidiasi m e a l motti, t,lie san-toot,lied graiii beetle, Orwiethe rcil-k!gged liairi beetle, X c m i l i k rli$pi'~; and tlie flour bectle, Triholiiini ~~iJ:o11J't~sUffl.. It was reeniirrriciided that i n oonimercial fiiinigation a dosage of 2 pounds per 1000 cubic feet be ii I':xperirncrita with various foodst.isli's siiorvoil that 110 residual tastes or ni1or.s t m I d t ivitli iuaterinls which have bee11 in contact writli the v a p r s rii etliyleiie oxide during fuinigation. It, was also foiuid that t,lic vqiors of vthyieile oxide cxliit,it imi~siilcra,l~k p o w r s of penctratioii iiito dense inatrrials srioii as wlieat flour. Addition of Carbon Dioxide to Ethylene Oxide iitly ilie 13ureaii OF EiitiiinuhiKy has ifeloririiiicd t h t jii,t, iisr uf carboii dioxide perinits of rlcr:rcnsi tire tiirie of expimire iicc iliisngw d etliyleiie oxid

s (,j), Tlris is ascribed actio11 of irisocts whicli is car~sed lig tire 1.arlioii dioxide. A dnaagr of 1 p;,isrrd eilivlerie oxidc i ~ i i d7 pourids carbon dioxide mill give t.iie saisie results in 16 hours that 2 poiinda etliyleiie oxide alone rvill give in 20 hOllrs.

A mixture of 7.5 parts carbon dioxide aiid 1 part etlryleiie oxide is noli-iiiflammable in airy proportion in air ( 3 ) . Since

April, 1930



ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide have the same gas density, gation, provisions must be made for proper distribution of the fumigant in the grain to insure proper diffusion. The there is no tendency for the two t o separate or stratify. The beneficial effects of carbon dioxide are especially most effective method of distribution thus far developed apparent in vacuum fumigation, where time is such a n im- involves the mixing of the fumigant with the grain as it portant factor. I n some cases carbon dioxide decreases enters a bin. When a liquid fumigant is used in deep bins, the loss due the time of exposure to as little as one-half that otherwise required. Carbon dioxide in these concentrations is harm- t o evaporation in falling to the lower depths necessitates less to man and in no way damages merchandise. S o difficul- the use of quantities in excess of the theoretical amounts. The amount of fumigant lost depends upon several factors, ties are experienced in its use in fumigation. Carbon dioxide is available as a liquid in cylinders under such as temperatures, height of fall, and the rate of displacepressure. It can also be obtained as a solid in the form of ment of air in the bin by grain. I t is therefore difficult to carbon dioxide snow or blocks of the compressed snow. The calculate the quantities of liquid fumigant needed for effective temperature of solid carbon dioxide is -110’ F. Care treatment under these varying conditions. The ideal grain fumigant is one which offers a minimum should be taken to aroid contact of the solid with the bare skin, and gloves should be worn while handling the material. of hazard and can be buried in the grain before vaporizing. Solid carbon dioxide is volatile and therefore must be used These conditions are met by a mixture composed of ethylene oxide absorbed in solid carw i t h i n a certain limit of bon dioxide. I n the ratio time. Solid carbon dioxide of 1 part by w e i g h t of is of special benefit !n cerThe adaptability of ethylene oxide, in combination ethylene oxide to 8 parts of tain cases where a difference with solid carbon dioxide, to commerical fumigation is finely pulverized solid carin the volatilization rates of demonstrated. Experiments in the fumigation of sevbon dioxide, a semi-solid the solid and ethylene oxide eral kinds of grain under a variety of conditions are demass is formed which can is of no consequence. scribed, which show excellent results with this fumibe gradually introduced into It has recently been found gant. The conditions for vault fumigation, both atthe grain stream entering a possible to prepare a mixmospheric and vacuum, and fumigation of houses and bin. Volatilization of the ture of liquid ethylene oxide apartments, storerooms, and refrigerator cars, together ethylene oxide does not ocand liquid carbon dioxide with the optimum dosages, are set forth. This fumicur to any appreciable exin the same cylinder withgant is now being used by fruit and nut shippers, grain tent until all solid carbon out reaction between the elevators, warehousemen, and commercial fumigators, dioxide has passed into the components. This mixture and seems to be adaptable to all conditions where insect gaseous state, by which time is stable and can be stored infestation is recognized as a problem and where fumit h e m i x t u r e i s well imindefinitely without detegation is feasible. bedded in the grain. The rioration of its insecticidal mixture is of such nature properties. It eliminates that comparatively l i t t l e the necessity of h a n d l i n g two separate cylinders. The mixture is being marketed un- solid carbon dioxide is vaporized in the fall to the lower depths of deep bins. Variations in temperature, height of der the trade-mark “Carboxide.” As a result of the discovery of the insecticidal efficiency fall, and rate of air displacement do not materially affect the of ethylene oxide and its mixture with carbon dioxide, con- quantities of mixture required. The application of the mixsiderable work has been done in adapting the process to com- ture can be made without disagreeable effects on the operator. mercial fumigation. It has been found t o be well adapted The application of the mixture involves preparation in and is solving some of the difficulties which have heretofore small batches and introduction into the bin a t intervals restricted fumigation. A brief description of some of the timed with the rate of grain flow, The mixture is prepared various applications of ethylene oxide will be given in the by placing a weighed quantity of crushed solid carbon dioxide following paragraphs. in a container and adding to it the proper quantity of ethylene oxide. The solid carbon dioxide absorbs the liquid ethylene Grain Fumigation oxide and a slushy product is obtained. The mixture should Insect control in grain is of particular importance because be introduced into the bin by shaking or scooping from the of the investment involved and the potential damage which container, or by means of a. machine feeder. At no time can be caused by insect activity. Insects destroy grain should the mixture be directly handled, even with gloves, beand, in so doing, bring about a rise in the temperature of cause it is extremely cold and the cold liquid is absorbed the grain which eventually results in fermentation; this, by leather and fabrics. The size of the batches is determined being a progressive action, will finally end in actual carboniza- by the size of the bin and the rate a t which it is filled. It tion of the grain. Even slight damage due to insect infes- should be assumed that proper diffusion will not take place tation or fermentation affects the market value of grain. through a column of more than 2 feet. Each batch bhould Fumigation is the most economical method of insect con- he gradually introduced, rather than dumped in all a t once. The mixture of ethylene oxide and solid carbon dioxide trol in grain. It is effective in killing all forms of insect life and. in contrast with mechanical and heat treating kills the insects and a t the same time cools the grain. The methods, does not involve great power costs and loss of cooling effect is important because it either halts or degrain, By the proper choice of fumigants this process can creases fermentation. The extent t o which the grain is be carried out without any deleterious effect on the grain. cooled depends upon the quantity of the mixture used. A Aside from temperature, the most important factors in- combination of the cooling effect and the chemical action fluencing the effectiveness of a good grain fumigant are of the mixture may be responsible for the sweetening of diffusion and distribution of the fumigant. Tests have shown musty grain, which has been observed in several instances. that diffusion of gases in grain is very slow because of the Khile perfect kills and a n appreciable lowering of the temdense nature of the material. Other experiments have shown peratures have resulted in completely enclosed bins from that diffusion is hindered by adsorption and absorption a dosage of 2 pounds ethylene oxide and 14 pounds solid of the fumigant by the grain. Therefore, for effective fumi- carbon dioxide per 1000 bushels of grain, it is advisable t o



Jersey City, N. J. Concrete, interspace 80 feet deep, open at top with spout gate unsealed 3400 bushels rye, badly in-

of Grain w i t h E t h y l e n e Oxide-Solid Carbon Dioxide Mixture EXPERIMENT 11 EXPERIMENT I11 EXPERIMENT IV Jersey City, N. J. Newport News, Va. Brooklyn, N. Y. Steel. 20 feet deep, completely Square, wooden, 90 feet deep, Round, concrete, 95 feet deep, enclosed, with sealed spout completely enclosed, with completely enclosed with gate sealed spout gate sealed spout gate 1800 bushels infested rye 9300 bushels infested wheat 13,500 bushels infested wheat

2 Ibs.-FzHaO and 10 Ibs. solid COz per 1000 bushels

2 lbs. C2HaO and 14 lbs. solid Cor per 1000 bushels

Table I-Fumigation CONDITIONS Location Type of bin Grain




Temperature: Before After Time of exposure

70' 64'

F. F.

Per cent

2 3

100 95 95




55 8 a Numbering from bottom of bin. b Rice weevils, saw-toothed grain beetles, and flour beetles.



Per cent 100 100 100 100 100 100

.... *.

use an overdose rather than an underdose. It is therefore recommended that the dosage, in completely enclosed bins, should be 2.5 pounds ethylene oxide and 20 pounds solid carbon dioxide per 1000 bushels of grain. A still heavier dosage is recommended in open bins. Large-scale experiments in the fumigation of grain with the ethylene oxide-solid carbon dioxide mixture have been conducted in various localities under representative conditions. The results of some of the experiments are given in Table I. At the same time the above experiments were made, other tests were conducted under the same conditions with a liquid mixture composed of carbon bisulfide and carbon tetrachloride. The liquid mixture was sprinkled on the stream of grain entering the bin, and a t intervals the grain flow was stopped and an extra dose of the liquid was sprinkled over the bed. The following results, which were obtained under the same conditions as those in Experiment I, are typical of those obtained in all other experiments.

Grain Dosage Temperature: Before After Time of exDosure

EXPERIMENT I-A Jersey City N. J. Concrete, ifherspace 80 feet deep, open at top, with unsealed spout gate 3500 bushels badly infested rye 1.4 gallons liquid mixture per 1000 bushels of grain 70' F. 69' F.


Sample 1 2 3

4 5 6

Per tent 45 90 25 40 30 97

It is interesting to note that the grain in Experiment I has been in storage for more than 3 months, and there has been no evidence of insect reinfestation. I n none of the experiments could a foreign odor be detected on grain which had been fumigated with the ethylene oxide-solid carbon dioxide mixture. The carbon bisulfidecarbon tetrachloride mixture left a distinct odor in all cases. The method of testing for odor was to take representative samples of the grain as the bin was discharged. The experiments show that ethylene oxide-solid carbon dioxide mixture is a superior grain fumigant. They also show that for maximum efficiency it is desirable to fumigate in completely enclosed bins. Vault Fumigation The efficiency of fumigation depends to a large extent upon temperature, concentration of fumigant, time of exposure, and nature of material treated. The most favorable

R5a F. 80' F. 7 days

Per cent

Per cent 100

68' F. 7 days


2 lbs. CZHIOand 10 Ibs. solid COZper 1000 bushels, except in first and last 1000 bushels, where dosage was increased 50 per cent



48 hours


4 5

2 lbs. CzH4O and 14 Ibs. solid Cot per 1000 bushels,except in first 1000 and last 2000, In which dosage was increased 50 per cent

76' F. 68" F.

48 hours

Samplea 1

Location Type of bin

Vol. 22, No. 4


65 65


100 100 100 100


100 100 100 100 100

.. .

and economical conditions prevail where the temperature is above 70" F. and the effective concentration of fumigant can be maintained, without leakage, for the time required to give effective results on the particular material being treated. Vacuum fumigation differs from atmospheric fumigation in that the equipment consists of a heavily constructed tank or vault with air-exhaustion apparatus; the time of exposure is shorter and the dosages of fumigant are larger. Atmospheric fumigation is suitable for most materials where production and space are not important factors. Where the production must be large and the space is limited, vacuum fumigation is recommended. Some materials, such as cotton in bales and certain nuts in shells, because of their dense nature, are best fumigated with vacuum. Vaults which are suitably constructed and equipped for fumigation make possible the most accurate control of the important factors which govern the process. Atmospheric vaults can be constructed of sheet iron, concrete, brick, grooved lumber, or composition board. They should be as nearly air-tight as possible. Where lumber, composition board, or other absorptive or porous material is used, it is advisable t o apply a good coating of gasproof paint or a solution of sodium silicate to the inside walls of the vault to prevent excessive leakage of gas. Vacuum vaults must be well constructed of steel or cast iron and equipped with suitable air-exhaustion apparatus. Specially confltructed atmospheric fumigation vaults and complete equipment for vacuum fumigation can be purchased. I n atmospheric fumigation the forced circulation of warm air in the vault aids greatly in the penetration of the fumigant into dense materials. Heating of the air can be accomplished by means of units heated by steam, hot water, or completely enclosed electric elements. Circulation of the air in the vault may be accomplished by a fan connected by means of a shaft through the wall or ceiling, to a motor outside the vault. It is preferable to place the heating and circulating apparatus near the roof of the vault to conserve space. Carboxide can be used as the universal fumigant for all materials without fear of deleterious effects. Its non-inflammable properties make it especially desirable. The availability of various sizes of Carboxide cylinders eliminates the necessity for any measuring apparatus. Cylinders containing the desired amount of fumigant can be emptied in the space to be fumigated. For small vaults it is advisable to introduce the vaporized fumigant into the vault through a pipe from the outside. The fumigant can be vaporized by passing the liquid from the cylinder through


April, 1930

a copper coil immersed in hot water. Iron pipe, with a flexible connection of copper tubing or steel hose for ease of attaching to the cylinder, is suitable for conducting the vaporized fumigant into the vault. In large vaults where several cylinders have been distributed in the space, an operator should start a t the cylinder farthest from the door and open each cylinder valve as he passes to the door. Carboxide cylinders are equipped with reduction tubes for withdrawing the liquid. When in use the cylinders should always be in an upright position. If it should be desired to withdraw a part of the fumigant from a cylinder, it may be measured by placing the cylinder on a platform scale. The quantity is determined by the difference in weight of the cylinder before and after withdrawing the fumigant. The temperature throughout the material being treated is of prime importance in both atmospheric and vacuum fumigation. At temperatures below 60" F. insects are not very active and fumigation is therefore less efficient. Temperatures above 70" F. are most favorable and material which is a t lower temperatures should be heated before fumigation. The dosages of Carboxide necessary for efficient fumigation of various materials in vaults a t temperatures above 70" F. are given in Table 11. These dosages are based on the cubical capacity of a vault when empty. Table 11-Optimum


Dosages for Vault F u m i g a t i o n of Various Materials ATMOSPHERE VACUVM Lbs. / 1000 Lbs. / 1000 cu.ft. Hours c u . f r . Hours

Dried fruits Cereals in cartons Brans, rice, corn and other grains in bags Flour in 100-lb. bags Tobacco in bales Candy in cartons N u t meats Almonds and peanuts in shells Clothing, furs, furniture, and rugs

10 16 10 20 20 16 20

12 12-16 12-16 16-24 16-24 16 12-16



10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 16

;% 1 1 2 1% 4 4 1

House and Apartment Fumigation

Houses and apartments have been fumigated very successfully with ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide. Separate apartments have been fumigated without vacating other apartments in the same building. Carboxide is easily handled in cylinders of various sizes. I n tight spaces, where the temperature can be maintained above 70" F., 10 pounds of Carboxide per 1000 cubic feet for 10 to 16 hours will kill bedbugs, roaches, carpet beetles, silverfish, clothes moths, and mice. I n spaces which are not tight it is necessary to increase the dosage and time of exposure. The following procedure should be observed in fumigating houses, apartments, and single rooms: (J) Seal all openings to the outside as effectively as possible. Thls may be accomplished by pasting strips of paper over holes and cracks around doors and windows. Soft soap is recommended as the adhesive, since it is easy to remove. Masking tape, such as is used by painters, is excellent for sealing because i t is easy to apply and can be easily removed without leaving marks. ( 2 ) Open all closet doors, chest drawers, and arrange bed covers and mattresses to provide easy access of the gas. (3) Place Carboxide cylinders in an upright position in tubs or pans, which should be properly distributed in each separate room. Each cylinder should be so placed that when the valve is opened the spray will not strike a painted surface. While the gas is not harmful, the liquid is a paint solvent. (4) After all preparations have been made, begin a t the cylinder farthest from the exit door and open cylinder valves in passing to the door and out. After leaving the premises, lock all outside doors and place suitable notices in conspicuous places. ( 5 ) After the proper period of exposure, open all windows and outside doors and leave open until the space has been thoroughly aired. The length of time necessary for airing will depend on weather conditions.

33 1

This type of fumigation is most efficient when the space can be properly sealed and maintained a t temperatures above 70" F. Fhile ethylene oxide and Carboxide are not dangerously toxic to humans, overexposure to the concentrated vapors will cause severe nausea. For house, apartment, or any type of fumigation where the operator is liable to overexposure, it is advisable to wear a mask which will absorb organic vapors. Fumigation of Storerooms InFject control in stored goods is of particular importance because of the great damage which can be done before serious infestation is discovered. Control by refrigeration is expensive and ineffective because the insects are not always killed. The development of those that escape is only halted until they are again exposed to favorable temperatures. Control by fumigation is most effective and economical because the insects are killed a t little cost. By periodic fumigation of storerooms, insect damage to stored goods can be completely eliminated. In cases where goods are constantly moving in and out of storage it is advisable to fumigate all material before placing in storage. This may be done in a small vault provided for the purpose. The occasional fumigation of the storage space is added assurance of complete protection. Storerooms in restaurants, candy shops, hospitals, storage warehouses, and factories have been successfully fumigated with ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide. In all cases the fumigations have been made without interfering with regular routine in other parts of the buildings. The ethylene oxide-solid carbon dioxide mixture is ideally adapted to storeroom fumigation and the same procedure is applicable as in vaults. Cylinders can be opened in the room, or the fumigant can be introduced through a pipe from the outside. The dosage should be based on the material present which requires the greatest dosage. as determined in vaults (Table 11),with sufficient allowance for the tightness of construction of the room. Care should be taken to expose all infested material to easy access of the gas. Storerooms are usually of sufficiently tight construction that only the ordinary sealing methods are necessary, such as paper strips pasted over cracks or holes with lard, grease, soft soap, or other paste as the adhesive. Fumigation in Refrigerator Cars

It is sometimes necessary to fumigate in refrigerator cars. This is especially true in the dried-fruit industry, where sufficient vault capacity is not always available. This type of fumigations may not always be effective because of the loose construction of some cars. Ethylene oxide or Carboxide is excellent for fumigation in refrigerator cars provided they are properly sealed. Before fumigation the cars should be as effectively sealed as possible. The drain pipes from the ice compartments are fitted with liquid seal caps, but these caps are generally clogged with dirt or else are subject to being jarred from position by moving of the car. The most effective method of sealing the drain pipes is to provide wooden plugs which can be inserted in the pipes for the duration of the treatment. Care must be taken, however, to remove the plugs after fumigation or else the compartments will eventually be flooded. The required quantities of fumigant can be introduced through the ice ports of a refrigerator car. Carboxide cylinders are of such sizes that one cylinder can be used for each car. The contents of a cylinder may be emptied into the



ice compartment through a hose connected to the cylinder on the outside, or else the cylinder may be placed bodily in the compartment, The dosage for dried fruits should be 16 pounds of Carboxide per 1000 cubic feet for an exposure of 10 to 12 hours a t 70” F.

Vol. 22, No. 4

Literature Cited (1) Back, Cotton, and Ellington, J . &on. ~ n t o n o l . 23, , NO 2 (1930). (2) Cotton and Roark, IND. ENG.CHEM.,20, 805 (1928). (3) Cotton and Young, PrOC. EnfOmd. SOC. Washin&’lOn, 31, NO. 5 (hfaY, 1929).

(4) Jones and Kennedy, IND.Exc. CHEM.,22, 146 (1930).

Control of Mineral Waters and Their Salts under the Federal Food and Drugs Act’ J. W. Sale WATERA N D BEVERAGE UNIT, FOOD CONTROL, FOOD A N D DRUGADMIXISTRATION, U. S. DEPARTMEKT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHIXGTON, D. C

Under the Federal food and drugs act bottled mineral waters are classed as both food and drugs and should conform to the requirements of the act relating to both classes of products. Waters shipped in interstate commerce or offered for import into the United States come within the scope of t h e act. The chief forms of violation encountered are pollution with sewage, misbranding with regard to therapeutic claims, and other forms of misbranding such as misleading claims as to content of radioactivity. During the last calendar year only about 10 per cent of t h e samples of water of domestic origin examined were found to be polluted; in former years the proportion of polluted waters was much higher. The installation of modern bottlewashing and sterilizing equipment

has done much to reduce the percentage of polluted waters shipped in interstate commerce. No objection is made under the act t o claims of physiological action which can be substantiated on the basis of the kinds and quantities of mineral constituents in the water. However, claims of therapeutic benefit on the labels of bottled mineral waters should be limited t o those obtainable from drinking the water without reference to other treatment. Labels of domestic waters a t the present time seldom bear unwarranted references t o radioactivity, b u t i t is sometimes necessary to detain shipments of mineral waters offered for entry into this country until statements relating to alleged radioactivity are deleted from t h e labels.

...... NDER the Federal food and drugs act the term “food” includes all articles used by man, or other animals, for food, drink, confectionery, or condiment. Mineral waters, falling clearly within this definition, are classed as food under the act and are subject to its provisions relating to adulteration and misbranding of foods. The term “drug” is defined in the act as including any substance intended to be used for the cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease of man or other animals. hlineral waters for which therapeutic claims are made are therefore subject to the provisions of the act relating to both food and drugs, if shipped within its jurisdiction. The act applies to food and drugs that are shipped in interstate commerce or are offered for import into the United States. Other applications of the act with which we are not particularly concerned here are described in detail in the Service and Regulatory Announcements of the U. s. Department of Agriculture (?). The Federal food and drugs act was designed to ensure freedom from adulteration and misbranding. I n the words of the Supreme Court, one of its important objects is “to enable purchasers to buy food for what it really is” (6). The adulteration of mineral waters under the Federal food and drugs act is of two general types: (1) that which cannot be corrected by any modification of the labeling, such as pollution due to excreta of human or other warm-blooded animals; ( 2 ) that which can be corrected by suitable revision of the labeling, as, for example, artificial carbonation without declaration in the labeling or the undeclared addition of salts, such as lithium salts and sulfates of sodium and magnesium. Polluted Waters


Of the various possible kinds of adulteration, that resulting from pollution of the water with sewage is regarded as the 1 Received March 4, 1930. To be presented before the Division of Water, Sewage, and Sanitation a t the 79th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta, Ga., April 7 t o 11, 1930.

most important and is subjected to the most rigid control. The provision of the act applicable to polluted waters reads as follows: “**an article shall be deemed to be adulterated** if it consists in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal or vegetable substance.” The standard which the Food and Drug Administration uses in determining whether or not a water is adulterated under this provision is essentially that used by the U. S. Public Health Service in its control of the sanitary quality of drinking water on interstate common carriers. This standard is employed also in the control of water supplies coming within the jurisdiction of the interstate quarantine regulations of the United States (8)* Owing to the fact that the mineral waters bought on the market by the Department inspectors and submitted to the laboratory for objective examination are contained in bottles of various sizes-usually pints, quarts, half-gallons, or 5 gallons-the Public Health Service standards, which are intended to apply t o samples collected a t source-that is, a t the well, spring, etc.-must be modified. I n the case of the smaller bottles it is our practice to collect and examine five bottles. I n the case of the larger packages-as, for example, the 5-gallon bottle-three bottles are collected and examined. The Bacteriological Unit, in collaboration with the Water and Beverage Gnit, has formulated the standards set forth below for sanitary quality of mineral waters shipped within the jurisdiction of the act. These standards follow very closely those promulgated by the U. S. Public Health Service, differing from them essentially only in that they are directly applicable to the type of samples which we are called upon to examine. These proposed standards in this exact form have not heretofore been published and any constructive criticism of them will be greatly appreciated. I-Standards for sanitary quality. All water subject to the food and drugs act (1) Should be obtained from sources free from pollution or shall be subjected t o suitable purification.