Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics. - American Chemical

ings of the NUFFIC International Summary Course in. Science at Nijenrode ... in statistical mechanics given by experts to an assemblage of graduate st...
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Dec. 5, 1962



Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, because of their special interests, this text should do much N. J., September 10-12, 1962.” American Chemical to stimulate activity by chemists. Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, X. W., Washington 6, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY D. C. 1962. 175pp. $7.00. JOHN E. VANCE NEW YORKUNIVERSITY PROFESSEUR M. HAYSSINSKY.b’ith M. P. FAUGERAS, NEWYORK3, NEWYORK MLLE. C. FERRADINI,M. H. FRANCOIS,MLLE. M. HEUBERGER, MME. M. PAGBS, M. R. PASCARD,A N D MME. C. PBRBBASKINE-COURTEVILLE. Published under Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics. Proceedthe direction of PAVL PASCAL.“Noveau Trait6 de ings of the XUFFIC International Summary Course in Chimie Minerale.” Tome XV. “Uranium et TransurScience a t Nijenrode Castle, The Netherlands, August, aniens.” T r o i s i h e Fascicule. “Transuraniens.” Mas1961. Compiled by E . G. D. COHEN,Institute for Theson et Cie., 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris V I , oretical Physics, University of Amsterdam. Interscience France. 1962. 1090 pp. Broch6, 180 NF.; cartonni: Division. Tohn Wilev and Sons. Inc.. 440 Park Avenue toile, 192 XF. South, SCw York 16: N, Y. 1962. xii 249 pp. 15.5 X 23 cm. Price, $7.50. €3. W. 5’. HAWESAND N. H . DAVIES. “Calculations in Physical Chemistry.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 This book consists of lectures on topics of current interest Park Avenue South, h’ew York 16, S . Y. 1962. 203 pp. in statistical mechanics given by experts to an assemblage of $4.50. graduate students and young research workers. For the most part the lectures are clear and well organized, so that ROLFE H. HERBER, Editor. “Inorganic Isotopic Synthey should be followed easily by a student who has had theses.” W. F. Benjamin, Inc., 2465 Broadway, X e w decent courses in quantum mechanics and statistical meYork 25, N. Y. 1962. 249 pp. $7.50. chanics. The fundamental problems referred to in the title are J O H N R. HOLUM. “Elements of General and Biological Chemistry. An Introduction to the Molecular Basis of mainly those of explaining the irreversible behavior of Life.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue matter. There are also two chapters on liquid helium and South, New York 16, N. Y. 1962. 470 pp. $5.95. on the Fermi gas. The various lecturers are B. R. A. Sijboer, H. Wergeland, K. Huang, N. M. Hugenholtz, H . H. JAFFS AND MILTONORCHIN. “Theory and ApplicaE . G. D. Cohen, L. Van Hove, N. G. Van Kampen, P. tions of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.” John Wiley and Mazur and E. W. Montroll. Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, New York 16, N. Y. 1962. 624 pp. $15.00. NATIOSAL BUREAC OF STANDARDS WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ROBERTW. ZWANZIG M. JAVILLIER,M. POLONOVSKI,M. FLORKIN, P. BouLANGER, M. LEMOIGNE,J. ROCHE,AND R. WURMSER. “Trait6 de Biochimie G6nCrale.” Tome 11. “Les Agents des Synthhes et des Degradations Biochimiques.” Premier Fascicule. “Vitamines, OligoClCments, Hormones.” Masson et Cie, 120 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris VI, France. 1962. 700 pp. BrochC, 140 NF.; cartonnC toile, 155 NF. DOTT. LUCIANOJELLICI, DOT:; LUCIANAGRIGGIO,AXD BOOKS RECEIVED DOTT. ELENAFORNASARI. Bibliografia Polarografica (1959).” Parte 11. “Indice per Soggetti.” SuppleOctober 10, 1962-November 10, 1962 mento N. 12A. Centro di Polarografia del Consiglio STazionale delle Ricerche, Via L. Loredan, 4, Padova, .\DRIES . ~ L B E R T A N D E. P. SERJEANT.“Ionization ConItaly. 1961. 75 pp. $2.00. stants of - k i d s and Bases. A Laboratory Manual.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, Kew CHR. KLIXBULLJ ~ R G E N S E N“Orbitals . in Atoms and York, 16, S.T. 1962. 179 pp. $3.75. Molecules.” Academic Press Inc., (London) Ltd., Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, W. 1, J E A N XSSELISEAC. “Les Lipides Bactkriens. Isolement, England. 1962. 162 pp. $6.00. Composition. PropriCtCs.” ActualitCs Scientifiques et Industrielles. 1297. Editions Hermann, 115 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris VI, France. 1962. 350 pp. 36 CHARLESKITTEL. “Elementary Solid State Physics : Short Course.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park SF. Avenue South, New York 16, N. Y. 1962. 339 pp. ERNEST BALDKIN. “The Sature of Biochemistry.” Cam$8.75. bridge University Press, 32 East 57th Street, Kew York VENIAMIN G. LEVICH. “Physicochemical Hydrodynamics.” Y. 1962. 111 pp. Cloth, $2.75; paper, $1.45. 22, 9. Translated by Scripta Technica, Inc. Prentice-Hall, CARL J. BALLHAUSEN. “Introduction to Ligand Field Inc., Englewood Cliffs, Xew Jersey. 1962. 700 pp. Theory.” McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 West $20.00. 42nd Street, S e w York 36, I%. Y . 1962. 298 pp. A. B. LITTLEWOOD.“Gas Chromatography. Priiiciplcs’ $11.75. Techniques and Applications.” Xcademic Press Inc.’ J16i BARES, CESTM~R CERNP,VOJTBCHFRIED, AND J15i 111 Fifth Avenue, Kew York 3, S.Y. 1962. 514 pp. PICK. Translated by HELENAWATNEY. “Collection of $15.00. Problems in Phy&al Chemistry.” Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts. H. V. MALMSTADT AND C. G. ESKE. With the assistance 1962. 608 pp. $9.75. of E. C. TOREN,JR. “Electronics for Scientists, PrinciPAUL D. BOYE:: HENRYLARDY,AND KARL MYRBACK~ ples and Experiments for those who Use Instruments.” W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 2465 Broadway, New York 25, Edited by. The Enzymes.” Second Edition-ComN. Y. 1962. 619 pp. $10.75. pletelp Revised. Volume 6. “Group Transfer. Syntheses Coupled to BTP Cleavage.” Academic Press Inc., WALTERT. MOORE. “Phvsical Chemistrv.” Third Edi111 Fifth Avenue, Sew York 3, N. Y. 1962. 684 pp. tion. Prentice-Hall, Inc:, Englewood Cliffs, S e w Jersey. $20.00. 1962. 844 pp. $13.00. M. FRASCOS. “Progress in Microscopy.” Harper and R. J. MOSELEY,R. A. AMOS,AND J. R. SCOTT. “PhysicoRow, Inc., 49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, S . Y. Mechanical Testing of Unvulcanised and Vulcanised 1961. 295 pp. $9.00, Rubber.” Translated from Trudy Nauchno-IssledoROBERTF. GOULD, Editor. “Advances in Chemistry vatel’skogo Instituto Shinnoi Promyshlennosti (TransSeries.” Number 36. “Free Radicals in Inorganic actions of the Tyre Research Institute), Sbornik 7, Chemistry. Papers presented a t the Symposium on Moscow, 1960. Maclaren and Sons, Ltd., Maclaren Inorganic Free Radicals and Free Radicals in Inorganic House, 131 Great Suffolk Street, London, S.E. 1, Englaiid. Cliciiiistry, nivisioii of Inorgatlic Chemistry, 142iid 1962. 152 pp. 45/-.
